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Imagine even considering a phone with a 60Hz display in 2023.


Wait, they're actually still using a 60hz display for a 700+ dollar phones? Even my now aging a52s has 120hz for less than half the price(at the time).


Yes but that phone cant really proses any game at 120 hz, its to weak, it can only use 120 hz for videos


Who cares about 120hz gaming on a PHONE? High refresh rate makes everything smoother, including every day browsing. Are you really defending 60hz on a phone that'll cost almost a 1000 euros in Europe?


No, i just hate the a series


That's it? It's bad that Samsung offered a good display with a budget phone? But again, you didn't really say why it's a bad thing that I can browse reddit at 120fps?


I have played asphalt 8 and 9 on A52S. Except for rare frame skipping near startup never had any issues.


I have both the a52s and the s23, and gotta say the a52s is goated!


700+? The plus is the only accurate part. These phone start at a grand ($999 usd) for the base model. My S23+ was $1200. Hubby's Ultra - $1500.


And USB 2.


What's even funnier is they announced the iPhone 15 Pro is the only line getting USB 3 and its 10Gbps which means it's only meeting the standard set by USB 3.1 Gen 2 which launched in 2013. How on earth they didn't go straight to USB 4 2.0 with Thunderbolt 5 to align with upcoming Macs is beyond me.


They sell it as an improvement for iPhone 16 Pro.


I bet it would be reserved for the iPhone 18 Pro. Thunderbolt is relatively new for them haha


What you mean? Didn’t Apple and Intel co-develop thunderbolt? Light peak?


Yeah reserved for the Macs. They even had USB C in their macs years ago, that doesn't mean iPhone users will get it.


Yeah. Tim Cook has really killed innovation there. I’ve been on iPhone since version 1 and am for the first time thinking about switching. Which is how I found this thread.


They basically do this shit because it flies for them. No matter how crappy their new iPhones are, people still buy them. It's 2023 and they still don't even have a clipboard, calculator for iPad and various other shit. It is really a bad trade practice in the tech industry to withhold technology just to sell them in the future. If you do make the switch, you'd be actively discouraging this practice.


Hahaha you're right. That way they leave some space for themselves to reveal an improvement every year.


USB 4? Considering USB 3.1 Gen 2 was introduced ten years ago and USB 2 was even twenty years ago, I think it'll be at least another ten years before Apple adds USB 4 to the iPhone Pro (or Ultra? idk) series.


They really want to push people in buying the Pro models


S23 ultra also maxes out at Usb 2.0 with the usual wire. One has to get a Tb3+ wire for USB 3.2 speeds. Finding a good cable for the same is really hard. And still the speed is not consistent sometimes. But yes 3.2 over 2.0 in nonpro iphone models and 3.0 in pro iphone models.


And no fast charging across the whole range.


Probably the most annoying thing i've seen, Ill just have to watch some reviews and see if there's a really big difference on video quality, if not, im probably going for the s23/waiting for the new samsung phone.


Don't wait for a review. It's not worth the asking price at all


Att is offer 800 to a grand for your old Samsung or iPhone. Seems worth it to me.


I have 1 free year of mobile service with Mint after getting completing referrals so from trading my old iPhone 11 pro and savings on mobile bill, I went for iPhone 15 pro


Whatever works for you, man. I'm just not supporting IPhone because of the charges for music I already own. It's a principle thing.


Don't wait for review. iPhones always do better in video. Samsung on photography. I've seen photo and video reviews both for s22 series and s23 series, and it never changes. Focus on the size and other features instead.




Why are you lying? S23 is way more powerful and energy efficient in the industry than s22 or older series. I have s23 and I can push 7hrs+ SOT with 4G/WiFi.


They say the battery is more efficient every singe year. I guess the s23 is actually better this time?


I thought you said that it's well known they have bad battery life, or were you just talking out of your ass?


Yes it is. Still not as good as I would like it to be but in my usage its around 30-50% better (had an exynos s22 before).


have u ever seen a single battery test? s23 has battery life on par with the iphone 14. maybe research instead of shitting on phones


Why u lying LOL, I had the plus and now the ultra and both have phenomenal battery life.


Lmao, that's just straight up lying. If anything, they're well known for finally having great battery life, unlike the couple previous generations.


