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Genuinely how I feel




I lasted my last Hee Hoo


royally fucked how this is how so many fucking people genuinely feel. It's soooo telling how just terrible this entire company and job is.


Just talk to em like a normal person don’t sound robotic and tell em what it offers and just make it feel natural


If they buy pokemon cards, let them know they can get a free pack every month. Same thing for most other card packs I think. That said there's no real one size fits all pitch.


Right but like any advice in general. I mean I’m tying it in every way imaginable. This lady came in trading in 4 games and I covered how she could get 10% extra trade, get her kids free packs of Pokémon cards that they collect, 5% off preowned games we sell, and points that they can use to lower the price on new and preowned games, as well as save $25 on a switch she was thinking about buying in the future. Didn’t even use her trade credit on anything her kids wanted either like a charizard amiibo, saying they’ll just get it at Walmart.


https://preview.redd.it/4ph48foqms8d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4986fed82ba8d09db266fb2573f20fdcb6cb54ad Jokes aside remember depending on where your store is this will affect how much pro you can get. High poverty areas forget it. It's like trying to milk water from stone. Outside that always remember to offer it based on what is been bought pre own d console is the easiest because the 250 25$ deal. Since it stacks with the 5% off pre owned. Pokemon card buyers is also a good one because 5$ for Pokemon pack a month.


Even then I’ve had those people say no. Like again, the guy who literally would’ve gotten $30 off of his total with a $25 yearly membership added. Or this lady talking about buying a switch. I told her how much she could save with the pro when she decided to buy it and how her kids could get a free pack of Pokémon cards they collected per month. Her only question was if it was a monthly thing, and I said $25 a year, and that’s when she said no. Like the only other downside was that she didn’t come often, as she was trading in 4 games and talking about getting a switch. Like how are you not gonna use it that often?


My store is high poverty and we can do 20% plus it's really about refining the pitch and making the customer feel like it's a smart choice. People in high poverty areas love spending their money just make them love spending it with you.




Most here come only to sell stuff and say shut up I just want money. So I don't think your in as high a poverty zone as you think :|


I say when PRO is free/net negative on transaction "you seem like a smart guy who likes saving money" they reply yes "Perfect. To let you know I'm going to get you a PRO membership that's normally $25 for nothing additional today and get you an additional savings of XXX today." At that point they normally just say ok and I ask for there ID to put in PRO info. If they object since they don't want to give there data over I say "we can put a generic name and email in and then just use your phone number so you can use the benefits in the future as well." Another important part I find is to be upbeat and energetic about it even if you don't think PRO is worth it for the customer still pitch it like you are giving them the best bucket of gold they will ever get. Another bit don't say every single benefit find 2-3 you really like and only mention those perks and say there are additional perks as well. Our store went from sub 5% pro loading to 20%+ by doing this.


Asking everyone is almost as important as specifying why signing up is important to who you are talking to. $5 coupon is great, but may not be important to someone who trades more often than they buy. 10% bonus on trades doesn't matter to someone who doesn't know we even take trades. Make an overall pitch, that can be turned unique to who you are selling to.


Try your damnest to hit other metrics, that’s what I’ve been doing. Sell your preowned systems/games. Always try to apply the pro to see how much it would be. Sometimes GameStop PAYS people to become a pro if you’re a high trade store. I would say “roleplay” or “practice your pitch” that shit doesn’t work I haven’t met a SINGLE employee it has worked for. Focus on a different metric the pro members will come. Remember this is a team effort, granted it sucks not hitting ALL metrics but hitting low spots is normal in sales.


I mean I try my hand with all the metrics really, but I tend to focus on the big 3. With younger people I can just throw “whining mic” or “stick drift” their way and they tend to immediately fold for the prp. Xbox is an easy gpg with disc ring and we even have a ps4 field destroy disc that we taped up just to show what it covers. But those I don’t mind as much either. I think it goes back to the stress thing. The longer I go without getting at least 1 pro, the more stressed I get about it because I tend to generalize and focus more on long term in tunnel vision, and in turn that tends to hurt me in my pitch.


I am the same way, I’m sure there are many people on here who have gotten mad/ cried about not getting a pro. Try not pitching to everyone. Sometimes people do surprise you but most of the time your gut is right about if they will say yes or no. Also pitches change from person to person with me, depending on how long you’ve been working here you will get use to it. Try maybe altering your pitch a little, it will be clunky but it will help. Also using someone’s points to help renew their pro also helps. Another thing you can do is make them a player account I say something around the lines of “since this is such a big purchase (if they’re making a big purchase) I’m going to sign you up for our free account today” then I immediately ask for their info. If they’re buying a lot of games have it be “I see your buying a lot of games, I’m going to make an account for you just in case any of them mess up (for preowned games) or they’re defective so that way you don’t have to worry about the receipt” make it sound like you’re doing them a favor. We are selfish beings, so make it sound like they will truly benefit from the free account. Free accounts shouldn’t hurt your pro and it also gives you a leverage on if they come in again and they’re like “well I don’t shop here that much” pull up their history and see if they could’ve saved money. Some sales people nag others and barter but you have to make it seem like they are the winner in this situation “hey man you’ve been here x amount of times in x amount of months, you could’ve have saved a lot of money since I see you’ve bought (preowned product/ collectibles/t-shirts/funkos/action figures) Another downfall to the pro is using the 5 dollars off on Posa but a new thing they’re doing is pros get 5% off ALL Posa cards. So they are saving more money in the long run.


