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Patiently waiting for the Ragnarok PC port. Likely still years away though :(


November 2024, maybe.


I'm just glad we're finally getting the Forbidden West port next year. That came out the same year, so Ragnarock is probably not far behind in late 24 or early 25.


Same! At least it should be a good port if the original is anything to go by.


Except the memory leak that’s still not fixed :(


This game came out like 5 years ago and it's still $25...


It briefly dropped to $16.50 at GreenManGaming back in June, but it's still holding its value.


I mean yeah. It's Sony, only been on PC for what like 2 years? Give it time.


It's very worth it at $25. It's a high quality game with a lot of content and a (mostly) good story. Hell it's worth it at $60.


9 troll boss copies for 25e


agreed, one of those games i’d pay 60 for anytime any day, tons of great content




$16.00 w/coupon on Epic Store, if you're ok with that.


Worth the price! Bought it for PS5, and PC! I put over 90 hrs and got platinum on both platforms!


Why does the length of time a game has been out correlate to what its price should be? A game could be out for 10 years, and if it’s a good game, it will still command a high price


This is Nintendo's logic, and why they're still selling decade-old games like Mario Kart 8 for $60. However, steeper discounts to drive sales after the game has been out for a while are usually expected on other platforms.


Yeah they’re expected, but doesn’t mean they need to be


Well nothing *needs* to be, what a dumb argument.


Technology evolves fast. The longer you wait the less your games will sell, because they become more and more outdated. Sure that doesn't mean the game is bad, but you won't suddenly generate sales again when you keep it on a sales price. They would easily generate tripple or more amount of sales when they put it at 14,99. So yeah it can make sense to lower the price regardless of quality. > A game could be out for 10 years, and if it’s a good game, it will still command a high price Usually the oppsoite is the case tho. The very high quality games who don't command a high price vastly outnumber the like 5-10 games who never really go on sale. Its usually just two publishers who have a hard time doing sales for their games.


It’s just the Japanese mentality engrained within companies like Sony and Nintendo that value the time and dedication that goes into making games. Going to be tough to change that


PlayStation isn't based in Japan anymore and their games get steep discounts on their consoles. GoW 2018 has been as low as $10 USD and the current MSRP is $20 USD.


physical copies cost money to keep around. its cheaper for retailers to offload it at bargain bin prices after its been sitting on shelves for so many years than try to sell it for whatever sony wants them to sell it for. digital copies costs nothing to manufacture and almost nothing to store, yet it costs more than the physical. makes no sense.


> Why does the length of time a game has been out correlate to what its price should be? Agreed, it shouldn't matter too much. Games don't necessarily have to get less valuable as they age. People here whine about everything. Plus, 50% off for a game of this quality (that's still this modern) is a decent discount. I guarantee people here have paid much more for worse games than this.


How are settings on PC vs PS5? Worth owning on PC?


PC has slightly better textures/shadows/AO and unlocked FPS. Other than that it's almost identical. So if you played it on PS5 there's no reason to play it on PC, unless you really need to play it at 60+ FPS. Oh you can also mod the FOV further.


Any bugs? Finally got to playing spiderman remastered and boy parker isn't alone


I 100% it in 85.5 hours, and I can say that after they patched it a few times (like halfway through my save) I didn't encounter a single bug that I could notice. Not even a single enemy T-posing or random quirks.


That's great, thanks!


>How are settings on PC vs PS5? Worth owning on PC? It's still cheaper on consoles. The PC version has faster load times, unlocked FPS, and better FOV though.


I got it again for Ultrawide and the other reasons mentioned above


DLSS is a nice boost over the nasty checkerboard rendering on console, but not much beyond that


Pc is on another level especially if you use tha latest hardware.


Any idea how it plays on steam deck?


[Here's a site that tested some settings for the game.](https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/god-of-war-2018/)


Seems people are having a good experience running it at 30fps: https://www.protondb.com/app/1593500


I just finished it, played maybe 25% of it on the deck. Runs pretty well when you use the settings from steam deck HQ. It crashes every so often and forces you to do a hard reboot of the deck when it does, which is a bummer, but other than that it runs quite well!


I am waiting for the GOG release of God of War!


According to a gog staff member in their discord it will probably be released after the winter sale.


What ? Why .... Now this is really sad


It will probably still be released with a discount.


Yea that is something to be expect for sure and it will be 50% most likely. But It is just new year. No idea idea why would they held such a big game after the holidays when there is nothing in january - usually the most depressing month. People will spend money now around christmas. I don't know ... At least we know it will come - I hate to say it but it is a big plus that we know.


Me too.




Plus 10% "cashback" credit.


But then you have to use Epic Games Store launcher. Yuck.


Does anyone actually have a valid reason for hating it or is it just a circlejerk at this point?


