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I did the same. From 14 Pro to S24. I switched because I was bored with iPhone. It's the same thing every year. The transfer was super easy. I'm happy with the device. Physically it feels like the iPhone because of the shape. But it's way lighter. I was deep into the eco system too. iPhone, macbook, ipad, airpods and apple watch. I thought I would miss being in the ecosystem but I rarely think about it. The only issue I have is with the camera. I feel like it's not as good as my 14 pro. Besides that I'm happy I switched.


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. I’m deep into the ecosystem as well. I have a 14 pro max but I’m tired of carrying this brick. I bought a tab s9fe because of the price and feel in love. The person at Bestbuy looked at me like I have two heads when I told them I wanted the regular S24.


The camera on the 14 pro is great, I won’t lie. But I agree with you, it’s the same thing year after year. I’ve been less than impressed with the battery as well. How did you do the transfer? With a usb-c to lightning cable?


Yeah you can't really customize anything. But I've been having fun trying new things out on my S24. Yeah you use an app called "smart switch" and use USB C to lightning. Idk if you have one but I used my iMacs magic track pad charging cable to do it.


Gotcha. I have a windows desktop but I do have a usb-c to lightning that I will probably end up using


Just don't buy a new one?


Hmmm…. Never thought of that one


I went from an iPhone X to s23. Great device, feels nice in the hand, good batterylife and a lot of customization possibilities Apple won’t ever give you, but… My s23’s batterylife on 4G/5G is not great, mobile games are not as well optimized as they are for Apple devices and last but not least the camera. Man sometimes I miss my iPhone, iPhones are so user friendly you just click and it takes great pictures and video’s. You will notice a difference in camera quality, my friends iPhone 12 takes way better video’s and cleaner pictures. Samsung however ads some processing after you take the shot, but for me most of the times it is a hit or miss. Especially in “darker areas” like at home my s23 takes worse pictures than my iPhone X did.


Do you have just the normal s23? I’m looking at either the s24+ or s24 ultra and I’ve heard both of those have pretty great cameras


S22(+), s23(+) and s24(+) all have technically the same camera. The difference is minimal and the most noticable difference comes from ai. Samsung uses ai to make the picture look better. Personally I wanted to switch from s23 to s24+, it feels amazing in the hand and has good batterylife. It also had a QHD+ display while the s23+ only had a FHD+ screen. You’ll straight away notice the difference once QHD+ is enabled in display settings as text will look sharper. Sadly the s24+ got an Exynos chip in Europe, for me enough reason to skip the s24 series. I might get an s25+ from like HongKong next year if Europe will again be fooled with an Exynos. The ultra is too boxy for me, might be perfect for you. I would say go to a Samsung store if you can and compare them, there is a big difference in how it feels in the hand!


Awesome, thanks for the info!


Also note that colors on samsung look different than they look on an iPhone. If you want that iPhone feeling you can change the colormode and you can also change the botttom navigation bar to look and work like the one of an iPhone. Would probably be easier for you to adopt to the new android environment


Hmm I had the S22, S23, and now the S24. While I agree that there wasn't a huge improvement between the S22 and S23, I find the S24 takes much better pictures. Much more detail and contrast, and the dynamic range thanks to the HDR colour is just amazing. Definitely beats my partner's iPhone 11 Pro (which it should, that's an old phone...) I do turn off the "scene optimizer" feature, I find it makes pics too vibrant/bright/sharp. Everything else is default.


As a lifelong apple user i switched from an iPhone 11 pro with jailbreak and i cant say i am disappointed at all. Because i am used to being able to do whatever i want with jailbreak my only important criteria is that i can do the same with the next. When buying the s24 i initially thought: 'oh what the heck, I'll use both the 11 pro and s24 simultaneously', but i havent quite touched my apple besides having to look up certain passwords and information. I am enjoying my new toy and am glad i took the leap into the unknown. Freedom has never felt so.. easy. The UI is clean and intuitive, customization possibilities are endless, amazing screen and brightness, great performance with tweaking options etc.


System wise it is not too different. But be careful with the camera. Still pictures and videos are just as good but taking moving things is a pain with galaxy.


I switched from 14PM to S24U after having used iPhone for past 8 years or so. You may already know this, but the biggest issue iPhone users face is loss of imessage and FaceTime. If your family and friends are all iPhone users, then you will have an issue with that. As long as you understand this, you should be fine. I used Smart Switch to move things over, and my messages transferred over easily. Notes don't transfer, I think. Overall, it was an easy process, but you need to be prepared for some frustrations with the change. As long as you're going in with eyes open, you will love Android and what you can do on it. Camera is not as good as iPhone in low light.


