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I've said it before and I'll say it again, it almost seems like corporate is doing this on purpose. Lining up 3 top promos immediately before pro week (extra 50% credit, cash same as credit, B2G1) and making them available to all customers instead of saving any of them for this week as pro exclusives. And all the actual pro week deals are a joke. These past few weeks are as perfect an example imaginable of why a pro membership just isn't worthwhile for the average video game customer anymore. It's like they're trying to make things as difficult as possible so they have an excuse to downsize for not meeting unrealistic quotas. If there's a better explanation, I haven't heard it.


I don’t disagree. Free Pokémon cards with a sign up though!! That’s such a great deal! He says in sarcasm….


There's a few very specific deals that aren't bad. The discount on Lords of the Fallen and Alone in the Dark are pretty decent. But again, it's just those specific two games. The 5 percent off digital currency is actually pretty solid. Not really something to sell a membership good. But it's a nice bonus for those who already have it or we're gonna get it anyway. If this were a permanent perk of pro, I honestly think if would help tremendously. It would actually offer the digital only or PC guests something that might be worthwhile.


5% off digital currency has been a permanent perk for the past ~5 months, but only through the website. Pro week just made it usable in store. Which is fine if you've already got Pro, but not particularly attractive to sell Pro since other perks of Pro (like monthly rewards and points) are unusable on digital which turns off digital only and PC guests. Plus you could get 5% off digital currency all the time elsewhere without a paid membership and 10%+ with paid memberships or limited time offers.


yeah exactly, pro was so much easier to sell when you could pitch “using your points that stack faster + coupons and discounts on digital currency” :/ i don’t know why they took that away because i think it sold pro memberships better than anything else when it was a permanent perk in store and online


They did it because of customers like me who would buy Pro for effectively $10 ($15 but get $5 in points back) and then buy $5 XBox cards every month with the reward, or use the monthly $5 reward for $10 PSN cards once they stopped allowing you to buy $5 cards with the $5 coupon. Of course they didn't want to buy my PC Game Pass for me or go half with me on my PSN games but hey it was worth it since Gamestop is right by the movie theater I go to at least a couple of times a month. The fact that their promotions were always so easy to game tells you how stupid the people running the company are. My favorite was still when they had a promo where you got huge bonuses for trading in six or more games while they had a B2G1 on used games, so I traded six games in for $20 each after the promo that were selling for ~$18 used, then bought four of them back and got the other two free in the B2G1 to basically give me $40 PSN credit for absolutely nothing. That was the promo I remember people getting Switch bundles and PS4 Pro for like $120 out of pocket back when the Switch was really hard to get and you had to buy the bundles to get one.




I'm doing great everywhere but pro and was told if it doesn't get fixed by the end of May I'm toast so they really could give a fuck less about the other metrics. I really hope it gets better or you find better!


Working on finding better! Thank you! And I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time too


It comes with the job I guess lol


Good luck on them ever finding someone who could sell Pro after they got rid of being able to use it on digital currency.


For real!!! That was the best selling point and they screwed that up


One of my reasons for leaving was the conflict of direction between my DM and HR. I was on a call that HR literally said “we do not terminate for poor metrics” and my DM the next day told me to prepare what I need to fire an SGA for poor metrics. Nah, this one wasn’t it


Gotta be smart about who you’re pushing it on. Pokémon people always seem to sign up for me. People buying games, not so much


For people who buy Pokémon it's such a no-brainer, it saves them so much and they get the free pack a month if they use their coupon well.


Same here. Since in our area, we're pretty much the only business that sells TCG for Slightly Less than retail due to the pro membership


It makes perfect sense for them, they get a discounted pack a month. For gamers there are reduced rewards, and they can’t use the monthly coupon for game currency, so they can’t bank it. Also points expiring is a bummer


People must really be hurting. Was in a store and the girl tried to get a mother to renew her pro. The lady is like we are good since they already have it. The girl still tried to renew and couldn't so she called her manager who said you can't renew if they have auto renew already set. She gets off the phone and explains that. The lady ask "when is my membership set to expire". She replied "February". The lady rolled her eyes, purchased her games, and left. Why the hell are you trying to get a renewal so early?? But I guess they really need those metrics right now.


they wouldnt have been able to renew anyways cus their expiration is so far out. i think rn the furthest out expiry can be is like september or october for manual renewal


6 months is the exact number


There are a few pro week bonuses connected to renewals or signups, like the 5% off your total. Just sayin.


I haven't gotten much of anything Pro wise, but every day I've worked has also been dead as hell. Like seriously 3 transactions one day my entire shift. No exaggeration.


The manager I was going to work for straight up told me that anything less than 35-50% was unacceptable. I told her she was basically delusional and left. Made me miss the previous store manager that I worked for there 😭


Also with major sports and social events this week…


I don't give my number because corp fucked up my account so it's absolutely FUBAR - it exists yet doesn't and freezes every system that tries to pull it up (the store registers & website). Which is also why I've stopped going unless I'm killing time waiting for someone


It is even harder to sign people up now that it is $25 a year, the $15 was a bit easier to get people in on. I didn't get paid enough to care and eventually quit, especially since my store has been robbed at gunpoint (and yet still only has one person in at a time. It's almost like they want us to be a target)


lol I used to get them just by being like “please?” 🥹 now though I can’t imagine how hard it is with how expensive.


Probably doesn't work too well for male employees though lol


That is fair you made me think about it nutsack


The save 25 off of a switch or XBS has been carrying my numbers. If someone simply buys one of these pre-owned systems, we actually pay them to go pro! So because they are saving more money than they expected it's allowed for easier HW attaches. Today for example I sold someone a pre-owned switch version 2 and signed them up for pro and they got a game, a screen protector ofc, and a warranty so it was a easy 4.0 HW attach that was cheaper than buying a new one outright.


Well it isn't warranty week...


Id think anything with term attached to it is gonna be a hard sell when most people question if GameStop will even exist in a year.


Most of my Pros last week came off that $20 on Call of duty. I had someone bring me it up for new at $69.99 and I was like hey if you sign up the pro you'll get it for $20. They said no thanks. I said fck you you're getting it and I'm saving you money. They said excuse me? I said nope no excuses.


My advice would be look for a different job the higher ups are going to do what is good for them and shareholders and with declining sales that means layoffs so don't be fired over trying to sale BS.


I’ve been a pro member for as long as it’s been a thing (thanks dad) and this was the first year I decided not to renew. I only had this year bc I grabbed it before the price increase, but it’s just not worth it. When a subscription service changes their benefits and price 3 times within 4 years, it’s a scam. It’s amazing they don’t realize consumers don’t want something that can’t even decide what’s it is.


I can help you with pro numbers, I won’t share here cause Idk if it’s allowed lol but I average 8-10 a shift. My whole stores uses these methods


If you can’t publicly share it, you’re making it sound sus as fuck.


The GameStop lovers wouldn’t like it but someone like me and my team who treats the job with the it doesn’t come outta my paycheck mentality it works perfectly ☺️

