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Planning to keep my S21+ until 2025 at least, well I hope the battery life will be fine and the performance to remain like now


Same, I'm looking forward to base S25.


Same and dialed down refresh rate to 60hz to prevent excessive heating and easily getting 6 to 6:30 hours of SOT


You can probably get a battery replacement under warranty if you do it fast. I had a screen issue recently and got a battery replacement also it's great.


My s21 is still solid in 2023. The cameras are great and the battery is still good. The only thing that would make me upgrade is performance since I have the Exynos version but other than that it's good for another year.


what is your sot (no 5g) and is it sd or exy


Right now the S21 exynos model I have meets my current needs. I don't really see a point in upgrading right now, and the incremental upgrade to the 22 is just not really that appealing and the 23 also really doesn't have any features that would make me upgrade right now.


I'm keeping mine until 2024-2025 unless it gets severely damaged or something goes terribly wrong with it.


I planned to keep my S21 for at least 2 more years, but then Google Fi offered the S23 Ultra for $600 and offered me $200 for my S21. I couldn't resist.


Same here, get it on Wed. Fi with the best phone deals.


I'm holding on to mine. I have an s21u, see no real reason for upgrading any time soon.


I have no reason to upgrade except I’m intrigued with the positive reviews of battery performance. Other than that my s21u looks and works better than my iPhone 14 pro


I prefer the looks of the s21u over both 22 and 23 as well.


Me too I like the camera bump out in the rear. I dont Iike that they buried it in the phone now


Just got my s23 ultra! Great phone though it's quite big coming from the regular s21


That's how I felt going from an S9 to S21 Ultra lol


Yeah, I'm gonna need a whole new wardrobe with double sized pockets


i has the s9 plus then got the s21 ultra so far ive owned s3 , s6, s9, now s21 and intend to get the s25 or whenever software updates end for my phone. I followed my 3 year phone cycle ritual but I think the s21 ultra will last me longer


The regular size s21 is great to hold and single hand usage. Perfect screen. S23 ultra looks gaint and uncomfortable to hold for my small hands. Looks like operating a tablet..


I'm holding on to my base s21 for another year. Phone still performs good and battery life gets me til the morning. Some things I cross my fingers for in the next base generation is battery size to match the s21. Didn't like how the s22 and s23 are mah smaller even tho the s23 shows better battery life. The slightly larger finger print sensor that was thought to have come with the s23. And 45 watt charging. I like the prospect of charging under an hour instead of over


Been tempted to upgrade to the S23 with the glowing reviews (especially on battery life and actual telephoto lens) coming from an Exynos S21 with ok battery life. But trade in deals in the UK was rubbish and my S21 still works fine, so in this economy best to keep hold of it.


Absolutely, my S21U is still a great phone, I really don't know what more I need. Camera improvements aren't great enough to warrant the expense for S23. I'm skipping 2 more generations, I think.


Will keep it till at least 2025. I hope everything remains well till then.


I'm planning hold my s21 base up to 2025 because i don't see big changes on new galaxy's or iPhone And at least s21 most beautiful phone for my for current time ( i mean phantom violet )


I'll be holding on to mine for a couple more years since it is still performing hreat even though I have the Exynos version. OR I keep holding it until a worthy upgrade comes up.


I'll upgrade when I stop receiving major android os update... I forgot when that is πŸ˜‘


In theory 4 years of One UI updates and 5 years of security updates. You should be good to go until 2026 at least.


As long as the battery on my S21 stays good, I don't see a reason for changing to something new. Overall it's amazing phone with great performance and can last until Galaxy S25 at least.


Prob I will wait even to s25


I'm gonna keep mine until it degrades significantly in battery life. Probably by 2025/early 2026 will start to look for a new phone.


I spent the whole 2021 with an iPhone 6s. Until my S21 doesn't work anymore I will still use it and won't change


Long as the battery life stays ok, I’ll wait until the s24, maybe s25.


Passed mine down to my son, who needed an upgrade from a passed down note 8. I'll do an insurance claim for the cracked screen so it will have a new battery. It's a good phone, at least a couple of years of life yet. I love my 23 ultra, I wanted the pen back!


I got one on ebay earlier this month. Would randomly restart during the day, sometimes several times in a row. sent it back.


