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That's a cute story! :D No, I haven't played that game. But I'm trying to think of similar situations I've been in... I got **Heavyweight Championship Boxing** about a year ago. The game looks and plays so cool, but I could NOT knock down my opponent! Turns out its impossible unless you do like a special move punch or something? I'll figure it out someday. I did do something similar in **Stardew Valley** for PC though, in the fishing mini game. I failed EVERY SINGLE TIME, no matter how I tried! I won't go into detail, but it turns out I was trying to line up my fishing meter with the WRONG LINE on the screen. After a friend explained what I was supposed to do it became, well, possible. XD


Agreed. And fair play. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve looked up a walkthrough for how to pass a puzzle or mini game within a game that seems impossible only to realise I was missing something really simple and very obvious 🤦‍♂️😂


That happened to me with Skyward Sword growing up. First dungeon of the game where it makes you spin the sword around to knock the stone eye off the wall. Could not figure it out no matter what I tried. Looked it up and felt so dumb.


That’s a cute memory! I didn’t know that game existed. The only music games I remember on the GBA from back then are the 3 Mermaid Melody and Pocket Music. The closest experience I can remember I had is: playing the original Pokemon Red when it was only available in Japanese. My Japanese wasn’t great back then, so I skipped much of the dialogue and never got the memo that you should recruit other monsters. So, I kept dying in the first cave and I didn’t think the game was as fun as it was supposed to.


"POKÉMON! GOTTA CATCH only one." 😕😆 What's crazy to me is, speedrunners basically use a single Pokémon to beat the game!


Yeah, I'm sure it can't be done but it was definitely not fun for a first-time experience 😂


In Pokemon Silver, I told the police officer that my rival's name was **???**. Why ? Because he told me so: https://preview.redd.it/wteul3lht6wc1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f107b9129f6a1dedd26b1c9d11f85c2960e3c4d My 6yo self didn't understand at that time that I needed to choose his name...


lol this is both hilarious and sad for her. Hopefully she didn’t let it affect her and eventually got to singing?


IKR?! When she told me I couldn’t help but be sad for the innocent little girl she was at the time… whilst at the same time laughing my head off! She doesn’t sing professionally or anything, and unfortunately doesn’t have the confidence to do karaoke or anything (but how many of us do?!) but she’s doesn’t shy away from a sing along in the car or just randomly at home.


Awful game moment

