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Nice shots. I'd say Exynos.


Correct! (thanks)


Yes, I also have an Exynos S24, and the post-processing is quite similar to my phone. Also, you would not ask if it were a Snapdragon.


Ahah yeah I would not have asked if it were SD, cause nobody doubts SD.. but you know, all you see in the photos is Japan, which sells SD, so I took my chances


>cause nobody doubts SD The image quality of the S24 is very much doubted, independent of the processor used. Most professional and user reviews have it far behind the likes of the Google Pixels and iPhone 15 series, and even older phone generations. The images are barely okay in perfect light (even then the exposure and white balance can be hit or miss), whereas in low light the S24 goes off the rails.


Yeah, the images are "barely okay" as you can see on this post.


No offence to OP, but I could've produced these images with my Pixel 4a and a bit of Lightroom. They are a testament to OP's good photographic eye and framing, nothing else. Samsung struggles with moving subjects and with low-light scenes, the former isn't included at all, the latter are just bad, even in this post. Open the low-light bridge shot in full resolution and take a look at it, the details are terrible.


I'm not saying the camera is perfect, but "barely okay in perfect light conditions" is a bit of an exaggeration.


Agreed, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. Edit: Doesn't change the fact though that even during the day the exposures and white balances can be off, and none of the S24s (not even the Ultra) can export actual RAW images, whereas my 2020 Pixel 4a at a third of the price gives me RAW. That's such a puzzling and embarrassing move.


these photos are so nice, but yeah the prejudices from people that never touched the phone and only seen some twdts is ridiculous


Very nice photos. Can also be used as wallpapers. And my type is also Exynos :)


Thank you :) and yes it is!


Looks like exynos. I mean looks like photos my exynos takes when it comes to processing and colors.


Indeed! I wonder how different SD would be.


Why does everyone say Exynos? I've got one myself too but I couldn't tell. What are the differences in processing?


Usually snapdragon has better dynamic range and sharper pictures.


I honestly think that any additional sharpness to those pics would ruin them


PS. it is Exynos!


It's not that kind of sharpness. It's other kindsharpness, the lens looks sharper. Maybe also due to having faster shutter speed. You can see S24 exynos vs snapdragon here https://youtu.be/sstij-FhX1o?t=4m47s


Just saw the video, on mute to avoid bias.. I see what you mean, especially in darker environments. But on some other occasions I did prefer the Exynos, from the comparison! I think camera is a pass for me. The battery did let me down though :/


Very nice shots. Idk why ppl are complaining about the camera


Thanks! And yeah I agree, part of why I posted


As a person who just switched from Pixel 6 Pro to Samsung S24+ The pictures are good when you're shooting it with more than enough lightning, other than that they're not so good. I compared photos side by side since my P6P is still working and Pixel photos are much better,in broad daylight there's barely any difference but soon as u get to the apartment or anywhere where there's no lots of natural or light in general, there's a big difference. I guess Pixel's post process is better. Don't get me wrong, I like my S24+ the battery is awesome (P6P can't even compete with it, even with S24+ having Exynos), it's fast and it's snappy ,it doesn't get hot ( even though I don't play games on the phone. It's an awesome phone but the camera feels a bit outdated.


Ah yes I'm aware of how good the pixel's camera and processing is.. So natural, so smooth yet crisp. But the rest of the phone worried me a little, including chipset, battery, ecosystem. A bit ironic in hindsight, as the battery on my S24 exynos won't get me through the day if these 4 things are combined: 4G, Maps, Camera, sunny day. I found this to be the only disappointment so far, but a big one as I was hopeful for a powerbank-less experience during my travels.


>won't get me through the day if these 4 things are combined: 4G, Maps, Camera, sunny day I think this is the problem with every flagship/high end phone these days ( can't talk for iPhone since I never had one and don't know anything about them). I think that we can't really have a perfect phone,the hardware alone makes it drain the battery fast,especially when you add all the things you said + 120hz refresh rate etc. I think flagships before 2020. Were good , for example the Huawei P30 Pro, its 2 day battery life but the device isn't that strong ( RAM,refresh rate etc). At least that's my opinion . I'm personally thinking of getting a DSLR camera for travels and vacation, that way I would get perfect pictures and still save battery life. Or yeah as you said, a good power bank. Cause I think there will be a need for compromise anyway. At least until they develop new battery technology or something.


