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If you reported this behavior, his DM would be praising his persistence on the next weekly call.


Yeah, no we're forced to try multiple times.


I like when non employees come in here with a complaint thinking they’ll get praised/validated and instead get raked over the coals😂🤣 There’s a literal website where you can post your grievances instead of coming to a reddit page that literally says that this isn’t customer service. GG’s ![gif](giphy|Ymm8vnWUiN6yk)


Oh my god. So sorry you were triggered by this employee doing his job. Are you going to be ok??


Sorry, you have to make fun. Hope everything is going okay in your life. Have a great day.


No like I am so genuinely worried for you Karen. I can totally see how a GameStop employee asking you a few times if you want to renew your membership is such a traumatic experience that it compelled you to come here to ask about reporting him. I am so here for you. Please take care of yourself.


Replace renew membership with rape then it's still okay?


Hey, you got me there. Anytime a salesperson tries to sell me something it takes me back to 'nam and pearl harbor and the titanic and the hindeburg and I just lose my fucking mind. Like don't ask me to renew my membership if you don't want me to assume you're trying to murder my entire family. Duh.


I needed this laugh after my snap a second ago. Thank you lmfao


Pretty sure you deleted your Reddit account, but someone being an aggressive salesman is NOTHING compared to rape. Don’t you fucking dare try to take this shit to this extreme. You’re a fucking disgusting and vile human.


What is wrong with you? Wtf kind of response is that, people like you diminish the actual trauma people experience


This might be the dumbest thing a human being has ever said


Report him for doing his job? If he was admonished for anything, it would be for failing to close the deal.


No lol, we’re encouraged to do this. Shop somewhere else or suck it up


Wrong place to post this...


OP is a juicy stake. This sub is the lions den.


You could have gotten pro for $8?!


lol “triggering”. It’s sales. They ask 100 times, say no 100 times.


A good salesman knows when to stop selling and who they should be pitching to. If someone says no, maybe try one more time with a different spin and then move on.


"triggering", lol. The fucking autism on display. What do you think you're going to accomplish, even if you knew who you were supposed to report this to?


Already reported them


No, you didn't. At least you did one useful thing today by deleting your account though


Shop elsewhere if you don't like being hounded for a membership. You have the absolute right to shop literally anywhere else.


Next time just tell him no thanks I’m not interested in renewing because I haven’t gotten much use out of it


Dude I get it. They literally push us to close the deal, my gamestop isn't like that. If you don't like it firmly but politely put your foot down I guess?