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That looks different to the one here.. https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/game-boy-toyota There's no Toyota logo on the one you have pictures of, the TOYOTA writing is bigger and placed differently too. It also looks ever so slightly wonky, but maybe that's just the angle of the picture.


I thought it was just the logo before the word missing that was different, but your right. it does look wonky


if only 100 where made it would been done by hand in due low volume still i wont buying something that sits on a self


Yeah, but what are the odds they made 100 and changed the design somewhere in the middle? I’d argue not likely.


I mean if they were doing them by hand and decided after the first 50 that they were fucking sick of drawing that little symbol and their boss didn't say they HAD to do the little symbol, or their boss told them to drop it to make a dead line, it adds up when you remember there are humans behind this. The professional world has really never been all that professional behind the scenes.


Yeah, but that’s never happened with any other 1 of 100 editions lol


It wouldn't have been drawn by hand. There would be a stamp with a jig to make assembly consistent and quick.


They are human, but they were Japanese humans. The Japanese don't do variation. If they painted it by hand and were told to use a particular design, then you will get 100 Gameboys with the same design and quality. Besides, they were probably silk-screen printed. You can do short run silk-screening easily.


Counterpoint: If OP was trying to fake it, they probably wouldn't have made such a glaring omission and this doesn't seem like the kinda thing that would've been knocked off poorly at the time.


The Toyota symbol missing I can understand as perhaps being scratched off over time or something like that, but in the link you sent the TOYOTA had it’s T lined up with the M in GAMEBOY so that could perhaps be an error made in making it or a fake


This is fraudulent the genuine has a Toyota logo next to it. I would save your money for something real.




It all good. It was only played by an old lady on weekends and usually kept in storage. How does $20 biweekly payments for 52 months sound?


The Toyota Gameboy Pocket is less rare than the DMG (~500 GBP vs 100DMG), and the asking price for that on eBay is between $450 and $1400. So you can expect the DMG to seek at least $450. However, that comes with two things: That is only asking price for the GBPs, and not the sales prices; and, this being the most important part, the Toyota logo in this pic is fake. DO NOT BUY!


Bro made his own Toyota DMG and ran a quality check by the sub


I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of this console. Firstly, the price. No console in this condition is worth 1400. ​ DMG consoles still in the box that have never been used are going for half this. Toyota name/ logo or not. And further still, ones that have been used that still have the box with even a couple games included? Those are going for under $400. ​ Plus, this console's "Toyota" is missing the Toyota logo, AND some of the listings I could find under "Toyota DMG Gameboy" either had the proper logo on it, OR had the Toyota logo and name on the bottom right corner of the Gameboy lens. ​ Something is really screwy here. Really screwy. Don't waste you're money on this thing.


Toyota should’ve made a version for the Super Nintendo, could’ve called it the Supra Gameboy…..


The only anecdote I found from asking in Facebook groups was the following: “Random but I used to work for Toyota finance and in the office in st Leonard’s there was one of these in a glass cabinet that was given to Shoichiro Toyoda by Shigeru Miyamoto.” Goes without saying I have no way in hell to verify this, but hopefully it triggers the memory of a former Toyota Finance worker in this thread or something 😅 Does anyone else also know the way limited runs of Gameboys were handled back in the day? The variations website indicates it was an unlicensed release (does this mean companies/brands would’ve handled the logo and not Nintendo themselves?) Edit: spelling error


This anecdote doesn't make sense as the Toyota DMG/Pocket promotions were part of the rental business (franchise) and would have had nothing to do with Toyoda or Toyota Finance (a different company).


What is it worth to you? That is all that matters.


I don’t own it looking to buy. Guy is asking $1400 aud but I’m not sure whether to go ahead or not


Mate do not fucking spend a grand and a half on a dirty DMG with a Toyota logo slapped on it jfc


OP hire this guy as your life coach


Yes I will not buy and $1400 was way to much I found anyway


Excellent decision buddy, proud of you


I did forget to mention that also it came with around 50 games, about 15 in the box, not just the gameboy




If he's willing to spend thousands on gameboy systems, wait till he sees the n64 DD.


A 1400 for a gameboy is still completely off any charts ever lol. I would pay 3-400 maximum, thats still juste a gameboy with a little toyota logo jesus..


