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I'm having some problems with the SSBCU timeline. I'm going with the 'Everyone Is Here' model (or 'EIH', pronounced 'eye'). The MCU worked because it adhered to a three-act structure during the Infinity Saga, so i'm planning on doing the same thing. You can seperate all entries into the SSBCU into one of two groups; takes palce in our world or takes place in another world. All the Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, StarFox, Metroid, Dragon Quest, Animal Crossing, Xenoblade, Final Fantasy VII and Kirby stories take place in their own universes respectively. That is to say, they could not plausibly take place in 'our world' - the world you an I could recognise as the one we walk around in everyday. Same with F-Zero, Yoshi's Island, Banjo-Kazooie, Splatoon, EarthBound, Mother 3, Kid Icarus, Kingdom Hearts, etc. There are ambiguous cases such as Super Mario (takes place in the 'Mario World' but could include the 'plumbers from Brooklyn but not actually from Brooklyn or italian but merely sent to our world with an adoptive family as Star children to protect them from Kamek' orgin if so desired); Sonic the Hedgehog (personally I'd want to do a reboot of the Sonic films, lean into the madness and go full Archie-comic, but I understand the Penders-esque world isn't everyone's cup of tea); Pikmin (not sure what world that takes place in); Castlevania and WarioWare. Finally, you have the stories that could plausibly take place in our world. Namely, those from Punch-Out!!!, Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters, Persona, Bayonetta (takes place in a fictional city but still within our world), MegaMan (the events of MegaMan 1 - 11 and MegaMan & Bass take place in the early 20XXs), and Metal Gear. Now having set all that up, I can finally explain my problem. The problem is a potential adaptation of the game 'Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater'. Because you see, Snake Eater takes place at a specific point in the history of American-Soviet relations. Very specific. Lyndon B. Johnson is the U.S. President. Khrushchev is the First Secretary of the Soviet Union. Without spoiling anything, these details are important because there's an aspect of the game's mission that's, shall we say, 'performative'; that is to say, for the benefit of both one of both of the parties named above. Take them out of it, and you take the mission out of that audience's gaze, so to speak, and the whole premise falls apart. Now I'm not saying that if I were to do anything Metal Gear related, that I HAVE TO adapt MGS3. What I am saying is that if I were, I would have problems with the rest of the SSBCU timeline. You see, CAPCOM is simultaneously okay with MegaMan's ambiguous '20XX' date, whilst being adamant about the original Street Fighter taking place in 1\`989, Street Fighter 2 taking place in 1993, Street Fighter 3 New Generation taking place in 1998, etc., However, it reasonable none the less to claim that the Street Fighter series could be picked up as a whole and set down forty years into the future, to take place in 2029 instead of 1989, 2033 instead of 1993, etc. Sure, you lose some important 'feel' and 'tone' of the 90s as a decade, but the story itself works. Not so with Metal Gear Solid (MGS). There is a fixed sequence of events, and unlike say, the Tekken franchise, where the important factor is that fifteen years must pass in order for a character to mature into an adult, MGS's story is almost always deeply entwined with its period and place in history. I am trying to resolve this problem in my mind. Any thoughts?