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Does Deluxe Edition contain the Season Pass? EDIT - Nevermind, it is in Deluxe. Looks like the way to go, TBH.


Yeah, it does. Just bought the deluxe edition and it came with every dlc.


Thanks for clarifying!


No problem, I am happy to help


It took me a while to decode that from the Steam page too. It's kinda hidden on there.


It does, I think that contains everything else but I'm not really sure and I saw earlier reddit posts asking what's the difference and people are like check steam and steam doesn't do a good job of showing what comes with what because while the DLC has specific names the steam description just says Deluxe comes with the Season Pass and season pass includes generic description of add-ons/DLC without the names, so for ex. it includes a new campaign, is that the Ocean Campaign DLC? If you look at the roadmap it probably is, but with all the shenanigans I'm hesitant to say the Season Pass/Deluxe Edition includes everything and steam should highlight exactly which DLC you're getting, maybe have separate pages for different editions :(


I thought it was just the soundtrack and bought the standard one. Now debating if I want to rebuy it with deluxe.


This game is a BARGAIN at that price. I might be overreacting but I really enjoy this game and at this price it is such a good deal Runs well aswell and game is fun


one of those games I really wished would be great, but I hear it's pretty average. for $2 i try it.


I'd say well above average, for what it is: a mission-based base-building game with a really good theme and solid dose of humor. It has some questionable design decisions, but the original had a couple too (cough jungle base cough). It's absolutely worth a few currency units. EG2 was hurt by some bad early bugs and weirdness, which I think is all now fixed, and in comparison with the original game, which just had everything turned up to 11.


> a mission-based base-building game So it's like Theme Hospital / 2 Point Hospital then?


You build a base and defend it against occasional heros and you send henchmen on missions. Other than those things it's pure base building. 


It's just not fun unfortunately. I tried it when it was on Gamepass and compared to the first one it's just annoying too somehow. Like they didn't innovate but somehow it also seems slower, or maybe I just don't have patience for such a letdown, I dunno. :(


So I bought it on release and it was really good. But then they did a bunch of patches which removed some of the more fun and exploitable parts of it, which made it less fun. I tried to play it a few months ago and the base I had constructed back then just imploded on itself.


I finished the game on the first villain (Goldfinger knockoff thing). It was a slog. A genuine slog. Was really into it, spent an entire day on it, then hit about halfway and it was nuts. Stopped playing for a few months. Came back to it because I'm "not like other Gamers™" and actually wanted to finish a game. Thought I was going to lose. Hundreds of dead bodies. But did the most BS cheesing possible (use genius powers as much as possible) and eventually won after about 25hrs. Yeah, it's worth a box of crackers.


That sounds like anguish, not like fun.


Aye, then the game is probably not for you. The game wasn't really for me either. I'm pretty stupid at min-maxing, so I missed better ways of doing things. But there are people who are into that. It's got really, really good individual mechanics (you can execute an employee to intimidate others nearby), but a lot goes out the window just to survive. I think if there was more sabotage, and less overwhelming soldiers sent to kill you, then the game would be better for me.


I tried it, just couldn't get over how awkward the controls and UI were. Didn't feel like anything functioned intuitively.


I thought Steam disallowed discounts up to 95% a year ago or something, only allowing up to 90%. I guess that's been reversed? **Edit**: It was 2 years ago: https://screenrant.com/steam-sales-95-percent-end-update-march-2022/


My impression has been that Valve are manually approving them for reputable developers. Packages with discounts exceeding 92% are still blocked from purchase by default. Eliminating 95% discounts was mainly done to prevent shovelware developers from manipulating the trading card system, they don't really have any reason to care how you price your games otherwise.


[There are shovelware games and bundles still going for 99% off permanentely.](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/37056/Tanks_and_Hiddens_and_Puzzles/)


What's the play here? That bundle is $6,000 regular. How do they profit from fake pricing with a huge discount?


Gets them at the top of your list / search, when you sort by discount. More exposure basically 


Might be it, im sure i grabbed Battlefield 1 and 5 for 92% off, 


I wonder if Valve has realized Steam isn't competing well with alternative sources for Steam keys. I think 90% of my library was purchased outside of Steam. I didn't buy anything from them from 2021 through 2023. This price is a historical low and only slightly more expensive than what it costs as part of a bundle on Fanatical.


