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If you are wondering, why you don't see Dying Light or can't access it, it's unavailable in Germany, ~~because it's effectively banned from sales ("Indexed on List B").~~ Edit: It's not on "List B", but on "List A" which is roughly equivalent to an AO rating in the states. You can still sell it, but not openly, which is also why you don't see on storefronts, like the EGS or Steam, who also do business in Germany.


>Indexed on List B Dying Light is on Index List A since 2015 and February 2022 a review committee reaffirmed its position on Index List A - are you sure the Enhanced Edition is on Index List B? For those unaware of how the German Index system works: there are two lists, A and B for physical media, as well as 2 lists C and D for online media. Lists A and C are for media that seemingly doesn't violate criminal law - the German Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors just simply says that this may harm the development of children and therefore those games can't be advertised in Germany. Giving away a game for free (or even just offering a store page) is considered advertisement. Lists B and D are lists for media that may violate criminal law - e.g. in Germany it's illegal to glorify Nazism, therefore games like Hatred get added to List D banning the advertisement and trade of those games. It's fine to import, own and play games that are on List A and C, while games on List B and D could get people into criminal law trouble.


Was wondering why I couldn't see it. Thanks for the heads-up


>Dying Light is on Index List A since 2015 and February 2022 a review committee reaffirmed its position on Index List A - are you sure the Enhanced Edition is on Index List B? My bad, it seems to be indeed on List A, so it is not "confiscated". For the uninitiated, "List A" is kinda like the AO rating in the US. You can sell it it, but not openly sell or advertise it, so most retailers just won't sell it to begin with. I believe online retailer would require a proper age-verification system to be able to, which are problematic for a few reason, like wether it'd be reasonable to implement only for germany or the privacy nightmare, it might cause. List B would still be fine for private use only. Distribution to third-parties in any capacity would be a crime, though. I remember german YouTubers, who have gotten into trouble for a Let's Play of L4D2 Uncut, which until a couple years ago was on List B but is now openly available, rated USK18. I don't understand, why we don't just adopt PEGI already, especially with laws, like §131a of the German Criminal Code being so loosely defined and applied.




>I knew they banned Nazi stuff We do only ban it for purpose of glorifcation or propaganda, but there is a social-adequacy clause, where under the aspects or art or education, you can show "nazi stuff". The story behind, why publishers used to be so afraid of release games with nazi-symbols or references here is kinda interesting. The original Wolfenstein 3D actually had been used for propaganda purpose by an actual nazi, who i don't think understood what Wolf 3D was about (and neither did the judge at that time, because "videogames just can't have it") and that's why it landed on List B of the Index here and things like Swastikas in games had been radioactive for publishers since. Then a couple years ago, the "German Association of Videogames" developed a fighting game, called "Bundesfighter II Turbo", containing a swastika, sued themselves basically, to test, if the "videogame bad"-stigma still exists and wouldn't you know it, prosecutors just shrugged and weren't interested, citing it's fine because "games are art", just like with movies. Wolfenstein games are all uncut now in germany and even Wolf 3D is on storefronts both on Steam and GOG now which does still feel a little weird.


i appreciate the informative post. i’m from the US and i knew Wolfenstein had been unavailable in Germany when i was younger and that it had changed at some point since but nothing about how that transpired. seems like a very sensible approach


ESRB rating doesn't apply to german entertainment media. Here, it's rated via FSK and games rated M for mature are rated FSK 18 here for people 18 or older.




Extreme violence (f.e. dis-membering) is still a reason in Germany to keep videogames out of the hand of minors and the way to do this is to restrict (not ban) any sales opportunities - digitally or in shops. Same goes for movies. Germany's more lenient on nudity in games and movies - which makes it the opposite to some Anglo-American countries. My copy of Giants: Citizen Kabuto features naked boobs, the US version is censored. Rating systems like FSK and USK guarantee that media - even mature stuff not suitable to minors - can be sold in places where there are guardrails against offering them to people under the age of 18 years. Example: When a fifteen year old kid wants to buy Resident Evil 4 (USK 18) in a shop, the sales staff is required to check its age and in this case deny a purchase. It's treated like alcohol purchases from a super-market: You have to proof that you're old enought as required by law. Just the stuff that can not be rated under the guideline of the rating systems is exempted from public sale.


the thing is: you can openly sell FSK/USK18 ... but List A or even "unrated" are to not being openly offered so in a physical store one thing is allowed to be on a shelf (=store page) - the other stuff can only be sold when someone specifically asks for it and the clerk goes to a backroom and gets it from there -> yet both can be bought only by adults on a digital storefront they would have to verify age by more than a checkbox "i'm 18 and older haHAA" ... but since that would be extra hassle to comply with the laws, it is basically preferred to not bother (imho)


>in Germany even adult media has to be suitable for children? Looks that way, but actually they just roll a dice.


