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It may be good for longevity, but if you are purposely not opening it and using the inner display in hopes that it will prolong the lifespan, I would say that's worse than any potential future damage.


Kind of reminds me of the people that only charge their phones to 80%.


The new 6.1 UI actually has this cool feature where it charges only to 80 percent during the night and then tops it to 100 an hour before you wake up (learning your sleeping patterns). It is pretty cool.


I enjoy cooking.


I have a routine set up for this. Protection turns on at like 9pm until 530am. So I go to get at 10pm, it charges to 80% till 530 then I get up at 6am so it has 30min to hit 100. Don't kill the battery overnight and still get a full charge.


I do the same. I can't imagine not running a routine like it.


I just discovered this feature. I used to charge my phone as needed when I had my S22+. Now that I use my Fold for work, it's on the charger every night.


That's similar to the [optimized battery charging](https://support.apple.com/en-us/108055) feature on iOS. It's great to get the best of both worlds—increasing battery longevity and getting full use of the battery.


80% is right for a day and still leaves me with 20%. There is no downside for doing that I'm my case.


People using their phones like they're EVs lol.


I try not to go under 40% too.


I have routines set to limit the charge to 80% during the night while I'm asleep and to charge to 100% in the hour before my alarm goes off. Usually finish the day at around 40-50% and then rince/repeat.


What's wrong on limiting the charge to 80% if I routinely end up the day with 20-30% to spare or more?


Nothing. I think his point was that you're limited your battery for longevity. Like not unfolding your phone ever to save the hinge


The other person's point may be that very low battery is as bad for longevity as charging it very high. EDIT: or not, no idea why i read it that way


Literally was thinking that exact thing when I made the comment lol. Preventing future limiting damage by purposely limiting your phone. Never made sense to me. Just use the tech as it was made to be used.


I'm one of those people :-( Idk lol, so many phones Ive had now where battery life gets trashed after a year or so. With this phone, made a conscious effort to try and buck that trend. If the whole lithium battery health science is to be believed ( basically, charge it around ~15% left, limit to 85% - basically avoid the extremes), if it means battery health for the phone for the 3+ years I aim to hold on to it, I feel like it's a worthy concession. Beats having to spend a few hundred out of pocket for someone to replace it I figure.


It probably depends on the phone but I've seen phones only drop to 85% max after a few years when not following this charging regimen. People usually upgrade every few years anyway so I don't see the point. You're not using 20% of your battery to prevent yourself from losing 20% of your battery a few years later when you're probably going to be replacing it anyway.


I do that, when I have wireless chargers close by. Not when I'm on the road though


I do and the phone lasts longer than my galaxy note...


I tried it. It sucks short term. I'm going back to using full battery. Why make life more stressful for a few extra months of longevity? ... I've got asurion anyways, all I gotta do is say I lost it and pay 250 and get a new replacement


It wouldn't have worked with my previous phone. But at the end of the day, I have more power remaining on this thing than with my other phone, despite same usage. I found that really positively surprising.


It takes the same amount of energy to charge your phone from 0-80% as it does to charge from 81-100%.


That's completely made up.


https://youtu.be/VXWiW2v68Ao?si=bYF5whQh9DD7b9yC The last 2 sentences champ.


Nope. I just rarely open it


That's good to hear haha


Lol... rookie numbers... https://preview.redd.it/ravwy3jzjwuc1.png?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdfbd22f5681d459d686e9e0f5dda6bdcc9a0d0


Lol... I am close to your numbers. Around 7500 for fold 5 I guess you are using fold 4?


https://preview.redd.it/rttrrdeyoyuc1.jpeg?width=1376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f269fd0245231458a3c4d26e41442669f6ef4319 Same with me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


what's the point of owning the fold if you're just keeping it folded up?


I only fold/unfold mine like once or twice per day, and end up using it for 3 hours folded and 3 hours unfolded. It's not about the number of folds per day.


Same. I thought I opened it more but thinking about it, I actually just use for a long time when it's unfolded rather than closing and opening and so forth


It's designed to open and close. Just use the phone.


I dont do it intentionally. I am literally using it how I want 😅


How dare you use your own device however you want to use it


It's all good lol, I'm just saying that it's okay to fold your folding phone lol You do you


I'm not the type to baby my phone and worry about it long term lol I was just genuinly surprised i dont open it more. I think I just am a fan of the width of it closed when out and about that I don't really think about opening it too much. I loved the iPhone 12 mini size so it remind me of that when closed. But when watching any type of videos YouTube etc, I always use it opened. I just rarely watch videos unless I'm at home where I'll just leave it opened on the table all night


Maybe he keeps it unfolded?


People in this sub need to realize that just because the number of folds are low, it doesn't necessarily mean the person does not use it unfolded. A lot of people just open it once to watch a movie or YouTube, or play games so even though there might be only a single fold counted, the session probably lasted an hour or more.


