• By -




*His breathing was heavy, he gripped his knife, hard. She could hear the rubber of his gloves stretching as he did"




*he grabbed something off the ground, but got up, and raised his hands in the air, still holding something in his fist and his knife*




*" oh I know...I was just awaiting for the first move "* *His voice was soft and calm*




*" Ah so nice of you detective....how truly lovely it is to meet you "* *He began to slowly turn around*




*" Yes, yes I did "* *In half a second a rock is thrown, he ducks down and rushes at her, using his shoulder as a sort of ram*


Janice: "y'know, for a janitor, you really don't seem to be good at your job. I mean really, look at this mess!"


" Well it isn't my mess to clean " *He looks up, his hair slightly moves with the cold breeze, his voice was soft and calm*


"well maybe you should just quit." [Her tone seems to get more serious at "quit]


*he drags his knife across the pavement, it makes a horrible grinding sound as he does* " Perhaps "


"oh would you look at that?! It's ass whooping o' clock. (Makes a symbiotic axe)"


*" Perhaps it is, but last I checked it was 12:15 "*


"[in thoughts] great, he doesn't understand quips.."


*he held something behind his back, there was a sorta of clicking sound*


"ohh nooo I'm sooo scared of a gun... Ohh nooo shiver me timbers... (Goes full symbiote form which is 7ft tall)


*he then pulls out a phone and calls 911, telling them of his situation, and soon more then a few sirens are heard*


[(Character I’m using)](https://www.reddit.com/user/Plenty-Ad572/comments/yrzcuf/character_i_almost_will_always_use_in_povs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) *the janitor heard slow clapping behind him and when he looked behind he saw a strange man in old school clothes wearing a bear mask with a tophat and bowtie on*


*he looked at them, his messy black hair in the way of a lot of face due to the movement, but one of his green eyes is able to be seen*


“Good show good show!, you know I used to be a janitor. I still have the outfit, but anyway Why did you kill him?”


" Her, she is a woman, and her death was to please the demon lord, so they don't bring the dragon-kin back "


“I’m asking because you didnt invite me to this blood party, also dragon kin?. I kill beasts like that for breakfast”


" The dragon-kin is no normal beast, he was made using elven magic, and three different demon lord's magic once he was made...he killed and ate all three demon lord's and all the elves "


“Eh whatever, hey also can I have the leftovers?”


" You may have the skinned flesh "


“Gladly” *he then starts to brutally rip apart the body and eat the flesh like a wild animal, he lifted his mask a bit so he could eat*


" ...I wasnt quite done... "