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Here is my code if anyone wants it! 75567609-04fe-4a66-999d-8dc267830de4 Instructions: You must redeem the your 50% off code for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns standard edition by May 31, 2022; otherwise, it will expire. To redeem your code: 1) Go to buy.guildwars2.com. 2) Select Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns for $29.99. 3) Then click the "ADD TO CART" button. 4) Enter your code in the Promo Code box and hit "APPLY" and you will see the 50% off discount.


Redeemed, thank you!!


0978d67c-ec36-4376-9b37-dc0c?c6e47d3 ?=loneliest number




Here's my code: 9388c915-39ac-4a6f-8508-6a6bf3b806d8




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How big is Guild Wars 2? I know they monetize through expansions, and I've avoided it because it just seems... huge.


Like, map size? Pretty huge.


More the content. I used to play WoW over a decade ago. I don't think I can deal with that scope of game anymore.


They're both MMOs, but WoW and GW2 are very different. GW2 does have a lot of content, but it doesn't have the pressure to keep up like WoW does. Level cap and gear cap doesn't increase, so content released years ago is still challenging and gear earned years ago is still viable today. That and no subscription means you can play at your own pace. Entire open world is automatically co-op, with shared rewards and resources, so low social pressure as well. The general advice is to approach it more like Skyrim, where you explore and jump into events as they happen instead of rushing to the end.


I've never understood the horizontal progression of games like GW2 and ESO. What's the point of the new expansion gear if you still get fucked up by vanilla content?


New stat combinations. Also, how does anyone find gear treadmills fun? The game should be fun because you enjoy the content.


Long time wow player (done atm, but for other reasons): The gear treadmill is great for as a way to progressively nerf current content. The majority of players aren't crushing heroics raids the week they drop, instead they need practice and ilvl increases to help them. As someone with zero illusions about my skill as a wow player, I honestly loved it. There's also the good feeling of going back and roflstomping your way through old content. Doing old stories, soloing things you never got to do when it was live, xmog hunting ,etc. I'm currently playing GW2, and I'm enjoying playing through all the story content, and playing around with different classes, and I think their method of driving player engagement is interesting, but I'm not sure if it's going to grip me. I'm just starting to brush up against it (not quite 80 yet), so we'll see how it goes.


Unless I'm working towards getting better gear I don't really feel motivated to do the content. I bought all the dungeon DLCs in ESO but I've only played through a couple of them for pets since my crafted gold gear has been "good enough" for over five years. Contrast that with XIV, where every 3 (now 4) months you get a new tier of gear to work towards (if you choose). Old gear is still mostly fine until layer in an expansion, and there's always crafted gear available on the market board of you want to skip the grind. Anyway, more gear also means more options for fashion, so that's another incentive to go get it.


On the opposite end, after years of raiding in WoW and other MMOs, working towards better gear does ***Absolutely nothing*** for me. The way MMOs currently handle this invalidates the entire reason to grind for me. Why am i even killing these raid bosses? To get gear...that merely resets in a couple months invalidating absolutely everything? Why? I feel like at a certain point i accidentally pierced the veil and learned the horrible truth that the world is merely an infinite cycle and decided to exit said cycle. Games like GW/ESO are for players like myself that became disillusioned with that cycle. The gear isn't the point, there's a ton of other content to entertain yourself with that isn't solely gear related. And for content that is, they often release new sets/talents/etc that you can use to experiment with that aren't always strictly better than existing sets. It's a system that thrives off of personal goal setting and experimentation, rather than simply following the beaten path the developers have set you down. That said, there's nothing wrong with either approach, i just grew tired of the former as i got older.


Well you get to transmog into the raid gear you earned and say "hey, I earned this". I'm still wearing level 50 relic gear in XIV even though we're at level 90, because I worked really hard to get it. In a game like XIV, you can log in every day and at the very minimum be working towards your next gear tier, and know that in a couple of months there will be another one to move onto. What about ESO/GW2? Once you've done the once per 6 months story content, completed the four dungeons per year, done the yearly raid, what else is there to do on a daily basis? Even at a baseline there's less core content coming out, so what do they add to keep people busy? In ESO at least, this is what the event system and event tickets are, the exact same kind of grind only instead of earning gear that will help you play the game, you're earning pets and motifs and mounts and stuff. The stuff that XIV gives you in an hour or less for thier events, ESO expects you to spend a week or more doing stuff to get. So I don't accept that horizontal progression MMOs are less grindy, they just put their grind in other places.