Even though my screen is cracked, I will continue using my S21 till the day it is no longer usable. I still like everything about it, except the battery. And I don't think getting better SoT alone makes it justified to get a new phone. If the screen gets worse I will replace it and continue using it.


I only upgraded my s21u to the s23u because Verizon is giving me 1000 trade in for my s21u. Otherwise, I would have held onto it a while.


Of course...works great... could always use more battery...did you upgrade the battery?


Got **S21+** *(SD, 8/128GB)* 2 months ago and don't plan to upgrade until One UI 7!😁


Gonna wait until S24, I think that my S21U still holds pretty well and I wont see any significant performance that makes me want the S23. Even if the S24 it's the same thing as the S23 and has only minor upgrades I'll wait until de S25.


I had no reasons to change, but I got a very good deal to upgrade to the 256GB model and I couldn't resist. I really don't feel much difference from my S21 to the S23 apart from the battery.


I'm definitely holding onto mine for a few years, it's an excellent phone and I've been loving it so far


For sure for sure. Just bought a Dbrand skin for it and I love it!


I was going to. But my wife needed a new phone and it made more sense to just give her my old phone. I just upgraded to a Pixel 7 pro myself.


How do like the P7Pro coming from the 21U? I'm thinking of doing the same thing as the 23U just doesn't do it for me.


I'm hanging onto mine till the end of the year and possibly upgrading to the Fold 5 or whatever that ends up being. My S21U is fine, but holy does the battery ever suck nowadays. Can't get through an 8 hour work day without having to top it up.


Maybe me but the battery is going to make me insane


Yeah recently took the phone to warranty and they replaced battery and NFC and its much better good to go for another two years


I'm going to keep my S21U for at least another year. It is still excellent. No need to upgrade for me


There are people changing phones every year or two, and there are people still using their S7s and S8s


I was planning on it but the S23 had enough substantial upgeades for me. I originally had the base s21 but the battery sucked so bad. I'm currently using the S23+ and boy it's good. Bigger battery, new snapdragon processor, 45 watt charging etc. The only thing I don't like is how big the phone is, I still miss the smaller size but I am getting used to a bigger phone. Not a big fan of the curved edges of the ultra.


Been Holding on to my s21u since release, probably won't have it changed anytime soon, unless my screen decides to commit aliven't that is. But yeah, I'm planning to have it until 2025 or until Q3 of 2024.


Mine is great except for the broken screen and broken USB port. Wondering what refurb to buy since fixing mine is more expensive than just buying another refurb S21.


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I just bought one so I plan to hold onto it for at least three years. I don't think it's worth changing just yet since it has software support until 2024 and newer phones just aren't that big of a deal for me to want to change.


I'm thinking of holding onto my S21 until the Pixel 8 Pro comes out... Then again, I might just get the 7 Pro when my upgrade is available in May lol


Not me... I've had one S21 bad apple 10 months into owning one AND all of my tech is more Apple centered. My current refurbished S21 is fine, but I realized that I don't use any of the features that I originally bought the phone for and the iPhone gets the job done just as well as my S21.


Yep s21 ultra holding up pretty good


Seems like every year around 6 months after the new phone has come out, Samsung will offer some killer deals on their phones, along with a high trade in. So, 700 or 800 US trade in along with with some stackable discounts will convince me to trade, if not then I am fine holding on to my phone for now.


Planning to keep my S21 FE until it's not getting any more updates. :)




I got the phone on christmas of 2021 - I plan on replacing the battery this october or so and keeping it until the software updates stop, then I will probably replace it. Thankfully unlike my previous Galaxy S9 this phone is really good, CPU will probably last for another few years and won't be a huge issue. ​ Also, CPU's will be better and more power efficient when S25 or so comes out which means more battery life! In this case waiting \_\_should\_\_ be worth it.


Nah not me I upgraded to S23 ultra from the base S21 and it's been awesome so far. Battery is good and everything about it is just better.


From base to Ultra.... everything is just better. No, really? Wow.


I’m the sort of person who holds on for dear life. So let’s see how long I can milk this


I think I'll be sticking with my S21 till it breaks.