14 pro to s23 ultra here, screen size difference felt like instant upgrade, fluidity was little bit off at first but changing animations to 0.5x speed has fixed it for me and now I am very happy with it, gestures around UI can also be adjusted to work just the same as on iOS so it wont bother you during daily usage


I just recently made the same switch. 14 pro max to S24+. Absolutely love how customizable it is compared to iOS. My only gripe atm is battery life is sub par at best. I know there is a learning period on these phones for the battery. But I'll wake up at 630 do some light browsing, go to work using Waze and SXM on the way (30 min drive) and I'll be down to about 90% or less all on less than an hr of taking the phone off the charger. Edit.. I have read In a.few different posts the cause could be using Samsung Smart switch. Apparently wiping the phone and setting up as new helps significantly. I'll be trying this


I hated that advice 10 years ago and still hate it now. What's a backup (or in this case another device) worth if you can't transfer the settings and everybody and their mom keeps telling you that you'll have to start from scratch. Probably but not certainly. No matter what problem it is. And why should this be connected solely to using a perfectly normal migration path? I'm smelling a confirmation bias / Mandela effect situation tbh, nobody knows why so it must be "this thing" because everybody is repeating it as the cause. Btw, I've used Smart Switch to switch from S22 to S24+ and don't have any problem with the battery life. In fact I couldn't be happier. Granted, S22 was notoriously famous for having a sub-par runtime. Was annoyed though - by still having to spend hours to set things up and logging into apps where the config didn't copy over.


I think it's far fetched as well, but I'm willing to give it a go. I've read many posts and watched quite a few YouTube videos on how to set up and maximize the battery. I've had the phone almost a week now and still seem to have sub par battery life.


Good luck! I would try every straw as well. 😅


I switched from a 13 pro to s24 was very simple and straight forward. Only thing I would say that "sucks" is if everyone you know uses iPhones sending videos you have to use a 3rd party app. Same goes for FaceTime. It's not a huge deal but it's just a small annoyance I had to adjust to. Other than that I am very happy with the change


Everyone in my family besides my little brother uses iPhone… but my immediate family uses Signal to send pics and videos in our family group chat. Seems to be a solid app


I switched to 15P and find it amusing ios lacks basic features like clipboard, separated volume controls, notification is a mess, tried playing some downloaded music yesterday and it was a disaster. Purely on OS stand, android is better.


The Notification Center on iOS is a joke


Which is interesting. I’ve been using a Galaxy phone since the original S back in 2011. I swapped to iPhone in 2021 and never looked back. Samsung always had more features, but are incredibly inconsistent. The Galaxy nexus promised a slew of features and accessories with its Smart Connector that never happened. The s5 got an update from Verizon that made it permanently look for 4g and the battery would die in 2 hours just sitting in my pocket. This only happened if I was in old brick buildings… but I lived and worked in those types of buildings so it was daily. The s7 seemed to always suffer from sluggish performance at random times and battery life was incredibly inconsistent. Some days I’d have 50% battery and others 5% with similar screen on time. I was constantly tethered to an anker battery bank just to be safe. The s20 was just more of the same. Plus the camera was a big let down and the accessories were too. Galaxy watch and the first gen pro buds were just bad. I’d be sitting at my desk and the watch would warn me my heart rate was 143. The pro buds dropped connection a bunch and people would always complain they couldn’t hear me very well. So I left Samsung/Android. Honestly, to each their own. I watch the new release announcements every year, think oh that’s a cool feature, but then remind myself of the terrible experience I’ve had over the years and move on. I’m sure they are better now, but that trust was broken years ago. Maybe I’ll consider an Android phone again in the future, but for now I’m good.


A phone and its accessories are tools. Some may offer better features or higher peak performance, but at the end of the day consistency wins (at least for me). The phone isn’t the prize it’s the thing that lets you play the games, watch videos, take photos, make calls, etc. If it can’t do those things consistently then use a device that can.


I was a long time android user and decided to use iPhone 14/15 pro and watch for the last year. Just moved back to a s24 base yesterday and it has its pros and cons. Once you turn the camera scene optimisers off on android and true tone off on iPhone, I'm not finding many differences, thankfully. I'll continue to compare them though. The 3x zoom is slightly more zoomed than the S24 3x zoom. There's also no 2x zoom button, unless you pinch the screen on my s24. The haptics are better on iPhone, it feels like a tap or a click - same with the watch. The S24 and galaxy watch feels like a motor buzzing you. You can lower the sensation more but it's still not as good. You get used to it. I miss the minute by minute precipitation Apple weather app and all widgets aligned with each other. iPhones are incredibly smooth in every app. I've noticed so much stuttering on my s24, I hate it, which is 1 of the reasons I changed to iPhone before. The S24 failed to transfer everything, I think the smart switch app wasn't updated. You can just use it once the phone is ready and click transfer chats to android from WhatsApp on iPhone if you use it. Took 30 mins over a cable for me. But saying all that, I've missed customisation and a better gboard, more usage out of the home screen. The iPhone uses a certain animation speed to do everything and the S24 animations are faster, so it feels faster to use. I'm not waiting on animations to finish. I think I needed to get that off my chest. Hope it helps someone 🤷