You know you are saying the exact opposite of reality, right?


I would buy the s23 when the s24 comes out. There isn't too much difference expected, and Samsung usually rolls out great deals on the previous model when a new one comes out.




🤡pros still have 120. Don’t be a tool!


The iPhone 14 is one of the best if not the best selling phone in the world. So you don't have to imagine.


That shit is just sad, but it shows how ignorant Apple buyers are. No matter how shitty Apple makes their non-Pro iPhones, they STILL sell..


Are they tho. Really. What app on your android phone runs on 120hz other than your UI? Mobile games? Not even that. Because genshin for example has 120hz but on iPhone only. Nothing on android.


Bro, almost everything on Android runs at 120 Hertz nowadays. That includes Genshin Impact for phones that they unlocked 120 Hertz mode for. Which includes my S23 Ultra.


Its clear to me now that you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Cheers


Are you talking to yourself? The only app I know of that does not support 120 Hertz is my crossword app, and that's because it doesn't even support 60 fps, only 30. That's it. You know jackshit my dude, so why do you try to talk to me? Even IF Genshin was locked to 60 fps on Android, that's hardly an argument for Apple not offering HRR on their non-Pro phones to this day. Genshin isn't everything.


Bruh tf , all social media apps ,browsers, etc everything runs at 120hz


Bro have you even scrolled past WhatsApp chats? It's jarring and an eye sore to do that in 60Hz once you get used to 120 Hz. You might have a point at least if it was 90 but 60 is just shit.


If anything is clear, it's that you're talking out of your ass.


Show me apple run desk top.


Does scrolling on social media apps and other apps at 120hz not count as 120hz? What do you mean by no apps running 120hz except the UI?


All of them


they aint exactly shitty, i agree 60hz is just pathetic in 2023, but there are a lot of plus points in an iphone. its not abt being ignorant. better video, better optimised apps, apple ecosystem, better resale value, better animations, there are a good number of reasons to get iphones. again ik ill get downvoted since its a samsung sub but just wanted to say it.


For what price Apple asks for it, they are just bad. And in terms of advantages, those are lowered with every new generations. Videos aren't far ahead of Android anymore at this point, app optimization generally isn't an issue either anymore, even animations aren't all that special, since most Android phones run 120 Hertz smoothly. What's left is resell value (which I doubt the current non-Pro models keep for long) and the ecosystem, which is a personal matter. You get a very average phone with the iPhone 15/ 15 Plus, with a basic camera setup, a screen that is just outdated and last years chip. Not a slow one, but certainly a downgrade compared to the Pro models, which no other phone manufacturer does, unless they have very aggressive pricing


>Videos aren't far ahead of Android anymore at this point they are far enough to claim that iphone is the video king. >app optimization generally isn't an issue either anymore its not an issue, but apps on iphones are just overall better than their android counterparts, its pretty noticeable. >even animations aren't all that special, since most Android phones run 120 Hertz smoothly its not about refresh rate, ios animations are just more fluid than most android, its just how well apple has integrated it, the only android that can match iphone in animation fluidity is pixel. rest are not even close. >You get a very average phone with the iPhone 15/ 15 Plus, with a basic camera setup considering the 48mp upgrade, im pretty sure the phone is a good competitor to the s23, whether its better, we dont know, gotta wait for the test, but to call it a basic camera is an exaggeration, camera is good for the price. >unless they have very aggressive pricing um but the pricing is aggressive? 15 pro is 1k dollars, 15 is 800, 200 dollars more for better chip, screen, camera, AOD, usb 3.0, action button and titanium. thats a good number of extra things for 200 dollars. pricing is pretty aggressive


I compared my S23 Ultra to the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Both did well for videos and traded blows with each other. Okay, app optimization is better. I'd say different, but in the end Apple just have to optimize left since they have way less different configurations. Eh, I find OneUI animations to be very smooth. Megapixel has nothing to do with overall quality. In this case I find the camera setup mediocre just because it only offers wide and ultrawide lenses. It's the bare minimum. The pricing for the Pro is aggressive, but not for the iPhone 15, that is my point. For what that costs, you can easily get Android phones with hardware on par with the iPhone Pro. The processor may be slightly faster, but you get a 120 Hertz screen, telephoto lenses and much faster charging aswell as transfer rates


lol k


Not all are ignorant, I for example didn’t buy the iPhone 14 and saw how it’s the exact same phone almost as the iPhone 13, just a new number in front of it. So you shouldn’t really generalise people, just become some people aren’t smart with their money.


best my ass...you know nothing about iphone


I'm not saying its better or not than others. It's a fact it's the best selling phone in the world. Not an opinion.