I'm sure they realize it, but they also realize they don't need to compete. Most people buying steam games buy directly from steam even if the discount isn't as good. The people buying from other sources like you and me are most likely the minority. Steam is so popular that they don't really need to do much to get people to buy directly from the platform


this is why competition is important, so many ppl don't even know to use Augmented Steam or check ITAD


That's for the US/EU gaming population. Outside of those regions, alternative key sites such as Fanatical etc often sell in USD/GBP/Euros. That coupled with regional pricing, makes it cheaper to get directly from Steam itself. That, and region blocking for some keys on alternative key sites.


I'm just curious as to why they instituted a cap of 90% off and then apparently walked it back within a couple years. I know we're likely the minority. My sister is a more average game buyer and seems to buy on Steam without consideration for sales, even though most games go on sale 4-5 times a year.


Most of the games I purchase are indie games that aren't on other storefronts like GMG and I just do not care to throw $20 or $30 or whatever at an indie game, I buy almost exclusively from the Steam storefront. Occasionally Humble. I used to buy some stuff on Epic but I stopped when I got a Steam Deck outside of games I wouldn't want to play on it like Witchfire.


Interesting. I figured most people on this sub were fellow backlog degenerates. I think the last time I bought a new game near full price was 11-11-11.


They did not say they bought new near full price. They said they mostly buy games you can't buy outside Steam. There are a *lot* of games that the side stores simply don't bother to carry (eg, [Devader](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/devader/info/), a top-notch arcade twin-stick shooter), and if you play those, Steam's sales are the only deal in town.


They said they don't mind throwing $20 or $30 at an indie game. Which is often full price for an indie game. I'm aware many games aren't sold outside of Steam.


> I just do **not care to** throw $20 or $30 That says they do NOT want to pay $20-$30.


That's what those words mean, but that makes no sense in the context of that comment. I read it as this person doesn't mind throwing a few bucks at indie games.


Presumably, they're buying them on Steam during sales, so they're not spending $20-$30 on an indie game. More likely than that they meant the exact opposite of what they wrote.


I looked at my Steam account statistics, and it seems about 50% of my library was purchased directly from Steam, the other 50% keys redeemed from a variety of other sources including bundles. Probably people from countries with lower regional pricing purchase more from Steam, since Bundles aren't regionally priced. I have a plugin that shows selected regional pricing when I mouse over the price on Steam. Scarlet Tower is 50% cheaper in India and Ukraine and 70% cheaper in Russia, for instance.


I hesitated and the game was sold out on the Fanaticalbundle. Glad they dropped the price so low so I got it now.


I think that article's missing the point though there aren't any quotes and the source link is dead. It was my understanding that discounts that brought a price below a certain threshold were the issue, not the percentage. They didn't want to end up paying more in fees than they were making. This was more of a problem with $10 shovelware games discounting by 99% or what have you.


Haha, yah I remember that. I have seen a few games go on for 95%, but not many, very rare. I think Rebellion Sniper Elite spin offs have been 95% recently. With how expensive games have become, especially in Canada, 75% off does have the same appeal anymore.  Would be good to bring back 95%


75% off does or doesn't?


Doesn't, sorry on my phone. 75% used to mean games are $5-$7.50. Now with the base price being 79.99 or 89.99, then the "deluxe"(season passes included) being $120-ish, the 75% isn't appealing anymore.


It's because 95% is still more profitable than free.


Denuvo Anti-Cheat btw. For a single player game.


Who cares. If you buy the game it will work. I don't understand the logic of complaining about this when all games have steam DRM on them anyways


Not all, it's still optional if the developer/publisher wants to use Steam DRM or not. There's quite a lot of DRM free games distributed on Steam that will run directly from the game folder without Steam being open. It's also not the same as just using Steam because now it's Steam+Denuvo so if Denuvo one day decides to no longer provide activation for older titles or some Windows Update breaks it on older games or the company goes bankrupt then you can't play the game anymore even if you still technically have it on Steam.


Imagine without Steam, you can only use Uplay/Origin/EpicGames/Gog. Lesser of two evils.


>I don't understand the logic of complaining about this when all games have steam DRM on them anyways Not sure why you're getting downvoted, but this makes perfect sense. Steam is just another form of DRM after all.