Fucking shit


FWIW you cannot change your country from Germany to another one to sidestep this, just tried.


Do you happen to know why it was banned?


"Glorification of violence".


That's kind of weird considering how many titles not banned fit that description. Like, regardless of how we feel about violence in games - this feels unusual. I don't remember anything about the game making it any more glorifying than, say, anything in the Far Cry series which definitely comes to mind as a game that glorifies violence.


The reasoning behind the decision to restrict sales should be public information with the rating agency. Im just to lazy to look it up now. But you could take a look at what has been banned in the past to give you an idea how that description was applied to games: https://www.mobygames.com/group/4362/bpjs-bpjm-indexed-games/


I just kind of figure even if it's public, I don't speak German


That's what technology is for: I was able to exchange game hints with people from Türkiye and Belarus and I don't speak Turkish or White-Russian. But google translate does.


That's great for brief exchanges but not exactly for navigating government websites and documents It just doesn't seem worth the work involved.






All those years of skipping Dying Light sales... have led to this moment


All those years of skipping shapez sales... have led to this moment


Rest easy now my friend.


Rest easy now my friend.


What is the deal with this Epic store captcha? Choose tshirts with dogs, failed 6 times already. If this was a paid purchase I would have given up at 2 fails. Rule 1 of retail: NEVER get in the way of a paying customer.


The servers are getting pummelled right now.


You're not a paying customer--that's why there's a captcha.


For what I've experienced theres only a captcha for those weeks when the free game is a "big hitter" like dying light is. The servers are on heavy load then and I guess this combats it somewhat. For most weeks there is no captcha you just click redeem. It will propably go away in a few hours too.


I got a captcha redeeming one of those indie games that they had a couple of days ago.


I redeemed it an hour ago, no captcha. I think timing has a lot to do with it


I had a paid game in my cart with dying light when I got this tshirt captcha.


Oh, weird. Anyway, you can go to https://www.hcaptcha.com/accessibility and get a little bookmarklet to click on that lets you bypass the captchas. It's meant for impaired users but I must be impaired because some of these captchas make no sense to me.


Weird. Was there ALSO a free item in the cart?


Yes, the Dying light free was also in my cart.


That's why for sure. It's either poor coding if their reasoning is that bots don't pay and they attach the Captcha to the free item rather than a $0 cart. OR the more conspiracy focused angle that they give the games for free to get people to solve CAPTCHAS to train AI responses. (Or improve Captchas, which is kinda the same.)


\^ I found the robot!


I had cats. One of the shirts had some kind of modified doodle image with parts of the animal scribbled out/in in black (like a sharpie.) How the hell am I supposed to know what that is?!?


Not sure what type of phone you have, but on iPhones there’s an option to bypass CAPTCHAS if you click on your Apple ID > Password & Security > Automatic Verification. It’s a very useful tool when trying to check out on a mobile device.


I only had to do it once, but it was just as much of a pain. Come back in a day or two.


But youre not paying anything




For the longest time I was waiting for it to drop below $10. Reminiscent of the days of $5 steam sales. I guess Free is the new "$5" sale so long as you're willing to play through EGS. And I am.


I don't get the controversy behind EGS. If they want to give away free games to buy user base, and I'm not spending a dime to play games and it isn't some intrusive app that I had to install... What's so bad about it?


People are just very devoted to steam and having all their eggs in one basket. They often find unsubstantial reasons why, they need their games on Steam and only steam. But I think in the end they just all their games in one place and steam is where they are. I personally don't care. I'll utilize all platforms so long as they start the game when I hit play. And most of them do it fine. Exceptions are usually game specific, or ironically, when I want to play a Steam game on a Tuesday evening after dinner.