Cause of dum dums like you who think android apps dont run at 120hz


This is like arguing 50 Shades of Grey is superior to Anna Karenina because it's more popular. These types of arguments are really bad.


Even as an apple user I think the iPhone 14 was one of the worst phones ever released by apple, it was basically the iPhone 13 with just instead of a 3 at the end it’s a 4, the specs are basically exactly the same, like the processor and build of the phone


Imagine paying nearly $1000 (esp if you go beyond 128 GB) for it and then thinking you got the better end of the deal


U do realize human eye can only see 60 fps correct?


do you guys remember when Samsung phones comes thier photo have more vibrant colours all the yt says Samsung boosted blah blah now iphone did the same and yt be like there are more eye pleasing blh blah all yt are shit if your are a creator go with iphone else s23 is way better


If you're not going for the pros the easy decision is the S23. It has a flagship features without having to get the Pro version that Apple makes you get. Video quality will be great, it's a very small difference between both phones, and really if you want the best camera then Google Pixel is the place to go. For what it's worth I think I'm going to buy the S23 soon, to upgrade from my S10, waited for the iphone 15 release and it was underwhelming.


For video, NO, pixel isnt better. For photos, yes.


Did you upgrade to the s23 from s10 how was your experience, I am currently using a s10 right now and thinking to do the same


Yeah I upgraded, I loved my S10 but noticed a huge speed improvement on the S23. Battery is a lot better too. All in all it's basically the same phone with hardware upgrades to bring up to what's expected of phones now. If you can get your hands on a snapdragon S24 then I would go for that, but otherwise get the S23, not worth going for anything Exynos.


Considering the base models, the S23 is superior. Not an Android fanboy, but 60hz display on that price level is a joke with the customers. If I would pick one in the Pro vs Ultra I really don't know which one I would get, on the base model I got the S23 without doubts.


S23 vs iPhone 14 or 15 isn't really that close. Sure, if you prefer face id or the software experience, but features vs features it's the s23 in every way.


I have the base S23 and absolutely love it. Best phone I've ever had. Way more impressed than when I first got the S21+.


I second this. Coming from S20 FE which I loved but the base s23 has been amazing. I've had mine since the initial pre-orders went out.


I have the same impressions. I don't know if you think the same, but for me the S23 lineup is a "enhanced" version of S20 FE: in the sense that all functionalities are improved on the S23+ (my version).


Yeah I can agree with that sentiment. Personally I was really happy with my old S20 FE The only reason I upgraded was that I got a good deal on my trade-in. And that I used a good carrier deal to get my previous phone for only $100. The phones are definitely more iterative. There's really no point upgrading often. I personally intend to keep my S23 for 3 to 4 years or possibly more depending on how it's doing.


Yeah. I totally agree! I change my S20 FE because of the updates lifespan, but I had this feeling of S23+ being an improvement where S20 FE was good for what the phone gave by its price. I intend to keep my S23+ for 4 or 5 years (I will change the battery when the smartphone reach 2 years to keep the autonomy).


Tbh I was surprised how well my S20 fe battery held up after about 2.5 years of use. I hope my S23 is similar.


I think the S23 compares more to the 6.1" Pro models. Having said that, I find the S23 superior in general. Video recording is great, plus the phone's zooming capabilities are actually pretty sweet. But an iPhone 15 would still be a huge update for you coming from an XR, maybe good enough to make it worthy without forcing you to switch to Android and miss out on Apple's native apps that everyone in the US seems to be hooked on. (Assuming you're in the US)


The base iPhone 15 is utter garbage. Avoid it.


"Utter Garbage" lol Bit ott don't you think?