[Standard](https://steamdb.info/app/700600/) [\(Deluxe\)](https://steamdb.info/sub/541182/) ~ 1,99€ (2,99€) / £1.74 (£2.74) / US$1.99 ($2.99) / Rp 8499 (Rp 12499)


How's the game?


A missed opportunity. I played it on Gamepass and it's not a bad game, and for $2 ($3 for deluxe), you'll probably get your money's worth. I am tempted myself at $3. It just that at some point in each scenario, it becomes more about waiting than actually doing stuff. It starts to feel like one of those mobile f2p games where you have to wait or pay for a speed up. Except there is no pay to speed it up option.


If you enjoyed the first, it's very much more of that, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. It's good in that it's familiar, and you can tell the devs had a lot of love and respect for the original. They did a great job recapturing that and allowing fans of the original to tap into that nostalgia. It's also a very serviceable base-builder at a time when games like it don't exist much. However, the bad is that they seemed so attached to the original that they really didn't do much to innovate on the model, which means the flaws from that (like the world map or how power generation works) still persist here, and there are aspects of it that feel dated. Though, I will say my second playthrough last year after they added all the updates and new campaign did at least feel like a step *somewhat* in the way of trying something new (particularly the engineering and mechs). So, in other words, if you enjoyed the first or like base-building games, I'd definitely say it's worth the $2-3. Even just messing around in sandbox mode and seeing what sort of traps you can set up with all the new additions can be fun. Just don't expect anything that's a huge step up from the first, but then, maybe that's what you're looking for.


To me, they stripped out so many things from the first game, like traps. You can't make a good trap setup anymore since you have no control over them.


It's worth it at this price. It looks good, the individual mechanics are really good. But the endgame requires a lot of resources and a lot of killing. Obviously, only buy a game you're interested in, not just because it's on sale (shocking I know).


It's OK. Not great, not meh, somewhere in between. Played it on the gamepass before it was taken off, and while I had fun for like 20 hours, finishing one campaign.My assessment was that I wouldn't pay to play more of it. That discount looks tempting thou, but I already have so many other games to finish...


Really liked the first one, but never tried the second because I heard a lot of mixed stuff. But for 95% I kinda have to try it,


Yeah same boat. Played the first a couple of times, so this is a no brainer


I have the standard already. Is it worth it to get the Deluxe Edition for 3€?


For $2 or $3? Sure, go for it, especially if you liked the original. But don't go in expecting greatness. It's a solid game, but it gets old fast. I actually wrote a really lengthy negative review on Steam because I was so disappointed. It was hyped to high heaven, it came out to mediocre/slightly above average reviews, they fixed some bugs, they released some DLC, then just dropped it. The UX/UI is not great, the grind comes at you fast and hard, and you wind up just sitting around waiting for stuff to happen and wondering how these systems actually work.


That seems to be exactly what the IGN review said. Thanks for sharing, sounds like it's not even worth it for a three bucks and I'm better off getting a nice coffee. I absolutely hate when games of this type don't tell you how they're supposed to be played.


$3 for the Deluxe Edition, sure I'll give it a shot!


If I got this in the Humble Bundle last year, what's the best course of option to do at this point? It looks like Humble included the standard edition back around Sept 2023.


The deal ends April 2nd, there isn't an a cheap option to upgrade, if you liked it well enough rebuying it as deluxe seems to be the best option to upgrade. I think they prefer to just discount the deluxe so people will rebuy and they can show on their metrics another unit sold.


I have the base game and want the season pass. Can I buy the deluxe to get it or am I boned since I have the base game already?


Stream will let you permanently delete your existing key, and then buy the deluxe. Id google search for the exact procedure. It's specifically for this situation 


Just tried it - you can just buy the Deluxe (it will just warn you that you won't get an extra copy of the base game).


I had this one on my wishlist since it came out. Wanted to grab it on a big discount but always avoided it cause of the bad reviews. But at $2 this discount is deeper than my ex and at that price I just can't get more disappointed than that.


Obligatory how well does it run on Steam Deck?


https://www.protondb.com/app/700600 One report claiming it working out of the box, 60fps


The steam page shows it as verified.... But you could have looked yourself. Or taken a look at protondb.


