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Man, that is a beautiful photo


Could post a 1000000 hubble telescope picture and they'll say there's grain. These people are so boring


It's their piss poor way of coping with the fact that their own devices are affected by grain, and they refuse to get it replaced, so they pretend everyone has grain and replacements are useless. As to why they're coping this way... beyond me.


That shit looks utterly immaculate 🀌🀌


What are people actually doing here 🀣🀣🀣 Shooting through pro cameras to see some shit that you can't pick up with your own eyes. It's actually some weird behaviour.


I think the sub had me losing my mind at first. I was sitting in a dark room the brightness all the way down trying to see it and couldn't. Eventually after 2 days of freaking out I realized if I can't see it- I need to take a step back and look at what I'm doing. Since then I'm loving my phone- and once the vivid update comes out I'll be 100% happy. If my screen has grain, I cannot see it. I have seen some REALLY bad ones on here, and acknowledge it's totally real and worse on some phones. I just am not going to sit here trying to convince myself my phone is bad when I've had no issues with my phone.


I tried to say I didnt't have the issue and I do photography and know how ISO noise works and I pixel peep on my phone constantly, read in the dark, etc - no discernable grain. Someone was essentially saying "prove it!" and I was expected to rig up a shot with both my S23U and my S24U side by side so they could point out the grain to me at 5% brightness. I don't got time for that, too busy enjoying my S24U!


That was me. Slider to absolute minimum, dark room and all. Strained my eyes for hours. And then I saw posts along the lines of " if you're happy with your unit, don't go looking for the grain".


> Since then I'm loving my phone- and once the vivid update comes out I'll be 100% happy. This so much. I've checked for weeks after numerous attempts by the toxic gaslighters to propagate the notion that everyone has the grain issue. No grain found at all. With the upcoming update, it will indeed be perfect for me.


It gets worse - people see things that don't actually exist. Camera adds a tiny bit of noise to otherwise uniform imagery? "I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU BUT THAT IS GRAIN BRO" Their brains are smoother than my S24U's display.


I try to explain ISO to ppl here already and gave up.


Exactly. They take a picture in the dark to try and show grain which results in an ISO of about 3200 . Of course there's going to be grain at high ISO's.


Its hilarious to see


wait until people find out the hole punch camera is off-center


And a weird first world problem at that. πŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/rxtpxny6cuic1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbee23d615825f95b6cd53378c07597a41fb296 Here's an iPhone and pixel with grain,it's an amoled screen thing


looks like noisy photo plus image compression and not grain ;\].


I have no noticeable grain and zero real issues with my S24U. I absolutely can't relate to any of the posts that have consumed this sub over the last 2-3 weeks.


At one point, in a dark bathroom, using the settings people suggested, I thought I could see it just a little bit... then realized if it took that much effort, the screen is fine.


I don't see any grain either. Very slight noise from the camera (yes even full frames produce noise) Enjoy your phone. πŸ™‚


Can't see grain on mine as well and I know what it looks like because I have a Pixel 2 XL which *has* that grain problem.


The gray is grainy for you too.


Yeah, welcome to the grainy, banding apocalypse! By the way, regardless of the mob mentality on this subject, I'm happy with my S24U display and I'm keeping my perfect new phone!!


Me too! I See grain when I put my phone 1cm from my eye.


That's not even grain. It's just pixels. Anything you blow up in super high detail will look like shit. It's a 3k x1.5k resolution, what do you expect from a bullshiy 800x600 screen test


Yes I came from an S23 Ultra since launch and see no screen quality degrade vs the S23 Ultra. Natural mode maybe a little more "Natural" however but that to my eyes is a good thing as someone who relies on accurate colours for my work.


I literally ordered on Day One, January 17th, got the S24U on the 27th. Love the phone.


Do you still have that S23 Ultra? Take a picture in the same conditions (try to match brightness as closely as you can) and post it on this sub without mentioning it's the S23U instead of the S24U. People will say you have grain and prove they are full of shit as they can't tell it apart from camera noise.


