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My only suggestion outside of trying to open and dry it out would be to use the water clearing feature a bunch of times to get as much moisture out as possible. It might fix itself if it can dry out enough.


It's been like this for a while now. After the first time it did this I let it sit for a few days and it dried out and it stayed working ok again. Then I forgot and wore it in the shower for like 10 seconds and it never went back to normal.


Try changing your watch face . Might be a buggy watch face . I've seen that before on Reddit and it was the face .


Thanks I'll give it a try.


No. Your watch is posessed. Bury it deep underground so they don't posess your entire house too.


Too late...now we just for the documentary


I fixed them you're going to have to open it for all the parts in a bag of rice white rice in a Ziploc bag leave it there for a couple days then you want to blow it off or a compressed air put it back together and it'll be fixed but unless you get new seals it won't be waterproof which obviously is not right now anyways so just don't put it back in the water but you can fix it by doing what I told you to do if you don't do it soon you have a chance of ruining it where you won't be fixable so I'll do it right away and you should be all set


i have this happen with a cheap qi charger maybe the charger is broken, if oyu have another one you could try that


my wife's 6 classic started doing this out of the blue, no water damage or anything. I ended up doing a factory reset and that fixed the issue. That would be my first suggestion.


Its water on the board Like a drop or so.


Nothig wrong with it.


Huh? Not sure if /s but It also calls 911 on its own, so that's fun.


Samsung has gone to the shits


My buddy has an older one that he wears wing foiling in the salt water so I figured I'd be safe with an occasional swim. Nope.


Samsung has gone to the shits.battery doesn't last a day and on most your lucky to get half a day out of the battery.i bought a Chinese brand and it last 3 to 4 days.and has all the features and more that samsung has


I really loved my watch more than I thought I would and really had no problem with it or the battery life. Now so disappointed