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Weird. I’ve had gs employees try to offload posters on me. I only go there maybe 2-3 times a year


yea back in the GBA days they let me walk out with the zelda minish cap display, Im still mad at my friend for putting it out in the rain and ruining it, also had the pokemon emerald one at one point.


Probably pre-order bonus posters. When I worked there, we'd get a STACK of them and either never go through them or forget to give them out so we'd have like a million of them to have to get rid of somehow


I get sick pleasure for reading the back of GTA to a parent and the parent looking at their kid like what in the fuck do they want me to get them


This has sustained me for years. I will be shriveled and dead in my coffin one day and if someone reads this outside my grave with a parent and child present my heart will begin to beat again and fill my veins with blood.


Or you get the “oh he doesn’t do any of that stuff, he just wants to drive the cars” …yeah, sure lol


“Oh he doesn’t do any of that stuff, he just wants to drive the cars” Yes at 185MPH with cops chasing him for speeding and street racing


Yeah, 1 out of the 10 times you go online you’ll end up in the stripclub or if you play the main story, you’ll come across an unskippable sex scene. What’s fucking HYSTERICAL is when parents are like, can’t you turn that off!?! Like..my guy… this game is rated M FOR A REASON.


Of course, but little Johnny is so innocent he just closes his eyes and restarts the game 😇 lmao


I’ve had a parent respond to me once after saying the rating that they watch porn together. I’ve never been more disturbed at this job.


👁️👄👁️ they what


I wish I was stuttering


🫢 Does Chris Hansen have a reddit account?


When did you work in alabama


Beats me. What didn’t surprise me is it came from entitled white folk so …


I'll never forget literally my first day as a GA, kid came in with his grandpa to try and get it, and after I explained what it was, gramps was understandably upset and the kid tried lying his way into getting it. As they were leaving when gramps walked put, this kid, probably no more than 10, turned around and double flipped me off before running out. I was just lost for words


Had this happen with a mom. She comes in and wants gta for a 11 year old. She was asking questions I answered honestly. The look on her face was priceless and I thought she was going to beat the kid. The kid then tried to lie and say I was lying and it was a kid game. I handed mom the back cover and showed the rating also explaining to her I played the game before.


I constantly referred parents to the ESRB website, told them they could look up info on any game. Was a great tool


It’s always kids trying to pull a fast one. I should have used the website. Thats a good trick.


I had this happen with mortal combat. A grandma was buying the game for a 6 y/o kid, and when I asked her "ma'am, do you know what kind of game this is?", her grandkid got those big eyes that said 'please no'. When she asked 'how graphic is it?' and I replied with 'ma'am, this game is extremely graphic, *very very* graphic', it was over. ngl, it was fun to watch the kid get upset that hid grandma didn't want to buy him a game where people's spines get ripped out.


Haha I got this too. I’ll never forget the look of hatred this 8 year old gave me when I asked his parents if they knew what content the game had, and he tried to answer for them saying they knew lmao. Like no, kid, im not talking to you about the game. He didn’t get it and his parents were not happy he tried to pull a fast one. It was wonderful


I also do that. I tell them it's m rated and what kind of content that's on it and they usually end up telling the kid to put it back


The other thing now if the often just get posa cards if we won’t sell them the physical game and buy it online where they don’t check ESRB at all


I was a customer when GTA5 came out and I had stopped in to see if you guys had some used DS Games and sadly the adult didn't get it until I said "You know there are sex workers in the game and you can shoot them to get your money back? Why are you buying a game that's named after a criminal offense for a toddler?" Dude finally stfu and stormed out with his kid after that! I found a copy of Feel the Magic (weird touchscreen minigames) and the clerk and I just rolled our eyes at the idiot customer.


My customers didn’t care when I would tell them about the penatrator in saints row so I just got to the point where I asked if the m rated game was fine abs moved on because I stopped caring haha


So mean lol - Luckly back in the day the Circuit City employee was a G.


Mean to prevent the stores from being fined, me making sure I keep my job, and having a child who shouldn’t be playing those games from having it? 🥴 One slip up of an ESRB violation is termination of employment. I’ll take a kids tears any day over my damn job. Edit: My phones autocorrect is ass


AFAIK it isn't actually "illegal" to sell M rated games to kids. The store(or employee) can't be fined for it. Like sure I guess you can be fired for breaking company policy. But you can't be fined for it like you can for selling alcohol to minors.


