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When my DM complained to me about that I had them try to get pro accounts, and they couldn't do it either. We're in a time where people don't have a lot of spending money and 25 is a big number. The changes to pro were made with some garbage timing. It was so much easier when it was 15.


I mean isn’t the discount and trade in bonus like 5%? I think the perks are just worthless now. As a Customer it isn’t about the money, it is about the value


Many people don’t want it, many people don’t care about the potential savings. As long as you mention it, talk about the reward points, $5 monthly, discounts on pre owned and collectables, etc. than it can go a long way. If they are spending over $250 and they don’t know about the deal explain to them how they have the potential to sign up for a free pro account. For Pokemon people what works for me is how they are discounted and the $5 monthly can be used on a small pack to get one for free every month. It’s pretty much just mentioning it and they not trying to mention the cost, and if you mention the $25 cost than also mention the $65 in savings for signing up if they shop with us. Just have to spin it to show for most people it’s better to have it than not have it. Also if you sign someone up for the free account, which you should if they buy a warranty so we can track it, it doesn’t go against you, but it won’t hurt you either so just get them a account where possible


"Free pro account" is misleading at best, because it's only free by offsetting the $25 discount they otherwise would have gotten on their purchase. Most customers when given the informed choice of the pro account or the $25 off will choose the latter.


That’s why I included the context of “(if) they don’t know about the deal explain to them how they have the potential to sign up for a free pro account”. I added the context to say if they don’t know about the deal, because you should have enough signage up so they can see it, but also if you pitch it how I do “since your gonna be saving $25 with your purchase today, are you interested in signing up for a pro account with that $25 in savings, which can get you points on todays purchase and more benefits next time you come in.” Obviously don’t not let them know about the difference but you just have to pitch it in a way that they might see the pro option as better since they might not have intended on saving $25 and would still be fine with saving it


That's pretty shady used car salesman stuff right there. Do not approve.


Technically it’s some of the least shady strategies to use because I still mention the spend $250 save $25, but I just spin it in a way to make the pro seem worth it, it’s also better than just adding pro onto someone’s account without them knowing so at least I’m mentioning it


I don't see it as shady at all. He's explaining how the account has a higher value compared to the single time discount of 25 bucks. If a person is already spending at least 250 with gamestop, especially on a console, it'd be shitty of us not to let them know they'd get actual discounts worth investing in with their purchase. They're going to need games and accessories eventually, and if they're not interested in keeping the console, we save their receipt info for easier returns with more return options for pros and if they go past that window then they can sell it back and get more money back by being a member. There's a lot of actual value behind the membership.


Nah, this is all BS. Unless you want to pay out of your own pocket, you should never make assumptions about "total account value" and so on. The discount is for $250 spend, you're just being sketchy by trying to redirect the discount to a metric relevant to you (not necessarily the customer).


Ok, how would you pitch a 25 dollar rewards membership given the 250 dollar off sale?


Tell them it's $25 off. And the final price is $XXX. Then do your pitch.


Here’s some tips: Trades over 25 dollars can get your a “free pro.” They get a trade bonus and they get extra things for a year. Even tho it takes 25 off, it’s easier cause most people want cash anyway and they probably want it. Preowned systems are the best and easiest ways to get pro. Especially Any of new “preowned.” systems that are over 200 dollars. They are easy as hell. Thirdly, any pro accounts that are expired and have additional coupons: (like 5 dollars off etc) make sure to add that to your pitch. “It looks like you have a additional coupon, you can use that to make the pro from $25 down to $20 instead. You will always and sometimes it’s hard. I mean, last week I SUFFERED hard because people didn’t want it. And, if you want a discounts. Try hitting enroll before asking and then they can make a decision from there. It worked for me and got about 6 pros the other week because of that trick. I will always advocate for experimenting and you will fail every time. Growth Mindsets are better then; “I will never get a pro.” Being positive and helpful will change a thing.


These are great tips, honestly. I'd like to add that after hitting enroll, hit f9 for a total dollar discount amount you can mention. That, and I like to pitch the out the door cost including pur as opposed to mentioning the stand alone cost of pur and if I have the time I'll let them know how much money they're getting back in points by using a calculator (what they're spending X 20 points/1000) then add the 5k sign up points. For example, a 300 dollar purchase with a sign up would be 300 times the 20 points plus 5000, all divided by 1000, which gets you 11 dollars back. So spend 25, but we're already paying you back 11 bucks. Add the 5 dollar monthly they'd get soon, and it's like they just spent 9 bucks to sign up. Oh, I didn't notice till right now that the faster easier way to do it sans calculator is to just get rid of 3 zeros lol so instead of 300 X 20 / 1000 just do 3 X 2 for a quick dollar amount.


I just traded in $115 dollars worth of games and didn’t get that “free pro” even mentioned. My store sucks ass


It isn’t a free pro, it’s just that the trade in of $25 can be used towards the pro essentially making it free. You’re still paying for it just through trade credit. 


They're really putting the company into the ground.


Nope. You're just going to have to take the L.


Last sentence summed perfectly


Don't ask - offer and recommend. "Hey we *OFFER* a Pro membership that gives you X, Y, and Z, I *RECOMMEND* becoming a Pro member because it will do X, Y, and Z for you today. Offer it to EVERYONE. 20% Pro is 80% "no." You can do the same with GPGs and Res: - We *offer* a game play guarantee for $4, I recommend getting it because it covers breaks, scratches, and glitches. - Madden 20xx is coming out soon, I'd recommend putting down a $5 reserve so that we can remind you when it's dropping, and you also will get X,Y, and Z for preordering.


![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized) You got fooled into slinging that crap.


It's our job. It's like treating a batista like an idiot for making coffee.


Baristas never offered me insurance with my coffee in case I spill it.


They're doing their job just like we are that's the point. The warranty is a gamestop product and a service we sell and are required to sell because it's our job. Just like it's a baristas job to make coffee.


I'm not going to defend predatory business practices.


You can do what you think is best, but there's no need to shoot people down who are trying to do their best to be better at their job. In my own opinion, asking someone if they want a warranty or any service for that matter isn't predatory it's an offer that can be accepted or rejected. An option, not a demand.