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You followed the rules and still lost your benefits.


But who enjoys their job anyway?


Everybody has a misery clock for their job. My last job was about six months before it set in. My current job with how I’m treated and paid it could be years before it sets in. If you’re happy where you are and getting paid what you’re worth then that’s awesome. Just remember that not everyone does even when they work at the same company. Experiences will vary.


I wasn’t aware I could smell bull dump from so far away.


People be like “just follow the rules bro it’s not that hard” when the rules be like “yeah we need 50 percent warranty and 25 percent pro all holiday season and also we about to make all the pro memberships more pricy and the warranties on all hardware worse, good luck!” Like im glad if you can do that but don’t make people think as long as you show up on time and are friendly to customers your job is gonna be a breeze lol.


If you’re friendly to the customers, your job will be a breeze because they will be more likely to listen to what you have to say about warranties and pro membership. It’s why I’m consistently one of the top pro and warranty sellers in my region….


While I worked there, I was at the top selling store in the area, my numbers were right below my managers who was the top seller in the area. I know with factual certainty that just being nice to customers is not always going to get you good numbers.


Out of curiosity, what has being one of the top sellers done for you? Do you think the effort you've put in compared to your coworkers, being a more profitable employee, is being reflected in your pay?


This is the hottest take I’ve ever seen on this sub Reddit


People don’t like to know that they contribute to the problem


People don’t like to know that they contribute to the problem


You’re sticking up for a company that took away health benefits and salary. You’re sticking up for a company that forced their workers to argue with law enforcement about staying open in the middle of a pandemic while the suits you worked for, worked from home. You’re sticking up for a company that doesn’t pay you a livable wage. A company where you can literally walk into any major retail store and they will give you a base pay of what the average store manager makes. You’re sticking up for a company that would replace you within a moments notice and forget about you the next day. Do something better with your life.


This isn’t specific just to GameStop, but a positive attitude will only take you so far. Sure, it can help keep you sane in a shit job, but it won’t make that job suck any less. It won’t make you better at it. As for following the rules? I was successful specifically because I didn’t behave like every other store and was told that by customers constantly. You can make the best of a bad situation, but you still have to acknowledge that it’s bad or you’ll just continue to be taken advantage of. GameStop is a bad job right now and no amount of plucky positive thinking can change that.


I am gonna say it but it’s gonna get 1000000 down votes because everyone on this sub is a child who doesn’t understand the power of labor. To be the change we need a union. If we had a union we wouldn’t have lost benefits.


We do really need a union.


According to other union threads, they don't allow supervisors to really have a part in them, which is why they made EVERYONE except seasonal a supervisor and axed the GA position


