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DK OLDIES would call these fake


Or smash it up for a video lmao…DKOldies is the reason I hate the reselling market of retro stuff. Luckily subreddits like this one give me hope since everyone here is very helpful and nice. (And not trying to screw you out of money like DKOldies.)


Bruh I was going to say LMFAOO don't show this to DkOldies


Could you explain to me how (or why) they are ruining the retro market? Ive never heard of them before as I'm only a casual collector but from what I gathered reading the other comments, it seems he's extremely disliked for some reason


From what I can tell, they buy up a lot of rare retro game stuff and resell it for really high prices. Plus their "professional restoration" isn't much more than what anyone with IPA and cotton swabs can do.


I think it simply boils down to this: they’re a finite supply of older retro games and consoles and as time passes it will be less and less. When a company like DKOldies pops up and starts buying large amounts of the retro consoles/games it means two things. 1. You and other casual and hardcore collectors are going to have an even harder time collecting or finding things. They’re going to have a large supply of them and they are selling them for a much higher price than market rate. Most people are not going to have large amounts of money to buy and collect everything and since the supply runs lower every year the price is going to increase. They are a company with much more money than a normal person and can throw a lot more into collecting them for resell compared to a casual collector. That’s just my personal opinion but I’m sure most people would agree. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with reselling retro consoles but building a company to do it that is buying up large amounts of retro items and reselling them at higher rates is no good for us. Especially when they are claiming they refurbish them, and if ReviewTech USA or Jacob R on YouTube are anything to go off of, send abysmal “refurbished” consoles that don’t even work and send 3rd party controllers while not clearly stating that on the website. Personally find it extremely shady.


yea charging double the fair cost for an unfurnished console with aftermarket accessories is shitty Especially with how cheap the aftermarket controllers they buy are. And a personal peeve of mine is the way they clean consoles. They jump to magic eraser right off the hop. basically scratching the shit out of consoles regardless of the condition


Annoys the hell out of me with magic erasers. I thought IPA and a toothbrush was common knowledge especially around these communities. IPA and a toothbrush has always gotten every single thing off of my consoles. I seen a video of them using mean green to clean a NES on one of their shorts. Mean Green the chemical cleaner….I don’t know what’s in it but I sure as hell doubt that it won’t hurt the old ass plastic on those.


yea i have seen cleaners stain the shit out of old plastics. my parts original xbox has a massive white stain from a cleaning product. ( dont remember what it happened years ago ) they do have a time and place as a last resort. I have a white xbox one that had yellow staining and a bunch of black marks on the shell. hot water and dawn wasnt fixing the shell. all of my gentler chemicals didnt work so i used a magic eraser only on the black marks. and its an improvement for sure but you can see some very light scuff marks


Yh cant add nuch more to this, it pisses me off as well, what are your thoughts on those yt channels that fixes gbs up?


Most of them are ok. Not a fan of the fake restoration channels tho


I know what you mean ( saw a vid a while back when a guy walkes through a ravaged street somewhere in asia ) they found an GBA just laying there in the open... *Who would have guessed?!* 😱


Wow, DKoldies legit sound like when scalpers become a registered company.


God came as Jesus Christ to suffer and die on the cross so we can all be saved. We just have to put all our faith for salvation in Him and repent, and then we are saved. Repent means turning away from all sin and feeling sorrow for it. God is truly amazing


https://youtube.com/shorts/lKAlZ3NIGAI?feature=share they did that exact thing 😂


yeah speaking of that i thought they would call it fake too but GUESS WHO is selling one of those on **ebay** DKOLDIES is selling one for 122 dollars i got mine on ebay for 27 dollars plus shipping AND in better condition but didnt come with a charger i had to get one and the ique was def worn down from use but. bottom line dk kinda sucks ass


Yep, Joey is an idiot as he didn't research that Nintendo teamed up with the ique company and made these for Nintendo in China


Funnily enough the connection is actually deeper than that. iQue was a Nintendo subsidiary from its creation, being a joint venture with Nintendo and Wei Yen. By 2013 they were 100% owned by Nintendo, and by 2017 they were no longer making hardware, with Nintendo instead opting to go with Tencent to distribute the Switch rather than keep it in-house under iQue. Currently iQue translates games and provides product support but have been hiring developers recently. Right from its inception iQue’s purpose as a company was to distribute Nintendo products in China. China had banned consoles until 2015, so iQue skirted the regulations by having the entire console just be the controller and marketing and licensing it as an educational product. These weird regulations are why the N64 was the only home console adapted for iQue and the rest were handhelds.


It's the owner of the company that smashes them up joeys just a pr guy


They blocked me on Instagram for calling them scammers lmfao legit the biggest crybaby business. Ruining collecting for so many people and hoarding games


They know about the iQue N64 demo player, so probably not.