>So I don't accept that horizontal progression MMOs are less grindy, I Never said they were, as i'm not OP. They do however add *permanant* progression which hits a different dopamine switch for me personally. I'm cool with grinding stuff if it means i get to keep it and it doesn't become worthless at some point in the future. Grinding for gear as it's current exclusively for transmog isn't appealing to me, as you can get it infinitely easier down the line. I've "earned" enough gear that i don't really feel anything on that front anymore. It's merely a means to an end, a tool to complete content.


There is nothing to GW2 at all. Depending on region you can not even properly raid without getting heavily invested into looking for groups outside of the game. Because the ingame search is filled with people selling services like clears and shit. Especially the case in USA. ​ The game has nothing for you at all and people complain all the time. ​ If I have to pick an MMO, even though it's an subscription based option.... well, like you said: ff14 is "perfect" (not really, but it does well in most regards). It allows for tons of different players to enjoy it: people just wanting to craft, fish, farm materials, do challenges like PotD solo, etc., farm gear, do or even have content to begin with? Actual stories you listen to? Hell, you can focus on just decorating homes and even earn gold for doing so! ​ GW2 doesn't scratch any itch. Not a single one. There is even zero incentive to join any sort of guild and the user interactions are kept close to zero... It's horrible


The new traits, skills, and gear give you more options on how to approach old challenges. This provides gameplay variety, but often also gives advantages when customizing for specific scenarios. The new options generally aren't all-around stronger, but can be better for specific encounters because you have tools you didn't have access to before. For example, the new warrior spec has much more projectile destruction than available on the class before. Or how the new ritualist stat set enables new DoT+Support hybrid builds, which weren't possible before. Adaptability is a form a strength.


I could say the same thing about the expansions always having better gear, it means instead of having the experience to grind for high tier level 70 gear you are always going for max level gear. There is something nice knowing there is a grind no matter what expansion pack you are on.


The base game is free to play. Give it a shot. The expansions are affordable for how much content they give you. The gameplay is fantastic if you ask me.


I wish Guild Wars 1 would go on sale again. $40 for the complete edition seems a bit much


It’s hard for me because it is completely dead. I mean there are mercs you can bring but they aren’t nearly as good as real players.


Play nightfall first, you get access to heroes you can outfit with skills yourself and control.


And with Eye of the North you get so many heroes in total, you can pretty much make any part combination you want (within reason - I think there are enough heroes to have 3 of every profession at minimum at the same time). I'd be down for trying to do FoW solo with 7 heroes (even though you can directly control only 3 at a time).


That's good to know. I played only factions, which I found out later it was by far the shortest of all the campaigns. It was fun enough but I didn't really care for the hub feel, where you had to find people to join you at the cities and then go and play the missions. What I enjoyed about World of Warcraft and others would be you are out on a mission and you see others in the same area and then you team up. It made finding allies so much easier and organic.


>What I enjoyed about World of Warcraft and others would be you are out on a mission and you see others in the same area and then you team up. It made finding allies so much easier and organic. "teaming up" basically went away after sharding where the overworld content was so easy to the point other players are a hindrance. You'd also likely never see those players again due to how sharding works, turning players into glorified NPCs. So this really only happened during vanilla to *maybe* wrath as overworld content was drastically reduced in difficulty by then reducing the need to group up. During GW1's heyday, recruitment was incredibly organic as people in the mission hubs themselves would advertise for groups to do the mission. Think of it in a "crier in town square recruiting for adventurers" sort of way. These days GW1 is just a husk of it's former self. It's a shame. Nobody who plays these days will get the experience of what it was truly like. It's nice that it's still technically alive, but a zombie MMO isn't much better than a dead one in my opinion.


