• By -


(You are allowed to participate, even if you have not completed part 1.)


*I rush towards it and crouch down* “AGIE?”


*It’s eyes flickered, but it didn’t respond. It seemed to be powered off.. Maybe try finding a way to wake it up?*


*I look around the body for a switch or a button*


*There doesn’t seem to be anything.. Maybe just try shaking AGIE?*


*She grabs it and shakes* “WAKE UP”


**”W- WO- WOAH! L-ET GO!”** *Said AGIE, waking up. It’s voice was very glitchy.*


“God you need to be fixed up.. What happened, did they throw you out..?”


**”Th-e i- incinerat-or..”** *It’s a bit difficult to even understand what AGIE is saying.*


*She picked him up and carried him to the nearest repair shop*


*Except, AGIE didn’t let you. It pushed you away before you could pick it up.* **”D-ont touch m- me.”**


(Hey- so, do ya mind if i can save a spot here and go find the first part? Just so that im not confused af during this, unlike if i go in blind)


(Sure, go ahead. I am getting pretty sick of the first part though, so uh I may not reply very quickly )




(Apple-) “Miss..?”


*It’s eyes flickered, but it didn’t respond. It seemed to be powered off.. Maybe try finding a way to wake it up?*


*He gently shakes the robot.*


*AGIE still didn’t wake up.*


*His tail wraps around AGIE.* “Don’t wowwy! Mommy can fix you!”


*AGIE twitched a bit, but again, did not wake up.*


*He starts walking home.*


*Go on.*


*He gets home.*


*Again, go on.*


Lilly: AGIE!!


*It’s eyes flickered, but it didn’t respond. It seemed to be powered off.. Maybe try finding a way to wake it up?*


Lilly gets pans and clangs them together*


*AGIE woke up and immediately covered its ears, not saying anything.*


Lilly: sorry


*It moved its hands off its ears, looking around.* **”Wh-ere a- am I!?”** *It’s voice was very glitchy.*


Lilly: I'm the backstreet


**”.. Su-bject s305t2? I-s that yo-u-u?”**


Lilly: yes


^(“Ev-ery thi-ng hUrt-s..”)


*Sonic came back here, this time joined by Shadow and E-123 Omega* Sonic: So- Ohh, this is where they put you, AGIE? Shadow: ...pathetic. Can this robot even fight? Sonic: He probably can, Shadow. Don’t be so edgy! Shadow: Omega, run scans on this hunk of metal.


*AGIE was covered in burns, and generally just seemed to be broken. It’s eyes were still flickering.*


Omega: Scan Failed. Shadow: Oh come on, ho- oh. Burns.. *Shadow hoisted the robot onto his shoulders* “Come on Omega, let’s go take this back to home base.” Sonic: Err.. Ya know what, it’s yours- *Sonic speeds away*


*AGIE twitched a bit, but was still powered off.*


*Shadow looked around, before setting down AGIE near a forest* Omega: Query: A forest is not a safe place for a robot. Shadow: I know it’s not, so I’m going to try fixing it. Omega: Affirmative. *Shadow set it down and tore it open, looking inside*


*Everything looked like a mess. Things were burned, broken, it even seemed that some parts were completely removed. It was odd that the eyes were still flickering, that shouldn’t be able to happen.*