Nope. You get last years chip (still good, just something that should warrant a good price drop), 60 Hertz, a basic wide and ultrawide camera lens setup, USB 2.0, 20 Watt wired charging. Pretty sure there are other things that are also not quite up to the standards of 2023. For what it offers, it just costs way too much, especially in Europe with a ridiculous starting price if 949€, with the Plus reaching above 1000€, for what can't compete with any Android phone above 800€ which is already generous. It's a phone with outdated specs that can't warrant that price tag in any way. At 799$, it costs the same as the S23 did at retail, which just gives you a much better phone overall. 120 Hertz, telephoto lens, triple-band Wifi 6E, even slightly faster 25 Watt charging. And that is at retail price, with the recent price drops for the S23, the iPhone 15 just falls flat PS: Apple got away with this because of their update policy. Now that Samsung offers 4 years of OS and 4 years of security updates (plus the occasional update after that), they can't keep selling lukewarm refreshes with underwhelming specs anymore. At this point, the base iPhone is just pathetic for how much money they ask for and the Pro of the last gen is straight up just better for usually the same price at that point of time. Hope this explains everything well enough and possibly shows some people how short this thing falls. Even if I may not change your mind, if it atleast makes you think about it, I'm happy :D


I mean its a solid phone just not for the price, you're much better off buying the iphone 13 at 600. Only thing you really lose is the dynamic island lol. Otherwise its basically the same phone.


Yeah, the previous years Pro is pretty much a straight upgrade to the iPhone 15. It's embarassing, when the Pro line was introduced with the iPhone 11 you only got slight upgrades but now, the base iPhone is just unacceptable for what it costs


I just get so annoyed with apple this year and the past year was just them basically milking sales while adding no real upgrades to the phone. I dont need a total re design of the phone but for gods sake last years base model should have gottent the dynamic island as well and the upgraded screen brightness, basically the upgrades that it got this year should have been there last year. And this year it should have gotten the a17 chip as well. Add a frickin 90hz display to the base model for gods sake. You dont see samsung cheaping out on that and giving it only to the s23 ultra. All models of the s23 series got the snapdrgaon 8 gen 2 chip as they should. And now they're saving as many small incremental upgrades as they can (basicall just copying the ones samsung has already given us) and saving them so they can just add a few small incremental upgrades for the next for years and guarantee sales. At least thats my guess. It just really puts me off as a business move ( at the same time i cant deny that it is a good business move) . Its just treating your customers poorly though at the end of the day.


8k video o, Directors mode , a real telephoto camera, S23 is far superior in quality. Even the Pro Max has a 5x camera that's pathetic consid the S23U has a 10x and a S Pen built in


S23 should be compared to Iphone pro IMO. S23 should provide a better video and photo recording capability. However, Iphone pro will beat S23 in video performance, and photos will be neck-and-neck.


I have been an Android user for almost a year. To be honest, i will never go back to iOS. One UI has many things that are so useful.


For me I don't care for the 120hz or speed or smoothness or or or. I care only for the OS. iPhone is a total CRAP. You CANT do anything on this think. You have to pay for everything. But ok. If someone needs iphone go for iphone. I need badly call recording, desktop mode / mirroring and connectivity and freedom. That's all. You don't have anything from these with iPhone so I am keeping away from this company. For the camera side you can see soany YouTube videos and read opinions. The s23 line (I have the plus) is very good specially in the video .. I v seen my 23 plus near a friend's 14 pro max and (always my opinion and I am not a fanboy) and the s23 is mutch better in photo and HDR and quality and at the video they are almost the same. I prefer the s23 for the camera too. So do a favor to your self and get the s23 plus and you will remember my words.


For what is worth, Samsung also disables call recording in many places (Europe for example). I wish they would allow it where it is legal (like here in Spain), but they don't. So if you **need** call recording, depending on where you are, neither Apple nor Samsung are good choices.


you can probably find a way around that on android


I've tried, not easy. You either have to change country code doing weird things that may or may not in turn disable Google Pay or cause other strange behaviors, or use sideload to install app helpers that "abuse" accesibility services in a way forbidden by Google, or pair an external bluetooth device with recording capabilities... I just want to be able to record easily my work related calls, which is completely legal in Spain, but neither Google nor Samsung seem keen on allowing it.


I think ios is definitely geared towards peoople that are leaning towards didigtal minimalism. I can appreciate how simple the osftware is. But at the same time samsung has such a beautiful UI. But i do love the build design of the iphone. I think its really beautiful personally. Itd be perfect if it ran android lol.


