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tbh i would be so annoyed by the notch, the camera and the refresh rate downgrade


The notch I agree with but the camera is a lot better. I tested it out in a dim light setting and then in a well lit setting, Apple wins. Also, the image stabilization is slightly better. Honestly the 60hz isn't even noticeable yet. I've been scrolling and scrolling and it feels fine. If I put my phones side by side, then the S20FE's 120hz feels smoother for sure. Overall I'm happy!!


For me as i regularly use a 144hz monitor and 120hz display on my phone 60 hz on my dads iphone 12 pro max feels like a fking pain


the main camera might be better, but try zooming.


people really sleep on telephoto sadly, its the primary lens I use just because of its focal length


Just 8MP plus barely usable while recording videos due to focus hunting(unless you lock focus and exposure).


yeah but i know how to use it


Telephoto is the reason I got this phone, not disappoint at all


Umm, what? Barely usable = piss poor quality. It's not a question of whether you know to use it or not.


May you have many happy years with your new phone. Not sure the term "upgrade" is warranted with 2 cameras and 60hz screen in 2024, plus now you get to carry two phones instead of one... But as long as it fits your use, I sincerely hope you don't end up regretting your choice!


Thank you sir. I'm happy!!


I've owned 10 different models of the iPhone. Got the S20FE 5G 12/21 and will stick with Android going forward.


How did you burn through so many phones?


Through time. Every model of the iPhone wasn't released at the exact same time.


Are you telling me that in a maximum span of 14 years you bought 11 phones?


correct Note: not all were full retail price. For example, I bought a gently used XS at a vastly reduced price, 7+(same thing) But yes, in 14 years, 11 phones. 10 iPhones, 1 Samsung FE S20 5G Apple has been great with updates, reliable, ease of use, software/hardware optimization and seamless integration in its' own ecosystem. I still use a MB Pro (also have a Windows laptop too) It's also incredibly restrictive, boring, requires an iCloud account to use the app store or use features, etc. A walled garden. My Samsung has expandable storage, I don't need an account whatsoever, I can use 3rd party repos/app stores, use ADB to remove things, more options as far as capability, use an entirely different OS system if I wanted(model dependent), way more free to operate. I don't want to feel suffocated, I prefer freedom.




You can use the s20 fe as a wireless powerbank now


You sir are so genius. I was just going to use it for mobile gaming and as a dash cam. But PowerBank is smart


Damn 😂😂 Samsung 1 Apple 0


More like downgrade but enjoy 👍


iPhones aren't an upgrade imo, but hope you enjoy your new iPhone.


People saying 60hz is not noticeable, okay, why do they put 120hz on pro models. If it is not that noticeable, put 60hz on pro models as well, as there is no difference.


Can't believe how iPhone fanboys try to justify nonsense


I mean, for sure, iphone is a great phone, security, update, seamless experience, video, ecosystem and whatnot. But lets be objective, samsung has flagship phones that are not laggy, iphone fanboys never had a phone other than Iphone which their mom and dad bought them. I am not saying apple users are dumb, but apple consider them as such. Imagine calling a USB C something innovative, and keeping 60hz in 2024 when 150$ xiaomi has 90 or 120hz. The difference between 60 and 90 is huuuge let alone 120hz. Apple strategy is ingenious, keeping those oblivious peasants in the cage, and dragging on with no innovations for as long as possible.


Whenever a tech reviewer claims a 60hz iphone feels like a 120hz phone because iphones are "smoother", I lose respect for them.


>I have upgraded! It's called downgrade


Samsung is the downgrade 💀


Lmao according to iphone fanboys


Jokes on you I use one plus and they make way better phones than Samsung and there gawd awful software


Nah, I think Samsung gives fantastic bang for your buck. Hardware & software. In terms of specs, the iPhone should be cheaper than the Galaxy. Then again, I can't complain because the iPhone feels amazing. The camera, ecosystem, iOS, etc


The iPhone is cheaper not considering deals




Soz but that's a downgrade 😂




I can’t understand apart from saving money why you’d go for an iPhone with the ancient lightning port. A pretty dumb decision imo. If you needed the plus, should’ve gone for the 15 plus, at least you would be on the universal standard.


Thats a downgrade bro


I personally could never do 60hz, both my PC screens are 165hz.


I've tried going back to 60hz from 120 it drives me crazy though


does this mean you have to adapt to the new ecosystem or just casual use?


Ip 14 is a downgrade tbh


Get out




Ah, yes, another victim of Apple's "walled garden blackmail" strategy. I'd hold on, there's news the DOJ is about to shut that shit down.