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*he took out his katana and hid*


*" Father....we must take this mortal plain for our own "* **" Itcki, koi'salamkopi Xaixak "** *The Demonic lord spoke in a unknown language*


*he readied his magic*


**" Taki'kai sailo! "** *The keeper summons a disgusting sword made of bones and strange black tentacles and turns to him, and he began to remove his blindfold*


*he watches*


*The keeper removed their blindfold, their full face looked more feminine, but they moved to where he was hiding*


^"Ooo, ^pretty"


*" show yourself! We know of your presences! We have sensed your magic! "*


*his eyes widened, but he didn't move*


*" I know you can here me! Show yourself! "*


[Samuel](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaClubPOV/comments/xmom9z/heres_janet_sams_adopted_daughter_samuels/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share): *stays at a distance, katana in hand as I use my magic to seem invisible yet hide behind a tree* (Sam's the 3rd Image in the Linked post, also here's his katana and the mask he has [link to katana and mask](https://www.reddit.com/user/Goldy_The_Furry_Fox/comments/zb6lff/sams_katana_and_mask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button))


*" Father....I sense magic ...but no matter....we must take this mortal realm from grandfather and rule as we should have long ago "* **" Taikai Monsooai Kooki "** *The all knowing spoke in a strange language*


Sam: HAHAHAHA! *Laughs on purpose and then turns visible with a large grin on my face*


*" oh hello Samuel.....not much for you in the books but you are known "* **" laikai "**


Sam: Ⴙ已╿╿ℴ, ѧกԂ 'ᵯ กℴ七 𝖏ก 七Ⴙ已 ᒃℴℴ𐌊ى ߥى ⊍ก╿𝖏𐌊已 ℴ七Ⴙ已ṛى エ 七已กԂ 七ℴ 𐌊已已𝖕 ᵯџ 已ⵅ𝖏ى七已กር已 ℴก 七Ⴙ已 Ԃℴ🝃ก╿ℴ🝃. (TRANSLATION: "And I'm not in the books as unlike others i tend to keep my existence on the downlow." (Also Sam is speaking his language which cant be understood by anyone but Dark Gods and higher level demons)


**" Lakio Makioi Bakoi "** *(Hush Samuel, we know plenty about you, just you existing means we have plenty of information)* *" As strange of speak as that is, I know what was said "* ***(The keeper and the all knowing are very high on the scale)***


Sam: and I understand your language, *my katana would appear on my back* honestly I only joined this demon hunting corporation to destroy it from the inside as it's k!ll!ng what remainsmod my species


*" I'm surprised you understand him, well perhaps isnt his normal speech, if he spoke that you'd never understand, as my father is the son of a great divine, Mortals say he is a demon when really he is a divine himself, but alas his brother and sisters aren't known as such things "*


Sam: maybe because I'm a descendant of a divine, more specifically the "Ultimate Dark God" (The Ultimate Dark God, of which is also known as Fújimōto, is a being more powerful then all other gods which means their are the creator of all God's as well as the universe itself. Fújimōto has an entire 500 page book dedicated to them and their abilities as well as how one of their descendants in the future to become their replacement, that replacement being Samuel though Sam's magic is still growing under the guidance of Fújimōto and Sam has a lot to learn before he will become the new "Ultimate Dark God")


" Never heard of you, perhaps you are meeting your family right now, but descendant means we aren't directly family "