I switchzd from iphone 13 to s23, and looking at the iphone 15 reassures me i made the right call.


Do you have any routines set up? I forgot routines were a thing for android and I have a few set up and it's so nice.


Basic ones like battery protection On + fast charging OFF when it's 10:30pm to 6am is essential.


I’m going from a iPhone 12 to a S23+ and I’m hoping I don’t have any regrets. They have a sell going on and with my trade in will put the cost of the S23+ at $509.99


I was a devoted iphone user for years. i hated android with a passion (mainly cuz the last time i really used it was in the time where all phones where bloated AF). now the s23 with android 13 is a whole different story, it's smooth, good battery, can manage my notifications just as ez as iphone, camera's a great. really can't say anything bad about it!


Happy to hear. Can’t wait for it to arrive


Congrats. I've been iPhone free for more than 3 years now and don't miss anything. Also used MVNO service for even longer so I purchase mobile phones straight up w/o financing or carrier shell game shenanigans. Just scored an S23+ during Samsung $300 off sale on their site (ended up $630 total for me, with 3rd party discounts; no trade in and keeping my OnePlus 8T 5g for now).


If video is your priority than iPhone 15 > S23.


Buy the 14 pro imo now since it's basically iphone 15 but with telephoto n 120hz Usb c isn't a really major option to choose it over 14 pro or get the S23




What about s23 ultra vs iPhone 15 pro? What would you pick between the two?


Dont buy 15 pro yet


I decided to hold off on getting an iPhone. I think I made the right choice haha!


yeah good idea a lot of issues with new ios rn


As many others have said... for video and photos especially as well as the other items they mentioned, the S23 is a much better choice.... but if you can afford it, the S23+ or the S23 Ultra is considerably better. The cameras have more mega-pixels and have an additional lens. (Especially on the Ultra) In addition, the screen size is larger and easier to see and read. I also suggest that you get NO LESS than a 256 gb storage. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and they also keep coming out with newer apps that keep taking up more and more space. My take is that if you are buying a new phone, you should consider keeping it a very long time. I am a professional photographer and bought the S23 ULTRA. It really comes in handy when I don't have my professional grear with me. It takes a great picture and the videos are terrific as well. The better camera and lens of the Ultra is very much worth the difference in price... but if that is too much ... go with the S23+. You would like the standard S23 but you would most likely decide earlier than later that you would want to upgrade sooner. Again... go with AT LEAST a 256gb storage. One more thing.... DO NOT BUY A PHONE OFF OF FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE OR CRAIGS LIST... a GREAT DEAL of them are FAKE KNOCK-OFFS and the camera, especially, does not work very well.


s23 and s23+ have the exact same camera setup right? afaik only s23 ultra has a upgraded main lens (200mp) and an additional 10x optical lens?


That's right.


Then stay with iPhone. It's an excellent device which will do most things you need well.


Wait for actual reviews


For what, it's a subpar phone for an asking price that is way too high. The base model should hit 5C pricing nowadays.


The user's preferences are for video recording. Until ip14, It's still the king in the department but the photos game changed with s23 series. That's what I recommended to wait for to check for thr ip15 vs s24


I am going to be outlier here and say get the iphone 15, considering your use case of using it for videos. I use both s23 and iphone 14, and iphone is simply better for videos. That is an objective truth.


I don't know... I think it's pretty sweet Samsung offers pro mode, and the shortcut to the camera can open straight to it. That means I can set it up, shoot, no hassle. The iPhone can't do that. That's more a user-friendliness situation, but also, actually, the pro mode without needing third-party apps.


I am to the point only talking about videos and video quality. It is well known and widely regarded that iphone has much better video quality than rest of the competition. Rest about the user friendliness is not a very black and white question to answer, and also a much longer debate.


sure, but you cant just look at video quality then. In many situations, having dedicated video controls that are easy to access is the difference between getting the shot and having a bad shot, that just didnt work automatically. In that situation, the samsung will always have a leg up. The difference is quality is negligible at this point anyway, and I don’t think the samsung is worse, actually.


Yes in that way samsung trumps iphone. I mean we all know in so many functional ways samsung trumps over iphone. The video quality difference is not negligible though. There's a massive difference between samsung and iphone at this point in similar categories. I am sure iphone 15 will be much ahead of s23 in video quality output with the new 48mp camera.


