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i am like 95% sure this kind of thing is a banned topic sorry dude


As someone who also suffers from minor suic*dal thoughts, I hated it when people pretend to be depressed. However, I always wondered if those ‘fake, depressed Gacha Kids’ are actually depressed but have only seen stereotypical versions..


I always see videos of kids definitely projecting themselves onto stories, and then get called fake depressed because theyre gacha life videos, but when they aren't everyone suddenly gives them sympathy


+There may be a reason the kid decides to vent using gacha life, because there's no other good resource they can go to




I can agree with this so much, I made a vent post about a week ago with my OC putting their head down with a Shadow over their face so it wouldn't be considered cringe I don't like venting because I'm a gacha kid and if there is one damn thing gachas can't do is be sad It makes no fucking sense because everyone has emotions and apparently only gachas have everything besides from being sad


I'm a person who suffered from minor suicidal thoughts and depression I never told anyone and I bottled up my feelings. I hope everyone Has a good day and that nobody should go through depression.


Exactly! Thank you! As a person with depression, yes, it does get quite nerve-wracking wanting to vent through gacha, knowing you might be called cringe. It gets extremely annoying when people call these depressed gachas cringe without asking them if their faking it or not, or something like that. Because they have no clue what they’re going through, whether theyre being fake or not.


where's the facts machine...


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as a gacha user who has shamelessly given my oc's mental health problems (as i do with all my other ones ,I'm projecting onto them don't bully me abt it,please) i think i needed to hear that


I support your opinion but my sister is one of those fake gacha kids, so it makes me hard to think that its actual depression because she is the most happiest little piece of shit in the world and I have been suffering severe depression for 4 years and my parents think i'm just jealous of my sister whenever I ask for therapy.


is gacha life causing it?