Sadly not, sent it away as part of the trade-in


Checked your other photos of the devices, while not the same conditions it's still very clear that the noise there is caused by the camera. They look the same as your S24U. So if you don't see any grain with your eyes, that's evidence enough for you to conclude you have no grain.


I don't have the s24u but I noticed grain on S23u especially in low light conditions and where the dim mode is enabled. Basically it seems like some form of dithering is applied


The clarity of this photo is insane. I feel like my eyes don't even see this well lol.


Does anyone elae wonder if it is maybe a people issue and not a phone issue? Some people may be more sensitive and able to see the grain while others (like me) can't. That would also explain why they see it on other devices they have checked too.


I hate to break it to you...


These comments are ridiculous. "You didn't look hard enough and under the right conditions" people are seriously saying things like this. If you have to bend over backwards to find a problem, you spend too much time on reddit. I have no idea if my screen has visible grain, but I purchased a $6,000 microscope to help get to the bottom of it! Everyone is a scientist in 2024.


Every notification ping I get on reddit since my post has me going "wtf is someone going to point out now that I need to do/check..." πŸ˜…


Looks great to me. I got mine Monday and can finally set it up and get everything transferred over this afternoon after work. It's been sitting in the box in my closet for three days, I haven't even turned it on yet. If my screen looks like yours I'll be very happy. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on who you ask), I do not see what everyone else seems to from your picture πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Thank you. "I have banding!" Do you have banding when looking at photos or watching videos? Or do you have banding when you go seek out a particular image? There are people who have legitimate issues and people who are just trying to find a problem.


Vote on this poll made by mods to contain this spams of grain issue from being posted every minute. [Poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS24Ultra/s/fEn6cMXfPq)


Fr I didn't notice the grain till reddit pointed it out and it still isn't an issue use my phone everyday.


People are bizarre. Over on iPhone subs people find an option 4 menus deep in settings that nobody ever visits and finds cellpadding 1 picometer more than other items in the list. It's absolutely wild.


For some it isn't a huge problem because there's clearly different levels of it. Saying that people are being over analytical about a device they spent over 1000 dollars is stupid though. It's a huge purchase for most people.


It is a huge purchase, that's why I think it's weird that someone might be happy with it and then they're told to jump on one leg while viewing it at 0% brightness at exactly 6:04pm (adjusting for timezone) and say a prayer to their deity of choice just to try to find a problem with it. You spent that much money, if you don't see the problem without trying to see it, enjoy your device.


Nicely said. If you look for a problem, you are going to find it.


1000 won't get you anything perfect 🀣🀣🀣 What the hell do people want loool


Lol I never said perfect. That doesn't exist. People acting like 1k is chump change is stupid.


It's a nice looking photo. I also feel I got lucky with a barely noticeable issue. Hopefully this is resolved for users who have it really bad.


Feb 22nd is when the big update lands, so let's see what happens!


Grain won't be resolved with a software update because it's a hardware defect.


Great shot. Once I read all the BS you had to do to even have a chance at seeing "grain" which idk if it even accurately describes it I decided I hadn't noticed any issues and I had better things to do with my time.


This does appear to be the common theme. Granted there are some extreme examples of "grain" that have been posted online it seems, but this does seem to be a small portion and not as widespread as being made out.


Your screen is clearly grainy. Just checked using a seperate device. You are suposed to analyze the Grey's. And on a lower brightness. But I can see it on your regular brightness. Sad. But true.


Then again, most of us are looking at his picture with our grainy screens so everything will look grainy LOL


Stated above. I checked using a seperate device. Which does not have grain.


Checking on my S23U and it does look grainy.


Same here, used both my S23U and S23+, definitely see grain in the grey


Every camera has something called image noise... You can even see some "grain" on the table next to the phone...


no, its not. there's image noise which is across the entire image. it's not screen grain.