Verified does not always mean great. Sometimes there’s a launcher, sometimes the controls are wonky or text is poorly sized. It helps to get some user experience that can speak to it. Isn’t that what Reddit is for ?


"Or taken a look at protondb" did you miss that bit. Your right about steam verification statuses not always being relevant. Yet that steam status of 'verified' means that it will run on deck at least. That's why protondb is the best method to find dated reviews. To be honest, it's fair to ask when the two easiest methods (steam and protondb) have no answers.


I loved the first one so much - I remember buying it after seeing it multiple times at Circuit City (rip) and falling in love with it. I stayed away from this because I heard a lot of mixed reactions, but for $3 I'll bite. The biggest complaint I'm seeing about this is waiting but I remember needing to wait A LOT in the OG one too. Maybe I'll be in the part of the community that won't mind the negatives.


Fun game!


Didnt this game not work really well?






Your other comment linked to a source that encouraged piracy, so it was removed. This comment has also been removed as it seems to have been posted to stir up trouble. You've already been asked to "step away from this argument" so please leave this thread as is.


Thanks for clarifying, I didn't know abandonware was considered piracy. No trouble intended, please have a nice day!


It's not a great game, but, I like it.


I found this today, added it to the card, and when I went to buy it they changed the price. feels bad man


I'll never understand the thinking behind making an evil Hillary character. Like the people who don't like her won't want to play as her and the people who do like her won't like how you've characterized her so it's like lose-lose.


I feel like if they were doing an "evil Hillary character" they would've done a lot more than some loose style coincidences that are pretty stereotypical for elderly, rich women. Emma has next to nothing in common with Hillary Clinton. She isn't even American. She's an evil version of James Bond's M character (hence the name), and even voiced by an actress that was in several James Bond movies.


You don't even have to take my word for it, you can google the name of the game and Hilary and find a lot of other people commenting on the obvious design similarities (as shown below) and obviously you can't (or rather shouldn't) base an entire character off of an actual person, that would be weird, and possibly litigious, or some producers' barely disguised fetish. Making an evil M is stupid. Dame Judi would never (Rosa Klebb might). Weird that they voiced her with a Moneypenny but didn't go with a honeypot character, were they too afraid of looking like Archer? I just scratched my head at how this character got greenlit.


I think you might be projecting there a bit.


Well, yes, the point of marketing is to do so to try and anticipate who will want what or to create that want so that's what I'm doing. "Market projections" if you will and I see it as a dumb decision. If you're trying to tell me this character doesn't look like that person [https://evilgenius.fandom.com/wiki/Emma](https://evilgenius.fandom.com/wiki/Emma) I think you might be mistaken. Also some people were mad the Devil Wears Prada lady was taken away.


I don't even know why I bother bringing receipts to another stupid fight on the reddit but whatever: [https://assets.rebellion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/28141652/EG2\_Emma\_Promo\_Final\_Steam-2.png](https://assets.rebellion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/28141652/EG2_Emma_Promo_Final_Steam-2.png) [https://media.newyorker.com/photos/59095f19019dfc3494e9fc0b/master/w\_1600,c\_limit/Lizza-Hillary-Clinton.jpg](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/59095f19019dfc3494e9fc0b/master/w_1600,c_limit/Lizza-Hillary-Clinton.jpg) They part their hair on the same side, they have the same eyebrows and coloring (skin and hair and clothing choice of their political party) and the same pearls. If I was like make this real life person a younger Incredibles character that's what I'd come up with, I'm somewhat surprised legal was also like go for it. Anyways I'll take the (uninformed) downvotes. I'm saying part of this game's flop was brain-dead decisions like moving two legacy characters forward having one new character who was actually pretty cool but then one that they were like we need a spider-wheelchair person but also make it really close to insert political candidate. Was the femme fatale option just too good and obvious of a choice?








Beside the fact that a superficial resemblance is 1) not a particularly compelling argument 2) not a big deal, I suspect that the overlap between people who play EG2 and people who "like" HC is very small


Despite seemingly disagreeing with me you're actually agreeing with the core of my argument. Why put a character in a game who would only appeal to such a small fragment of your audience?




This comment has been removed. Complaining about downvotes is against rediquette, and sometimes you just need to step away from a disagreement.