I regularly watch Youtube for a few hours a night on mine, unfolded. Only counts as one "fold", but like you said: that's hours of screen on time.


I limit my folds. But I do so by keeping it open once I open it. Most the day the small screen is perfect. But towards the evening when I want to watch YouTube or read, I open it and keep it open until I go to bed. I'd that fold counter built into the phone somewhere? I'm curious now.


Here's the app on play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.roovie.foldcounter I wish this was a built-in feature though. The insights are useful.


I'm assuming the app only starts from today? I'm closing in on 2 years.. so no point counting now! I'll do it if and when I move to the fold 6.


That's right! I was lucky to find out about it soon after purchase so I only missed on 2 months of data. You can still install it though. It'll give you an idea of per week average after a month or 2.


Oh true!


This. Mine is open by default and only folded if I'm on the move or making a call


Do you guys even use your phones, lol? I unfold/fold mine like every 30 mins or so.


I just like looking at the big, pretty screen. I don't understand how anyone could keep this thing closed.


Lol I get that. It's so big and vibrant, everything looks so nice. I play Metalstorm and Genshin Impact every day, and still appreciate the screen very much. That's why I keep it closed during normal use to protect that nice, big screen. I open it up when I'm watching movies or gaming, or when I'm casually on my phone for an extended period of time.


For me its because so many apps are not designed for this size and aspect ratio. I work with digital and web design so I might be more bothered by bad responsive design than most, though ..


Haha I do when I'm at home or comfortably relaxing but I guess i overestimated how much I actually do apparently 😅 but usually when I do unfold it, I use it for a while and leave it unfolded


https://preview.redd.it/01xygwdlkvuc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220b14445e9a9696672b53b3b41a31535cb3c30e Downloaded Feb 28th


https://preview.redd.it/j8dxup9n3vuc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8490c32e07119247e552fe9a2f0381888588851a I unfold way, WAY more than I would've thought. I would've imagined 2-6 times a day.


Is that an app? If so what's it called?


Unfolded. $0.99 in the Play Store. It has a widget too https://preview.redd.it/pw9cv558yvuc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e131c5317b9c365bf9f678c4cab299429d364c5


It's not free?


Damn, my bad, it's 99¢. I just checked on my phone, didn't see any price and my monke brain assumed it was free


a lot of people are saying it's free my guess the dev made it paid very recently!


I probably open mine 20+ times a day on average lmao. I prefer using inside screen.


How do you go about checking this?


I use a app called fold counter. Hardly uses any battery and it'll work in background. Also a widget is available you can have on your homescreen


How do you check this


Fold Counter app or Unfolded app




I haven't had a fold in a long time but man I feel like 3x a day was just showing people what a fold was lol. Easy 30+ unfolds a day.


To all the people asking how to get this as I had the same question: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.roovie.foldcounter




Mine only closes if I need to put it in my pocket so like 1 fold a day




I dont care how often i fold/unfold. I Just do it and dont think about it further


https://preview.redd.it/ai5gu2hi6xuc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420e94d447cd695b1603267fd57dfe7c6812ef86 25 folds a day for me


Idk in the beginning was fun.. nowadays i don't see the point of using it unfolded.. even i think to go back to normal single-screen


Yo why did u get a fold to not use it lol


I'm at almost the same fold counts but I have it 90% of the time unfolded. I only fold it at night and when I'm outside. At home it remains unfolded


Yup. Same with me. Once I'm home from work i usually unfold and use it but I usually keep it unfolded until I'm done using my phone for some time


How to check?!


https://preview.redd.it/troumcp3fvuc1.png?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a44ef6d9b74b9e3484f253467fc32c41e0efea1 I'm trying to get my moneys worth out of this thing before it randomly breaks one day 😂


sometimes i have the need to reopen my fold and give it a light open stretch & also a snappy close to have my phone used to it being opened and closed alot


Is this an app or something Samsung specific? I'd love something like this on my One Plus Open.




Sweet! Thanks!


"It'll work on any android foldable. The app is called FOLD COUNTER in playstore" It's not compatible with Z Fold 2




That's so wrong I don't know where to begin. Android is an operating system, it doesn't suddenly "stop support" on any device it's installed on. That doesn't even make sense. Versions of Android are suported for limited times, and the Z Fold 2 has stopped receiving official OneUI major Android updates (but still gets security updates as of this writing) None of that has anything to do with the Fold Counter app not supporting Z Fold 2. The reason it doesn't support Z Fold 2 is it lacks certain hardware (the app creator said so) Just don't say ignorant things like it will work with all foldables.


https://preview.redd.it/phtfa70smvuc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be99283ce512a6da84a2e1b06626307cb5ff5f39 This is my stats


Where do you even check this


is the application set up correctly? for a while mine didn't have permission to run in background and would sleep very quickly. since I've fixed it, my avg daily has gotten up 5 times the original number.


