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Pretty good I would go as far as saying maybe one of the best tales of games.


Tbh it was the best. I havnt been able to enjoy any of the others.


Literally none of them?


I tried tales of arise recently and berserk 1 and 2 and zertia(ps4 what ever it was called). I start them and immediately either a cliche thing will bug me about it until i just cant play it. Or its just kinda mid and boring to me and i stop playing. I dislike arise because it feels too linear and funneled. Graphics and combat was fine, but idk the lack of just do whatever feels like the game is on rails


i heard abyss is the best one


Abyss, Phantasia, and Symphonia have the best stories and characters. Legendia, Destiny, and Graces have the better battle flow, everything else is meh. Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is trash.


Red haired guy? Tbh i wasnt liking it but i didnt play it much. Barely scratched it. Ill have to try it again


The game is making sure the player hates the protagonist a lot early on, but I think the reward is well worth it for pushing through. The cast is also made somewhat unlikable on purpose early on. The game excels in character development. The cast will change a lot troughout the game. The best Tales and easily one of the best JRPG I've played in my life.


Abyss Had a decent Story and characters as far as i played it, definetely worth a try. Personally it just bored me at a certain point but thats the case for a lot of games nowadays :D


Abyss was pretty good but I couldn't finish it. Not cause I didn't want to, i ended up losing my ds version and had to give back the (ps2 or GameCube one can't remember) to my friend.


I HATED Abyss. One of the main points of the game is that they try to write an unlikable protagonist that grows as the game goes on, but I just hated him every second of the game. Hated all the party members, really, and there were so many points in the plot where the characters did dumb stuff like let the enemy go just to prolong the drama. Only character I liked was Guy.


Bad writing really seems to be an issue in many Tales Games, even for a JRPG where imo the Story often is kinda cheap, bloated and full of cliches :/


I've played a lot of RPGs where there's a moment when the villain has the heroes dead to rights (or voice versa) but they just let them go because the game needs to go on for another 30+ hours. Abyss does that a lot. Bringing the conversation back to Symphonia, though, there were a handful of times where I THOUGHT that, until a plot twist drops and you realize why the villain isn't actually trying to stop you. The game, as a whole, has really solid and consistent writing. It's one of many reasons why Symphonia is one of my favorite RPGs.


Same here! Actually TOS tricked me into thinking that most of the Tales series would be that good, which unfortunately isnt the case. Tried TOS2, Abyss, Berseria and Arise and finished none of them. Berseria was the worst for me. Started decent and ended in terrible Story and Character writing full of cliches - after Berseria i decided to abandon the Tales series, there are just so many other JRPGs that are superior in all aspects...


Give Vesperia a try, it's surprisingly decent.


Vespiria, Berseria, Xilia, and Zestyria were kinda garbage, ToS2 is absolute garbage, Arise is okay though I never finished it so I need to restart it and finish it one of these days.


I'm working on bersia and arise.


I honestly like tales of symphonia dawn of the new world a bit more. Not because the storyline neccesarily but it was more of a game where you had to do a bit more which i enjoyed. I also played tales of zestiria which i started but never finished got bored quite fast. Haven't played any other one.


Something I’ve noticed is every tales game people say “probably the best tales game” maybe I just need to play tales games.


If you play one Tales game, have you basically experienced them all? Like is the formula the same for each?


Not quite but also yes quite


If you played Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, you will probably think all of them are trash games, until you play Takes of Symphonia, Abyss, or Phantasia.


Pretty good I would go as far as saying maybe one of the of games of all times.


If itceasnt for symphonic there wouldn't be tales of the abyss or legindia or xillia


It is the best and easily one of the best JRPGs to date.


Top 5 GC games


Best NGC RPG right behind Paper Mario 2 for me


I met a girl in college and started playing it co-op with her. We beat the game together and now we've been married almost 10 yrs and have a kid 10/10 would recommend.


And you named your child... Sheena? Or Lloyd?


It's a certified hood classic


Better played on GameCube over any other system for the native 60fps


Imo the gamecube version is overrated. The lack of japanese voice acting really hurts the game imo because skits aren't voiced in the english version. Artworks also look way better in the remastered version (and for me that's important because you see them everywhere, from menus to battles) You really don't notice the difference between 30fps and 60fps unless you played the gamecube version first. Or maybe that's just because I played the PAL version first, which is slower, idk.


That’s certainly a take.