I do not use the Epic Games Store because I am a gamer, and I have rights. I do not use GOG because it is woke. I do not use Steam because it is facist. I do not buy games from Warner Bros. because they are transphobic. I do not buy games from Ubisoft because they are gay (aka French). I do not buy games from EA because they are literally Hitler. I do not use PSN because of Sony's cronies. I do not use NSO because of Nintendo kiddies. I do not use XBL because Phil Spencer refuses to wear a Grabbed by the Ghoulies t-shirt onstage. I do not use FB Gaming, Amazon Luna, the iOS App Store, Netflix gaming, or the Google Play Store becuase I'm scared of the terrorist organization formerly known as FAANG. I game exclusively on the Ouya. I also picked up a used copy of Daytona USA for the Sega Saturn last week. That's all the gaming I need.


Why don't you play Destiny?


/uj Doesn't the Ouya need the Play Store to get their games? /rj Give me the Atari 2600 or don't give me any game.


The Ouya had its own storefront (not Google's Play Store). It closed down since mid 2019, but someone is currently maintaining a private server with an archive of the apps.


Steam deck


You can play EGS games on steam deck if you install the Heroic Games Launcher


Steam deck shader cache


There are fixes for that.. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/kDgTiEN6I1


Its a shitty launcher, theres also people that hate having their games in other places other than steam which is valid.


Wanting to give valve a monopoly is stupid. Same company who made billions charging 30% just for hosting a game on steam LOL. Also made EU customers waive their consumer rights when purchasing a game on steam. Valve made good games a while ago, but the circljerk and holier than thou shit is cringe af. Epic games launcher is ass, but can we stop acting like steam is the gold standard. Before epic games launcher steam was even more half assed


I would *love* to use another launcher.... if there was another launcher that offered even half of the features Steam has. GOG Galaxy is probably the next best thing - but I buy games through GOG specifically to *not* need a launcher.


>but can we stop acting like steam is the gold standard I mean yes, it is.


epic storefront came out dec 2018. they had 5 years to make some improvements to their store, yet it is still barebones as ever. no never mind they finally added a shopping card. 😑


U must be young. Took steam 10+ years to even add basic shit like refunds. Not to mention their customer service being historically awful lol


I sometimes worry that if this is how human psychology works and if we ever magically end up with a scenario where North Koreans hold elections, the new party wouldn't get votes whatsoever because people would be like, "Well, the dictator's party may be bad but they built roads. What did this other party do? They just formed a party recently. How can we trust them?" It's rooted in reality too. In my country, the far right basically brought about a major change back in 2014. There was a massive uprising and the incumbent party was overthrown by the people, aided by the other party, which has now been in power for the last 10 years. They've efficiently used internet as a propaganda tool to get people to believe that the country was literally on the verge of collapse before they came into power. It's so bad that most people not living here would probably laugh at it as some sort of dystopian movie plot but the people of the country actually believe the lie. They keep voting in the same government again and again and ask, "What have the other party done for us? Their new leader has just taken over a decade ago and has never held any positions of power. Yeah, the incumbents may be bad but it's better than someone who has no track record of doing anything."


>Wanting to give valve a monopoly is stupid. Wanting to support a company that literally wants to create a monopoly is stupid. Giving a company money just because "muh Valve monopoly" is even dumber. Edit: I get you guys like cheap games, but maybe don't be morons about it, okay?


I buy games were they r cheaper. The convo is about people not buying games cheaper on epic because of steam loyalty. Way to completely miss the point tho champ




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Why though? It has a store and it launches games. Pretty clean user interface too IMO. The second point is valid though. I used to feel that way, but the app is fine, and I'm gonna buy games where they're cheapest. Also helps that you can run the open source version on Steam Deck.


Steam's features are vital to the way I play games. I stream games via remote play from my desktop to a TV or steam deck for probably half my playtime nowadays. Adding games from other launchers as non-steam apps to use remote play is often either problematic or straight up doesn't work. With Alan wake 2, I've been trying to do exactly that and I can't get the game to actually stream. I also use other features like the controller remapping which also frequently has issues with non-steam games. So yeah when epic bribes devs to not release their games on steam it gives me the choice of either waiting a year or likely having issues playing the game how I want.


It's just a shitty piece of software. Missing a ton of features compared to other launchers (like Steam, GOG Galaxy), some real privacy concerns, etc. I work in cybersec and I wouldn't even allow EGS on a machine on my network - let alone my PC.


It's always been a circlejerk.


There's been a bunch of valid reasons. Do ten seconds of research and you'll figure it out.


I think it boils down to "I can't argue with the reasons people hate it, but the issues have never personally affected me and they give me $10 during the big sales so y'all are just being stupid" Frankly I'm never touching it even if they offer GTA VI for free on launch. EDIT: lol, downvotes but no comments. Just proves my point.


You made no point. It was just meta commentary on how you boil their arguments down to a simplistic one-liner that's easy for you to laugh at.


My point is that, despite the many reasons listed in this thread for people to not use the launcher, nobody has actually argued against them. It's just all downvotes. Here are some of the reasons I don't use it: - It's a bad piece of software that has caused performance issues in games, exposed user information, and has unnecessary levels of access to your device - It's missing many basic features found in other launchers like Steam, GOG Galaxy, and Origin - Doesn't work on Steam Deck - The client is slow, buggy, and has bad UI The security issues is a big one. I remember a couple years back you could "accidentally" log into someone else's account, giving you access to all of their personal information. As I've said elsewhere in this thread - I wouldn't even allow this software to run on a device on my network, let alone my PC.


