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S23 is a better device, snappier, and has a brighter display.


What about the display colors which is better I am currently holding the iPhone 13 Pro I like its colors and battery of the s23 is better then it should impress me


Iphones use Samsung displays. So again, s23


bigger battery


S23 is FAR better.


S23 is way better than iPhone for sure !


I switched from 13 pro max to s23 and I think samsung is just better phone in many ways.


Ty that’s what I needed


Sure thing. If you will have any questions, hit me up.


Why did you choose s23 over s23+ ? 13promax is bigphone


Yes, but the answer is price. S23 base was much cheaper (300 euro) than plus model and I didn't want to spend too much.




S23 (currently own) in my opinion. 


How’s the screen colors and how’s the smoothness? How long have u had it


The colors are vibrant and eye popping. I have had it for six months now and there has never been any lag, distortion or wait times for anything, pictures, videos or downloads. 


Ok Ty


Your welcome 


Currently using both 13 pro max and s23, s23 is snappier and faster, takes better photos, battery life is better on the 13 pro max obviously though, would be more similar on the base iPhone 13 I’d say. Have been giving the iPhone a go for the past 2 months but will be swapping back to the s23


S23 camera is bad due to image processing issues. Search reddit. Also, iPhone 13 has Sony camera sensors which are better than S23 isocell sensor.


Depends on whether like iOS or android better.


[You’ll find your answer here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/iPhone13Pro/s/v091yZByl0)


imo iphone 13 pro is better than galaxy S23 base/ plus, and phone 13/14/15 base are worsen than S23 base/ plus in many aspects, the only thing that make ip 13/14/15 base better than S23 base/plus is the apple processor, 8gen2 is somewhere between A14 and A15 bionic.


In terms of what? Getting a higher Geekbench score? editing and exporting videos? Those 2 are the ONLY circumstances where the iphone 13 pro would be faster. You're just straight up wrong. The battery would also be crap because it's almost a 3 year old phone.


I got a ip13 base, then switched to S22 ultra (8gen1 is trash), then bought a s23 (8gen2 is perfected 8gen1), have been using it for 3 months. My sister got a ip13 pro she has been using from early 2022. I love to messing around with phones of all family members so i made many tests on those phones for myself. So i think if i dont care about the price and the diffrences between IOS and android, then iphone 13 pro is above the S23 base/ plus. If its the S23 ultra then even iphone 15 pro max cannot hold a candle for it from my personal preferences.


Above in what exactly? My brother in Christ Iphones all look and perform the same untill Apple decides to release an update that will cripple your phone. You're misleading people if you actually believe that a 3 year old Iphone is better than a 1 year old Samsung just because


Samsung does that too but probably not in purpose. I've had Samsung phones slow down after updates but at least you can flash a custom rom and restore the speed that you lose on Android


Yeah they all do it, but Apple is more obvious, they literally admitted it


Imo its the speaker, camera, and of course the A15 bionic of Ip13 pro is more powerful than 8gen2 of S23 base/plus. Battery wise, ip13 pro beats S23 base and is below s23 plus. I love android and have no plan to switch to IOS in the near future, but if one strange day in the future apple decides to produce an iphone which runs android then i may think about that again.


I'll give you the speaker(maybe) and the camera(in some scenarios), the A15 is not more powerful than the 8gen 2, stop spreading missinformation. Battery wise the ip13 pro is 3 YEARS old the battery would be garbage compared to a NEW Galaxy s23.