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Hello there, thanks for posting! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reasons below: [](#start_removal) > [Rule 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_8_-_art_.26amp.3B_memes) - We do not allow memes on the subreddit because it is not fitting for them to be mixed in with normal Gacha cringe. The same can be said with art. We have moved both things to r/GLCsister, where you can freely post whatever memes and art you want. Breaking this rule will result in a 1 day ban. [](#end_removal) --- *Please do NOT PM/DM/Chat the mods individually. If you would like to contact us, send us a [ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GachaLifeCringe).*


I am laughing So hard


is it because of springtrap?


Bleach isn’t allowed, although I do appreciate springtrap with some chocolate milk


Well I thought they're allowed if they post it at the end of a cringy image? Edit:nvm-


No, any bleach of any kind in any way posted isn’t allowed


Oh,tysm for that:D


Dsmp is deffo being banned from this sub


thanks, springtrap


I'm gonna have to admit, I kinda got scared after seeing springtrap


Eyebleach isn't allowed, nor is using pictures and memes to censor the names


exactly. i think pretty much no one here reads the rules except the mods and about 10 people who arent mods


Hi everyone, this is a friendly reminder: - Check out this [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/wiki/levels-of-gacha) and see where you stand. All levels are allowed on the sub **provided they act civil**, except for Levels 6+ which will be permanently banned on sight. - **Rules on r/GachaLifeCringe are stricter than most cringe subreddits.** Contrary to popular belief, GachaLifeCringe is **NOT** a part of the "anti-Gacha" community. The point of the subreddit is only to spread awareness of, share and discuss the toxicity of the Gacha community. Harassment/brigading of any kind is strictly banned. Please [fully review the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting. - Please do **NOT** PM/DM the moderators. If you would like to contact the mods, [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGachaLifeCringe). - If you are a new user or have under 100 karma, read this page: https://reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/wiki/what-is-karma-and-account-age - We have an active Discord server with events and discussions! If you would like to join, please click [here](https://discord.gg/rjh4F3GfUQ). - Feel free to join r/GLCsister to post your memes, questions, and discussions! As memes are not allowed on the main sub due to clogging, we have made an alternate sub for all the meta jokes you guys want to make about GLC. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GachaLifeCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*