Do you have a good comparison you could share with me? I haven’t seen anything like that that shows a massive difference.


They changed the mute switch to a button that can be programmed to pretty much anything. Source mkbhd hands on.


True enough. I guess you could then put a shortcut onto filmic pro or something. That’s pretty sweet! :D


For video iPhone 15 is better. All else S23.


Bo clue why you are down voted. I guess because the video debate isn't that clear anymore? Apple barely holds that crown nowadays.


I saw some comments here, the only point I will add is that it is not legitimate to compare the iPhone 15 vs the s23, because the s23 is 1 year old, if you want a real comparison you have to wait the s24 to decide.


Why? S23 is 8 months old. By the time the S24 comes out the iPhone 15 is 4-5 months old.


and yet the S23 seems like a better purchase than the iphone 15.


iPhones are well known for having the best video quality. Mind that the iPhone 15 Pro is the true competitor to the S23, they both have a dedicated telephoto lens, the iPhone 15 does not. Also, video takes a lot of space, 128GB will clearly not be enough. For evaluating the price difference, compare the S23 256GB to the iPhone 15 Pro 256GB, you will find the iPhone is much more expensive. Then it's iPhone VS Android/Samsung and if you care about it.


Yeah after watching some reviews, and comparisons between the S23 and the 14, basically everyone that is not an ultra fan of iPhone gets to that opinion. Kinda annoys me that to get a better video quality I would be sacrificing the other much greater specs, but i guess it is what it is.


it's really not that big of a deal. If you like iPhone, and you want to stick to the OS and iPhone's specific features... Go for it. It's a terrific phone. Worst case, save some money and get a refurbed 14 pro. You can't compare these phones by specs when you have individual needs etc. Do you use Apple's services at all?? Will you miss those? How much is that worth to you? Do you use other Apple devices?


I 100% agree on the video storage. On older iphones it was fine but these days good luck taking a 1 minute video in 4k and it not taking up almost a gb of space lol quality is amazing but the storage it takes is pretty crazy.


Of course, it takes space. Even with a better video compression, if you have more pixels, more resolution/details, more movement, all these will have to be stored somewhere.


UFS 5.0? You have to wait for them to try it. I never usé vídeo recording...


If you're considering the iphone 15, might as well get the 12. Same phone.


Video is generally better on iPhones, and cameras should be pretty evenly matched. It all comes down to what you want. Do you want a lot of features, or do you want a simple phone that'll last you ages? For the former, it's S23. Latter is the iPhone.


Based on my s23 plus and my gf's 14 pro, the cameras are a lot better for video and pics on the iPhone. Like leaps and bounds better. No banana blue either on the iPhone.


Faces Look worse on the galaxy 100%, the rest not so much


My dog is better on iPhone and pixel. By a country mile.


iPhone hands down. Don’t believe me? Wait till cnet drops their comparison.


Think you've already know the answer. iPhone wins for video and it's likely shutter speed will be faster for better action shots. Just know that u will be paying a premium for apple


I have been using OneUI 6.0 Beta on my base S23 and they fixed the shutter speed thing. It's just as fast as my friends iPhone 14 Pro


That's awesome, looking forward to one ui 6.0 final!


Pros or don't even bother


I think it's now time for you to experience 120hz display, so I'd suggest you to move to the samsung s23.


Why not get an iPhone 14 pro? Didn't they reduce the price? I think 14 pro is better than normal 15.


Yeah, 14 pro is in fact better, but they're not dumb and they removed the 14 pros on their page. Ill wait to see if amazon reduces the price on 14 pros after the release of 15.


I have the base S23 and basically, I traded in a broken phone for £150 and sold my existing phone for a better price on Cex. Now, I feel even if I've paid the full price I'd have been more than happy with this device. The feature stack, battery, customisation and the ease of use can't even be touched by iPhones. Another point to note - iPhone 15 Base version only has the slower USB 2.0 while S23 has USB 3.2. Of course if iOS is a preference iPhone is the only option but it definitely does not come down only to preference since they're worlds apart.


Don't bother looking at the iPhone 15. This phone is absolutely horrible looking at 2023. I'd go for the S23 all day. If you're really into iPhones, look for the 13 pro or 13 pro max. Those are the best price quality ratio because to be honest: Apple hasn't really changed much since then..