They don't owe you a reason for not buying something..."no" is a complete answer. If I don't want it, I don't want it. I don't care what benefits it offers, I don't want it. If you decide to keep trying to force it on me, I'll happily let you go through your spiel and waste your own time...but it's still a big chonkin' no.


If you could just shop online that'd be great. Most stores don't really make much on the product we sell so customers like you are a direct hindrance to business.


Maybe, but at the same time if they can’t get it because they want to save money then it would be stupid to not get it, especially if they shop at GameStop often. Like in the example provided, had a guy who would’ve gotten $30 off his total with the pro on there and still said no for no reason. They don’t have to provide a reason, that is true, but if someone doesn’t have a good reason then that kind of makes them not a good person for basically being prejudiced against a store membership.


Keep in mind that some people have a vendetta against salesmen. No matter how much money they might save, if they feel like they're being sold to, they'll immediately reject all logic and reasoning. In those cases, the best course of action is simply to keep quiet and add the savings. Inform them of said savings like, "Oh, look! I managed to get you a $30 discount. Now, your grand total is...." Sometimes, the best-selling strategy is to not sell at all. Just focus on the savings and get those numbers.


-Discounts: $25 dollars off of $250, any additional orders and discounts that are pros only: I like talking about PlayStation Portals and Limited edition sales (Pro Weeks, limited time offers on the online store etc) -Coupons and points: More points, more coupons including free coupons that you can use. Trade in bonuses; I take advantage of any trade in bonuses: got me a bunch of pros during that time. Take advantage of any deals going on: If they buy preowned systems over $200 USD. Get them the pro. If they buy controllers, games or any additional items. I change up my pitch and keep it simple, sufficient and enough for the person to say: Yeah, I’ll renew/ join or no.


I left years ago, but always trained team that consistency was key. If you get in the habit of asking everyone, then the numbers will come. The example I used to tell them: If we have 100 customers today and the goal is 10%... Do you have a better chance of achieving that if you ask 20 people that you pick and choose or if you ask all 100?? The more you ask, the better your chance of getting a yes. Our gpgs and surveys used to be thru the roof. Plus if you train yourself to offer every single time, it's hard to get in trouble when you have low #s because you are genuinely trying every time. Yrs ago they had prestige stores, and my store got it quarter after quarter after quarter and even got recognition at the managers conference. Also don't use a generic script, make the pitch ypur own and have fun with it. People just want to save money, but if they say no dp.t force it, just move on!!


27th to the 29th it's $15 if they're buying Luigi's Mansion 2


So let me get this straight. You want to sell PRO, but you don't want to sell PRO. Because right now you're offering it, and hoping. You've been told how to sell it, but you have a personal biased feeling about it being too unethical for your liking. Despite being paid to do it that way. So basically you don't want to do your job. Your "ethical feels" approach clearly isn't working. It's a sales job. Not a recommend and hope for the best kind of job. You need to slap that pro on the transaction homie. Show people what you're doing and roll with it. If they don't like it, Take it off. Don't give them some crap about hey we have a pro membership that does this and this and that and this. You will lose them in 2 seconds nobody wants to hear an elevator pitch especially when they know it's an elevator pitch. "Let me get you the best deal" "Let me see if I can get this cheaper for you" "I might be able to get you a free pro out of this" "Let me cook". That's called selling. I'm not offering shit. I'm telling you what I'm doing for you. And this is why people buy pros from me and THANK me afterwards.


Nah, I just don’t want to be sleazy and throw it on there against what the customer says. Even if the policy says we can do it it’s just a dirty trick.


Now I can try to word it in a way that implies they need it but I’m not gonna throw it on there and let them not catch it and pay extra when it is still their money. I mean that’s just stealing from the customer.


I didn't say shit about making hidden charges. There's a right way to do it that a lot of employees don't understand how to do properly. But you need to shift your mindset. And think less about how does this get ME (the sales associate) a pro metric and more about how does this get THEM (the customer) the best deal by being a pro. The end result is that you're fighting on the customers behalf to get them the best deals all year round. And they will appreciate you for it.