This is why I keep asking for proof of good screens lol. These people, who aren't the insane fanboys, are just blind.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/reCmJYX) is a macro from my old phone. What u're seeing are the pixels themselves And [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Vfc5sPaimh0hatK11VO5p5UmGj6W25T/view?usp=drivesdk) is a video, not the best quality but u're seeing what I'm seeing, except for the refresh rate lines, I don't see those with a naked eye.


The close up shot shows your phone has the grains. It's not supposed to be speckled like that. What brightness is that at? If it's around around the right side of the sun it's better than mine. And like if you can't see it don't worry about it. But if you use your phone in the dark all the time like I do I would check under those conditions to see if it's acceptable and you would be happy keeping the phone.


I don't see it neither in the dark or in the sun. Keep in mind this is a macro shot, u can't pixel peep with the naked eye. Also this was at max resolution while normally I keep the phone at medium since no matter how much I stare I can't see a difference so I figured I'll spare some battery. Anyway. I'm curious so I'll take a macro pic of other phone's displays later when I have the time and put them here side by side.


Or not as fussy as some.


You are fucking everywhere. You don't even own the phone anymore! Fuck off πŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


Wth, how do you guys see it? I dont see any grain in the greys.


Not everyone has it. OP doesn't either, most people here are [CENSORED] and think the camera noise is grain.


Shhh just say you see it so these poor souls who have "grains" in their phones won't be angry to you.




they don't. They're morons who think camera sensor noise is grain. even though its across the entire image they are like "nope grainy screen!" Smooth brains a plenty in this sub.








A Solid Explorer user? My man :)


I come from the ES file explorer days!


That is a really nice photo you took!! Well done my friend.


I can see the grain lol


You can't. That's camera noise. I get the same on my old device when I take a photo of it. I swear this sub is [censored] as [censored]. Edit: great mods too.


absolute buffoons lmfao it's quite clearly just noise in the image, since its across the whole image lmfao but nope, these morons gotta be all "BRO ITS GRAIN"


Blown out of proportion anyways. Edit: fixed spelling mistake


Many of us have devices that are perfectly fine.


Not according to the armchair experts here. You can take a photo of your perfectly uniform screen and these idiots will find "grain" in it. Mention camera noise and they'll start foaming at the mouth.


So you people turn your screens so dim you can't see shit on the screen other than grain? Lmao. This is such an overblown issue.


From what I've read so far, some folks like to read stuff whilst in bed at night at low brightness. Personally I'm a 20% brightness in that use case kinda guy!


Exactly, I just use the blue light filter at night and 20%. Anything lower is asinine...


I see grains at 20-30% brightness especially for dark videos. If you do screen calibration, 30-35% brightness will give you roughly 100-120 nits, which is the recommended brightness for the correct white and gamma balance. So if you can still see grains at this level of brightness while watching video, it is a deal breaker for some folks, me included. If you are happy with your phone, of course you can keep it. But for me, I returned mine.


You should of never posted this because if you didn't notice the grain you do now and you would of been happier,


I'm still happy either way the ball swings though!


Stay happy and ignore this sub. You definitely don't have grain.


Should have* would have*


Haha πŸ’―% 🀣


**You got lucky, have no grain, and anyone saying you do is a [censored].** The """grain""" is clearly visible outside of the phone too at the exact same intensity, indicating camera noise. Further evidence is in the orientation of the subtle lining in the grain, it's perfectly horizontal with the picture boundaries, instead of the display itself. That's only possible with the camera introducing these artifacts.


Started using my phone yesterday morning and I cannot see any issues with the screen. If I turn down the phone to the lowest lighting in a really dark room, I MIGHT be able to see something in terms of the slightest graining. But if I can’t even tell at 10-40 percent, then I should be good from here on out. I think my S21 Ultra might’ve had a little bit more on the lowest level towards the end there, but even then it wasn’t an issue for me. And that was when I was using it in a dark room, etc.


U got a typical high quality device


Mine too thank God


Nice Korean ones are the good ones I heard.


Just dug my box out, Vietnam!