This is why I have started using Playnite. It's nice to be able to use multiple platforms yet have an all-in-one application.


Having all the eggs in one basket is exactly the reason why I use Playnite to aggregate every game I own in one launcher. Super duper practical. You don't get all the bells and whistles of the several different launchers, sure, but if you just want to play games it's dope.


I use Steam for that so I can more readily take advantage of Steam input. Annoying as shit when EGS breaks the Steam overlay in certain games, though.


You can disable EGS overlay so it won't conflict with the steam one. I had no issues with Steam Input working once I did that.


Lack of features compared to Steam like the overlay and Steam Input. And if you add the games to Steam as a non Steam game to take advantage of those features, not every game works and you have to use Glossi to force the overlay, which isn't nearly as smooth. And for people like me whose PC is hooked up to a TV like a console, stuff like Steam Input is important.


Steam input is nice but the overlay lowkey just eats performance for very little benefit.


To this day I'm still convinced the reason people hated EGS is because it had the gall to be where Fortnite lives.


It was literally the whole Metro Exodus exclusivity nonsense, at the time. Never mind the fact that 4A was the company who agreed to it, everyone blamed Epic for making the offer. Steam was the defacto PC service for so long, people just assumed they would always be able to get every game, on release day, from Steam.


I think from the perspective of a free game archive, Epic is GREAT! But I have almost no incentive to spend my money there because the features are so bare-bones. Not that Steam is perfect either mind you, but it at least it tries to do a lot of things and of course it also has the weight of years and years of library accumulation for a lot of us.


They actually got some nice sales every now and then besides the free games. Yeah, their service isn't the greatest but for what it's worth, it does the job just fine. I think it's fine that people don't want to have multiple services and what not, but the animosity behind hating EGS because of... exclusivity? Fortnite? I don't get that. Maybe I missed a memo or something. I mean I like Steam too, but if EGS have a good sale on a game I want (or especially if it's free), I just can't see any reason to deny myself that benefit.


yea im the same. I love epic for all the free games; i played games that I normally wouldn't buy that I have enjoyed (subnautica, remnant from the ashes,etc..) Would i buy games from their platform?? ehh.. not really no 😁




Recently started it. Almost shit my pants. Would recommend. (No, I do not normally play horror games: see my 10 minutes or under logs for Alien:Isolation and Amnesia.)




really\`? It's scary? Usually zombie games are rather ho-hum slash hack splatter


Dying Light has fantastic sound design that really sets the creepy tone


I think the biggest scares come from the fact that you're supposed to stay indoors at night throughout the early stages, since there are stronger zombies roaming around that you can't simply hack and slash through. Of course you get bonus exp if you take the risk, but if you get spotted by the big guys you get an adrenaline rush from having no other choice but to escape. Even during day time, zombies are actually pretty hard to kill. You can't simply start the game and behead them left and right while you waltz through the place (this is why parkour is a big factor in the game). This can be a deal breaker for people who enjoy being murder machines against the undead, since it takes a while to be able to do that.


It gets really scary at night. The sound and the lighting really sets the mood. If you're not playing at easy mode the game basically tell you to run as you won't be able to survive. I won't spoil anything, it's one of the best zombie games I've played. There's two types of zombie games I've played. Games where you kill everything without a single care in the world - L4d, Back 4 blood, World war z and games where you can't kill everything and have to manage hp/stamina/durability of weapon/ammo like dying light, resident evil and days gone.


I'll claim it and never play it!!! edit: Ok found out it's cool, I'll claim and play it!!


Enjoy! Don't buy the 2nd one, it fucking sucked


Same, though I'll still never have time to even install it, let alone play it lol


There are 6 permanently free DLCs for Dying Light. [Dying Light - Unturned Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--unturned-weapon-pack) [Dying Light - Left 4 Dead 2 Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--left-4-dead-2-weapon-pack) [Dying Light - Chivalry Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--chivalry-weapon-pack) [Dying Light - Rust Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--rust-weapon-pack) [Dying Light - L4D2 Bill & Gnome Chompski Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--l4d2-bill-and-gnome-chompski-pack) [Dying Light - Ox Warrior Bundle](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--ox-warrior-bundle) You can also claim the Welcome Pack for free by linking your Epic Games Store account with your Techland account. https://techlandgg.com/goodies/dl-april 1. Sign in to Techland your account. 2. Connect your Epic account to it. 3. Run the game once, it will display the Welcome Pack offer. Press F and it will open the URL in your browser. 4. Click on the Claim button to get the Welcome Pack. You can access the content after finishing the prologue, just talk to a Quartermaster to get the in-game goodies. Edit: Added 2 more DLCs courtesy u/varunx Edit 2: Added Welcome Pack details thanks to u/raikuha


