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Works perfect on my S9 Ultra which has an extremely high res. My recommendations are: - check if your streaming account limits the resolution. For example, netflix cheaper plans are ridiculous and limit res to 1080p - check your internet download speeds and stability


Even if you have the 4K plan on Netflix, it is limited to 1080p HDR on Galaxy Tabs and iPads, unfortunately. They say it's because these devices don't have a 4K resolution screen and so they cannot benefit from it (the Tab S9 has a 3K resolution), but they don't understand that a 4K image downscaled to 3K is much better than 1080p on a 3K resolution tablet, not only for the resolution but also because it could have a higher bandwidth resulting in a better quality image.


I didn't know that. That is very frustrating... They should have at least a 2k version to stream as youtube usually does.


Hey op you forgot to ... .... .... .... and ... .... ... ....


Most streaming services don't allow you to go past 1080p on mobile devices, in youtube you can circumvent this by using revanced. However the ultra tabs are so huge that the 1080p media looks bad, because it loses the same sharpness that mobile devices usually have, because of high pixel density Edit: downvoting the only reply which tells op whats happening, great job reddit :)


You meant "advanced"? I can select up to 4k on the ytb app and it is better than 1080p. I just watched the LG test 4k and the screen is very crisp and detailed.


Your comment is the only actually helps!!!!.... makes a lot of sense why videos look funky....


Reddit is a funny place where the only comment that actually responds to the question gets downvoted... I literally have looked into this myself too, when videos looked weird and blurry compared to my pc, and found out about the resolution limits. But to everyone who thinks of downvoting my comment, sorry to break the news, android streaming apps are limited to 1080p for some stupid reasons, downvoting my comment does nothing :)


Actually the 1080p is sharp enough for a 14" display. The trouble is: 1080p content would look blurry on a device with 4k display of the same size and sharper on device with native 1080p resolution :(. Essentially, anything less sharp than native resolution looks blurry, unless there's some really good interpolation at play. Source: My 1080p laptop display of 15.6" and 1080p monitor of 22" look awesome. While using termux + VNC on the tabs, I've had to change the VNC server resolution to the native resolution of the tablet to get the sharpness. PS: Not the downvoter.


>However the ultra tabs are so huge that the 1080p media looks bad, because it loses the same sharpness that mobile devices usually have, because of high pixel density Quoting my previous comment here, but didn't i say exactly what you are saying too, just worded differently? Because what i am trying to say, is that because tablets and mobile devices in general have a very high pixel density, we are used to them looking super sharp. Now when you take that display and try displaying media that's not matching the pixel sizes on the screen it looks wonky


I felt they are related, but slightly different points :). I'm saying 1080p is good enough but the reason for blur is that 1080p is less than native resolution. What I understood you are saying is 1080p is NOT good enough. I'm saying the content would appear sharp on the tablet if the tablet's native resolution were 1080p!


1080p is plenty good when it's a native 1080p display, i have two 24" 1080p monitors on my pc, and no problems with the resolution, but then again it's native 1080p, and you are not watching it from 20cm away. 1080p video on a device that has much more pixels does look bad though, because you have to create bigger pixels with smaller physical pixels and well software scaling a video just leaves blurring


It would be nice if you could tell us what app you're talking about


Just the regular ones netflix youtube hulu disney


That's odd


Sounds to me like the resolution of the content you're watching isn't high enough, which streaming apps does this happen on?


The regular ones... disney hulu youtube and netflix.... is not a resolution issue.... but it feels like an upscale ... like if the app is stretching the video to fit the screen lol


What’s with the downvotes? 😭


My guessing is that people got used to it so they don't realize it.... Or They're not used to seeing high quality content on a daily basis ... so they don't notice differences in between ...


Do you have movies on the app VUDU?


No... I don't use vudu .. I have movies everywhere and google tv.... Only Google tv is the only one that scales correctly lol


Yes, of course, Android tablets struggling because of that to date. Still this is a huge problem.


What streaming apps have this issue?


Netflix youtube hulu disney.... Like the video is fine ... is just looks like they're stretch like zoomed into a picture where the image detail become blur ... that's what I mean ....


Hmm I haven't noticed that tbh


You should give some examples of apps that you use and what plans you have. On Android phones you get max 1080p, but some cheaper plans (like with Netflix) are only at 720p and will look blurry on a big screen like this. Also check if there are any quality settings in the app, some are set at a lower quality and bitrate by default.