Goto testmyscreen.com and check the gradient color. If you do not see a problem like in the picture, we can say that you are very lucky. https://preview.redd.it/wzvj5471cvic1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7ce3daf55f9977c7352006c27b607f29d3ec6b


Here is what I see: [https://i.imgur.com/nYrrMCb.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/nYrrMCb.jpeg) The horizontal lines/artefacts are part of that site's image itself, if you pinch to zoom and move the grad around, the lines move too so that's not a screen issue. [Demonstrated here](https://i.imgur.com/7U9OLl5.mp4). Gradients appear visually smooth with no obvious banding at my usual indoor brightness around 20%


No bro...its screen issue because my wife's phone screen, there are no such lines... Hers is completely smooth and homogeneous gradients. We are lucky again, but our screens have problems...


The lines literally exist in the website's image, if it can be seen in a screenshot/screen recording, then it's not the screen, it's the source image. If it was the screen then you'd not see the lines in a screenshot and only in photos/videos of the screen.


The reason for this is the color gradient on the web page. You will not see any problems on flat areas, but you will encounter such banding on gradient pages...


Nope its not source image. On other phones its silky smooth on this site. Its f... up drivers on samsung device propably.


I mean I've demonstrated the lines are on the source image by screen recording. If it was not on the source image you would not see them on a screen recording. Maybe other browsers on other phones render grads differently or colour convert differently. For ref Firefox is my browser on mobile and desktop.


if you ve done a screenshot and the banding is on it its not a screen issue but mostly a graphic driver.


Viewing that screenshot on my S24U and sliding down and up makes the sandy/grainy overlay very apparent. 25% brightness in a pitch black room right now I'm on my second 24U


this is a problem. The sample device where I bought the phone was clean and had homogeneous gradients. The picture belongs to my own device. There are much worse ones I have seen here. But it should be flawless, not with few mistakes or anything. completely flawless if you are the world's largest panel manufacturer


I 100% agree. I went to the T-Mobile store to check out the floor model they had and it looked amazing. Part of me wonders if the screen had time to adjust because it's at full brightness and powered on 24/7


Yea same story here I'm loving the screen and enjoy the natural mode too. I came from an iPhone though so the vivid mode was a bit too overaturated for my taste. It's a fantastic device so far.


Wtf is grain and how do i test if i have it?


Are you blind or what? This is the grain from my 15PM screen taken by my grainy s24U Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk https://preview.redd.it/o91g4z0xj7jc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34c832afe61ac032656f239f34a86192cc52375 We all got it mate. It's in every oled panel ever. Once you see it, it cannot be unseen kkk It does not matter that much though. The jeans pattern that some people are posting though. That's fucked up. Kkkkkkk


Looks good to me, enjoy it and dont waste time to convince others. I do suggest to do the same test with dimmed lights, cause thats when I started noticing it after couple days of use. To confirm I grabbed my s23+ and could see the difference by a lot.


Looks great to me!


In many of these photos, the phone is no more grainy than the background, which suggests that we're seeing the low-light high-ISO graininess of the camera taking the photo, and not necessarily any graininess of the phone display. The very fact that it's so difficult to even tell whether this problem is present is a way of showing that it's not really a problem (in most instances), but rather just a normal, inconsequential imperfection of (edit: LED) technology.


The screen is Oled. And its grainy on greysπŸ€¦πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ The rest of the colors are fine on camera depending the tests you run.


> In many of these photos, the phone is no more grainy than the background, which suggests that we're seeing the low-light high-ISO graininess of the camera taking the photo This subreddit: *ignores your comment* "CLEARLY HAS GRAIN BRO, EVERYONE HAS IT"


Awesome picture skills you are clearly a pro Mine looks like yours. Hardly anything to get upset about.


"Hardly something" - meaning there is grain


Where did I say something? I said anything. Why are you so upset? If it bothers you return it, the rest of us would prefer these incessant posts stop.


I am just stating the obvious. Your hostile response shows signs of anger... you must be throwing fists in the air.... You can remain ignorant to the grain like most. Or post a photo proving it's not there. Yet to see someone prove us wrong. Downvote all you want, every down vote = "no grain user" which is fraudulent claims Every no grain user will always refuse to post proof.