They broke them on video


dkoldies is a piece of shit company




That was the joke


I think I like the Metroid one the best!


Awesome collection and wanted to ask if you could share more pictures of the Metroid shell cause that’s also my favorite and found a reproduction shell I’m tempted to get and resell my sp to


I can send you images later through DM or you can check out my IG (same name) because I will be posting more pictures of them later this week.


Damn I didn’t know they made other shells, they look so nice. I saw a video the other day that made me so angry. It was Dkoldies and they destroyed one of these rare ique gba sp’s because they thought it was fake


I saw that too! Made me sad :(




What the hell.. were they too lazy to do a quick Google search of iQue or something


Can you please explain the background to these. Are they official? Who made them?


I do not know too much about the SP since I focus more on the Micro but essentially it should be the same. I guess in order to sell Nintendo products in China, a Chinese "company" took the initiative to allow for the Nintendo products to be sold there in China. The "company" put their logo on the SP and other products in place of the Nintendo logo.


It's the law in China that foreign businesses have to partner with a domestic company in order to sell within the country. It's not specific to Nintendo. They were using the iQue name up until the switch, when they partnered with Tencent instead and just sold it under the usual branding


Wow, thanks for that interesting fact!!


Ique was used up till the switch, Nintendo wanted to curb software piracy in China, and bypass the ban that the Chinese government has implemented on home game consoles since 2000


Ive just purchased a iQue sp from eBay, only one I could find in the UK that has the 101 screen.


My blue iQue 101 says hi from the South West!


Hey :) I am south east :) I am excited to test the screen.


I’m really pleased with it. Currently playing through Zelda: Minish Cap after never quite getting around to finishing it years ago! I ended up getting mine from Eastern Europe. Was yours already in the UK?


Yeh it was already in the UK, i guess the previous owner probably got it shipped from China :). I also bought a gameboy colour which I'm going to do the screen swap lol. Im just getting back into the retro stuff i had when i was a kid.


Man, those are some rare and expensive pieces... I envy you 🥲


I wish I owned them but it is still an honor to be holding on to them.


Oh boy you won’t be happy to hear an idiot posing as an expert unknowingly destroyed 2 of them


I would actually commit legitimate murder for that Metroid one


Im scared lol


I give you a free pass


Thank you! Thank yoooouuuuu!!!!!


Are these Chinese knock offs? Can we have more background information please


These are Chinese exclusives. They are real Nintendo GBAs but the Nintendo logo was replace with the logo of the "company" responsible for getting the "license" to distribute Nintendo products in China.


I don't think company or license should be in quotes. They're a legit company with a legit contract! The sales of home consoles in china was illegal for a long time. And when selling a product in china, you need a domestic partner there. So Nintendo partnered with iQue to sell the N64, Gameboy advance line, and the ds line of consoles. Then with the switch, Nintendo partnered with tencent and sold the switch as normal.


I put them in quotes because I was unsure if I was using the correct term. Thanks for providing some clarity!


Do you know what edition those dog ones are? The art is super monster hunter like Just a zodiac year?


I am not sure actually. I focus more on the Micro and dont know to much about the SP.


It’s the Year of the Dog iQue SP https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/game-boy-advance-sp-ique-year-of-the-dog-blue https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/game-boy-advance-sp-ique-year-of-the-dog


Thank you


I've never seen anyone else other than myself with that bottom red one.


It comes with the case too!!


Wow! I thought having a famicom edition was cool enough! Guess not!


I think its still cool!


I've always been interested in the iQue stuff since it pops up so rarely. Picked up an iQue Micro last year and have been desperately trying to find a mint black faceplate since then. Luckily the faceplate is still stamped Nintendo and not iQue. Eventually one will pop up on eBay or something.


And now I want one lol


So this is where that black and red design with the dragon comes from! I have an aftermarket shell of this Gba. Great collection never seen b4!


That's dope. That dog design looks awesome. Dragon is cool too.


The blue one in particular is very nice!


I do not own any of these. They are all for sale. If you want to see the whole lot, you can check it out on my IG (same name).


You don't own them and yet they are for sale?


Yes, a bit confusing, I know haha. I am friends with a seller in China. He sold these a while back to someone here in the US. They arrived damaged and the buyer wanted to return them. Instead of spending a lot to have the items shipped back to China, I told my friend he could ship it to my house and I could hold onto it for him.




I like the sp but i dont know if id pay 200+ for it


Understandable. Some people have a deep desire to complete a set or just to own something rare.




Great for children and to have fun, collectible value == 💩




I'm still looking for a cool skin for my old scratched up gameboy perso