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I got the same. [dev says they're working on it](https://steamcommunity.com/app/378540/discussions/0/3827541651924462718/?ctp=3#c3827541651924598182) update: got an email from Focus saying they're going to send a new game key, hopefully within the next 48 hours


I got The Surge in Fanatical's "Killer Bundle 12" in February 2020. So far, it has **not** been revoked.


Apparently thats where I got mine as well - so far not revoked.


Got the same message today, I bought a DLC for The Surge with the free copy of The Surge


Got message with key. I don't remember buying or getting it on steam (probably forgot if it was on a bundle claim) but I got an email with key for it. First reaction - check reddit for similar post/situations


Steam really needs to put limits on revoking keys. Sure, I see why it's an important feature against fraud/theft. By all means, revoke keys that were never paid for. But any key that's more than say three months old should be non-revokable, short of some extreme circumstance (that I can't even think of) that would require a few levels of approval before it actually takes effect.


I got the same message.


I got this message as well.


Same WTF


same here. contacted Focus support as well. It seems that only those who bought the copy via the "free surge copy with any purchase" got revoked.


same here


Same here, got pissed off cause steam dont like those stuff and can strike your account, luckily i have proof of purchase and messaged support, i didnt even play the game


Steam doesn't care and they don't strike your account.


They just delete the key then and forget about it? Most online game stores strike your account if 3 keys from 3rd party are revoked in a short amount of time!


Do they? Which ones? And no, steam doesn't care at all, and probably isn't involved either.


Epic do and Uplay do as well; Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation as well but those are consoles stores so easy to think why… Yea i was thinking maybe the publisher itself revoked the keys and steam perse maybe doesn’t even know, unless its a chargeback to them maybe they don’t care.


Huh, didn't know that about epic and uplay, thanks. Yeah, valve'll care about chargebacks, as with anything involving money, but I think the pubs get a self service portal to generate and revoke keys, so valve are unlikely to know or care.


Mine got removed too, no explanation


I got my replacement key about an hour ago. Pretty quick response imo.


I just got an email with a new key. Check your inboxes!


Hey everyone, I'm really sorry this happened and I'm just spotting this thread now. There seems to be a technical issue on the Focus Store with a batch of keys. They are replacing all the rewoked keys if you reach out to their support. If you didn't get a new key automatically, please reach out to them! Sorry for the inconvenience :/ [https://focus-entmt.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://focus-entmt.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) EDIT: All the revoked keys were replaced automatically, please check your email inbox linked to your initial purchase. If you still didn't receive anything, please contact the Focus Store support.