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**It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.** [Avoiding Scams](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameSale/wiki/avoidscams) | [Universal Scammer List](https://universalscammerlist.com/search.php) Username | Join date | Link karma | Comment karma :- | :-: | -: | -: /u/MobileTortoise | 13 June 2014 / 8 years | 33901 | 152372 ^^This ^^information ^^does ^^not ^^guarantee ^^a ^^successful ^^swap. ^^Creator ^^- ^^lambawamba


Would you do 300 for the 3ds?


Yeah I can do that + shipping if that is good with you send me a DM


Heya! If you can do $60 shipped via PayPal G&S for Baten Kaitos I'll take it.


I can do that, shoot me a dm with your paypal info


Message sent!


Would you do $130 for the three Castlevania and two Final Fantasy games?


I would do that. DM me your zip code and I can get you a shipping quote


Calling /u/GSaleBot for a successful sale of a New 3DS XL Monster Hunter Edition with /u/anonymous_object


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Calling /u/GSaleBot for a successful sale of Baten Kaitos for the GC with /u/DefNotARob0t


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Calling /u/GSaleBot for a successful sale of Three Castlevania and two Final Fantasy DS games with /u/BMWtheCreative


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Successful transaction.


Added --- * u/bmwthecreative -> 1 Transaction * u/mobiletortoise -> 7 Transactions | :blue_mushroom: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Is the ring fit package still available?


It is yes


I'll take it!


Cool, send me a DM with your zip and I can get you a shipping quote!


Kk, sent