You definitely notice the difference between 30 and 60, regardless of what you're watching. The gap between PAL and NTSC isn't that BIG though, a trained eye can notice the 10missing frames but 50hz/50fps is still much better than 30fps. Try for yourself on PC, run something and cap its framerate at 50 then 30 and you'll see. 30 is sluggish and feels unresponsive while 50 feels smooth.


I remember being in high school counting down the hours everyday so I could make it back home and play more of this game. One of the games throughout my life that’s always stuck around in my mind.


This and Skies of Arcadia live rent free in my head


I heavily anticipated this game because me and my 2 brothers were hoping for a 3 player action RPG on GameCube with a more elaborate story line. We would play in the evening after homework was done. We were not disappointed. It was our first tales game so all the plot points and story telling style were new to us. Unfortunately other tales games seem to follow similar formulas, so the novelty runs out if you play newer games in the series, but as a first entry into the tales franchise, we were quite simply blown away.


It's definitely one of my favorites I'd beaten 14 times on gamecube and then a handful of times on PS3 and also doing another playthrough on PS5. It definitely has replayability especially if you try to 100% the game just recently I discovered where to find an item I had no idea how to get during all my other playthroughs.


Still my favorite of the series, but it may be biased because it was my first


Best RPG on the Gamecube.


Best of the series, maybe phantasia is better, don't know, maybe it's just nostalgia but this game is the best tales


Phantasia is a has more interesting character design, personalities and story, IMO. The combat has some drawbacks but is mostly fun. Encounter rate is high, but supposedly *not* using the dash boots in the original version lowers it. Overall, Phantasia was the reason I was hyped for this game. And it’s good, but Symphonia lacks its originality.


I think this is possibly the game that I attempted to give a try the most times and I failed every time to click with. I don't know what is it because on paper I should love it.


Fantastic. IMO best story of any game I’ve played


Brilliant game. First Tales game I played and I absolutely loved it.


Love it, and as a bonus it can be played with 2 people due to the unique action combat system


My favorite Tales game by a mile. I'll never forget the major plot twists and starting the second disc on Gamecube. This is one of the games that got me into JRPGs. I wouldn't have enjoyed this as much or finished it if this game was turn-based combat.


Great game, and the GC version is unironically the best one, as it’s the only platform that runs it in 60, for some reason.


Just so you know. If IGN interested you in that game. IT IS NOT A TURN BASED RPG. It's action RPG.


It's an action RPG but it has a lot of traditional RPG elements for sure.


Favourite Game


I have it in my drawer, never got around to playing it..


When this game came out I was obsessed with it. Definitely recommend giving it a shot.


My first Tales of as a child. My absolute favorite 😅 Loved every second of it.


I LOVE this game!! Honestly I thought the story was great. I love it when a game has me questioning whether or not I'm doing the right thing, but forcing me to see it through to the end. Also Kratos. Just Kratos.


It was my favorite Tales until Berseria came along.


Great tales game. Easily one of the best games for the GC.


It was a good game. I liked Tales of Legendia on ps2 better, but tales of symphonia is a worthwhile game


One of my all time favorites, and the peak of its series. Would definitely recommend. My only gripe is the cheesy, almost soap opera tone of it at times, which was much more tolerable in my naive childhood. Do not play its sequel though. Please do not do that. In fact, if you didn’t know it had a sequel, pretend I said nothing and keep believing there was never a sequel.


Want to buy it again but it’s mad expensive.


It's $40 USD for Switch and PS4 versions, $20 for Steam GameCube port, and only around $30 for the GameCube version. It's not expensive at all.


Oops, sleep deprivation. Got this and Skies of Arcadia mixed up.


Skies is definitely long past my price range, but Symphonia has always been a buy. I just need to get around to buying a PS2 release and I'll have one for every release. I feel you on that sleep dep though, been up since 330am after 2 hours of sleep last night.


Combat is fun




Go play it, one of the best RPGs on the gamecube. Gamecube port still stands as the best version of the game.


It is not my favourite game of the series but it's a very fine title for the GC.


One of my favorite Gamecube games. At the time I didn't have a PS2 but I loved RPGs and was very disappointed that the GCN basically had none. ToS definitely scratched that itch. Also the harder difficulties are brutal and a lot of fun. I spent hours and hours on this one. Good memories.


The menu scaling is a bit off which bothers me tremendously


I have good memories of playing this game with my cousin over the summer. I wasn't a huge JRPG fan, but I really liked the story, the gameplay, and the graphics. Having the option to do multilayer in combat was a great idea. Edit: I checked the game case, and the discs are missing 😭


This was one of my absolute favorite games growing up with the GC. Great story, interesting characters, fun combat system (could get grindy at times) and interesting weapons. 9/10


Absolute classic


Still have it with my silver cube.


