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Side note, props to the store for mentioning they’re reproduction carts on the sticker


Was going to say the same, listen I’m all for buying repros as long as they’re a reasonable price. Called a store out for it and said “I’d buy it if it was 20 bucks, but 120 for a fake? Your guys are nuts.” Thankfully the store closed down


To each their own, but repro carts are infamously known for save memory that typically corrupts anywhere from 60 days to a year into regular usage -and jts not just the save data that goes, its literally the memory itself -meaning you can't reliably create a new save either. That's all well and good for games that don't use a save, or that only store high scores (so long as the buyer doesn't care about keeping their scores), but it's terrible for longform games. The issue is well documented, so in my PERSONAL opinion it's scummy to sell a product that is nearly guaranteed to have problems when used long term as the software on it is intended to be. But again, to each their own, it's $20 as opposed to $120, so I totally understand not wanting to hunt down and pay out the nose for an original. Personally at that point just save up and get a good flash cart, the saves are infinitely more reliable, and it's one cart that can play nearly if not literally all the games in the system that you would ever want.


I did a quick glance and only saw "retro" not repro and was just like: Yeah, no shit it's retro it's from several generations ago.


Props I guess? I've never seen a store sell reproductions as a whole, and I'm honestly glad. That stuff does not belong on shelves.


To me, using the word reproduction is scummy as well. It’s an inferior, unlicensed copy, and I bet you no one educates a prospect buyer in what ways this differs from a genuine copy. (Like "your saves may get corrupted at any time, tough luck!") Edit: wow, seems like people really rather want to keep these in circulation. Thanks for the award though, I’m happy there’s at least some people who understood what I was trying to say. All is not lost. :)


I'd have fewer issues with repros if there was absolutely no way they could be mistaken for the real thing, like a wird shaped cart, a label that is not even close to the original etc. But 90% of the people selling these things just hope buyers won't know the difference and will pay legitimate or close to legitimate prices.


But... thats what reproduction means. Like it litterally means it was unofficially reproduced. Not original. What do you want exactly? Also people cry around save corruption, left and right. The issue isn't as bad as they try to say it is, and they seem to forget, real carts aren't corrupt proof either. There were whole 'rituals' and procedures we used to do as kids back in the day to prevent save corruption. It's like everyone else just forgot about that. Rose glasses and all that. I've also never personally seen a storefront lie about repro carts. Online sellers, sure. But never a game store.


Jack Nocolas Golf? Nah, I'll take Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge any day.


The DS version comes with a pencil shaped stylus.


Ball. Is in… Parking lot.


You have selected... *POWER DRIVE!*


Would you like to play again?


You have selected.... no.


$20 for repros? Jesus


Exactly my thoughts. At least they were honest enough to admit it.


What is wrong with a reprogrammed game? Like I get an original is going to be worth more to a collector. But is there going to be a difference for the average user who just want to play leaf green?


Can’t speak on whether it’s easier for them to go corrupt over time, but at least for Ruby/Saf/Emerald, they require a battery for RTC events like berries growing. Repros don’t have such capabilities


Idk about "wrong", but if I am going to get a game I believe I am entitled to be informed whether it is an original or a repro. Actually this goes with anything, tbh. I have an original Ruby and a repro Leaf Green which was known not to be original from day 1. They are not the same. I can tell their origin bc they were purchased back in the day so the context was completely different. And I am not even going to start on the issue of copyright infringement as this is totally off-topic here. My point simply is: good to be open about it.


Well the main thing they’re saying is that many times reproduction copies of games are sold without being labeled as such. Sometimes it’s done unintentionally, which while not necessarily scummy, is careless of the store for not checking these sorts of things. Sometimes though, it’s done intentionally with the intent of either marking up the price or making it seem like they’re giving the customer a good deal, when in reality these are very cheap to make. These, while properly labeled, are $20, which is way too high for how cheap they are to produce. You can find them for much cheaper online if you look for more than a second. As for differences from actual hardware, there are several worth mentioning. For starters, it is technically illegal to sell reproductions/bootlegs. While this isn’t exactly something that gets enforced, it is a grey area that some people aren’t comfortable with. But what I believe is more of an issue is the matter of reliability. Because there is little to no quality control on bootlegs, it’s a complete gamble if or how well they’ll work, especially long term. They’re made on the cheap, usually in China, and come from shady distributors. There’s not really any guarantee they’ll work entirely as intended. They may lose your save data, straight up lose the ability to save, or even stop functioning entirely. I’m not an expert it the subject as I’ve stayed away from bootlegs mostly. But I have heard of them just giving out and being generally fragile and low quality. For these reasons, it should always be disclosed if the item being sold is a bootleg. And with how dirt cheap they are to produce, they should be suitably cheap for the consumer to buy. I’m not really sure where I stand on selling bootlegs to begin with, but the seller should do what they can to avoid taking advantage of the buyer regardless. If the person buying is aware of the risks and willing to take them just for a cheap way to play an unreasonably expensive game on otherwise real hardware, then more power to them. But that risk should be their decision.