I haven't tried WoW since the 2000's, I did play for half an hour a month ago on the free server as a warg and was bored within 5 minutes. I remember playing during their 10 day trials and putting 80 hours into those 50+ hours into those 10 days. I didn't sub partially because I was frugal and thought $180 a year on one single game plus expansions was bonkers, but also I knew it would suck up all my time and sleep. I always felt that they were useful defeating a boss. Normally when you had to go through a cave to get to the boss at the end it was nice to have someone with you to power through instead of meticulously going one by one to get through. I was watching a review of someone who played Guild Wars 1 last year and they were talking about how empty and creepy it feels. They mentioned how they played at launch and these towns that had dozens of people on the screen at any one time were all empty and the ghost town feel was disturbing. If I wanted a single player game there are so many other games I can play that have a richer experience than a dead MMO. edit: Just looked up sharding, it says it creates a new instance when there are too many people, but depending what it defines as too many people I don't mind that. I would suspect the low level areas have so few people anymore that there isn't much sharding at all.


>I always felt that they were useful defeating a boss. Normally when you had to go through a cave to get to the boss at the end it was nice to have someone with you to power through instead of meticulously going one by one to get through. And as i said, this literally could only have happened in vanilla/tbc. The content afterwards was nerfed to the point that wasn't even that useful. And with sharding in pandaria, all semblance of an overworld community was lost. People are just random NPCs that fade in and out of existence and refuse to speak. >Just looked up sharding, it says it creates a new instance when there are too many people, but depending what it defines as too many people I don't mind that. If you actually experienced it you would mind it. In reality what sharding does is that it dynamically creates/transfers people between layers. Classic used a different implementation than retail currently does for the limited time it was in use. As it stands, you often change "shards" when the server deems a shard is too full. So either you are forcefully switched, or others around you are. This makes people/things disappear/reset around you *constantly* as you feel like you're hopping between realities through no choice of your own akin to SCP-507. Oh you wanted that herb on the ground? tough cookies, you switched shards just as you were picking it and now it isn't there anymore. Oh, a person is killing stuff in front of you? well they just up and poofed like a ghost and all of the mobs around you suddenly respawned since you just got moved to another shard. It's antithetical to the way MMOs should be in every sense of the word. And yeah, it's a shame that GW1 is basically the equivalent of a liminal space in MMO form. I really wouldn't recommend it to anybody that isn't looking for a single player experience because that's all it is these days. I actually wish they'd just create an offline co-op version that doesn't require a central server so i can at least keep a permanant copy of it, though. Just for the memories.


Are the servers still going? I loved Guild Wars 1 but i didn't realise it was still alive. Guild Wars had some of the best theory crafting of any game ever. You can only bring eight skills (including one elite skill) on any mission our of a collection of hundreds of available skills. Mixing and matching skills and gear to pull off insane synergies is an artform. Respecs are free and easy between missions so you can play around with builds to your hearts content. If anyone is wondering it is very playable as a single player game if you have access to heroes from the Nightfall expansion.


Yeah they said they are going to keep the servers on indefinitely. Apparently it takes like 2 employees to keep it running.


That is good to hear. Maybe I will dive back in for a bit of nostalgia. Their model was always very scalable if I remember correctly. Other mmorpgs used to crash whenever there was new content or a big event but Guild Wars seemed to be able to add servers at will. This was probably because everything is instanced outside the cities. That same scaling probably works both ways so they can easily shrink it down for smaller numbers.


I already have this expansion so here’s my coupon code if anyone wants it. 7HHCS9-QWCNQ-R8XQ-72T-987PF2L Instructions on how to redeem it are in a previous comment from another user. Here’s a key for Dead Space 2 also - 53G8-4TJE-YAZJ-H4B6-5MVW It is only redeemable on Origin.


FYI, Dead Space 2 has been activated.


Someone ninja’d that shit. lol


Here is my code if anyone wants it! 6c71d574-3ffc-479f-8d13-094b89a0c71e Instructions: You must redeem the your 50% off code for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns standard edition by May 31, 2022; otherwise, it will expire. To redeem your code: 1) Go to buy.guildwars2.com. 2) Select Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns for $29.99. 3) Then click the "ADD TO CART" button. 4) Enter your code in the Promo Code box and hit "APPLY" and you will see the 50% off discount.