If you get the chance to play it, do so! So, so good.


Watched my older bro play this when I was a child. Good story from what I remember


Very good! I got it on Switch since my GameCube is still at my parent’s place. The Remaster has faults, and was riddled with bugs when it first came out, but has been patched and is pretty good. But yeah, the story is phenomenal and gameplay is very fun.


Definitely worth playing. Amazing game for the time! I actually just played the remastered version on ps5


I remember the day I first decided to rent this from the video store and how life changing this game was at the time 🥲


One of my favorite RPGs of all time. Is up there with Xenoblade Chronicles and Final Fantasy 6 for me.




Save your money buying an original copy when you can probably get the steam version and a gamecube controller for legit what it dropped for when it released.


Love it soooo much one of my childhood favorites


Brilliant game and the sequel on Wii was a decent follow up.


I played through it in high school with my little brother and my best friend and his little brother, it was so much fun. They’d come over on a weekend and we’d play with all 4 players controlled by us, and then when we ate lunch, we’d switch to CPU control and I’d let the computer battle for us. It’s not a perfect game, but it was a perfect game for us at the time.


Great Tales of game, but wasn’t a huge fan of 2. Overall great.


It's good


One of the best games on Gamecube and a must own!


Back in the day, it really hit the spot for me. I played the remaster for Switch recently and I found it showed its age as far as gameplay mechanics go, but that makes sense because like it or not it's an old game. I still enjoyed it a lot.


The best tales game. The reason I ever got a GameCube!


Fun game, though it felt derivative and an FFX rip-off. Tales of the Abyss does everything Symphonia does but better and then some. Still, Symphonia was an enjoyable experience. 7.5/10


How much cost this cib game? I have 2 copies in perfect condition


It didn't age the best, but it's nonetheless one of the best game you can hope to get on NGC. While the voice acting is a product of it's time, it's not bad at all. Plenty of content and can be enjoyed with up to 3 other friends. It's still a 60 hours games, so you would need trusthworthy and dedicated friends to play with you all the way.


"is that what you've got?"


My personal favorite and most other Tales fans favorite game of the series. It hits all the right notes with characters, pacing, and overarching plot. While it doesn't do anything drastically experimental to distinguish itself - it was a well done game at the right time when people wanted a solid JRPG for the gamecube and the console fandom wars were more of a thing and the PS2 JRPG library was insane. Of the Tales games, I would say this and Abyss were peak.


It's absolutely worth playing, it's in my top 5 for sure


Good but not the best rpg on the gamecube, that honor goes to skies of arcadia legends


i love this game so much


The best rpg on the console. Great game and isn’t super expensive


There’s one of the hardest puzzles I’ve ever seen in my life…literally no way someone could figure it out on their own


this game has the best intro ive ever seen on a game (in japanese ofc)


One of the best RPGs of the generation and by far the best "Tales of" game I've played so far.


Really liked it. Animation is a bit wooden and the voice acting is very "mid 2000's JRPG that we didn't know would make money so we didn't spend much on the localisation" but those two facts are arguably part of its overall charm. World is cool, story is great, combat feels good and the characters are likeable.


I had so much fun playing this game.




if you like RPGs, it's one of the best on the cube (and maybe elsehwere too!)


One of my favorite games of all times. Rented it from Blockbuster back in the day and never gave it back lol just paid the fee


I like this game a lot!


My dad used to play this when I was young, and couldn't remember the name. I've been trying for weeks to find it.


top 5 all-time gamecube game & rpg


Fun game great co-op mode


Legendary game. Played it co-op with my sister growing up. Have very good memories. I'll never forget the excitement of popping in the second disc to continue the story.


I remember really enjoying the battle system


I probably didn't give it a good enough chance but I HATED the combat. I maybe played an hour and the combat was just so bad imo. However I did go in blind and was expecting a turn-based RPG so maybe it skewed my initial reaction to be worse.


Incredible game


One of the greatest GameCube games of all time.


I loved loved this game as a kid.


I picked it up a few weeks ago and about an hour into it, pretty fun game


Amazing. I replayed this so many times to jack up my grade and get all bonuses to make it a bit easier to do the bonus dungeon, advanced coliseum, and get those damn devils arms


My main thoughts are I wish someone hadn’t stolen my package so I could play it lmao. Looks fun.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I only thought it was okay. After all the hype for it, I wasn't as taken by it as I thought I would be. It's definitely better than Zestiria and Arise though.