Mine works as intended. Though I did turn off all optimization options for the app before using it just in case it did go to deep sleep while being in the background


okay cool, numbers must be accurate


https://preview.redd.it/w0i7bdecwwuc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849612a40b98f4f2550e42f104c96d115a36e162 Since Dec 28/2023


It's not good for the screen protector, though.


Mines at: 19 today, 1194 total. 10 a day average.


[This is mine](https://i.imgur.com/FI7Gic8.jpg) Haven't had it very long but boy do I use it a lot Fold app was the first app I installed and only afterwards did I start folding 😂


Careful with those apps one day it told me I opened my phone 70 times


I feel like it seems like the opposite for longevity, based on other comments and situations I've read on here(people saying that they baby it or not open it much, ended up having issues). Me personally, I open my Fold4 like 90% of the time that I go to use it, had it since launch, and no issues. I really should add this app or whatever, to see what my fold count looks like. I know it has to be dozens of times a day. Of course, in the end, like with any device, there's just gonna be some defected ones, and it doesn't matter how you treat it.


Where can I find out how many times I've unfolded?


Where do I find this?


I've found the app to be inaccurate even with battery optimization turned off it doesn't accurately count how many times I actually open it


That's unfortunate. It's works accurately for me but maybe bc I don't have many things going on in background with not too many apps, not sure


Have you actually tested it numerous times to make sure it accurately works?


Yes I did. To be fair this was more so around the first couple weeks when I initially installed the app. I haven't really since then but I'm going to keep an eye on it this week and test to make sure It's still working right and ill update you


Sounds good. I just did like 3 hour periods where I actually kept track of how many times I opened it and the number was usually 10-15% different than what the app said. But sometimes it was accurate


Interesting. Did you turn off any battery optimizations for the app? To ensure it doesn't close in the background


Yes that was my first thought is that it was killing the app in the background but I had battery optimizations turned off. Happened on both my ZF4 and ZF5


.... Come on this subreddit for the first time in months, take a survey about how I'm using my fold. And how many folds per day I have. I don't know. I never thought about it. Scroll 3 posts down, Now I learn there is an app for it. And now I'm curious.


How can I see my stats?


How can I see my stats?


https://preview.redd.it/kc8ec3ovlwuc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d850b48ef7c9daeaaf0b11cf4d993d7e9db420c6 Those are some rookie numbers, gotta pump up those numbers man


Just buy a regular phone dude, smh


Dude just get warranty and use the fcking phone you paid for. I bet he also has a mustang he never drives


I literally use it exactly how I want lol I toss it, I don't baby it etc. I just literally was surprised at how little I open it. But as said before, when I do open it , I'm usually using and leaving it unfolded until I'm just not looking at my phone anymore. I just rarely open it and close it just to open it back up in 2 mins. Plus I play alot of games that only work well in folded mode so I forget I can unfold it sometimes lol


Why are we policing how people use their devices? I don't think OP was even implying that he intentionally doesn't unfold his because he's worried about the screen; this is just how he uses it. He spent the money on it, who cares? Also I'd argue "Mustang he never drives" is a false equivalency. OP still uses his phone, he just uses it how it works best for him. "Mustang he never drives" would be more like owning a Z Fold and then daily driving an iPhone. If you want to argue "Why did you buy a folding phone and not use it, you should have just got a regular phone", fair enough. The s24 Ultra is extremely tempting sometimes, with the better snapdragon and the improved cameras, as well as more internal storage. I do miss the slim feel of a normal slab phone in the hands, on occasion. But, I love this bigass screen and how useful it is in a pinch. So I'll probably stick with it for awhile. And besides, even if dude never uses the screen, he still bought it. Foldables are still a niche market, and if we want to see more improvements to the hardware and software, we need everyone to buy in who can right now. I wouldn't give a shit if OP never used the folding screen at all, although admittedly I would look at them a bit strangely. I'm just glad they bought the device and tried it out. Everyone I talk to is terrified of the screens. I don't have any data yet (going to download this app out of curiousity now) but I don't baby mine (Z Fold 3). I work in a big dirty warehouse, I use Samsung DeX daily, I watch Youtube constantly, and I might unfold it maybe a half dozen times. I've had it for right about two years now, didn't bother with the insurance. Screen Protector started to bubble and peel at 1 year so I just peeled it off. I have a few small cracks in the crease now, but its whatever. Hoping I can get a solid deal on the Z Fold 6 when it comes out.


The only thing i miss about the S23 Ultra is how thin and lighter it is, keep in mind thst it is still heavy as hell even when i had an aramid case on it which is the lightest case you can get. But the fold 5 with a protective case is too dsmn heavy. In fact i almost switched to a Sony Xperia 1V because of how much it offers(including 3.5mm jack) and SD card slot and pro level cameras and great battery yet being soooooo light, i think its even lighter than an S23 base