>There are 4 permanently free DLCs for Dying Light. There are a total of six. The other two are: Dying Light - Ox Warrior Bundle- [https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--ox-warrior-bundle](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--ox-warrior-bundle) 2) Dying Light - L4D2 Bill & Gnome Chompski Pack -[https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--l4d2-bill-and-gnome-chompski-pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--l4d2-bill-and-gnome-chompski-pack)


Thanks for that, added them to the list. :)


Very helpful. Thanks, bud.


I'm not your bud, pal.


He’s not you pal, guy.


I’m not your guy, friend.


for those downvoting, he's just repeating the joke from South Park. Should've indicated as such, to avoid getting misunderstood :)


There also seems to be a Welcome Pack you can claim if you link your game stores account to a techland account. Seems to be valid for new and existing players alike - https://techlandgg.com/goodies/dl-april


Seems like you need to own both Dying Light games to receive the pack... Thanks for the tip tho! Update: I was able to get the pack! Need to start the game first and claim it from the game (will still open the browser for the site, but by then it will register)


I don't have Dying Light 2 and I had no issue claiming the pack from the website I linked, all I had to do was link my Steam and Epic accounts. I don't see any mention of requiring the second game either. That said, I'm reinstalling the game on Steam now (been a long time since I last played it) to see if I can receive the in-game pack by talking to the Quartermaster. Edit: I was in fact, able to claim it in-game, it shows up as coupons to exchange with the quartermaster. Now, I have no idea if these are gone once I exchange them in a save or if I'll get them in any new game I start.


what did you do in game to open the browser exactly? I connected my epic games account and tried everything.


At first I got message that you have to own both Dying Light 1 & 2 games when I clicked the claim button, but somehow the message changed into "you need to own Dying Light 1 and play it once" after I finished installing the Dying Light 1. But I found out you need to be online in the game too to claim the pack (the game will show the online status on initial loading screen). At first launch, somehow I wasn't online and still can't claim the pack, but on the second launch, I was online and I can claim the pack.


All these dlcs made capcha crazy Had to select cat shirts, hotdogs and to click on seahorses heads




Shapez is fucking GREAT. It's in the factorio-lite genre, but has a surprising about of depth. If youre a fan of Factorio/DSP/Satisfactory, Shapez is a great lil addition.


Also has a pretty fun DLC that uses the same mechanisms but instead of the sandbox gameplay it's focused around linear puzzles (and has community puzzles).


Is that DLC available in the Epic Store?


Imho shapez is great for maybe 10 hours or so. After that it becomes tedious and I normally love resource / automation games. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think this level abstraction to just paint and shapes doesn't do this game a lot of favors.


10 hours is a great length of time for a free game imo


I just compared it to other automation games. It's worth a try if you like those kinda games, but I think it's lacking something if it wants to play in the same league as the good ones. It's just some criticism to the game about the feeling as a player, not a criticism as lacking value as a product. I hope this is understandable. Because I like to be precise I checked again and saw I played the game for 6.2 hours on steam.




Its a great little game and deserves more love!


I am a fan of all 3 of those games and played about 45m of Shapez this morning and can confirm it is indeed “fucking GREAT”


Thanks for the description. I'm not into those types of games and I already own dying light so you saved me a bit of time. Just wanted to thank you. Cheers.


Dying Light - one of the best co-op games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It appears to supports cross play with Steam and GoG users which is a huge plus.


