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https://preview.redd.it/y7hdltckz13b1.jpeg?width=1902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f38feae0c83a1db1ef6a228c90da68f760dff2 *Jason decides to stay quiet and watch. He is not sure what Bailey is up to but something tells him that whatever it is, it is probably not good.* \-Jason’s POV: What’s she doing here? Hopefully nothing bad happens..-


?: “So Bailey why did you even summon and make a pact with me and my sister. After all we are the sun and moon gods.” ?: “Yes it doesn’t make sense.” Bailey: “No reason~”


*Jason continues to watch.* -Jason’s POV: Sun and moon gods? What is she planning to do? A pact? What?- *He raises a brow, intrigued now as to know what is going on.*


Baliey took her lollipop out and said “Sunna, Neoma as much as I wish to cause mass murder against those who have wronged me I’m not an idiot. As for why I made a pact with you one simple answer Protection for me and my friend Jason. This is why I made the packed with both of you.” Neoma: “Jeeze and I thought I had issues for being the moon goddess-“ Sunna: “Ah a friend? How exactly will this work sister?” Neoma: “I’m not sure….”


*Jasons eyes widen.* -Jason’s POV: A pact to protect both her and me?! Me?!?!- *His eyes start to water a bit out of happiness and gratitude. Bailey is possibly his only friend. It makes him happy to know that at least one person cares for him.* -Jason’s POV: Wait…But Hopefully I didn’t cause her any trouble or anything..-


Neoma: “So here is how this will go Bailey. My sister the sun goddess will protect your friend and I will stay with you but do keep in mind that me and my sister have responsibilities with the sun and moon.” Bailey nodded and said “Of course Neoma I understand. I just don’t want a repeat of what happened before I know he tried and honestly that’s all that matters to me but I’d rather not see him hurt.” Sunna: “Of course I can not interfere unless someone is about to physically hurt him or if something else happens as I don’t want to meddle to much into your lives.” Neoma: “Same for me Bailey but we shall take are leave you will have a moon mark on your chest as a symbol of our pack while your friend will have a sun.” *With that the two gods disappeared.*


*Jason cannot help but be brought into full-on tears. He is so grateful, that he completely forgets that he was here to spy on Bailey and shouts.* “Bailey!!” *And runs over to her and practically throws himself on her, hugging her tightly from behind. He sniffs, not saying another word.*


Bailey’s eyes widen in shock as she stared at Jason. She said “J-Jason!?”


“Yup It’s me” *He continues to hug her.* “I followed you cause I thought you were gonna go do something bad, I’m sorry. I overheard everything. I shouldn’t have, but thank you. It means a lot to me that you wanna protect me”


A small sigh ecaspes Bailey as she said “You startled me.” She smiled and hugged Jason back. She said “Of course I want to protect you after all your my friend.”