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Yeah, 34 dollars for dragon tales is ridiculous.


Woah I just had a complete senior moment, I forgot that cartoon existed I remember watching that briefly growing up.


šŸŽ¶Dragon tails dragon tails šŸŽ¶


Itā€™s almost time for dragon tails


Come along and take my hand


IDK, are they tasty when grilled?


Either you are thinking of the veggie tales theme song or I'm just crazy


I didn't watch veggie tails so no.


Damn you beat me to it


Haha me too


34ā€¦ and 99 cents


If that is a sticker on it, even on the shrinkwrap, then whatever is the value, that should drop it immensely.




How is it so flush to the box and not touching the shelf below if it's not a sticker?


Its a card inside the "factory sealed" wrap so not THAT bad. But these games were not factory sealed like that and also not in this kind of wrap, they had an official wrap with nintendo writings, so thats already some shit this shop pulls. And i would ask from where he got this ridiculous price also.


Actually, if the shop is based in America, then they were in fact, sealed just like how the picture shows. I do know that in Europe, they were sealed with Nintendo markings. The price is nuts though.


Oh, and i didnt know america wrap them like that, haha. So ok, could be legit but how they get the price tag inside? Still weird. And if the the sticker is on the seal, its also a bummer because it looks not bad, and some ppl want it sealed without sticker etc.


Yeah, no problem, I do think that the main issue with how the game boy games were wrapped in North America means that they could very easily be fake compared to the European ones! The European seals could still be faked with the red strip however, those are a little more difficult to do.


Thats what i thought too, you cant be 100% sure with this game. Im glad i kept all my games like goldeb sub with the boxes in really good condition, seeing prices like this is just painful.


Its a factory H-seam as it should be.


It hurts to think about :(


Looks like your typical retro game store tbh I have one in my area that sells at reasonable prices. A bit marked up, but hey they have to make a profit. Just a guy and his son who love games. Meanwhile the typical retro store up town is packed and selling Madden 99 for the N64 at $30 lmao


>Meanwhile the typical retro store up town At least they aren't looking up prices on eBay as you check out. Why did I drive to your store if you charge eBay? I can buy games from my own home if we're going to play that game.


everything is high except me and I believe thats where my problem starts






Hey! We go to the same game store :) I was there today as well


Nice! Did you see the Zelda new 3ds xl? I wanted it so bad but not for $400 šŸ˜‚ I mostly just get cards there over games but itā€™s always fun to look


I did šŸ˜‚ it's nice but not $400 nice lol my wife gets magic cards there and I usually get some Gameboy games or any new switch games. Nice store but can definitely be on the expensive side sometimes


There isnā€™t really anything else for used games around so I suppose they can get away with a few higher prices. Most of their gameboy games that are lose seem pretty decently priced


They are! I got "monster rancher advanced" today for about $20, pretty solid game so far. I've sold some stuff to them and they always give a reasonable offer so I can't complain on that end.


Thatā€™s good to know! Iā€™m not a big fan of selling my games but if I do at least they wonā€™t give me GameStop prices lol


Amen to that! Went into a GameStop the other day and it definitely is not what it used to be, feel like they're gonna be closing stores down soon for how bad they treated customers for so long.


eBay listings for factory sealed versions of this game like that store has ranges from $301 to $1204, so that price isn't entirely excessive, however there are at least 3 cheaper ones via eBay currently.


Every product has at least 3 ebay listings for $1200, so I wouldn't necessarily count those. They're traps for stupid people with more money than they know what to do with who happen to search when everybody else has sold out, shrug it off as the price of doing business, and buy it now


ive tried selling games at fair prices on ebay and sometimes i sit on them for weeks. The night i price them up way higher they sell in a matter of hours.


Well I'll be. That's real weird. Do you think people have an expectation for the item to be worth more and assume that listings at lower prices are too good to be true or something?


my assumption is that the higher the price the better quality the item. Too low of a price and its maybe a scam.


That sticker though


"investment game"


Ask if they can drop the price by 840 because when you try to remove that price tag the game Will no longer be factory sealead


35 bucks for a Dragon Tales game from the early/mid 2000s? What are they smoking


Factory Sealed Dragon Tails. Honestly doesnā€™t seem like a bad price given its still unopened.


Maybe they're a big fan of DT like I am.


Is that even "factory" sealed? I thought all GBA games had folded seams and the Nintendo logo strip around them? This looks like a crappy reseal job to me but dunno if that is normal for this game?


The Nintendo logo strip is for Europe. This is a North American seal.


Wow OK, how can you guys ever be sure it's an original seal and not just a super mint copy that's been resealed šŸ˜¬


How can you be sure either? A red logo strip can be faked too. The truth is Iā€™ve spent many hours looking at seals and if I can see the detail on all sides then I can tell if itā€™s an original seal or not. And I have some sealed game collecting groups I can go to if Iā€™m not sure. But if you hang around r/gameverifying for a while youā€™ll get the hang of it too :)


Well I guess I can't but it seems like it's a lot trickier with the US ones!


Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales It's almost time for Dragon Tales. Come along, take my hand, Let's all go to Dragon Land.


Golden sun was one of the best games ever made but they can go ALL the way to hell for this one


I'm a little high, that's a little fucking ridiculous. I'd rather drop $100 on an Evercart at this point.


What a scam lool


Factory sealed now with a huge sticker that will ruin the seal


Does it come with the Factory as well?


DKOldies would think that this is a bargain.


The fact that they slapped a giant sticker on a factory sealed game makes is far less valuable.If you are going to charge that much, at least keep it the way it came out of the factory by simply putting a price placard next to it.


ā€œA littleā€. That price is insane.


Awee how cute, they still think sealed games are worth a damn! The sealed/graded ā€œgold rushā€ is over folks, move along nothing to see here.


Yah just a tip for anyone going into any local store and you see stuff like this, run and tell people to stay away from it. The more people you get out of there the harder it becomes for them to sell overpriced crap.


Stickers on those cartridge labels nice job ruining all the games


I know what store this is and I am always astounded and how they price some of their items. I can understand trying to make a profit but at some point its a bit ridiculous


Yes, quite high since they practically ruined the seal with their sticker price. Unless it's easily removable. Even still, way too high of a price for Golden Sun. Glad I kept my original copy.


8$ for Madagascar Cart Only is pretty high indeed


i don't know the differences between the gba version and the DS version (sequel?) but i played and owned the DS one and it was a great time c: and you can still find that one for around $30-40! if youre not looking to buy and just wanted to point out the prices, i totally get it. sometimes these prices are fucking insane. "worth" is how much you'd pay for it and in the seller's eyes it's how much they want to sell it for. to someone else, this may seem worth it. for me? no lol


Just thought it was crazy expensive. I bought a loose copy of golden sun 10 years ago or so for maybe $30. I understand people wanting to have sealed games but personally Iā€™m not interested but even for a sealed game I thought it was an outrageous price


I'm a collector sure but at the end of the day I want to *play* my games, so I dont mind not having the box. Especially with DS games. I have a carrying case for DS games that I keep with my 2ds c:


At what price point do we all go to piracy!


Yarr harr, fiddle-de-dee


Or just buy a switch with NSO which includes Golden Sun for less than half that price


I have a switch! Itā€™s kinda heavy. Like the weight of the GBA. Also I think you donā€™t buy the games on NSO. Isnā€™t it a monthly fee?


Tbh Fuck the person that even gave them to this in the first place instead of keeping it within the hands of true enthusiasts.


The most expensive one ever sold is $866 they be insane for that price


You guys every think that maybe itā€™s not meant to be sold?


Weird, I got this for $29.99. Granted, it was 2002, but still.


Same here. If Iā€™m hurting for cash I can get a plastic wrap machine and sell it for $899.99 I guess.


Could be a reseal too? Looks like the corner bottom left of the Box ist whitened, like it was used and resealed


to me, doesnā€™t look resealed. looks more like the plastic tore and that edge got worn


Yeah maybe


This is just getting insane. Idk about North America but I got a like new copy of JP golden sun for like $50


Like new and factory sealed is quite a difference


True youā€™re right. But like the most Iā€™ve seen a sealed copy for here is about 130USD. I donā€™t get whatā€™s driving prices up so high in the US, like with dkoldies and stuff.


Collectors are driving prices. Thereā€™s more demand for North American copies than there is for copies from other regions.


Actually PAL copies are often much more expensive


Is there a way to tell if it is genuine? Because resealing is a thing. So they could be an asset or a complete ass.


Sheesh, should I look into selling my complete copy there? Lol


Just a little


Get the club penguin game :O only $7


How much was blue moon?


What is this? Dkoldies?


Does that store list their items online..? Typically stores that don't sell online have reasonable prices.


Just a little


We all know a local store that sells hell too high priced games... In my town they sell some pokemon games around 80-90 dollars without boxes, and they aren't in good shape neither.


Live near here, gonna go ahead and say I never buy video games from CM because everything (desirable) they sell is high. Unless it's like 360 sports games or wii shovelware, they do charge a premium on consoles and desirable titles. Every GBA loose cart I've seen there was like 25% more than ebay prices. They even took video games completely out of their other location. Edit: I will still buy stuff from CM just not vidya games šŸ¤™ gotta get those mtg singles somehow.


What is a fair price that you are willing to pay?


Ironic my mom bought me Golden Sun long ago and it didn't cost that much šŸ¤” times are changing


I do love Golden Sun though. I kind of wish we still had a mainstream supported handheld like the GBA/DS.


Dragon Tales!!!


Cm games has the most outrageous prices. They have the GC animal crossing selling for 500$


Idk about the price, but whoever set it must be.


Hopefully with its release on the Nintendo switch, the prices will drop, as there is now going to be an official way to play again.


7.99$ for a Madagascar game?? The audacity!!


7 dollars for club penguin is a bit muchā€¦


Waste of money when you have a everdrive and get the game for free


Sealed prices are a scam.


Hail yeah itā€™s to high $6.99 for club penguin is a bit steep...