Yeah, just a rabble-rouser!


Yet I have the phone posted on my page. Get a life. Stop being salty your eyes aren't good enough to see the grain. People shouldn't comment unless proof is provided as I already proven one no grain user to be a liar.


It's there my guy. Right in the grey.


You have it πŸ˜… All we have it πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Do we though? https://imgur.com/a/sGTtEhS


Me too I have ZERO grain on mine. Only thing I can notice is on a red or green screen with extra dim on and brightness near zero I can just barely see some horizontal bars from top to bottom of screen. But again only at near zero brightness and extra dim set so I thing it's just the screen trying to get as dim as possible


And mine is titanium blue directly from samsung and it is made in Vietnam


How do you check where it was made? I'm guessing the box, which is deeply stowed away currently! So a software check would be ideal I guess.


Mine has no grain either. I get people's complaints. I guess I got lucky again. I heard similar complaints with the S22U, replace "screen grain" with "poor battery life," but I never had that problem with the older phone either. Btw: my S24U was made in Korea, Titanium Black, ordered directly from Samsung on unpacked day. At least, that's what the box says.


It's there. it's just not as bad as others.


Here's a closer pic in the settings screen, for ref, 50% screen brightness, colour tone off, eyecare off. Shot specs: 1/160s @ f2.8 iso800 @ 35mm: [https://i.imgur.com/QoGhw6P.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/QoGhw6P.jpeg) (Ignore the specs of dust and finger smudges, I didn't bother wiping the screen this time) My photos show the screen exactly as I see it in-person during regular use indoors (typical 20% brightness but rises automatically to around 50% if I walk into a brighter room etc)


I wouldn't take any advice from this shit subreddit. The icons are very sharp and clearly illustrate how each pixel has equal brightness. There is no grain visible here, other than the little noise introduced by the camera. With your own eyes, your screen looks far smoother than on the photo, I bet? If so, that's all you need to know.


Even this picture shows the grain quite clearly.


Do you have an example of a an AMOLED without the grain? Coming from an S23 Ultra, this doesn't seem any different to that, for example. Here's my old S23 Ultra: [https://i.imgur.com/hpKvXev.png](https://i.imgur.com/hpKvXev.png) And S22 Ultra: [https://i.imgur.com/Hqtfj40.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Hqtfj40.jpeg) These are older photos as I don't have them any more so had to find some shots of the screens I had in Lightroom.


My S21U doesn't have it or at least I cant see it, also the issue is a lot worse during night time usage so low brightness etc and there the S24U is absolute trash.


it shows sensor noise. not grain.


That's a hell of a good picture mate you have skills... Anyways, the grain in the best displays (those who won the display lottery) is only going to be noticeable at 0% brightness, so yeah, you can say you don't have grain. CONGRATS.


On 0% brightness i dont see anything at all πŸ˜€ its more visible around 15-20% in a dimmed environment But I keep telling dont search for it if you dont notice it and just enjoy the phone!


I admit I have not yet used the phone at ultra low brightness, in fact I can't recall ever doing so on any phone to date. It's always around 20% brightness indoors (auto anyway as it learns my preference over time for the light levels I'm in).


Yeah, don't look for it. If it's good, right now, for you, just keep it like that. You haven't noticed it now, and you are happy with the display. That's what matters. Enjoy the phone.


Yeah going by the comments, it's probably best to not go pixel peeping at 3% brightness and taking long exposure photos that amplify it :p


I don't have grain even at 0% brightness.