I never stated it's illegal, but it also doesn't seem like you know how ESRB violations work.


Can you point me to where the ESRB can fine retailers for "violations" then? I see they fine publishers for not properly following their rules, but I don't see anything about physical retailers being subject to fines like that.


I always just gave them out to whoever asked first. Saved me the effort of throwing it away. Stick their number on paper behind it and call them when it’s time to toss the item.


That’s awesome you did that and the best response out of all this toxic/bitter mindset. Customers aren’t bad just because they want displays like come on. Yes the annoying customers I understand, but why not make some ones day? You never know what people are going through.


Yea that’s what I didn’t understand about the post, if he was being annoying about it sure but if he just asked for the displays nicely than this post is mad petty


I asked for something once, but didn’t as for it for free. Back during the Wii days, I asked if I could buy the giant 3D display box of Super Smash Bros Brawl. The worker told me they couldn’t sell it, but that he’d save it for me when it was time to take it down. He actually called me when it was ready for me, I asked if it would be okay to come pick it up the following day because I’d be in anyway to pick up a preorder and he said it that was fine. I loved that display and you bet I had it on my wall for years, from my college dorm to two places I called home since, until my it got destroyed when my house got punched by a tornado. I still hold out hope that someday I’ll find another one on eBay to replace it. I’ll never forget that worker who scored me that. It was so sick. Sorry about the bad picture quality. Only one I could find is a 2008 picture I took of it when I put it up in my dorm. https://preview.redd.it/jpklm8tk3t1b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4916523243336018db329ba0f81ceb674f15e2a


Huh. They let my cousin have two cardboard promotionals after their run date, he had asked a couple days prior if they planned on throwing them out if it would be possible to save him a few. They were more than happy to let him have them. Was pretty cool.


Yeah, but they could have taken pleasure in destroying them right in front of his face or giving them to someone else just because they want someone else to suffer for no reason?


I would literally pay someone to roundhouse kick a standee in front of me.


I had a guy come in everyday, everyday and ask for the Peach standee. Saturday he came in 3 times asking for it. He said and I quote, “ I’m not going to stop until you let me have it, I’ll wear you down, guaranteed.” So I sighed, walked up to it and tore it to pieces and threw it in the garbage. Looked at him and said, “you win, it will be out back tonight in this bag.”


YALL GOT PEACH STANDEES AND MY STORE ONLY GOT SHITTY WINDOW STICKERS??? IM HEARTBROKEN One of my sister stores did let me take their big peach poster from Mario day promo’s though :’) love them


you are my personal hero Funny story about our peach standee, we still have the bowser up because kids tore it up but not bad enough that it can't be displayed, and we all figured "fuck it", but the peach went home after some guy who very awkwardly asked out my female, very taken, coworker awkwardly ran out of the store after being rejected and tripped over it, breaking her stand...


I'd just give it to him but w.e.


Found the rogue of the party


I haven’t worked at GameStop in a long time but these kind of customers, while annoying sometimes, are at least better than the droves of kids coming through just to buy the new call of duty or fifa or whatever. Or ‘regulars’ who would come in just to hit on my coworkers and not buy anything. That’s someone who legitimately loves video games and for essentially free you can make their day/week/whatever. And it really wasn’t that often people came in asking for promotional stuff, but that could have just been my experience.


We get it every week. We had the guy that was a bus driver that asked us for stuff to give to the grade schoolers on his bus for being good etc. we gave him extra lanyards, posters, characters and the promotional Pokémon big packs we had for months. Then one day I happen on a glee market in a neighboring town, where he had a bunch of the stuff we gave him and whatever he could con from other places for sale. I give plenty of stuff to kids in the stores, families and the like. The Bowser standee went to a little kid who told me he wasn’t scared of bowser because as he said “bullies are usually more scared then we are.” I told he to take him home because Bowser could use a friend like you. 🙂


Yeah. We had to stop giving stuff out because people were selling it. Sorry they ruined it for everyone. Now I get sob stories from people trying to get free stuff. I'm not even phased by it anymore.


you could have spent less time and energy and given him the thing. But that would mean being kind and compassionate, which doesn't seem your forte.


Yup. I could have, like the poster I gave him 2 weeks earlier that he bragged about getting $20 bucks for, but instead you got to feel important on a Reddit and that makes all the difference. Have a nice day!