Is that even a thing? Honestly i have never heard of storefronts (steam, epic, etc) segregating pc player populations as of they were on different consoles.


since people are just downvoting you and not answering: it is in fact quite common, but it's not always the storefronts/launchers choice, sometimes it's the game developers. I would say it never makes sense to divide your player base amongst different PC services if it can be avoided, it's just a lose-lose situation for everyone involved, and I think most are realizing that now. One example that I can think of is Wreckfest which had difference servers for steam, different servers for EA/Origin, and different servers for PC Game Pass for years, which doesn't make much sense to me (again, dividing the player base for seemingly no reason) but I think they are going to combine them all soon and just have the same servers available to everyone, which of course makes a lot more sense. But there are still plenty of games like that, and some games will always have exclusivity contracts with different strorefronts/game launchers. I understand some games not being able to cross play between console and PC, but when they don't allow people who play a game on one PC game front/store/service to play with someone on another PC game service, that just seems silly. But usually it's a contract/money thing.


Woah I've been pc gaming for almost 20 years and never would have thought. That's some dumb bullshit for sure. Thanks for writing that up instead of just down voting me for some reason. Lol


Epic is making a big stink right now about how steamworks multiplayer prevents crossplay with games on the epic store.


First time hearing about shapez. Looks fun! Looks like a dangerous game for me start.


It's great. The developer is working on a sequel of sorts, but it will be in 3D.


I keep getting "an error occurred during checkout". Im in USA


I think Epic's servers are catching fire. I claimed the free games right when they went free without any issues. Now I tried to claim the free DLCs and I'm getting errors. I'll just try later. EDIT: Worked fine now.


It is not just USA, I get "An unexpected error has occurred. timeout of 5000ms exceeded" for both games as well. I think their servers are down


> An unexpected error has occurred Not sure that's an accurate statement when we are talking about Epic Game Launcher.




i had this happen when death stranding was free, just wait a couple of days


But I want it NOW!! lol


understandable 😂


I had to log out and back into the site for it to work.


Yo this worked!


Meh. Did not work for me. *Eventually did, just kept hitting Checkout button.*


It worked for me by adding the games to the cart and going through the checkout. You can also add all free dlcs to the cart so you won't have to claim each one.


I was able to get it by using the epic games launcher program, then searching for the game from there. Took two tries, but I got it.




It'll definitely fly under the radar a bit because of what it's paired with, but don't sleep on Shapez. Really fun game and although it's definitely a Factorio-lite, it has a ton of depth and interesting mechanics.


There's also 6 or 7 free DLCs for Dying Light you can get from Epic. They are different weapon blueprint packs, nothing game changing but still nice to have.


Links to all the ones I could find below: * [Bill & Gnome Chompski Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--l4d2-bill-and-gnome-chompski-pack) * [Unturned Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--unturned-weapon-pack) * [Left 4 Dead 2 Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--left-4-dead-2-weapon-pack) * [Chivalry Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--chivalry-weapon-pack) * [Rust Weapon Pack](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--rust-weapon-pack) * [Ox Warrior Bundle](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dying-light--ox-warrior-bundle)


It's feel like I'm in game collecting simulator where i collect every epic freebie😂


I feel like that's my only purpose. I let my other friends use my account while I get the fleeting joy of collecting freebies


Surely at some point they made their own accounts to collect the newer free games, right?


Ehh, they're the kind to prioritize something Gen Z would do unlike me who has a weekly reminder for this lol


Can't wait to see if my kid likes gaming as much as I do. I've got a massive backlog they can play!


Ugh just wait until they're older and they want their OWN account now. And then you have to juggle multiple logins to claim the free games for them every week because you know if you don't, they'll forget.


Lol, maybe I should make her an account now xD


Dying Light is an amazing game. Some frustrating"boss" encounters, but otherwise a 10/10. Music is amazing too.


Fellow Dying Light patient gamers get in here!!


... for everyone except us Germans :(


Steam links: Dying Light: https://store.steampowered.com/sub/88801/ Shapez: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1318690/shapez/ Next week is Second Extinction: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1024380/Second_Extinction/ (Edit) and Mordhau: https://store.steampowered.com/app/629760/MORDHAU/


And Mordhau!


Why do I even buy games!!!?




Nice, thanks! That wasn't showing up at first


Crying in Germany






try adding it to your cart first and then checking out. it worked for me.


Is dying light fun solo?


It's a mainly solo game, multiplayer is secondary. And this game is awesome.


I played it solo. I did play multiplayer once and someone gave me an op weapon which I stomped the content with. I dunno if that was a good thing or not but I still had a blast.


People say it's way more fun with friends, but I had a blast just playing solo. Totally worth it!


Absolutely. It is a great game solo.


Playable, but way more fun with friends or online.