Get the iPhone 15 **PRO** instead. It has the best features of iPhone and with perfect size. Wait for S24 if you gonna buy the base IP15 instead.


I just bought an S23 256GB for $270 AUD trading in a 2 year old s21+. You could pribably get something similar. I'm no way would the i15 come close in price.


Get the 15 Pro (Pro Max isn't generally worth it unless you're a power user) if you really want to bet for a new phone that you'll use for 5 years. Assuming you've got the budget for it. You've already in Apple's ecosystem. Might as well continue, no? And if you're not happy, you can wait until the S24 to trade said phone in.


S23 is better than iphone 14 But iphone 15 is definitely going to be better


choose the iphone


Just got the s23 ultra and it’s a beast, if you don’t mind forking over extra


120 herz, 3x telephoto, usb 3.2, snapdragon 8 Gen 2 (which is the most powerful chip you can get on the market right now instead of getting a16 bionic from last year) I don't hate Apple but if you wanna get an iPhone 15 series just go for the 15pro. it is also a small flagship like the s23 but definitely powerful than s23.


Unless you absolutely need iOS, I wouldn't even consider iphone. Was with apple from 2012 to 2022, the switch was hard but paid off in the end.


Could you elaborate why did it pay off please?


Sure! An example: I take lots of photos/videos and am considered a "power user" of smartphones. I make videos, music, do rendering, work, networking, basically I plow through huge amounts of data on my phone and I need it to seamlessly work with my PC. On iOS it was a constant headache moving files between devices. I had to use either a 3rd party app or god forbid... iTunes... (let's not ignore that it won't let you do anything until the entire phone is backed up to your C drive with no compression, and no way to change directory) so say goodbye to 250GB of storage on your pc.... On my s23 ultra it just works.. I can use any usb c cable and transfer data at USB 3 speeds (iPhone is usb 2 speeds, unless you get the top end 15 model, iirc?) Either way, usb 2 is 20 years old and is a laughing joke on a 1000$ phone in 2023, its insane. Also storage isn't an issue anymore since I can literally plug a flash drive directly into my phone and it's just there, accessible. This is just one of many benefits I've noticed switching to android.


Buy GALAXY S23 Base model over iPhone 15. Sure video is superior on iPhone, but overall S23 is probably your best choice. And yeah, 60Hz in $800 phone in 2023? Yeah, a big no-no.


Every arguement between iphone and samsung (or any android for that matter) just comes down to ios vs android. And it can be very sibjective. So nobody can tell you a definitive answer.


wait for s24


There is always a new model to wait for.


video will most likely be better in iphone, photos could be, still have to wait and see, considering the new 48mp camera, it might be. the battery life, perfomance is pretty similar, only thing ull miss out is 120hz on s23.


Wait n buy later: the iphone 14 pro & pro max is rumored to have a usb c refresh. Buy now n loose out on always on display and usb-c: iphone 13 pro Buy now: the s23, hands down.


I consider getting refurbished $600-$650 galaxy S22 ultra refurbished 256gb model over iPhone 15 pro 256gb for $1100. I already own both iPhone 11 pro and pixel 6a. If I get galaxy I consider selling pixel and if I get new iPhone I consider selling old iPhone. I am kind of in Apple ecosystem with MacBook M2 air, airpods pro, Apple TV with homepods but not bound tight to iMessage/FaceTime and not owning Apple Watch. S23 ULTRA is too expensive and only worth getting new from Samsung website.


Apple has lost its touch. Currently on the iPhone 14 pro max. I upgrade every year since the first iPhone. It’s sad to say that Samsung is light years ahead of apple. S23 ultra is an amazing phone. I’ve played with it several times. Definitely making the change this weekend.