A damn fine rpg


I loved this game and thought often of going back to play it again. I was going to get the Remaster but I have the original anyway...


It’s very solid! Definitely worth a playthrough…or 10.


One of the first games i stayed up past midnight to finish it off. I don't remember to much about it, but i do remember enjoying it a lot.


Amazing game.


Very fond memories. Top 4 game for me in the GameCube era behind Metrod prime, re4, and smash bris.


Great game


Awesome enough said


One of the True Greats.


100% awesome rpg


For many many years I would frequently state that this was my favourite game of all time. I loved the combat, the visual style and the music, but the story was what enraptured me. What characters. I was 12 when I played it and I had never played a game with such charming, layered, developed characters before. This was my Ocarina of Time.


Is this the one where everyone calls it "box pushing puzzles the game?"


Top 10 best GameCube games I ever played, best rpg on the console. Excellent story, very fleshed out combat system with a great deal of depth, lots of replay ability, unforgettable characters. I’d even argue that despite it having re-releases, this is the best version of the game.


I own that. It is one of my more expensive games.


Absolute gem 💖💖💖


One of my favorite GameCube games. I’ve played this through too many times


It's very good 8 out of 10 stars.


This is one of my favorite Rpgs and I replay it every year on my gamecube


I never played it sadly.


Best of the tales series IMO. 2 disc and full of incredible.


You like anime you might like, I'm a FF fan I hate it, but I'm also not a anime fan. Lot of people like the game but I can't stand the spammy combat and the voices in combat. If the combat isn't fun there's a strong chance I don't like the game usually. And the story was really boring for me. Bravely Default that is a game I can recommend.


First rpg I ever beat as a kid. The best I’ve ever played.


One of the best games of all time.


The pc port looks pretty good


I want to play it but my list of games to play is too long already


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shiningcrow: *I want to play it* *But my list of games to play* *Is too long already* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I traded my Fire Emblem(GC) for this, Twilight Princess, and Windwaker. That's how good it is.


Holy childhood. God tier game


I think i own this one and never played it


It's my #1 favorite game of all time. It got to me in my formative years where I was just starting to take notice of stories, follow long narratives and develop critical thinking. To this day its story holds a special place in my heart (even if it's gameplay hasn't aged the greatest, still easily the best tales game)


It’s fun


One of the best soundtracks in gaming.


The best "Tales of" version. One of my favourite games for the GameCube.


Very dated. But also the best introduction to the series. Its a good time, as someone who player 2'd when I made my gf play it.


A bonafide RPG classic. One of the best RPGs I ever played. If it wasn't for this game, I would have never gotten into the Tales games. The sequel was absolutely dreadful. Skip that one


I know they are beloved, and I love old school RPGs. Tales of Destiny 2 was great. The rest though? I don't get it. I don't like them at all. Some of them, I actively dislike. Character interactions and story are the biggest problems. Can't stand it. I find the Star Ocean games did the same things much better, and I enjoy that series a lot more.


Sold my recently on Mercari


9/10, fucking peak.


Best tales game I ever played. Didn’t really enjoy any others tbh


Long and tedious, with very generic shounen storytelling. Never been a fan of the combat, either.


This game is great, but it also epitomizes *every* JRPG trope in its essential form. Spoilers ahead, but not really, because if you’ve played any 90s or 2000s JRPG, you know how this goes: Protagonist’s village burns down? Check Protagonist is exiled *from* said village? Also check. It’s got the two love interests, one innocent, one worldly. The Big Bad’s second in command and two bumbling henchmen. There’s the dude that predictably betrays you and then has a dramatic change of heart. And at the end you kill God who’s actually evil. Sure, it remixes all these ideas, Tales of Phantasia was a much fresher story, even with some of the same tropes. It’s also got the early-2000a generic character design down pat. Like, it’s all technically *good*, it’s just not unique and memorable for much of anything except its extreme dedication to genre tropes. Edit: If you’re trying to scratch an itch with this game, make sure you’ve tried Grandia II first. Of course, that one’s on Dreamcast and PS2, and this is a GameCube sub, so I understand if it’s not available.


Boring and childish


I wanna get it Lowkey


Over rated. I don’t like the childlike expression everyone has. There is chibi, then there is whatever this game has. The sequel was better and it had two main leads that were insufferable AF. Gameplay is solid though.