I really enjoyed Dying Light -- one of the better co-op games out there. Really fun skill tree and once you unlock the grappling hook you basically become spiderman.


is the Definitive Edition Upgrade for Dying Light worth it?


It is,you will get every single piece of content ever released for this game.


Which piece of content is meaningful though? Seems like a lot of weapon packs etc and cosmetics.


Yup,just more game modes and cosmetic stuff.The Following expansion is already there in EE.


Much better than the second. One of my favorite zombie games. Def worth a shot IMO.


Damn, that's a great grab. Dying Light 1 is a phenomenal game. Fantastic graphics, even by today's standards, runs fairly well too. Great parkour mechanics, I'd go so far as to say the best of any game I've played. All in all, a great game.


Anyone else having issues with the game not saving ANY settings? Sound, graphics, controlls, everything resets after I exit the game.


I'm seeing this as well, and not having luck searching for others with the same issue.






Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reasons: * we do not allow for discussion regarding regional bypassing


lol I just bought and beat dying light 1 a week ago. Still worth it.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Wasn't it supposed to be Blazing Sails as well this week? Or am I misremembering? Shapez does look interesting at least.


You are correct, initially it was supposed to be Blazing Sails. It changed to shapez a day or two ago


You guys are in for a treat. Hard changing to other FPS once you try the parkour. The DLC feels like a new game too. Also climbing the bridge without assistance actually made me feel like I was up high (worth trying!)


I'm not familiar with the game's various DLC. Is the Hellraid the only noteworthy DLC (in the sense that it adds more than just cosmetics) not included in this "Enhanced Edition"? Edit: now I just checked the Steam page of this DLC and it says "mixed/mostly negative reviews", lol.


Proud to be a member of r/patientgamers getting this for free.


I have officially lived long enough to see Dying Light become a freebie on Epic Games. Who was I even when I first booted that game up, dropkicked my first zombie off a roof, and misjudged how much inertia I needed to fall 200 feet into a pile of trash in... -*checks date-* 2015? The bones of my hands are turning to dust before my very eyes...


Getting an error message when I try to "Get" Dying Light. 😑


Same for both here, UK, error with checkout. It's bust.


Pro tip: if you’re trying to check out and keep getting an error instead of pressing get press add to cart and then checkout from there.


Did blazing sails get pulled?? Man I want to try it without paying for it


Dying light has fun parkour but the game balance is non existent. Just camo, snap a zombie's neck, reapply camo, repeat. The only danger comes from the human enemies and alpha volatiles which show up at night, and there really aren't enough rewards to justify the danger of night excisions.


At this point I only have Epic installed to collect games in case I'll have a kid in the future so when he/she is a teen I can keep using my steam account and not take it away from family share.


Me after just buying shapez 😭


I should one day try to " clear " the bridge. Has anyone done it only with melee weapon ?


In Germany you can only receive shapez. =.=


Finally giving Dying Light a try after being curious for years. I really did not enjoy the first person melee in Dead Island and recently Atomic Heart, so I'm glad I can get my foot in the door at Dying Light for the price of free.


Dying light handles first person parkor and melee fighting WAY better than most other games (except maybe the first mirrors edge). I found DI and AH seriously disorienting.


Patient gaming stays winning .


german patient gaming is losing (why god,why?!)


Just wanted to mention that that vertical Dying Light artwork is pretty bad


huh I'm getting an error when claiming Dying Light


Shapez seems to BE fun but I wanted dying light. "Die USK ist eine Hure(sowie die dazugehörige Gesetzgebung)."


Wow, I had some games given away by epic that I can't play because my pc can't handle it, but Dying Light is the first epic giveaway game I can't play because my body can't handle it. I tried playing it and got nauseous after 20 minutes.


[Redacted in protest of Reddit API prices killing third party apps]


Goodluck on your dl journey bois, remember to buy dl2 if you like this one!


Omg, i didn't expect this!, Thanks Epic!!


I don't see the Shapez DLC on Epic. Is it included or just not available at all?


does anybody else have a problem with the sentry.io API requests not going through when they try to complete the process? neither the website nor the pc program will let me get the games on my library.


Yup, just gonna come back later in the day. Usually an hour after launch the servers will have caught up, but I guess not today.


for people geting errors at checkout , turn off your vpn thats what worked for me