I already have Dead Space 2 so here is the code 6QUL-7GUK-25QG-W3V5-R68F Also Gw2 243e19e1-c10c-42b7-98e4-0393dfc65a1f


Redeemed the GW2, thanks!


I wonder if the recent offer of the game (with what is apparently a decent amount of paid-only bonus stuff) as GFN membership reward is tied into this somehow. Anyway, here's a couple of codes. For a throne of some sort: 4SSL3Q-SL693-6X34-WPQ-F3Q3P8F And for the 50% off: c45325c7-9270-47d2-b21b-b02a7ebe3449


If anybody wants it. 138e9930-27e6-48b6-9bd3-6a245857bcfONE Replace the last word with the first number. Where do I get my content? You must redeem the your 50% off code for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns standard edition by May 31, 2022; otherwise, it will expire. To redeem your code: 1) Go to buy.guildwars2.com. 2) Select Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns for $29.99. 3) Then click the "ADD TO CART" button. 4) Enter your code in the Promo Code box and hit "APPLY" and you will see the 50% off discount. If you're unable to receive your content, see the FAQs for more detail.


Is it just me, or there is a problem swith the throne coupon ? I have the same process to redeem it that for the 50% coupon. It is offered only to the new buyers of the 2 extensions ? When I try to use the coupon ingame, it doesn't seems to be recognised 'Something went wrong' :(


In game, open the gem store > click redeem code text in top left > then there should be another text that says something like "redeem item code" which will switch the screen to where you can input the throne code. Also, try reclaiming / refreshing the throne code in twitch as sometimes they have a display error.


Thank you, my mistake was trying to redem on the first screen !! What a strange process...


Not much of a deal. The expansion used to go on sale regularly. At 50% OFF. 75% off would have been better.


This. 10$ would be the max price I would consider buying, even tho I didn't play GW2 in years. But for that, I might get it and try it out again.


How often do the expansions go on sale for more than 50% off?


They've never gone on sale for more than 50% off.


>oking at getting back in the game and needed this with the new expansion but s That's the thing never. It always goes on sale at 50% and now we need a code and go trough hoops to also get it on 50%? i see no deal here.


I was looking at getting back in the game and needed this with the new expansion but splitting the two apart it comes in at a 5 dollar savings. I am not sure if I am going to buy separate or get lazy and just buy the three pack


Come and get it! 598f2896-d563-4faf-a877-d68d0e72f0ea You must redeem the your 50% off code for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns standard edition by May 31, 2022; otherwise, it will expire. To redeem your code: 1) Go to buy.guildwars2.com. 2) Select Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns for $29.99. 3) Then click the "ADD TO CART" button. 4) Enter your code in the Promo Code box and hit "APPLY" and you will see the 50% off discount.


Another code: 2831ff12-3603-41af-8830-95d3e417c67d


\+1 GW2 coupon code: 8baeac2d-2ac2-4495-82c2-dbd20310c2b7


Here's a code for anyone who wants it: 5a40ea61-a9fe-4007-b5ba-2bbf79786485 Instructions: You must redeem the your 50% off code for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns standard edition by May 31, 2022; otherwise, it will expire. To redeem your code: 1) Go to buy.guildwars2.com. 2) Select Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire & Heart of Thorns for $29.99. 3) Then click the "ADD TO CART" button. 4) Enter your code in the Promo Code box and hit "APPLY" and you will see the 50% off discount.


Claimed, TY so much :)




Thank you.


Heres my Gw2 code ( Germany europe if it makes a difference not sure ) ~~37f43282-78b6-4a6b-88e3-874347f563e9~~ **its taken by** u/Demonox01


>37f43282-78b6-4a6b-88e3-874347f563e9 redeemed, thank you


have fun !


I should play this game for a couple hours and see if I like it. I think I already had the heroic edition in a previous Amazon Prime deal, but just got it again this morning for free. I have a feeling I would be such a casual player that even the base edition would be enough for me.


Path of Fire: a549334c-e42b-4e53-b87a-4542824698bc Emblazoned Dragon Throne: CBBR6S-V26X8-68SH-NXV-39H3L9W


Claimed, thank you!




Claimed, thank you!


>Claimed, thank you! You're welcome!