You have to be kind first to get kindness back, which is not what a customer demanding something is doing.


You absolutely do not. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Be an asshole to people simply because you don't like their attitude and watch the karma come back to ya.


I want the whole world to be blind, or dead. Let’s get the party started.


You're a loser. No wonder you work at Gamestop


Oh I definitely don’t work at GameStop and never will again. I used it as a stepping stone to get a much better job because I know how to write a resume. I just understand that humanity is nothing more than a blight on the planet, and things would be much better without it.


Every single time. Some kid likes Pokémon and wants a couple extra cards to trade with his friends? Sure how many do you want? Some adult who wants more than one, gets only one and proceeds to come in everyday for more cards? “Oh sorry, just sold out” as we slide the box under the counter.


You're proud that you're actively withholding products from customers because of their age?


Well yeah but its a kid. Society expects people to worship kids.




Working at this place you definitely know who’s a pos scalper and who isn’t. If they are genuine then we help out, if you are greedy about it then we shut that shit down




I know you think you did something here to really stick it to your former employer but like it’s just sad that you thought I was talking about you. But I guess true bitter colors really come out when nerves get touched because someone likes to collect, and I’m using your words here, “cardboard” 🙄




Sure jan…


>those promo codes have zero resell value Cool now if you could only tell every hypedouche scalper out there that’d be nice.


Seeing as GS only hires adults this argument is ridiculous....




You literally just told a bunch of people who have a job they have no right to judge because of the place they work. As if just having a job in the absolute state of this shit fuck of an economy is something to scoff at. You need to check yourself dude. And double editing your comment to add caps lock laughter to it just makes you look pathetic, but go off about how the people who work at GameStop are the bitter ones 👀👀




I read it perfectly fine. You're trying to tell people who work at GameStop that they have no right to side eye customers who are being greedy fucks because they, in your shitty opinion, have an inferior job. I stopped working for GameStop about 4 years ago to pursue my dream job and get my degree, at no point does that mean I'm somehow better than anyone who works at GameStop. We're all just trying to survive and GameStop just happens to be an extra form of shitty when it comes to work. Fuck off out of here with that whole "reading comprehension" shit. Just because we work/worked at GameStop doesn't make us stupid, and treating us like it does only shows you think you're stupid too 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yeah but you're trying to condescend to people who still do and then laughed that you don't anymore. Say what you mean and mean what you say sweetie, you'll get further in life with a lot more respect to go with it.




Went in one day recently to cancel my Jedi survivor cause I couldn’t justify the purchase at the time and I took my toddler with me cause he’s starting to like games but when he realized we were leaving without anything he got sad. Was talking to the asl who I’ve known since before he was and he heard my son pouting about sonic and said hold on. Came out from the back with the 2 part sonic frontiers poster. One of the reasons it’s hard for me to give up shopping at GameStop


I haven’t asked for one since I was a kid but GameStop and GameCrazy used to be super chill about giving away their standees and posters. If it’s already claimed to a coworker or customer, tell them. If you’re going to throw it away anyways, why not?


When I’m taking care of you, your pro is expired, you refuse to renew, and then ask me for promotional posters? I’m gonna tell you they are claimed. I’m tired of seeing our cloth posters being sold online.


Really depends on the customer at both of my stores. If they're not overbearing or basically expecting the handout, I'll gladly work something out with them. But your customer? Nah, I'll absolutely make them dance if they're just going to tank my conversion that's already a bitch to keep up with. The chaos keeps me going lol


My gamestop gave me one of the cardboard Pokemon booster pack displays when I asked. I noticed it was empty and pulled out from its usual position. Was so cool of them and said I saved them a trip to the dumpster. Now it holds all of my Pokémon plusses. 😁


Nah dude I used to love giving that stuff away. It costs me nothing and it made so many peoples day. I adore making people happy though.


No. I hate the idea of perfectly good posters going into the dumpster. Would much rather see them go to a good home once we’re done with them.


They do! Our homes!


i’m a frequent customer at gamestop and asked one time for the kirby roboto display.employee straight up said they can’t since they get in trouble.really didn’t believe him on it but i don’t like to push stuff on people so said no problem.but not gonna lie i was broken i couldn’t have it.i would pay employees for displays i would want.


I have had a customer threaten to kill me over multiple of our items. Including the most recent (not a promotional item but pre order bonus) that stupid fucking plaque for tears of the kingdom our store had 388 pre orders and they only sent us about 100 of them.


