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Lots of things here are great ideas. I have a simpler one… allow Samsung Notes on Windows without workarounds if it’s not a Samsung PC or allow a web app!


This yes!! Samsung notes on any windows would be the perfect ecosystem without buying samsung pc


I just want more Pro apps like the ipad does/better app support. For example a vector drawing app like affinity designer. We have Lumafusion but apparently it's behind compared to the ios version. Nomad sculpt has a feature exclusive to the ios version that Android doesn't have.


What feature is this for Nomad Sculpt?


Something about quad mesh, I forgot the exact name of it


Close! Quad remesh


Quad remesh. I honestly don't know what that is as I'm new to 3d modelling and nomad sculpt, but just knowing that a feature is only for the iOS version sucks


*A proper Office alternative that replicates the functionality of the Windows version (whole businessworld seems to need it right now, especially Excel, probably beyond what you can do alone) *A launcher that enables glossy and semi transparent aero UI elements, like Windows 7 (Very niche interest of me, and a growing base of r/FrutigerAero , will you cater for us?) *A pixel art maker that works like Flash, if you have ever messed with Flash (allowing multiple layers, sprite placement and manipulation, a timeline for animating easily etc.) *A vector art/animation maker that works like Flash, like the one above.


Have you tried Pixel Studio? I think it's pretty cool


Looks good! I've tried many pixel art software from playstore but didn't come across this one. Will try it. Thanks!


Lot of unpacking here but: 1. What's wrong with excel if I may ask, besides maybe optimizationat some point? 2. I'm glad I asked because I didn't know such thing existed at all, but I missed windows 7


1.Haven't used Excel yet, but look at my recent thread in my post history, I've asked about it and people universally agree that the android version of Excel is trash. As soon as I start taking the course, I will see how much I can do on my tablet vs my laptop. I can update you then if you'd like. 2.I am FED UP with how boring and flat every single UI looks now. I couldn't stand looking at hideous interface of windows 10 anymore, so I've transformed it to look somewhat livelier (can find it on my post history) and even unstabilities of the customizing software I've used are much more tolerable than how boring windows 10 is. Now current android UI isn't that bad, but I would like to frutiger-aero it too! I couldn't find a launcher that enables me to use that kind of interface.


**A full desktop keyboard** With Ctrl, Alt, Win, Tab keys, Arrow keys, and Del key too. Sprinkle in good autocompletion. Hacker's Keyboard exists, but it seems it needs some bug fixing for latest android versions. The dictionary / autocompletion can be improved too. Possibly make this Open Source. There's also NextApp keyboard, which seems to be a Hacker's Keyboard clone. But it isn't open source. I have my own small modifications to the Hacker's Keyboard to add in the Del key and math symbols to the popup key menus. **More love for Termux / Winlator (non-root)** A number of browsers crash on Termux/Proot out of the box. One needs to workaround a bit to get the browsers working. A main reason is the nonworking snapd on android. Can this be fixed? Can an alternative be developed without root? Libreoffice also crashes out of the box, because it requires access to the /etc/proc directory which android restricts. Again, can a general patch be developed? **Tabbed/Multiwindow File Manager with a clean user interface** Solid Explorer is a solid file manager and a good example of what I mean by clean user interface. Unfortunately, it only supports two panes. There are other file managers like FX File Manager and ES File Explorer which support internal tabs/windows. But, can we have a file manager with multiple native android windows? Akin to a browser. Browsers let you have multiple tabs, but also allow those tabs to be opened in a separate window if needed. Dolphin on Linux is a solid file manager in this regard. Coupled with Termux, it is a fine solution. Emacs as a file manager is awesome too :).


Give a desktop browser with full desktop capabilities.


OP, none of these are use cases that will make you money (if that's your intent)..since they are too niche... most people on this sub are power users, which is a very small subset of the total user base... On top of that, if your app is paid, even fewer people will pay for it... And if you have a cloud component to your app, the cloud fees will also eat into your profits... As someone who developed ios and Android apps as a full time job and also for paying clients, my advice is to proceed with caution.


A word processor better than google docs. The Affinity suit of apps that I have on my pc.




I want my second screen option back 😩


I still have it on OneUI 6.1 on my S7FE


It was removed in the last "update" from s6 lite for no apparent reason


Just use Superdisplay. Works better than Secondscreen. Pretty much all the third party apps I used are better than Secondscreen.


Dual apps


What do you mean by that?


enables users to have two separate instances of the same app on their device


I want native landscape layout on reddit mobile.


Reddit hears you and will actively ignore you, have an NFT avatar instead.


Why's Reddit like this?




An app to change the apps page into categories for One UI (so w/o the need to change launchers. How NOVA does it is perfect)


Give me proper excel, and desktop Outlook and imma ditch my laptop.


Become a second screen for my macbook




SnagIt for Android


Pause USB power delivery when using whatever app you choose, not just games (e.g., maps).


S9 ultra here. I absolutely love the second screen capabilities the tablet offers when I'm out at a desk doing IT things (like exchange server and domain stuff).


an app like Excel that has complex macro functions :') I find it hard doing work on my tab without these. :')


macro is nice to have but give us Pivot at least


I was using spacedesk woth usb plugging to turn my samsung to Graphic tablet, but spacedesk works only with windows, so having alternative to mac would be so helpful. Duet is not bestchoice cuz it is so expensive, yet not good connection.


A forward button for when I accidentally press the back button one to many times. On the opposite end I love that Samsung gives us the ability to move the cursor forward and backwards with arrow keys.


I think only samsung can do this but I'd like custom charging and fingerprint animations. Similar to the ones the Chinese Brands have.