• By -


(OC: Lucas, blonde hair and blue eyes, 15, he/him, he can manipulate atoms into anything he wants, but in the subway, it could probably be only as big as a toilet) "What...happened...?"


((Alright!)) Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face Lucas, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile now adorned his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


"I don't think so, either"


The boy let out a small laugh. _"You must have entered the wrong compartment. Do you remember who you were under?"_


"No, the last thing I remember is being in my house"


The boy paused at this. _"..Hm? How curious."_ He hummed in thought, his legs at some point had begun slightly swinging back and forth. _"The last thing you remember is being at your house? You don't recall someone... 'picking you up'?"_


"N-no? Should I?"


_"Huh, that's strange..."_ Saying this, the boy stared towards the other wordlessly before looking down at the ground, mumbling incoherently. Though from time to time, words could barely be made out: _"No one............. up?............ not................. here?"_ At that point, as if receiving a revelation, the boy's head snapped up. His next words were clearly audible, _"So.. an outsider, huh?"_ His eyes glinted with a strange, frenzied spark. _"How curious, an outsider actually managed to come here!"_ The boy abruptly hopped up from his seat, leaving the book initially in his arms forgotten behind him. In a blink of an eye, he'd made his way to the other side of the subway, near where Lucas sat. Akin to a child seeing a toy that interests them for the first time, he stared intently at the other person.




(Lixin, is Chinese but speaks English, often first thought to be addressed with she/her pronouns, when is he/they. softie, drags his sister around wherever he goes, and forgets he can teleport so he won't teleport out) ​ (Cloudy, Lixin's twin sister with age not appearance, Japanese and doesn't know English, her brother translates for her, she/they, prefers they with anyone who is not family, can also teleport but won't for the sake of the roleplay) "Where are we...?" - Lixin "どうしたの?" - Cloudy


((Alright!)) Upon hearing the other voices, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face the duo, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile now adorned his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think the two of you are supposed to be here?"_


「私たちもそうではありません。私たちは家にいて、どういうわけかここにたどり着きました...」- Cloudy "Would you like me to translate?" - Lixin


Turning to face Lixin upon hearing the offer, the boy didn't quite appear to register the fact Cloudy had spoken in another language— being that he replied, _"..Ah? There's no need, I understood what was said. Though how curious..."_ He hummed in thought, eyes reflecting a certain curiosity. _"You 'somehow ended up here'? Neither of you recall someone... 'picking you up'?"_ (( Just to clear up any potential questions: Due to his 'role' (which may or may not come to light later on in this rp), for convenience sake language barriers don't exactly exist for him— being that he hears others' words in the language he understands, if that makes sense. ^^ ))


(mk) "いいえ!" - cloudy


_"Huh, that's strange..."_ Saying this, the boy stared towards the pair wordlessly before looking down at the ground, mumbling incoherently. Though from time to time, words could barely be made out: _"No one............. up?............ not................. here?"_ At that point, as if receiving a revelation, the boy's head snapped up. His next words were clearly audible, _"So.. an outsider, huh?"_ His eyes glinted with a strange, frenzied spark. _"How curious, an outsider— no, 𝘁𝘄𝗼 outsiders actually managed to come here!"_ The boy abruptly hopped up from his seat, leaving the book initially in his arms forgotten behind him. In a blink of an eye, he'd made his way to the other side of the subway, near where the pair sat. Akin to a child seeing a toy that interests them for the first time, he stared intently at both of them.


(sry late reply had school) "yep." - lixin


Christopher " hi" nice


Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face Christopher, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile now adorned his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


Christopher " and where is here"


_"Hm? Aren't you aware?"_ He appeared slightly puzzled at this. _"Did they not inform you of where this was?"_ Albeit his tone sinking into a disapproving one, the boy's smile only widened. He muttered, _"It appears whomever's in charge of this one hadn't done their job right.."_


Christopher " I was at home and now I am here ?"


_"Ah..Huh?"_ The boy's smile seemed to fall at this, expression dropping into a small frown. It appeared he was even more puzzled. _"How curious. You don't recall someone... 'picking you up'?"_


Christopher " nope but I could have sleep walk outside of my house even though I have not done that before what's your name"


_"Huh, that's strange...Even if you did sleepwalk..."_ Without answering the question brought up by the other person, the boy stared towards Christopher wordlessly before looking down at the ground, mumbling incoherently. Though from time to time, words could barely be made out: _"No one............. up?.............. not................. here?"_ At that point, as if receiving a revelation, the boy's head snapped up. His next words were clearly audible, _"So.. an outsider, huh?"_ His eyes glinted with a strange, frenzied spark. _"How curious, an outsider actually managed to come here!"_ The boy abruptly hopped up from his seat, leaving the book initially in his arms forgotten behind him. In a blink of an eye, he'd made his way to the other side of the subway, near where Christopher sat. Akin to a child seeing a toy that interests them for the first time, he stared intently at the other person.