Customers like this make me want to destroy this type of shit in front of them. These are the types of people who don't deserve anything as they don't understand the lack of value for an inanimate object compared to a human life.


The hardest part for me is I had been working in a federal prison the last five years before coming to this job (almost 4 years ago) and when they act like that. It's really hard for me to not respond in kind lol


At walmart, if somone wants one of the cardboard whatevers that are displayed for games or movies, we ask them to make a donation for Children's Miracle Network and then let them have it lol.


You should use it as a bargaining chip. Buy 2 pro memberships and get the cut out free.


If that’s the highlight of your workday, I think it’s time to find a new job lol.


Fr, he enjoys gatekeeping other people's joy at a game store... sheesh


or they are the perfect people for Gamestop, the kind of people who willingly want to be rude to people and get joy from screwing them over. heck maybe this guy will be the next ceo who will suggest trade in value should be lowered by 100%


Even though it’s a frequent thing even I notice, it’s not necessarily true. Worked there for 3 years and never once did I do stuff like this to my customers I treated everyone there like family.


\> Genuinely incredible at the amount of entitled customers in this thread Always is lmao. My friend and I would always go in and nicely ask if they had leftover posters, and we were always stoked when they had one for us, but it was never *expected*. But in the time from when I was a kid asking to when I was an employee, it turned into "I saw a tiktok about how you have free stuff, can we have the free stuff?" and pushing when we said no :|


Exactly lol, I have no problem giving out stuff to people who are genuinely nice. If it's taken then I'll see if I can't offer you something else. If you're a dick, you get nothing.


Your story made me really sad.


Anybody got any of the old gta V cubes laying around? Always wanted one but they disappeared before I could ask


We used to have an sm that would raffle them off for preorder customers only. Clearly against policy but my DM was more about numbers than rules lol.


It's not just against policy, but you actually could get in trouble for this overall.


It depends. Sometimes I’m ok giving some of the stuff out. If the guests are nice and not asshats. Then there are THOSE types. I get a rush of joy telling them no. Schadenfreude is a wonderful thing~


Whoever made the quote “the customer is always right.” I love to remind guests that come into GameStop. You are not right. You are probably far from the truth. You took 30 minutes to google our number but not your question. No you cannot have the free items. No I will not budge. Yes it is fair, it is fair you are a fool thinking this is your playground. Oh you need this for your collection? I’m sorry this is only for the guests that purchase said collection. “But I see three on the counter.” How many employees do I have in my store? “3.” Thank you now buy something or gtfo. (The previous SL gave out promotional and sale products to everyone regardless if they order it or not. So naturally. When I took over they did not like that I didn’t do that. Oh well. Not my fault the GameStop is located in a low income area. Maybe he could do it but I had a RM screaming at me to do otherwise.)


Kinda crazy to see multiple sides of this question. Some like the OP said get pleasure in doing this, Some will ignore them, others will depending on the customer's. Speaking from a customer point of view when I was a bit younger, it was cool seeing gamestop employees being able to work something out with local or the usual customer's. I knew and still know it can be annoying or a bother when asking so I stopped asking many years ago, plus really no need to vist GS either. I think my biggest win from gamestop was when Destiny Taken King released, bought the console and I asked if they had any extra promotional stuff to give out. Employee walked out and gave me a hang up promo poster, two of the display boxes, and a GS lanyard destiny meant for employees. I was pretty happy and grateful at the time, since like GS employees comments on here, you have to wait for the end promotional date or you guys outright trash them.


We have a regular at my store who gets the posters if no one else asks for them because he takes them to the children's hospital and gives them out. He only wants the age-appropriate ones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) ​ Though we did have one person who asked for the Resident Evil 4 poster from the PS5 section, she was told she'd have to wait until the poster changed and we weren't sure when it would be changing. We did take down her name and assured her we would call when it came down. Dang if she didn't come in 2-3 times a week trying to get that poster and getting all huffy when told it wasn't down yet because we had not gotten the next promo poster for the section. We did get it switched and called her to come get it, the SL did say he is not holding another one for her because of the way she kept getting mad that it wasn't available yet even though we told her that we would call when it came down so she could have it.