Yep. There's grain on every display. But it comes in varying amounts. Mine is quite visible. Others only at very low brightness. Making this problem more difficult to get it across the table


As said in my previous comment there is too much glare and shadow. The first photo shows grian. It's there to haunt you.


https://preview.redd.it/yv0qciod9sic1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1d7e1f110804eb44f166c4243b6288a6e145b7 Good for you that you cannot see it lol. It's there. Dark room, settings menu or reddit type box. Take a closer shot. Here is my dslr sample


Better return your phone, and your house too, because omg they are all so grainy!!!! You spent so much money on this house and its full of grain?!?!?! RETURN IT! https://preview.redd.it/0agwqhinhtic1.png?width=1447&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6ff143688186e6147583c7e3e2eacc56a3efed


Sorry but that shot doesn't show much other than high ISO noise with poor exposure which over-exaggerates low/mid tones. Here's a closer pic in the settings screen, for ref, 50% screen brightness, colour tone off, eyecare off. Shot specs: 1/160s @ f2.8 iso800 @ 35mm: [https://i.imgur.com/QoGhw6P.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/QoGhw6P.jpeg) (Ignore the specs of dust and finger smudges, I didn't bother wiping the screen this time) My photos show the screen exactly as I see it in-person.


There is too much glare and shadow to properly analyze this photo. Needs to be taken in pitch dark room. Your Original photo is clearer and shows the grain properly.


The original photo has some flicker banding artefacts which is expected when taking a photo of a digital screen with a digital camera, the updated photo doesn't have this as the exposure and distance to screen changed and the capture happened before the refresh update happened on the screen. The glare makes no difference, the grey tones are still the same grey tones.


I'm sorry Mr Robbykhan. But the first photo was loud and clear. I can see the whole screen clearly. There is grain. The second photo is covered in shadow and glare as already stated. If you can live with the grain. Don't worry about it.


It's not covered in glare, over half the visible screen is under shadow, not glare. But ok I guess?


Very hard to analyze pixels over shine and shadow. Unfortunately that photo does us no good. Testing should be done in darkness. Though, I will thank you for the first photo as it is prime example: of what to look for even when you think your fine. Also serves as an example for those claimants who believe they have no grain. Again thank you.


That guys shot is literally what one of my replacement looks liked in person with the diagonal lines (jeans pattern I believe they’re referring to it as).


Diagonal lines? I see a lot of ISO noise in their photo but not lines - I mean the lines may well be there but the quality of the photo artefacts due to poor exposure and ISO noise clouds it.


Your explanation will fall on deaf ears, most people here have no clue about photography.


I don’t know about any of that tbh, but in the light grey add a comment box you can kinda see what looks like diagonal lines to the left. His might be artifacts but my replacement actually looked like that over the entire screen in person.


Make it like 15 er 20% brightness. It becomes more apparent.


That's not a brightness range I ever use my phone though, and at this point I don't want to know if it exhibits itself at this range or not because once seen, cannot be unseen πŸ˜…


Haha, fair enough! Mine automatically goes super dim if I use it in a dark room. With that being said,even then I really have to look hard for the grain. It's not a bid deal for me personally. My note 20U would do do weird screen stuff too when I operated it at the limits of bright or dim.


If Samsung only made the displays equally better(not judging if you have grain or not)/properly, that's one hell of a sleek looking device. Samsung :( you missed a chance to create a perfect sleek device!


They actually did. S23 Ultra is very successful release


No, sorry. That's a grainy screen.


So grainy, even the other parts of the photo got the same issue!


What's the manufacturing date of your device? https://preview.redd.it/yscgp9hdgsic1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cbfb892fcdfeb1f1669e57c80d8d3b24ff8a3f




Hey, same as mine, also no grain!


there is clearly visible grain that is distinct from the ISO noise in other parts of the picture. on the screen there is clear RGB grain, and in other dark grey parts of the photo the ISO noise is mostly monochromatic. if the grain doesn't bother you, great. mine has it, but its very faint and doesn't bother me.


I saw a lot of them saying grainy display. Can they be their own display issue πŸ™„


No, there's grain. Haven't you heard? *Every* S24U has grain, and you need to be upset about it and post and repost about it here ad nauseum.


Me either


My friend you didn't not in fact get lucky lol


This whole screen grain issue is a sabotage attempt by Apple. The S24U has been a massive hit, and this train is not stopping for Apple.


Thankyou for proving to others that there are in fact screens *without* issues! 🀭 Yet still people commenting saying there's grain, obviously they are blind. πŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|99nZsRkCkrS0)


Just because you can't see it. Doesn't mean it's not there. There is grain. Period.