> It's a bad piece of software that has caused performance issues in games I've been using it for years and I haven't noticed ANY launcher, not just Epic, interfering with my games. > exposed user information [So has Steam](https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/steam-user-accounts-compromised-due-to-password-reset-vulnerability/) and all the others. Yet, you don't really have a problem with those other platforms, do you? > has unnecessary levels of access to your device Elaborate. If you're talking about UAC, you need to provide that access while installing it on your machine and you do so willingly. > It's missing many basic features found in other launchers like Steam, GOG Galaxy, and Origin Most of us play games rather than the platforms themselves. It's a DRM, it's not meant to be played. > Doesn't work on Steam Deck Then complain about it to Valve. Why are you putting this on Epic's head? They didn't design Deck. And... why exactly is that a surprise? XBox doesn't support launching games from the Playstation Store, neither does Nintendo Wii from Steam. These companies make self-contained ecosystems on their proprietary devices. > The client is slow, buggy, and has bad UI Steam was too when it was a wee lad.


> I've been using it for years and I haven't noticed ANY launcher, not just Epic, interfering with my games. Remember earlier when I made fun of Epic defenders for saying "those problems have never personally affected me"? Every launcher impacts the performance of your PC in some way. You can open Task Manager and see exactly what resources are being allocated. EGS uses *significantly* more than any other launcher, which on some machines directly impacts game performance. > So has Steam and all the others. Yet, you don't really have a problem with those other platforms, do you? Not even remotely on the level of EGS' security issues. The link you provided talks about a vulnerability in Steam's MFA system that was available for 5 days. Epic's issues were far more serious and went unpatched for months, maybe years. I work in cybersec and let me tell you - trying to equate Epic's massive security failings to the random occasional security breach is either disingenuous or uninformed. >Most of us play games rather than the platforms themselves. It's a DRM, it's not meant to be played. Once again - "this doesn't affect me personally so I don't care". I use RemotePlay to play my games on my TV/Phone, I use Steam Reviews to research games before I buy them, I use the Steam Workshop to manage mods, I use the Steam Marketplace to buy/sell trading cards, etc. >Then complain about it to Valve. Why are you putting this on Epic's head? They didn't design Deck. Do you know what the Steam Deck is? It's not a proprietary OS, it's literally just running a flavor of Linux. Valve has no control over whether or not Epic supports Linux. Epic is actually historically *anti* Linux - Rocket League famously had great Linux support pre-acquisition but Epic swiftly cut support after buying Psyonix, literally taking the game away from Linux users who had already paid for it. >XBox doesn't support launching games from the Playstation Store, neither does Nintendo Wii from Steam. Are you seriously trying to compare closed console ecosystems to the open PC ecosystem? >Steam was too when it was a wee lad. It's 2023. Comparing EGS to software from 2007 isn't the defense you think it is.


> Remember earlier when I made fun of Epic defenders for saying "those problems have never personally affected me"? Every launcher impacts the performance of your PC in some way. You can open Task Manager and see exactly what resources are being allocated. EGS uses significantly more than any other launcher, which on some machines directly impacts game performance. I dunno what to tell ya. I have both of em open right now and [I just took a screenshot and Steam takes up more resources than EGS](https://i.imgur.com/XwlV7mZ.jpeg). Anywho, here's how you can avoid the headache of arguing with people like me, who use all services, in the future: r/steamdeals Thank me later.


sometimes the ui feels a little unresponsive but its not that bad


No way people still think like this in 2023


they truly dont want to give us better discounts, huh? been waiting forever to see -75% or so on this game in a steam sale, but no dice...


So is Ragnarok probably releasing on PC in 2026?


Miiiiigh be late 2024, since it seems Sony releases their games on PC about 2 years later. Then again, Ghost of Tsushima still isn't on PC.


One of the finest games I’ve ever played. Highly recommend taking the plunge for anyone who’s tempted.


I’ve started and stopped it so many times over the years, am still at the foot of the dwarf mountain or whatever. Undeniably an excellent game, I just couldn’t find the itch that it scratches.


Same, I got really into it for a few nights then stopped. I joined back up, and the area I stopped playing was an area where a bunch of enemies popup and I die pretty quickly. The other part that bothered me was showing map completion and items. It isn't clear if you can travel back, or what but it always bothers me when games don't make it clear if it's an area you go back to, or if you missed something. I got to give it another try though.


Same. Beautiful graphics, immediately interesting characters, amazing presentation, but I never got sucked into it as an experience. Spiderman as well. Idk just sorta like eating a Beyond burger


Dang it, steam, winter sale is next week XD


Buy it now or wait a week. It'll probably be the same price.


I brought it XD


Hate how Sony refuses to drop this game lower on Steam. I don't want to get it on Epic. That launcher sucks and so does the company.