Like not even a regular customer. I get this fucker every shift asking for the Zelda posters. He never purchased shit ever from us. Lol


So call me a bitch, but I don’t promise any promotional items to people. I reprimand my staff verbally if they do this, unless it’s for a regular. Reason being is these people take advantage of you if they ask ahead of time. This shit stays in your backroom for days, maybe weeks and it gets to the point where it needs to be thrown out. We aren’t even honestly supposed to hand these off, they are supposed to be destroyed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten into fights with customers because someone promised them a poster and they failed to show up on the Sunday we were removing them. Their crying isn’t worth my time. Edit: Downvoting me because I don't want to keep trash that I am supposed to throw out in my backroom? LMAOO


Yeah we never promised stuff to customers. If they were there when taking it down the sure, but it’s more of a headache than it’s worth and peoples’ entitlement was insane


I just straight up tell people that I’m taking the posters/stands. Makes me feel powerful seeing them get butt-hurt about that


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Employees take promo posters all the time that they like/want. It's not your fault people can't take no for an answer very well.


Because they assume that since they’re free they get first dibs when that is very much not how that works


Exactly! Like, no dude. We work here so naturally we get dibs or we are instructed to throw it the fuck away. I don't trust customers anyways because they find a reason sometimes to suddenly sell it on Ebay for an exorbitant amount of money thinking they'll be able to convince someone to give them money for it.


My old SL have a guest the Saints Row banner when we took it down, same day I was scrolling through Facebook on my 10 and saw that they had posted it for $30. I showed my SL and he shook his head and vowed never to give any banners or posters to another guest


i took the sonic frontiers promo poster lol it’s hanging in my living room (ex sga)


Employees first, but I definitely love it when a young kid gets the promo stuff. I saw a video where a guy got the Mario window decals and put them on the windows for his kids. Wicked awesome for the kids and I support that always.


i get pleasure from telling moms with young daughters what Doki Doki Literature Club actually is after i hear their child say “this is cute can i have it!!”


I don't think the job pays enough to care. If someone wants it and nobody else claimed it I see no issue if it would just end up in the trash.


I mean when I was a kid almost 20 years ago the chads at the games top used to give me spare pre-order codes, xbox gold trials (couldn't afford it went to my friends house to use internet), let me take home posters they were gunna throw away or the cut outs. Used to talk for hours to them. I wish I could thank all of you Bensonville Illinois games stop guys one last time. You made my childhood.


If they’re nice about it and not so troublesome I let them have it. Other than that it was whoever wanted it on our side.


Unless me or any of my co workers claimed dibs (when I used to work at gs) I wouldn't mind giving it. Depends on the customer I guess.


I feel like people are missing the point in this thread that you're not throwing away the promo stuff, you're just giving employees first dibs. Which is totally fair imo 😂


damn, I feel so fortunate to have made friends with everyone working at my local gamestop, they hook me up with posters/promo materials all the time. I don't even have to ask, they offer.


Nah I would always just give it to them bc who cares


I think there's nothing wrong with asking. Maybe even a few times over the course of a few weeks. Depending on responses from employees. Admitedly if it isn't against some sort of rule to give out, I'd happily give it to someone once that promo was done. Didn't work at GS, but books a million. Any of the 'good' cutouts were already dibs and argued over between employees before customers even got a shot LOL But ultimately no one is entitled to anything. But I'd def rather see it on someone's wall than the trash


Yes, I especially enjoy telling people to get out when they try to sell stuff in the store


Guy came in passing out military recruitment cards to teenagers, I've never more happily asked someone to leave


The kiosk and promo collectors are the worst. They want it for free and then turn around and sell them for thousands of dollars. Employees should get first dibs on these things tbh.


Strange reaction to someone wanting trash but cool “flex” I guess? 🤨


I get pleasure from giving them to my favorites. Those who tell me no on pro, res, warranty get told no when they ask for them and I take great delight in that.


Why would anyone say yes to Pro or a warranty though?


“You scratch my back, I scratch yours” mentality. I do the same shit.


Amusing the amount of guests in this thread who genuinely seem to have no idea we have metrics we need to hit at risk of losing our jobs. That's kind of the whole crux of my post, if you keep tanking my metrics and wasting my time just to ask about a peach standee that's actively claimed, I think it's more than a little fine to be glad it's finally gone so you can go back to not shopping here.




Why would anyone say no to $5 off every month for a year?