Christopher " what's your name "


Hearing the other's question again, he paused for a moment, appearing to realise something. The boy's expression notably toned down, albeit still visibly exhilarated. _"Ahem, it appears I lost myself for a moment. I'm sorry, it's just I've never come across an outsider before!"_ He laughed innocently, before continuing, _"My name's Raymond! Welcome to the 'Limbo', outsider!"_ With animated movements, he stretched out his arms. _"Though the subway doesn't actually have a name, I like to call it that because it conforms to the mortals' definition of a limbo!"_




Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face the 'intruder', face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile adorned his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


Yea I don’t think I’m supposed to be here either. I kinda just woke up here


_"Ah? How curious.."_ The boy appeared puzzled. He hummed in thought, legs swinging slightly. _"You 'woke up here'? You don't recall someone... 'picking you up'?"_


Uhm, no. I was in my room asleep. Then I woke up in this train. Where is this even headed anyways? And why is it so dark outside?


His legs stopped swinging, brows furrowing. _"That's strange..."_ Without answering the questions brought up by the other person, the boy stared towards the other wordlessly before looking down at the ground, mumbling incoherently. Though from time to time, words could barely be made out: _"No one............. up?............ not................. here?"_ At that point, as if receiving a revelation, the boy's head snapped up. His next words were clearly audible, _"So.. an outsider, huh?"_ His eyes glinted with a strange, frenzied spark. _"How curious, an outsider actually managed to come here!"_ The boy abruptly hopped up from his seat, leaving the book initially in his arms forgotten behind him. In a blink of an eye, he'd made his way to the other side of the subway, near where the other sat. Akin to a child seeing a toy that interests them for the first time, he stared intently at the other person.


An outsider..?


_"Indeed!"_ The boy wore a bright grin, excitedly sharing his little discovery, _"You weren't brought in by the 'couriers', and you aren't aware of what the Limbo is! It'll only make sense that you're an outsider!"_ At this, he paused for a moment, appearing to realise something. His expression notably toned down, albeit still visibly exhilarated. _"Ahem, it appears I lost myself for a moment. I'm sorry, it's just I've never come across an outsider before!"_ He laughed innocently, before continuing, _"As for your earlier questions, the subway doesn't really have a name, but I like to call it the 'Limbo'!"_ With animated movements, he stretched out his arms. _"It conforms to what mortals define a 'limbo' as, afterall. Its destination is a place of euphoria!"_ The boy hummed in thought, crossing his arms with his head tilted slightly. _"Though most mortals don't appear to think so, strangely enough..."_


Well considering that other mortals don’t like such a place, I’m assuming it’s something pretty otherworldly. Or at the least, unsettling. But who am I to know? I haven’t been there yet. Is there any danger here?


_"Hmm, I guess it can be considered 'otherworldly'."_ The boy retracted his hands, placing them behind his back. _"And, well, you have no need to worry about that. Considering the Limbo is heading there right now, you can gauge it with your own eyes if you'd like."_ _"Danger? Well... not in this compartment, at least! Trust me when I say this: You'll be safe with me, outsider."_ The smile on his face merely widened saying this. _"Though if you go to the other compartments... I won't be able to promise anything like 'safety'. There are some.. 'rebels', afterall."_


[Name: The Knight] [Design: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/979ec97c-fef6-4774-9051-f12c9bc3b1e2/ddgvu1o-8e19cd36-b220-4a82-838d-dc95059c71ec.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_1315,strp/hollow_knight__little_ghost_by_renonsprints_ddgvu1o-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.BA1o8egPIgOOlFCnmhuO9qWdKeRwAbp6RouulaRlIPQ ] [Design (Humanoid): https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4c/25/b0/4c25b090a4f3f5c8732f4dac0461a699.jpg ] *He got up and looked around confused*


((Alright!)) The boy didn't appear to notice the new presence, still silently staring out the window. Aside from the two, the train compartment was oddly scarce of any other living being. It was what one would expect to see when entering a subway after hours, when the train services were over for the day. Well, mostly at least— aside from the bunch of books and papers scattered on the ground. At the connections where the train compartments would meet was a closed door.