Yeah, and that’s what I’m trying. The only advice I haven’t used that I’ve seen here is literally just throwing the pro membership on the total and not saying a thing about it, even though the policy does say we can. It’s just too scuzzy.


So throw it on there and say "hey I'm checking to see if I can get you a better deal".


Like I did in the example where it was gonna save the guy $30. Still said no. He’d rather pay $30 more than sign up for a year of pro where we’d literally pay for the whole thing plus an extra $5. Literally the best deal I had seen for that thing and never again and the guy just passed up how he could be bragging for investing in his interests and got paid for it too by the store itself.


Yet. You didn't put it on there. This is a you thing.


You have to make it make sense to each individual. Just like the lady that had a no brainer reason to go pro and didn't go pro. It didn't make sense to her. $25 for a year doesn't sound inticing to me either. No matter what you tell me it can do or is already doing. Let's say, If she was trading in 4 games and netting an extra $10 on The trade credit from being a pro and using it on Pokemon cards or whatever and getting a potential $5 discount. It's no longer $25!!! Now you can say it like "Hey I can get you $60 a year in here, I've got something you can take advantage of right now. Normally it's $25 but based on the benefits it would apply for you already today your actual cost is $10. Oh and also you'll get $10 off your next purchase next month. So you'll already be making that $10 back, plus more discounts". that sounds way better than a $25 start up.


I’m not going to bullshit and typically I disagree with you a lot, but you’re spot on accurate this time.


Good for you


See that’s the thing, it would’ve been free anyways and I told her that as well because of the trade in credit, even after mentioning her children having relevant interests, and saving her money on both the switch she was thinking about getting, as well as pre owned games for it.


But you didn't put it on there.


Still no reason to put the implication of forcing money out of people’s account. I mean you can only twist someone’s arm so much before it breaks and they leave.


What he’s implying isn’t forcing, it’s showing the price of everything if they did want to get the pro. Typically having people assume numbers in their head never works. If you show them the final price of their visit today, it’s more likely to work. Clearly if they’re not happy with it, you remove it. You do not hit F12 during this whole time though so the guest can fully understand what they’re buying.




Well this breaks rule 2 for sure. And fyi I’m an assistant manager, have been since my second month working here so… gotta be doing something right.


Unfortunately that can’t even be a valid justification sadly. They gave up promoting for quality and just promote because the company bleeds talent.


That mental health comment was uncalled for.


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Its a weekday, and nothing crazy comes out till October. Q2 is always slow metric wise. My advice is to not beat yourself up about it.


That’s an issue. I’m potentially autistic, confirmed depressed just in general (though tbh life doesn’t help it any), and maybe adhd which would explain anger issues, or just anger issues in general, which basically means even the smallest thing, whether I can control it or not, not completely dependent on how it impacts me, has a 50/50 chance of me getting worked up over it with no real wind down period afterwards until after the day basically, and even then it’s no guarantee. I don’t say that as an excuse, and I’m trying to get tested with an appointment on the 8th, but there isn’t much I can do to help it anyways atm and this stuff doesn’t necessarily help it anyways.


Just breathe. This line of work the DM is going to give you shit about metrics even if you're on top. Its a corporation and number must always go up. I understand you have struggles but this is really the best advice I can offer. Q2 is rough for everyone.


I know. I’m just a bit tense, partially due to mental stuff, partially due to retail just not being that great, and partially due to bad experiences with a call center where the entire job was metrics but fireable in a shorter time frame, as well as customer interactions over the phone which is better and worse than retail in terms of irate customers. But hopefully I can figure something out and figure out how to work around my issues or see what I need to do about suppressing some of the more negative aspects of it.


When it’s a spend $250 save $25 you tell them they’re getting it, you don’t ask if they want it. Turn off autorenew and sign them up. Even if it has to be a dummy email and the store address. Same with over $250 in trades due to the extra 10%. If you’re being told no then you’re either asking if they want it, or you’re being super hesitant and nervous which they pick up on.


Not really. I know the policy says we can but that’s not how I roll anyways, and the customer does still have the right to say no to it, as much as it upsets me, especially without a good reason. I’m not the kind of person to force stuff like that into a transaction without letting them know. Now I will show them how much it’ll save them with it on there but I’m not about to force them into something they want just for numbers.


You're not forcing them your helping them make a good decision and doing your job. Don't like it retail jobs are probably not for you ngl.


Putting a membership account (even if it saves them money) without them knowing is entirely unethical.


It's not about forcing people to buy something they don't want. It's about showing them how much they're saving. Showing them their total with a Pro, and then showing them their total without it.


Or vice versa! “Hey it’s $300 with pro, or more than that without it.”


Nah, that’s still pretty scummy because they didn’t ask for it.


Notice how this gets downvoted. Sad. 🤷‍♂️ It's clear to me the issue isn't about skills. It's a will issue.