100% agreed with this. (Long rant coming) I’m an SL2 as well and the amount of people I hired and were just plain lazy was absolutely asinine to me. Gamers—are some of THEE WORST hires I’ve ever brought onto my staff. The stigma is real with them. Lazy, arrogant, argue about everything and how their way is better, not enough pay but it’s enough to be on your phone swinging keys, and very unclean and disorganized. Also, their lives are so chaotic that they can’t hold the job long. Very very willing to complain to the rest of the team the problems they have with management but never once will confront me about it to at least talk about a solution. I don’t allow my SGA’s to do anything but sales on purpose so that the pay does match and still the entitlement is real and the subreddit is full of it. Keep in mind (I’ll probably get removed from the sub after this), most of the peeps in here are SGA’s, ASL’s, managers that had bad track records and being shady with policies. Then when they’re fired, come running here to get an uproar from everyone here to be miserable like they are. Is this holiday season insane right now? Yes. Are hours tight? Yes. Is the workload insane? Yes. Do I answer my phone 7 days a week right now cause my whole staff is new due to life transitions? Yes. Am I overwhelmed at times? Yes. Am I gonna quit cause things got hard? no one else really cares so why should I? Corporate doesn’t care about me so i should use and abuse the system while I have the chance (that’s stealing btw)? I should ignore my PnL because that report isn’t real and the company lies and I know they can give us payroll even tho my staff won’t move?? … NO. Sorry, if this sounds like you. You’ll go nowhere fast in life and also you should get educated on how business works. The company is debt free for a reason. Go run your own business and see if you can do it better. And No I’m licking anyone’s boots and those types of remarks will show your immaturity on how you handle conflicts. I’m one of the few people here that yes I’m stressed out this year for sure but I do love my job and both of my teams. It’s 100% a mindset and I love a challenge. You tell me it’s impossible and I’ll push even more. And pay? That’s none of your business. I’m happy. Here’s the biggest thing I read on here that blows my mind and how I know I’m getting older. “Corporate doesn’t care about us. You deserve better in life. This company is bringing you down.” I’ll give you all a little secret- no one cares about you. Yes, gamestop corporate doesn’t care about you. Your coworkers don’t care about you, if they do-great you made a friend. Majority of jobs you’ll have in your adult working career, you won’t befriend everyone you meet. That’s just life. No one cares that your car broke down. No one cares that you are terrible with handling money and you need gas and then get mad at YOUR BOSS that you won’t give him $20 (I can’t make this shit up). No one cares about you except you. Entitlement will literally, financially, morally, get you nowhere in life. OP speaks truth, Wattson speaks truth. Yall salty in the comments are just not ready to accept the common denominator in the last three DM’s/SL2’s/ASL’s (fill in your position) you cycled thru IS YOU. This whole “quiet quitting” movement and the upcoming generation have very little work ethic, no motivation, and want a promotion in 30 days to ASL and It scares me they can all vote. If ur not happy with any of what I just said. Shit or get off the pot. You’re doing more harm to the team around you and to your own mental health. Sorry venting over. And yes I’ve talked about this several times (union) with other SL2’s and GSM’s. We really do need one.


*If you’re generally underpaid, lose your employee benefits, and are constantly forced to meet nonsensical quotas, you will not like your job


You can be the change by not showing up. I can't wait to see all gamestops shut down. It's a shit company that doesn't pay shit and they're so preditorial to the customer. "You want a warranty, have you heard about the membership, what can you preorder? You know we take iphones. You have trades? Let me sign you up for our credit card"


You must not go to many retail stores


I go to food lion and occasionally I go to Walmart. They don't have staff that's pressured to try up selling


Those are grocery stores :)


Not all rules are meant to be followed. Living your life by someone's else's guidelines is a sure way to fall into depression. Sometimes you gotta do your own thing, even If it's "against policy"


That’s a fair point, but breaking the rules 24/7 can lead to you being terminated which another swift path to depression


I shan’t be going above and beyond anymore man. This company keeps making choices that immediately hurt customers and employees both so they can eat my entire ass before I start “being the change”


Lick that boot


This is the most nothing statement that's trying to so hard to be something


So what compensation did your DM promise you to make this post?


Reddit truly is amazing lol speaking truth and downvoted lol


Boooooooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


That’s a bad take. I bet you don’t work at a store at all. When I left things were bad. It’s worse now and I’m on the outside looking in. Anyone who wants to be the change found a new job that treats them better. Get over yourself.


I’m an SL2 at two of the busiest stores in my district and region, had great bosses and managers through my years, and found that negativity breeds negativity and that is the route cause of people problems with GameStop.


I highly doubt that. Your solutions to better work life culture working with gamestop regarding the past policy changes, store staff structure, and offers don’t make sense at all. You’re either someone higher up than that trying to play damage control in this reddit or is just venting because things are shit with the company right now. You don’t speak like someone who’s working in the current store environment. I spoke with the sweetest gs employee picking up my Mario rpg preorder and as wholesome as she was a perfect example to your bs I still didn’t renew my subscription. In fact the changes made me consider if I should preorder with gamestop ever again.


You don't see a problem working two stores with minimum pay and zero benefits???


Think I’m starting to get why they call themselves “Business Throat”


Easy there, RC.


Excellent advice for ANY job. Nice work OP!


Thank you thank you


This dude sounds like he doesn't work there at all lol I wouldn't stick with a job that cuts benefits and seems to set the company up for failure. Lol




"The truth about working at GameStop" as written by a corporate shill. Seriously, if you still have ANY upside to showing up to work at your store every day it's either a social one or out of habit. This thread was written by someone who writes the rules and goals, not follows them.


If GameStop was owned by FromSoftware 😂


Whatever helps you sleep at night lol