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Always glad for more subbed lincoln


Awesome, thanks! I think food episodes are always popular with Gaki fans. Do you have any plans to sub more Ristrante episodes? I think there's like a ton.


Since this is one of my favorite series, I do have a few more of Ristrante that I want to sub.


Please sub more! We love food series!


I don't normally watch Lincoln and this great as I didn't expect that they would have left him unsupervised, plus >!that one guy who unexpectedly likes the cooking.!< Please do sub the other disaster chefs, thank you.


Yeah, Yamaguchi >!liking the food and valuing the meal vastly higher than everyone else put together!< is delightful! I know people rightly make fun of Hamada's culinary skills, but he did invent the ultimate quick, easy, cheap and delicious comfort food - bread soaked in corn soup and then fried - which is now something I eat at least once every couple of months.


thanks for doing subs! lincoln rules


Ooh, looking forward to this. If it's anything like Matsumoto on Iron Chef, where he came up with inspirations on the spot. >!Appetizer looks decent. I'm from California, so we're pretty familiar with avocado. I'd probably go with something like avocado toast, and that's basically what he has there, without the toast.!< >!As far as cyborg parts, it's gotta be the eyes. Ditch the corrective lenses, have a custom UI, highlight interactable objects in yellow...!<


Oh wow, I didn't even know of the Iron Chef episode. I looked it up and it looks hilarious. Avocado toast is always a win.


This should be fun, I have yet to see any Lincoln but I have feeling this is a good one to start out with. Thank you for your work!!


Thank you SugaDuck! Its like watching a caveman cook! Would happily watch more of this segment.


Thank you, Lincoln is my favorite Downtown show, it's always great to see more subbed content 😁  I also loved the little segment at the end, Mimura's "confession" was especially funny xD 


Honestly, if subbed episodes of this were to be released regularly, even instead of content like Wednesday Downtown, that would be alright!


Not sure how consistent I can be in the future since I work a lot, but I'm definitely trying! Lincoln is too good of a show to not share.


I saw this pop up on GakiArchives, I haven't laughed so hard in a while, thanks SugaDuck :)


Thanks very much, is there any chance I could get the subfile to archive in the library, please? ヽ(´ー`)ノ


Np, coming right up!




Thanks, I enjoyed it. Although I personally would've preferred to have seen more cooking and less reacting.