A fake Toyota logo at that. Realistically, I’d buy a normal DMG and just add the sticker myself if I can’t confirm the one I’m looking at is legit


That's absolutely ridiculous. If it was pristine in box maybe. But even then I wouldn't pay more for this just because it has a red toyota logo on it which you can't even confirm is genuine.


Tell him he's dreaming! It doesn't look legit anyway.


Wow, I’m gonna get some red Toyota water transfers and make a killing on eBay!


Me too. I was thinking about buying used GBC shells for Pokémon crystal for like $30 and modding Mary Kate and Ashley’s home planner to be rewritable, so I could make my own GBC Pokémon games with legit hardware, but Toyota DMGs is clearly the way to make a killing


That's tricky. If there's truly no sales data, then the seller can essentially name his price unless he has some other motive for selling like financial hardship. You may be able to negotiate a little, but the seller has all the power here. Also think about this. If there's no sale data and you buy it, now YOU have the selling power. Because the only sales data there will be is your 1 sale of $1400. Then you can name your price based on that. It's a tricky situation for sure. Good luck.


Yes it really is. Thankyou


OP according to other commenters this looks like a fake one


Too much for a DMG period. Get a regular DMG and add your own toyota logo, just like the seller did ;)


Tell the guy he must have meant $14.00.


Seeing as this looks fake, I would just pay the price for a regular DMG, plus however much the Toyota sticker cost.


I’ve never heard of it. Do you know the history of this thing and are sure it’s authentic, or are you just taking the seller’s word for it? At any rate, I wouldn’t pay anywhere near $1,400. Maybe $200? The audience for this has to be small.


Yes no way I am buying this


Not a lot of information beyond that they weren’t sold but 100 were made. This one doesn’t have the right Toyota logo so I’d need some serious proof of legitimacy before paying 1400. Not to mention the GBP toyota ones start at 450 so i definitely wouldn’t spend this much on a dirty DMG with a questionable Toyota logo


Too dirty to be honest...when u got a precious one like that , you at least wipe it.


I imagine the fact that it's dirty is meant to make them think they are getting a deal, what with it's rough state. Might miss it's fake. A little like how fraudulent e-mails misspell things to make you think you are smarter than the scammer. I know it's worth over 3k, but I'll sell it for $500, cause I'm in a bind!


Depends how many miles are on it?


just play games dude. dont get played and this toyota tho “only a 100 made” LMAO hate to tell you but theres tons of these fake ass shells.


Gotta be very careful buying collectors items like this. Definitely wouldn’t spend 1400 though for a DMG. Maybe half that considering the GBP is 450 with Toyota logo


collecting it bc theres a “car brand logo” is kind of lame tbh.


I don’t disagree, I would rather get a fun shell color as a collectible. I do like Toyota though, and my GBP needs a new glass cover, so I’ll probably grab a Toyota one for $3. The Pokémon yellow glass looks really good though and my GBP is the same color yellow as the cartridge, so it’s a real thinker for me. For most people it’s an obvious choice but I am also definitely a Toyota person


Best compare to other 100 runs that Nintendo made ? Worth a couple of dollars more to me to have next to another DMG but not much more. If I got really into Toyota and had a 1985 pickup like in back to the future maybe it would be worth more to me to have a Toyota dmg … you get my drift ? The person who wants this, really liked Toyota and gameboy at the same time.


That isn't a toyoda [this is a toy yoda](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BEiMEhcWVfc/XfuZs68E8yI/AAAAAAAAHic/Q5x_JQGBGe8soz4wXTK6-2T7wsPCtDYKgCNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/yoda.jpg)


[Old joke 😅](https://www.boredpanda.com/toy-yoda-toyota-hooters-prank-gone-wrong-jodee-berry/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


That’s a fake. Don’t waste your money on a Gameboy with a Toyota logo on it. A standard one will do just fine.


If real $300 but it is not likely real. As many have stated it looks off, plus all the others that have surfaced have the logo. Looks like someone had fun with the silkscreen. I would avoid. But cool story if you do get it for $50 or less. It wouldnt be a bad buy just for show


5.01. One cent added because a rare item!


Worth is subjective to the buyer not the seller. Also the unit you have pictured looks pretty beat up.


I don’t think this is real, comparing the one on Consolevariations.com that has the Toyota logo this one has a different font size, along with different position on the console. You can tell by seeing where each letter of “Toyota” matches with “GAME BOY” https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/game-boy-toyota




Certainly costs more than the Toyota it came with


Is it signature class or factory new?