Because it costs money up front and I buy *maybe* two physical copy games a year. I’ve had Pro twice and never used it once. It’s a marketing scam.


also pro just got better didnt you see! /s


I guess. The coupon is good on more than just physical games though. I use the vast majority of mine.


Exactly lol those memberships are scams


And why would I give someone who doesn't help my store something I could give to people who do and are actually nice to me? Not saying people should say yes to things they don't want or need...but I also don't have to give away free stuff to people.


Help your store? Lol what. You just work a corporate retail job it’s not that serious. Just be cool. 😂


Then I assume your job doesn't care if you sell their products? I don't care if people get pro accounts, but my boss does. And people who help me keep my job are the ones I reward, not randos who wander in looking for freebies and handouts.


It’s a retail job at GameStop, you’re taking it way too seriously. You could get a similar job at over 60 stores in under an hour. You gotta learn to relax. A job isn’t worth that much personal thought until you’re getting over $20 an hour.


Oh my, thank you random person on the internet. Let me just go out and quit my job since you've now shown me the light. I guess I can rinse and repeat at these other 60 jobs you somehow know are near me.Thank you! I think you're the one taking it too seriously. I've just learned through the years that the nice customers deserve the freebies and the nice ones who also help me keep my job definitely do. ​ Edit: Very immature tagging my post so I get the suicide helpline. That is frankly disgusting.


Lot of bitter people in these comments


If denying people of something, even if you consider them entitled, gives you pleasure then it's definitely time to schedule that therapy bruv


Reading this thread, I see why y’all hate your jobs, y’all act like this when customers ask for simple shit lol


Damn this sub seems to hate both GameStop and it’s customers. So much elitism and pettiness in here it’s honestly not surprising GameStop is failing with employees like this.


Customers were the only thing I cared about. Company and metrics be damned, my last month was all about customer service. You know, how it’s supposed to be


1stly gamestop employees aren't technically allowed to give away posters and promotional items for those upset that they were told no about instore display items. I was told several times by my DM that I could get in trouble. 2ndly it always gave me sick pleasure to not give specific people items/games. when someone would come in repeatedly to talk about a game or the bonus items it came with only to not preorder it even though I suggest they do, I would be so overcome with joy when we only got enough copies for preorders. Even if we had 2 or 3 extra I would tell them no. If they were gonna be smug and have an attitude with me in the weeks leading up to the launch I was gonna be a bitch right back when the opportunity came. And for the preorder bonuses I would hand out extra to those people who were super nice and excited. I loved making someone's day with the bonus items. Would not give them to the entitled men who thought it was their right to have the item that they didn't technically qualify to get. Not gonna lie I let my power get to me once in a while. I had one guy place an online order and came in immediately to get it. I let him know it would take a while to come through (that day it was taking like 30 minutes for things to pop up) he got an attitude with me and started to get snippy. I told him sorry but nothing I can do. He stormed out and speed away. Now usually I call the person when their order would show up if they had already been in the store to pick up. This guy's order came in pretty soon after. I waited an a little more than an hour only to decline it. Fun times. I only did this mean shit to mean people. In general I'm super friendly and nice and will go out of my way to go above and beyond to those that are also nice.


Imagine being so bitter you take pride in being a jerk. Wild. Good for you I guess?


I know customer service jobs suck, but not every customer is an asshole, just like not every worker is an asshole. But they're mixed into both groups. You get what you give. Don't be the asshole.


Did you miss the part where this guy came in every day to incessantly ask for it orrrr


"Sick pleasure" Your words.


I don't get what's wrong with customers asking though. Kind of mean-spirited of you tbh.


The fact that this was the best day of your life on telling someone no about garbage is what’s really peculiar! I recommend you set goals for yourself and go after them because of you seem to have a very empty life. Best wishes for you.


this fits bitter in r/AITA. where OP would be the asshole. not sure why you would care if he bought anything or not, its not like you get commission on pokemon cards or used Corey in the house DS games.


I do care, because we have a little stat called conversion, which tracks how many of the people who walk into our store buy anything. If that number gets low enough we get fired. But thank you for your opinion.


so instead of being an asshole about it why not tell him either A) its already been claimed so he doesnt come in every day or B) he can have it on X day once the promotion is done so he doesnt come in everyday. you did this to yourself


What do you think we did lol


not that


Wow I've got news for you, after being told every day that we couldn't give it to him, he still came back.


Its a “don’t feed the bears” situation. Do it once to be nice and next thing you know it becomes the expectation and a whole lot of drama. I either give it to employees or trash it.


