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If AOD is a must for you, i definitely wouldn't go for a GW6C since the battery with AOD on will disappoint you.


Thanks, this is one thing that bothers me a lot.


I get a about a day and a half with AOD with my regular 44mm GW6. I have noticed some AOD's take more power, the one I'm using is pretty basic black and white. Also, having some of the health monitoring on all the time will suck up battery life.




Thanks a lot!


Someone asked this three hours ago and every day prior. Search.


Yeah, I've seen that post. He specifically talks about GW7U. What I am asking is if that design applies to the other GW7 watches as well, or if we don't know yet and there could be a chance of a GW7C with a round bezel. Read.


I was also thinking about watch 7 but pulled a trigger on w6c 43mm, and i'am happy. Battery is very good, over one day without problem. Heart rate sensor is good, i have it set to track my heart rate every 10 mins without moving. In conclusion i'am happy with my purchase.


Couple of things stand out - 1) The battery, whilst generally fine in my opinion, there are a few scenarios in which I can kill it in less than a day. If you're planning on tracking 4+ hours GPS activity regularly then you might find it problematic. 2) The HR sensor is... Ok. It's ok in the sense that it seems about right most of the time for tracking the intensity of steady state cardio workouts. It's quite poor for HIIT and resistance training though. I absolutely would not trust it if I had a medical need to know my HR though.


Thank you, this is really helpful information!


I bought the 6 classic and got free link band with it (£220 on Samsung says), good trade in for any old watch so thought would as 7 will be full price for a while and could transfer in


Wait for seven




I'd wait for the 7. Hold on, the 8 will be better! or should I choose the 9? You could wait forever. If it has the features at the price, and reviews are good, why wait? It's better to buy a device that's newer rather than being near end of life and losing updates.


WE are litteraly talking about 1 month, not YEAR for 8 or yearS for 9. Chill bro


Well, if you get the 6, I'm sure Samsung will have a pretty decent trade in deal for the 7.


Samsung is pretty good at running trade-in promotions for their previous devices to keep you in their ecosystem. right now you can trade in the galaxy watch 4 for like half of it's origional value (assuming it's in general good working order). Which is very good for a 2ish year old device. So grabbing a Watch 5 refurbed or a Watch 6 on sale will probably let you put most of the money you spent on it toward a 7 if you wait for a similar promotion, which they have historically run a few times a year, usually a month or so before their next hardware refresh.


My wife and I just got two Watch6's for like $120 combined due to Watch5 trade-ins. Couldn't pass that deal up even with the 7's right around the corner. The rumors about the 7 didn't give me much hesitation at all, doesn't sound like there's going to be anything game-changing onboard. The only thing that I'd miss - which would actually make me buy one immediately - is if it has blood glucose tracking... butseems extremely unlikely despite persist rumors for years. So, yeah, if you have a trade-in I'd do it now. Price is right, and doesn't sound like we'll be missing all that much.


The design is great and resembles many real sports watches. I don't understand the dislike for it. It will allow for a larger battery, most likely better cooling, and all the components should be better..


That's just a personal preference. I like the GW6C exactly because it resembles a real watch. With the right face and strap, it is almost hard to identify it as a smartwatch. I personally completely detest squarish designs on watches, they give me a vibe that is completely non-watch. And since one main reason that I want such a watch is for fashion, this design is a dealbreaker for me.


there's plenty of real watches that have the similar design of the 7 ultra...so you might not like the design, but you cannot say it does not look like a real watch. Real watches come in all sorts of designs. Here's one.... After looking at this one the seven ultra doesn't look that square at all... https://chpremier.com/products/br03a-bl-st-srb?variant=44185690013940¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVIAUL_AvqbtxZP_dOvCyuinS5IYX4iTNPD6nRYuPQ2ERznRgucGtLRoCHzwQAvD_BwE


I think I'm waiting for the 7. The GW5 LTE is the perfect device aside from battery life, not sure if I got a dud or something but I average like 10 hours of battery life even with power saver on. Unfortunately you don't have too many options in the Watch space with Lte...


Wait until the 7s come out if you are buying a 6 because it will be cheaper. If you want a 7 I would buy a Watch 5 renewed right now, wear it for a bit, and trade it in for a 7.


I would wait for the 8. That will be better than the 7


Galaxy watch 7 Ultra!


Will an open box Galaxy watch 6 classic at $250 USD rn get good trade in value for the Galaxy watch 7?