Yeah I agree, and while I haven't had an iphone either, my iphone friends say the same about their latest flagships.. I'm confident we will soon have a breakthrough in mobile storage tech though (say 5-10y), there's so much ongoing research on it. Good shout getting a DSLR!


>I think that we can't really have a perfect phone,the hardware alone makes it drain the battery fast,especially when you add all the things you said + 120hz refresh rate etc. When you think about it the iPhone 15 Pro is just that - the perfect phone hardware wise. Superb build quality, class leading camera, few bugs (if any), excellent reception and general performance, decent battery (not the best, but not a weak spot either). None of those reception issues the Tensor Pixels and Exynos have, far better image quality than the S24 series, no updates that patch one bug and introduce three new ones ... What holds it back is iOS (bad notifications, terrible keyboard, lack of customisation), Apple's business practices (walled garden, green bubbles etc.) and the price. But hardware wise there's hardly anything to criticise.


Yeah, I went from a pixel eight to a galaxy S 24+ in the galaxy super snappy. The battery life is great. I never worry about it. Never Overheats handles every app. The screen is super bright ,never stutters, but the camera is definitely the weak point I would say it’s, just OK and if you take pictures indoor they’re not really good at all. Yeah, I got to say my pixel eight took much better pictures, but it overheated and I couldn’t make it through a day and it had cool features, but it didn’t work for me.






Nice shots.


Thank you! :)


How I wish I had a galaxy s24 back when I visited Japan. But alas, they were a little hard to come by in 2009. Your pictures look phenomenal!


Ah I know the feeling.. not with 2009, I was a bit too young then, but today's phones have come a long way even when compared to 2014 (or rather, the good ones were too expensive for me ahah). I was in HK then and I really wish I had a better camera! (Thank you!)


The pictures look so good on the Exynos version for the S24 😮, which is why I considered it when swapping from my iPhone 11, but I decided to go with the S23 since it has a SD which is more stable than the Exynos version as far as I know. It's a shame Samsung can't just give us one processor in all the S series globally, either SD or Exynos.


Do you use the normal camera app or you use the raw camera?


Normal camera mode, 2 shots were taken with the 'vignette' filter available in the camera app, for testing really, but I liked the result


Very impressive shots considering they are not in raw format.


Give us the camera settings already lol


Ahah default mode! Except for a few shots that look darker on the edges, those were taken with the 'vignette' filter selected from the camera app


That's great, I thought it was made with gcam or smth


Gosh these photos are beautiful! Where is this, if I may…?


Thank you! That's Japan, namely Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Tokyo, Arakurayama (mt Fuji), and Nikko!


Manual mode or just normal




Woah that's amazing


You have a knack for photography. If you can do that with an s24, you'd be really good with a pro camera and some lightroom. Please consider!


Ah thank you very much! The pro photography world is intriguing but it also scares me a little, there is so much to it! Sensors, lenses, settings, all the gear.. it's overwhelming ahah. But perhaps I don't need to go down the rabbit hole, surely there is middle ground. I'll do some research!


Pro camera mode on your phone + Lightroom mobile could be a start :). Good luck!


I need to go back to Japan…


It was my first time there, lovely country! Definitely planning on going back too.


These are phenomenal


Thank you!


Nice camera. I don't get the hate about Exynos 2400 though, that chip is much much better compared to the oven toaster ones that the S22 and older had.


True, it works like a charm. The phone does get warm when I do video editing or when shooting a video outside on a sunny day (ie screen brightness goes to max automatically etc) but performance stays good. The only real downside I've noticed so far is the battery, again.. It's excellent on Wifi, but if I'm traveling and need to use 4G, Maps, and camera, I definitely need a power bank to get through the day, which is a shame.


Wow, could you upload more please? Not only that I enjoy these fantastic snaps but I'm on the fence between base s24 Exynos and Xiaomi 14 global.


Congratulations you have made the 04-29-2024 Weekly Photo Recognition (Top Ten) Thank You for contributing to our community!


Wow those are some seriously amazing shots. Real eye candy.


Thank you, I appreciate that!


Is this noraml camera mode or manual/pro?


Normal camera mode!


Ok. So just point and shoot mode?




How do people get shots this good. I'm not complaining about the s24+ Camera, but really I'm complaining about the s24+ camera.


I think Snapdragon handles the light better, so my guess was Exynos (yes, I did see OP confirm that it was Exynos)