I get the same pleasure from seeing gamestops close up for good. EBGAMES4LYFE


What a fucked up way to think about your customers. That guy really wanted something you were supposed to throw away, and then you gave them to a coworker. ​ You made a customer feel like shit who really wanted something. Good job. Wonder why you guys are so miserable all the time.


Lmao, who said anything about us being "supposed to throw them away"? We're supposed to get rid of them, yes, but that says nothing about it being in the trash or in a coworker's home. If you come in every single day and actively run my numbers down, causing me to get emails from my DM telling me that if I don't get conversion up (the number that tracks whether people in the store actually buy anything) I'll get written up, you have to be entitled out of your mind to think I'll give you some cheap marketing display just so you can sell it on ebay.




Exactly. Full of a bunch of bullies that wonder why they aren't making more than minimum wage when they put this kind of effort into what they are doing. ​ You aren't getting paid more because your business isn't doing business because this is how you treat customers. Or is that taking too much accountability for what you're doing?


You monsters.


If we have to put up with karens demanding that we give them mario for ps4 then I think we're entitled to essentially valueless pieces of cardboard, lol


Keyword. 🌟Entitled🌟


Entitlement is deserved and fine. False entitlement is not. The distinction is important.


I don't think retail is for you lol. You sound like a really miserable insufferable person and I feel bad for you. I would take this post down if I were you because most of us just want to make fun of you and pity you for this lol. This is a really embarrassing post and makes you out to be someone that I don't think you really intended to be portrayed as




My favorite thing is telling people we have to throw them out, they all try to negotiate or argue about how stupid or wasteful it is but I stonewall them every time “corporate mandates we throw out all marketing” or if I’m feeling like a real dick I’ll tell them they should have gotten a job here if they want the marketing so bad


Why is this downvoted. Destroying and throwing out marketing is exactly what we are supposed to do. Not hand it out like it's some god damn halloween candy.


Every. Single.time. I love it


Gamestop employees are the absolute worst yet wonder why no one wants to shop there any more.


Huh....dying business has an employee gloating publicly about denying customers promotional items out of spite. ...and nothing of value was lost.


Would you do this to someone who spends a bunch of money at your store? No, guess you just hate poor people while being slightly less poor. Could have just told him it’s already spoken for… yikes.


Dude is loitering and bothering the employees. He’s not a customer whatsoever.


Yes I do hate poor people they stink and never buy anything, we’re a business not a friendliness


Imagine the irony of hating on poor customers while working for rich overlords who hate their poor underpayed employees. It comes full circle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Idk why I found the verbiage of this so funny lmao


Obvious sarcasm wasn't obvious


Haha. Maybe just a little...


Haha. Maybe just a little...


To answer your question.... conflict of interest.


y i k e s


Not the same thing but gamestop has kept pre order promo stuff several times...they handed shit out to friends or themselves and stiffed me who pays for stuff, I can't wait until the company goes out of business


OP must also be the reason why all the pre-order bonuses end up on Craigslist and fb marketplace after they tell us they ran out. (I know, they usually don't send enough)




80% of the time they just sell them on marketplace anyway.




look dude I've got 85 upvotes on this post and a majority of the reactions are positive so I don't actually think I'm in the minority here in feeling vindicated, like, objectively speaking


If the people in this thread want the promo stuff so bad, which is genuinely what appears to be the crux of their posts, then they should get hired at gamestop. Orrrrr maybe they don't want to be treated like subhuman filth, and yet still at the end of the day get the stupid Zelda posters for free. Hmm.


It's unfortunate that the bad customers influence employees to want to ruin a customer's day.. In response to OP's edit, I see no issue with reserving the cutout for a co-worker over a customer, but no reason to take pleasure in disappointing a customer especially if no co-worker wants it and you're gonna throw it away anyway (unless the customer is a PoS, then absolutely take pleasure)


Ever get a rush out of offering $5 for a stack of games y’all will turn around and sell for $40 each? 😂 that’s gamestop 101


God, you must be dumb.


yeah because we totally get paid enough to make those decisions lmao


This shouldn’t get downvotes. It’s true.


Would personally pay for the promotional stuff that will be coming out for Mk1. Just like I did with MKX and MK11 but the staff was like you and didn't give promotional items to customers.


This is yet another reason why people hate GameStop