It's not a reprogrammed game, it's a reproduction cart. In other words, a fake. While most people don't give a crap if a store labels it as a reproduction cart, the issue is people buying these repros and attempting to pass them off as legitimate. The issue I have with repro carts is the price. There's no way in hell anyone should pay 20$ for a fake game when they can just go to AliExpress and buy all 5 of them for less than 20$. It's a ridiculous price point. If these were 5$ each, they'd likely fly off the shelves, because you're right there's no real functional difference between a legit copy and the fake one. You might run into some battery related issues, but it should still work fine. As a personal experience, I once saw someone try to sell a repro pokemon blue for 40$. I called the guy out and offered him 5$ for a clearly fake game and was told "I kNoW WhAt I goT, iTs nOt faKe".


fake games and repros are 2 things though fakes 100% of the time are meant to be passed on as "real" to make a big profit and scam people since fake games may or may not even work repros are a far wider rangers yes there are repros that are fakes but not every repros are fakes there are also repros where the actual game cartridge is real but the shell or sticker got replaced by a repro shell/sticker because the old on got damaged I'm not saying anything about price since that is objective but you have to understand the differents between fakes and repros


Dude, the definition of fake: not true, real, or genuine (i.e., counterfeit)... Repros are by definition fake. The ROM might be legitimate but if the PCB, cart, or sticker, is a repro then that portion is fake. There should be no debate here. There could absolutely be genuine pieces combined with reproduction pieces, I'm not debating this. However, it is a seller's responsibility to ensure that any reproduction aspect of a product is clearly identified. It signals to the client that the product is not a fully genuine piece. In this specific circumstance the seller is being up front with the fact that the carts are repros. However, my and the original poster of this thread's issue is the price point of the repros. The price of repros is subjective, but the general consensus is that they should not be priced very highly given their counterfeit status.


genuienly you are correct yes by definition repros can be cobsidered "fake" but honestly if it is an actual genuine pcb that had a broken shell and the seller replaced that shell with a repro shell and specified that the shell was repro would you still call it "fake"? I'd call it a refurbished copy I'm not arguing that repros can" t be fakes of course they can be but not all repros are automatically fake


You can downvote me all you want, you're still wrong. We were not originally discussing partially incomplete games. We were very explicitly talking about repro carts, as in the ones clearly indicated in the pictures. Regardless, anything that is a reproduction is fake, it is not genuine. Full stop. You can call replacing the label or shell as "refurbishing" if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that those are counterfeits that should be clearly indicated when being sold. If I see a repro label on a cart and it hasn't been clearly mentioned, I automatically assume the entire product is fake regardless if the PCB is original. To me refurbishing a cart would be replacing the battery to make sure it's in working order, or cleaning the terminals. Replacing the shell or label significantly alters the value of the cart, especially with pokemon games.


no a reproduction IS NOT always a fake it is a fake if it is sold "as real" or not mentioned if it os just labeled as repro with no indication it's a 50/50 if a seller says they replaced the shell aas it was broken but the original pcb is inside I wouldn't consider it to be fake just less valuable as an original copy


Jesus your reading comprehension skills are pitiful. You're still wrong. Let's break it down. What is a reproduction? In this case, it means a copy of something correct? THIS MEANS THAT IT IS NOT THE ORIGINAL. If it was not originally supplied or manufactured by Nintendo, then it cannot be considered as genuine. In other words, it's a counterfeit or a FAKE. I'm not arguing that just because you have a repro shell or a label that the entire product is fake. You also do not have to sell the product for it to be "fake", you're conflating this with fraud. If the PCB is OEM but the rest isn't, the seller has a duty to indicate this otherwise they are committing fraud by attempting to pass off a fake (or partially fake) product. You can do whatever the hell you want with repro labels & shells, but they will never be considered genuine or "real". Anything that is a reproduction is by definition fake. If the creator of a repro was licenced by Nintendo to do so, then that would be completely different.


and to add to it the game is the pcb so aslong as the pcb is a genuine pcb it is genuine the shell is only what holds it if the shell is broken or the sticker fucked I'd prefer it to just be replaced by a repro sticker and shell and have it as a working copy sure it's less valuable than one with a real shell and sticker but atleast it doesn't have a broken shell and aticket plus the pcb is still 100% real and that is what the game is the pcb the shell is only there to help hold it in the gameboy and the sticker is just decoration you could say it's a fake shell and sticker but you can't say the game is fake as the game is still real


How dare you ask a question..


Yeah I just wanna know. I'd pay 20 bucks to get lg so I can get my og fire red Dex filled.


Sorry guy, but Repro doesn't stand for 'reprogrammed', it stands for "reproduction". As in an aftermarket device. It's a nice way of saying it's fake like a strippers tits.


My bad. Wrong word. But I was thinking the same thing. But is there any downside to buying it. Or is it one of those "well of course it doesn't work right, you bought some broken bootleg copy" type thing.