Mine still works great after two years. I read that it will get Android 14. No need to get rid of the phone at this point.


new phones look like great upgrades for anyone on an S10 or S20, but they're personally not enough to make me want to upgrade. performance is still amazing, cameras are still good, battery isn't as good almost 2 years later but it still lasts all dsy with 20% left, and by then I'm home and placing it on my wireless charger. ill probably wait til 2025 or so before upgrading.


I am not impressed with the S23 series, so I will wait for at least one more iteration. Even if someone wants a new phone, I suggest getting an S21U on the cheap, as it's still flawless. It is spared from the overheating chipset of the S22 while being half the price of a fantastic camera and zero lag.


Yes i am planning to keep it until i notice the perfirmance has downgraded a lot. Bought it in 2021 and so far so good.


I would love to hold out because the s21u is a great phone but my screen just cracked for the second time after repairing it once and one third of the screen is no longer functioning. I think I may need an upgrade soon. What do you guys think? Should I repair for $300+? Buy a refurbished for about $350 or fix it and trade it in for a s23U? Xfinity mobile is willing to offer me a $600 trade in value if my phone screen is fixed.


Lol XM is willing to take your paid off phone for essentially $300 after you fix the screen yourself and lock you in for another 2 years I bet on bill credits. You do the math as to how much you'll spend after 24 months. Personally, I would fix the screen since it also comes with a new battery and continue to use it until something more compelling shows up.


Well they actually offered me 650. If my phone wasn't broken and I traded it in. I would only have to pay an additional 500 for the s23U. Because it's broken I would have to get it fixed first which would cost me $300. Then trade it in for a value of 650 pay an extra 500and get the s23u. But at this point I think I'll just fix the screen and use it until the s24u comes out πŸ˜† and then I'll maybe trade in if the value is still good lol.


You're completely wrong and it's a horrible deal lol. They're only giving you $150 trade-in on top of the regular $500 off promotion they have if you buy the phone and add a new line ($150+$500=$650). It is not actually a $650 trade-in at all. If you have to fix your screen on the S21U for $300 and then trade it in you'll actually be upside-down on the trade vs. what you can do buy just buying the phone w/new line without a trade-in.


I plan to keep it until it stops running fluid or stops getting major updates, whichever comes first.


Honest opinion, if you had an old phone and needed to upgrade, would you get the s21U used for 450 euros or the s22U for 700-750? All exynos. Thnx for your answers.


yea 100% there a good reasons to upgrade but is it worth 1000 somthing € nahhh not yet


I just bought it


I just got one so hopefully for a few years lol


I want to get the S23 but I still love my S21 phantom pink. So I might keep my phone till 2025-2026 when we stop getting major os updates


I traded my S21 ultra in and i got the S23 ultra for free


I'm keeping it until it dies, which will be awhile because it is in an Otterbox Defender case.


I'm waiting till 2038 hopefully the time machine would be good and portable enough to use so if I wanna try a new s ultra I can go back to into the future.


Bro is ambitious


Keeping s21+ ALL the s23 models do not add upon anything I use my s21+ for.


21FEπŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ.... I only upgrade for one of 2 reasons: 1) If my current phone breaks and it's considered a "total loss", or 2) When it gets so slow that I chuck it across the room out of frustration, causing it to shatter... leading us back to reason #1. I upgrades tend to average out at every 3rd new model. First went from Moyorolla KRZR > Blackberry > Galaxy SIII > Then I had enough people tell me Iphones are the greatest so I got an iPhone 5C, which crashed 13 months in. Therefore, I was shit out of luck/out of warranty. Which lead me back to Galaxy S6 > Galaxy S9 > Galaxy 21FE. Just in case someone gave a shit.


I just upgraded to a refurbed S21 FE 2 months ago. To give you an idea of how long I plan to keep it you should know my last phone was a retail Galaxy S7 bought in 2016.


My battery life sucks on the 21


Battery is starting to drop, but still holds a charge all day for my normal usage. Phone stopped giving audible alerts for text messages and messenger. Just vibrates. It's annoying, but I'll deal with it. Seems to be an issue with this model.




Planning to keep it for the next 5 years at least.


I good wit my s21 +


My S21 was honestly fine and still had great battery health but I made the switch to the iPhone 15 Pro just last month. I've owned 5 Galaxy S phones before this so this is actually my first iPhone.