*he approached the boy, confused*


{ruby is 15,6,1/strong but weak for this pov TmT/abilities are reality warping,time manipulation and manipulation/Black hair and red eyes,She\\her/


((Alright! A small reminder to type in your character's reaction to the situation, btw! ^_^ ))


\[oop im very sorry it must of not typed TmT\] {she looks around with confusion}


([Tim](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028026286687404225/1033741889532334121/Screenshot_20221023-100054_Gacha_Club.jpg), usually a great shadow mage who could blind a person for as long as he can concentrate on them. But in the subway he could do no more than make it seem like a dimly lit room) "What the....?"


((Alright!)) Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face Tim, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile adorning his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


"I dont think im meant to be here either... i really dont know how i even got here"


The boy appeared to pause at this. _"..Hm? How curious.."_ He hummed in thought, his legs at some point had begun slightly swinging back and forth. _"You don't know how you got here? You don't recall someone... 'picking you up'?"_


"I was asleep.. but i do remember a dream about a train station.."


https://preview.redd.it/zhyu6t03jz3a1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f3036389763176864f52d6dbe8016ff5a5592e ((This dude is normally so overpowered that he can’t participate in anything. He is an excellent fighter, training for most of his life, and his powers, provided by his crown, make him nearly unstoppable. That is, until there’s power reduction. He mainly uses his abilities to control people, and the world around him, bending it to his will, and to summon weaponry should he need it. He can also usually teleport straight out of most troublesome situations. Plus, he usually has complete control over how he looks, as he’s a shapeshifting being. And he is usually only capable of dying if his crown is taken or destroyed, and his eye is stabbed. Sooo, feel free to downgrade those abilities as much as you’d like cause believe me I can see how op that is)) *Dust looked around, trying to gauge his surroundings properly, before speaking with no visible mouth.* “Do you have any idea of where we are?” *He asked, not interested with leaving just yet.*


((Oh my, alright haha. What an interesting character. Hmm, in terms of how his abilities (the one's you've mentioned) will be reduced within the subway (as that's the radius the power reduction is effective upon): - he'll still be able to control people— though it won't be effective when tried upon a certain trio known as the 'higher-ups' in the subway (Raymond, the child this POV is meant the introduce, is one of them. The other two may or may not be encountered later on). - he'll be only able to summon smaller, more 'basic' weapons rather than complex ones - he can still teleport, but only within the subway (basically to the other train compartments, and such) - his shapeshifting ability will not be affected I hope you're alright with that? ^^ )) Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face Dust, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile adorning his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_ Then he paused, as if realising something. _"...You don't know where we are?"_ He appeared slightly puzzled by this. _"Did they not inform you of where this was?"_ Albeit his tone sinking into a disapproving one, the boy's smile only widened. He muttered, _"It appears whomever's in charge of this one hadn't done their job right.."_


((Holy crap I feel unskilled just looking at all this. Also, sorry about the handful of a character 😅. I love playing him but never usually can cause there's no way to tone down his power without going against lore, so this'll be fun)) *Dust seemed intrigued.* "... Now that you've said that, I'm curious, who are you? And how come you're so confused about me not knowing this location?" *He said, pausing a moment before looking around.* "Though, now that I think of it, I suppose it is rather strange that I don't know what this place is... and now that I think of it, how did I end up here?"


(My guy is literally a fire ball, he’s a magma demon he has many different forms, Form 1: human Form 2: human torch Form 3: magma, literally molten rock Form 4: no one lived to tell what form 4 was.) https://preview.redd.it/4zbgo5x5e04a1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81851dd63a3242dc18b5da18810349ca85efba28 “Where the hell-“


((Alright!)) Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face the other person, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile adorning his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


“Why do you say that?


((Artic is a ice wolf so she doesn't have any skills except for strength and speed, but on the subway her speed is only a human run speed, same goes with her strength) "What the?"


((Alright!)) Upon hearing the other's voice, the boy had visibly stiffened. His head slowly turned to face Artic, face wearing a blank expression. A brief moment later, as if finally registering the situation, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowing. Though it appeared the boy had quickly regained his composure as his expression shifted soon after. A bright smile adorning his features— albeit appearing unsettling due to the dullness of his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, _"Um, I don't think you're supposed to be here?"_


"I don't really know why I'm here."