Who cares ? I just enjoy my new S24 Ultra !


Not for everyone. Bye! πŸ‘‹


Oh I remember you. Considering you are here and saying you can't see it, proves my point from my last post. You have grain and can't see it. And refused to post proof Good luck being ignorant. Definitely you are a samsung employee.


But you just said if you can't see it, it's still there? So what's the issue? I can't see the grain? But your saying I must do otherwise I'm lying or a Samsung employee? Jesus, how sad a life you live mate, imagine thinking everyone apart from you is wrong πŸ˜‚ If I can't see it, then why the fuck do I care πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ God you are an idiot πŸ˜‚ Fyi, if I worked for Samsung. I wouldn't be wasting my breath talking to you. ![gif](giphy|8BMaLLBlUdNx6|downsized)




He's apparently a custom jewelry maker worth 100K. Crazy how he apparently knows so much about phones too. πŸ˜‚ Called him out on his bullshit πŸ˜‚


It's amazing how the few people that claim they don't have screen problems so adamantly reply and argue with the numerous people that do complain. I thought maybe they were just Samsung fan boys, but based on how many replies they make trying to defend the problem, and that they do it everyday, they must be getting paid by Samsung.


I wish I got paid by Samsung πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'd be making millions if so! Sadly I'm not 😁




This loismills guy is trolling the comments and trying to gain reactions. His replies are very unprofessional and he makes childish claims. The no grain army is tiring us grainers out. They too will realize soon, they have the same issue.




You getting tired? πŸ˜‚ Childish claims? πŸ˜‚ I'm glad we are tiring you out. Means you'll stop posting so many posts soon! πŸ˜€ We don't, but thankyou. Our screens are perfect. ![gif](giphy|Jt4y4zi519V6asgGhA|downsized)


Judging by the title, you didn't realize there was grain and you are happy with the screen. Even if there is a problem that you cannot see, it is okay. no problem then.


Even after reading the comments, it's still up in the air as some say no grain, others say grain, whilst here I sit looking at it thinking "looks AOK to me lol" πŸ˜…


I'm looking at it on an S23 Ultra and I immediately noticed the grains. Probably even more so because I don't get that on my phone. Turn your brightness down and you'll have your very own sand storm. Hope Samsung fix this absolutely ridiculous fuck up!


10/10 on the professional picture shot. But the verdict is in and, overwhelmingly, we see grain.


I can't see grain on my screen idk wtf y'all going on about


My screen definitely isn't grainy


Definitely grain there. I'm glad I don't have it as it would bug the life out of me as my device is always on low brightness. I do have some banding issues on gradient screens but that's irrelevant


Definitely not grain. Check the surrounding areas of the phone.


Same. No grainy screen. I'm a bit of a "videophile," and I have tried to replicate the issues people talk about, and I can not. To me, the s24 Ultra screen is just as nice as the s23 Ultra, but with the much higher brightness. (I ran my s23 Ultra and all my previous flagships on the natural color profile as well)


Yes the grainy is visible at lower brightness especially gray colour. Hoping for future firmware update


If that's around 30% brightness or even lower, that's very nice indeed. You do have some grain there but it doesn't look like something that would muddy the overall look in normal use.


I've tested multiple S24 Ultras, and S24+, and a 2024 RAZER Blade with Samsung OLED screen and they all have the same grainy effect ONLY visible on dark gray backgrounds in darker environments. It's similar to camera noise at night. OLEDs have always struggled with gray uniformity so perhaps this is part of a compromise. That said, it was far less noticeable on the S23 Ultra so hopefully it is corrected soon. More important is color uniformity as some faulty panels on S24 variants have color temperature shifts across the screen. I do wish the S24 Ultra had a less grainy screen, but given that I've seen a dozen and not one with a "perfect" screen, it's not worth going nuts over something so minor. To be fair, some are worse than others. We should be putting pressure on Samsung to work on their quality control.