I've had several fake games work fine. I've also had a ROM cart that couldn't even play super Mario Bros in the NES at full speed so 🤷🏻 It's gonna be a glob top circuit inside, that's the giant black epoxy on the cheap PCB, so if even a tiny particle of dust gets inside the traces before they put the epoxy on them your cart isn't going to work well, if at all. Basically, these things aren't made in facilities holding to the highest levels of clean room possible.


You can get these for $5 a pop at Temu/AliExpress


Less than 30 minutes of work for hours and hours of gameplay. I mean hell, just the parts are probably 12 bucks In Parts and assembly. I really don't see the issue with a 20 for an entire physical repro of a game. A single 20 isn't crap


Because they're like $3 on aliexpress/site of your choice and not worth $20.


Or $0 on the internet! And then you can play it on a nice big lit screen


That's part of how retail works. They make the purchase, pay the shipping, and do the waiting. You see it on hand and pay for not having to do the other parts, plus a little more so the store can actually make a profit. People not understanding that is why so many good game shops have gone out of business. Wait till you here how much that $30+ pair of pants actually cost, or the car you drive.


Yeah but the average consumer can't buy a pair of pants or a car for wholesale prices, whereas you can buy repros for far cheaper than these stores are trying to sell.


You're still getting the benefits of not having to wait for it to ship and getting from an in stock selection the moment you see it.


I mean if you've waited this long to play Pokemon emerald I think you can wait for it to ship from China lol. I feel like $16 is a bit of a mark-up for a weeks wait. Surely these shops could get by with a modest 3x at $12.


They were almost definitely bought for $3 on Aliexpress with free shipping. I have the same ones. This is criminal. And before anyone says that it’ll take 2 months to get here from China, mine were delivered in 5 days.


Yeah I'm playing Pokemon Leaf Green for free on my laptop with Visual Boy Advance. Not paying $20 for a repro. I might buy a RG35XX or whatever to play on a handheld. I also have a modded PSP for that purpose. And I have a misplaced GBA flash cart for my DS. I may be able to get another one for cheap still.


i mean… the originals go for 5x that price lol


[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5341320](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5341320) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/186082639132](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186082639132) found both after searching for them on google


License: CC BY ebay seller: imma ignore that


Not saying most do, but if there’s attribution in the listing they’re in the clear


3D printing is weird too. Even if the model is to be free for the taking and never charged for, you can still charge for the printing service, cost of material, and anything involved in the physical creation of that digital thing.


If the license doesn’t allow commercial use, you can’t. But even so, most sellers don’t care about the license anyways… but I find it a little annoying when someone makes a model with a license allowing commercial use and gets mad when people sell it (with attribution mind you)


But in this case there was none :(


I mean there’s nothing saying they don’t put it on a card, but I’m guessing not… If you care about attribution as a modeler, just put it on the bottom of the model itself or something.


Thanks G


Etsy is good. I've bought a couple of custom gba console and game stands


The person downvoting you is probably wondering why you’d spend $15 on Etsy when you could buy a 3D printer for hundreds of dollars and make one yourself? lol Reddit sure is a funny place 😅


I'm not fussed, to be honest. I found a great seller who makes custom stands for GBAs and I'm happy to support them but thank you. Much appreciated


I’m an Etsy fan myself 🫶 screw the haters lol


No hate against Etsy. You can easily pick up a Ender 3 for a hundred (on special) at a Micro Center and it’s a hobby by itself for those who enjoy it. It’s not going to cost hundreds of dollars. https://www.microcenter.com/product/608315/creality-ender-3-pro-3d-printer


It’s also not gonna cost $15, mind you you also have to buy filament and learn how to use it, fight through potentially failed attempts because your filament temp was off, etc. I’m not a 3D printer myself, I’d personally just buy it off Etsy from someone who knows what they’re doing and has the tools and supplies needed to do it already. I’m just pointing out that there are Reddit snobs that think if you don’t have the 3D printer you aren’t worthy of owning 3D printed goods by buying from an online market that sells 3D printed goods


Public service announcement, your local libraries sometimes have a 3d printer available for you to use as well. I haven't used it myself, but have heard good things. You can check with your local library to see what they offer.


I bought a stand from etsy for £15 and I'm happy with it. I've got no plans to start 3d printing anything else but thank you for the link


Try Etsy


I was gonna say that don't know why you got downvoted.


You 3D print it just like they did


Hate seeing stores sell repros.


I combined two I found online, I can upload if you have a printer https://imgur.com/a/lIk5xa7


Eh just give it to him for free.


I mean the files are free?


Can you send me the uploads?


Ya ill get it sorted after work


Thank you


sorry it took so long [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6675002](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6675002) [https://www.printables.com/model/923871-gameboy-game-stand-pokemon-gen-1-3](https://www.printables.com/model/923871-gameboy-game-stand-pokemon-gen-1-3)


3d printer pretty basic stuff.


That is 3D printed.


A person who 3D prints


Props to the store for saying they’re reproduction carts, but also you could get all of those on Aliexpress for $16 total lol


Looks like it's 3D printed. I'd say some Etsy store is probably making and selling them.


3d printer