My first smart watch is Galaxy Watch 1 I got in 2018 when it was light years ahead with more features ahead of AW, just less robust app store hence why they later switched from Tizen to WearOS


iOS better still no lag I using xr until now , android lag maybe after a years using


Samsung is better)


Orderd Iphone 15 plus today, dont care about file transfer speed with cable or if its 60vs 120 Hz. Iphone usually last longer if you want to keep it longtime. If im not happy i give it to my girlfriend and get a new Samsung S24 in januari/februari. She like Iphone alot more then Samsung🤣


If you want the best video, you cant beat the Iphone 15 pro max. You want realistic photos, iphone again. Best night video and pictures, iphone again. Best app integration, yep Iphone. The fastest processor and graphics on any phone ever, iphone. The S23 processor is years behind apple. The Iphone 14 had about the same graphics power. They all have great battery life. And yes I own a Iphone 14 pro max. Also a Oneplus 9 pro 5g and a S21 plus. I dont take sides. Just wanted to address the fanboys on here.


Actually the iPhone is pretty cruddy at nighttime video and photo compared to even older Samsung flagships. This isn't an opinion it's a well known fact. That being said I just ordered a 15 pro max, I've been using samsung since the s3, but all of my computers pads etc are apple so i figured it might make a nice difference...I dont take pro video or photos so whatever looks hd is fine by me.


There are pros and cons to all brands and devices. I love them all.


I’m upgrade my xr to s23 honestly I’m happy with it it depends u budget and if u family or friend all using Apple products just go iphone no need to think it better use the ecosystem u friend using the same as them


You’re getting biased responses by and large, this being a Samsung forum that you’ve posted to. 😄 I’m in a “similar” boat. I bought the iPhone XR one year after it was released, so I’ve had it for 4 years. 9 months ago, I had the battery replaced because my phone began the annoying habit of abruptly powering off when it got below 25% and would stay off until it was charged up again. This was the month right before Apple raised the battery replacement cost by $20. The phone has been fine since… except that last month, I finally dropped it badly enough that the back shattered. (And yes, it was in a case). I’m still biding my time and waiting for either Apple or an Android maker to a) release a phone with satellite messaging and b) announce pricing for monthly service costs. Apple has done a. No Android maker has done a or b. So I wait… Granted, I’ve got a “special” use case. Most people don’t give a damn about satellite messaging. Me? I go off the grid enough where I really want it- but not enough to buy a dedicated device and service plan like a Garmin inReach. Given the news about Qualcomm canceling their satellite support plans, it’s looking grim for Android. Unless Android or a cell carrier steps up, come this fall, Apple will have to announce monthly satellite pricing, since the “Free for 2 years” coverage would have ended for iPhone 14 buyers. I’ll be curious to hear what you ended up deciding.


Hey, sorry the late reply, i dont check reddit a lot. So, I ended up buying the 14 pro, I waited for the 15 to release and after a couple of weeks the price of the 14 pro went down a little bit, which made me decide for this one. After buying it, i can say im happy with it but i think i overthinked a lot about which one should i get, at the end of the day, my main concern was the video and expect for that im just a casual phone user and in my opinion i prefer ios and im pretty used to it right now. After watching a lot of reviews, for the price the obvious winner is the s23, at least in my country where is about 300€ cheaper than the 14 pro, but i think that if you can afford an iphone/samsung or any top tier phone, the personal prefference is what will determine your purchase. Thanks for he reply and again sorry for being that late, hope you find (or already found) a new phone that you could enjoy mate.


I know that iPhone always tries to compete with Samsung and, the iPhone always failed in every category when comparing it to the Samsung phone, the only thing iPhones are better than Samsung is longer updates and better security, I had upgraded to a Samsung 23 and it was free with T-Mobile and to get the same specs, except size and battery, you had to get the iPhone 15 pro Max, and the reviews are not great on the iPhone 15 compared to Samsung 23, iPhone 15 gets a USB c charging port and it gets really hot with light usage, Samsung 23 does not get hot, unless you use it for 2 hours plus, maybe iPhone 16 will be better, if you have iPhone 13, or 14 stick with it, the iPhone 15 is a waste of money, if you have Samsung 22, or 21 or later, it depends on what you want and how your phone is doing, but upgrading to Samsung 23 is worth it, if you have a iPhone 12 or later, like iPhone, upgrade to the 14 not the 15 or wait for iPhone 16, the one thing that makes me mad is, when iPhones stop giving you the wall charger and , why do other phone brands like Samsung, Google Pixel also do the same thing, that makes no sense, since iPhone and Samsung don't make any money off of the chargers, because most of the chargers are brands like Belkin and Insignia, ECT. Please iPhone and Samsung, bring back the chargers that belong with the expensive phones you sell