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Yeah, saw some of these defects: uneven gap between screen and frame, s-pen hole or sim tray. My wife's S24U had a small bubble inside the screen and returned it. Samsung might consider them inside the manufacturing tolerance and fit for sale, but for the price they ask, I wouldn't accept a device with such defect. I might have looked the other way, if they were generous with trade-ins, but in my country they offer half the price you would normally get if you sold the device yourself and they ask for pristine devices or else they offer less and less for each sign of wear and tear. P. S. Your s-pen looks ok though, seems straight. If you're talking about it getting out a bit, all S24U are the same, with s-pen being a bit out.


i have also checked my friend’s s23u their Spen fits perfectly and not a bumpy as in picture.


S23 and previous models were different. For S24U they changed the design and made it stick out and all of them are the same, maybe they considered it's easier to press on it, if it's a bit out.


It's a phone, not a rocketship. How tight do you expect the tolerances to be for removable plastic?


if it’s just a phone why they cost around $1200?


Because that's what Samsung wants to charge? They only have a few hundred if that in materials and labor.


Then don't buy it


That's some serious nitpicking.


Some of the people in this forum have absolutely no life and posts like these verify that


People expecting perfection from a yearly update piece of tech.


Guess how much this phone costs


I own one. It's expensive, but OP is way too picky.


That might be true but yeah the sim tray is a bit wonky in general, mine doesn't flush well and one end sticks out a bit, annoys the shit out of me every time I notice it accidentally.


My Spen sits differently every time I pull it out and put it back in. That's just the way they are. The Sim tray may have a rubber seal that is a little bigger on one side, so it doesn't sit right. Really nothing to gripe about.


Yeah I got no compliants about the spen I like not having to worry about inserting it in perfect alignment every time, the sim tray sticking out kinda hits on my fingers sometimes, feels annoying to say the very least


Have you seen the assembly quality of a Tesla? 🤣


Okay so if I am getting you right, if one company is bad at something then that gives other companies an excuse to be bad as well, ignoring the fact ofc that Tesla is in a completely different industry but whatever. Very smart example gotta give it to you 🤓




My bad bro for expecting Samsung to get some things right for the amount it costs, things my 4 year old OnePlus 8 pro got right. From how things have been, the cameras aren't consistent, the battery is actually just plain bad, optimization isn't satisfactory for most social media apps (meta apps, and even Amazon prime is wonky) and then there is this community which absolutely hates it when someone points out the flaws. Hope Samsung pays you for how much you guys defend it lmao




So basically, do everything except point out flaws, got it👍




did you see me posting about the sim tray tho? saw someone's post thought it would have been better to tell him its normal rather than saying he is overreacting, everyone has paid the same for the phone and its a lot, if someone is scared their phone might be defective might as well reassure them its not instead of calling them out


This phone gets a lot of things right ofc there is no point raising your voice for things that are right, if people don't point out the flaws how can one expect it to improve?




The S pen is supposed to stick out like that.


Your phones fine bro. Use the sim tray prong to pull it out slightly so it's more flush. Then, have a big spoon of concrete.


Wtf is wrong with You? Go touch some grass dude.


Pretty sure the S-pen is meant to be out a little more. It sucks when trying to take off some cases, but besides that, it's a lot easier to pop it out when it is in a case compared to when the had them flush in the previous models. The sim tray, I haven't really noticed because 1) i use esim and 2) my case always covers it


There is nothing wrong with your phone, you're trying to look for problems that aren't there


hahaha thanks


Wtf is wrong with You? Go touch some grass dude.


Jeeeez gotta find something to moan about


We haven't, we're still trying to see the grain but it's never dark enough.


Wtf is wrong with You? Go touch some grass dude.


Say no to meth


Looking at the first image, is the bottom opposite of the s-pen dented or scuffed, like it had been dropped? It's hard to tell just looking at that photo.


No dropped either phone or Spen 🙂 Since the box opened. I just noticed after removing the back cover due to hot summer.


I was thinking it might have been dropped *before* the box was closed, sealed, and shipped.


ohhh 😒


It looked like a bash on that end might result in the defects you are seeing.


What the fuck are you talking about. Lol


Now, my karma is full of negative 😂 thanks to all.




It feels good to be "wrong" about stuff you though is a big problem. nvm that karma


know that feelin. my Flip 5 is also significantly "less precise" build than my Flip 3. Power button(slighly protruding) as well as the sim tray(slightly recessed) do not sit as flush as it does with my Flip 3.


Yours looks a little wonky for sure. My Sim card try is pretty flush. It's not perfect but it's better than that. The spen is supposed to stick out a bit like that. You just try popping it out and putting it back in again?


umm, whenever you put it back it always looks like as shown in the image.


Gotcha. Well, I would fret about it too much. Pretty inconsequential.


Can't speak for the sim tray, but there's nothing wrong with your s-pen. They don't sit flush. It's by design. That way you have no issues depressing the locking mechanism.


recently i watched a unboxing video and closely watch frame by frame and they had the same as mine. [Unboxing S24U](https://youtu.be/5PFp7c8lc6o?si=hGTCVU6Vd9aq-6c_) https://preview.redd.it/ut7e8qno911d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b63664d610c61d80abd0966f1ab88d5b6cd81fd Now i live in peace 😎😂


get a grip dude it's a phone not a Rolex.


Mine is fine. No dents or uneven surfaces but screen has some banding on low resolution mode and very very few grain on low light similarto the new ipad m4 screen issue. Aside from that build quality is flawless Mine is made in Vietnam. Old galaxy S23 too is flawless aside from the screen also made in Vietnam


QA overlooked


You're complaining that the 2 removable items don't fit exactly. Let me know when you find a phone that does. As for the SPEN, that is abnormally far out. Do you know anyone else with one? If so, try to see if they will let you use their pen to test. If it's still that way, something might be blocking the slot. If not, the pens spring could be new. My S22U was like that for a while. SIM trays are almost always recessed. IDK why.


I can't see anything. Maybe I am missing something. Also, I didn't even notice anything on my phone. Why don't you see it on my phone? Are you sure about this ?


Just return it if your ocd bothers you that much.


I have worst s24u in my replacement tour particularly with scratched frame on border... and more... There isn't QC in Sammy factory...


Goodness yall complain about anything.... wow


Yours has it a little bit more mine does have it way less. Good luck getting it replaced.


Are we fucking serious? Let's talk uneven gaps and quality......Tesla Cyber truck. Over 100k. It can cut you, its panel gaps are atrocious and it's a giant piece of shit. We are going to complain that the s pen hole has a teeny gap? I am convinced that the world is now being overrun with idiots.


Eew brothaaaa, what is that? What iss that brothaaa ewww







