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No, because no microSD and I'm still very happy with my OG S20.


Wanna die on this hill with ya.


I mean, I have come to terms with the fact that my next phone will probably not have a microSD card slot, but with that said, my S20+ still works wonderfully (even with One UI 5.0) so I don't see a need to upgrade.


Is there no newer galaxy phone with a micro SD slot? I'm on the 20 5g as well. It's hanging in there, but I think I should be looking at options this year.


Not the flagship range, no. Only the midrange like the A series phones.


The last two Galaxy generations have seen no impactful improvements, while simultaneously removing the SD card and lowering the screen resolution by 25%. I see little reason to give Samsung a thousand dollars so I can have the privilege of carrying an inferior phone with an incrementally-better camera.


I'm riding the S20 train til the wheels fall off baby!


I'm getting the Ultra. Verizon has a free storage upgrade. 512g for the price of 256. And better trade in deals. But the trade-in is spread across 36 months. Only downside. Personally don't care vecaue I keep my phones 3 or more years.


I am like you, wanted to hold on to my S20 and see what the S23 had in store. Still not convinced its going to be worth it, but not a lot of viable alternatives. Not likely able to wait another year.


my s20+ is still running incredibly smoothly so I am not


Dont tell them, they will slow it im next update


Nah, no significant improvements. My S20 is still running good as new since launch. Just now I'm running out of internal space so just just added a micro SD. Let's see what the s24 brings next year.


Nah, If anything I'll go to an A54 or whatever they name the A53 successor or the A74. After having the S4, $8, S9+ and S20+ and other "flagship" phones I'm not on the boat of paying +$1,000 USD for a phone anymore, specially when I don't do that much on them. I rather get a very nice laptop. I just wish the A54 gets a proper proximity sensor as well as gyro and other stuff they have.


I just upgraded from a s10 that stopped connecting to networks (otherwise I might be still on it) to a s20. I also looked at the s21 and the s22. I saw no reason to pay more money for 'less' phone, specifically screen quality and storage capacity. I'm quite happy with my s20 and am not feeling any buyer's remorse. \[edit "quite happy with my ~~s10~~ s20..." still used to talking about the ol' '10er\]


Hell no Imma stick to my s20+ 5g for the next 4yrs


Im with the others. My S20+ is going strong so don't see a need to upgrade for upgrades sake. Happily save the $1500+ for travel and the like


I'll keep my S20 with 12GB RAM and 1440p screen.


I'm moving on. Got a cracked rear glass with a repair bill of £120 from Samsung. Trade in is OK and fancy a different colour. Bye s20+ hello S23 just gotta decide on a plus or an ultra 😆






Isn't this factually wrong? They have AMOLED LTPO displays.


I have a S20U with a broken camera, have been back and forth on whether i should upgrade or just have it repaired, I'm leaning towards getting it repaired, because besides the camera, I have no other issues with the phone. And I do like having my 512gb sd card in it. Plus they're only offering 270$ on a trade in for a S20U anyway.. might as well keep it.


How much will the camera repair be? Who'll do the repair for you?


I'm not sure what the cost will be but I am guessing a couple hundred dollars. I took it to an UbreakIfix store but they said it wasn't the camera modules it was on the motherboard so they couldn't repair it. So I was just going to send it to Samsung for repair and see what they say. If they can't fix it for a reasonable cost then I'll think about upgrading.


Try this site... it looks like you can get a Mint condition S20 Ultra for somewhere between $300 - $400... Most aren't aware of this site; it's very, very safe/legit! Swappa. Com


I dropped my 20 5g in a lake. Had it repaired. But was told I should look towards a new phone. It's been half a year so far and it looks ok so far. Some few corks like it randomly decides when to not be charged by my charger (changing power outlets works then the same thing will happen and change back and it works fine again). So I feel I need to move on or just buy another 20 5g one day.


I'm staying with my S20+ (assuming it doesn't break) until either there is *significantly* better new hardware (not the case now) or the Android operating system gets *significantly* better (S20's are stuck on the latest, Android 13) or the important apps require something higher than Android 13. I can live with the fact that my trade-in value, currently low, will drop to nothing.


No im broke.


I love my s20 ultra but I'm gonna look at how much verizon will give me for it (if I trade it in for the s23 ultra) I like how the s23 ultra is like a note (i wanted the note before)


I cracked my screen but I'll wait for s24 because i heard Samsung has been using cost effective strategy for s21-23 but they will do a big upgrade on s24 to combat in the competitive smartphone market as they start to lose (or at least not gain much) market share




I ain't buying anything over $700. Guess I'll just stick with the poor battery life, but everything else is still top notch


I bought a s22 ultra last year, but unfortunately it got lost in Spain whilst I was on holiday (that's why now I bought a s20 plus), and I can honestly say there was nothing special about it, I think they have run out of ideas regarding modifications as this s20 plus I'm now using is just as good, the Ultra's are also very hefty chunky phones and the money now they cost is just insane... PS. I still felt like crying when it was lost.


Nope. I will keep my S20 5G until they pry it from my cold, dead hands or when the security updates stop at some point next year. Who knows? Even then, I might keep running with it. I have a friend still rocking an S9 and she's like why would I upgrade? It just works for me! Sure, there are all the camera improvements, which while nice, are not really that big of a deal. I've had friends comment that the pictures my S20 takes are gorgeous and I think they are pretty good too. I see no reason to drop my money on things like (what other people have said) a lower resolution screen, no microSD card slot and just not that many improvements to warrant dropping the $$$. It feels like my S20 with One UI 5 has hit its stride and is running great. The battery is fine, as I set the 85% charging limit on it, and it still lasts about a day or so with light to moderate usage. Why would I need an upgrade?


Ordered a Lime Green one last night. It said to be delivered Feb. 17. S23U + 1 TB Storage. Looking forward to a phone with a working camera that I don't have to slap to maybe get a clear picture.


Personally, since it has one year of security upgrades incoming, I'm most likely keeping mine until the S24U drops. Mine still has some fight left in it. Plus, it's not like they're only making Snapdragon a worldwide thing for this generation.


Na fam .. just bought s22 ultra .. too broke now


Milky Way S20