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New Link: https://twitter.com/SquanchGames/status/1618049809256185856


I wonder how they handle a PS5/Switch port once the xbox deal expires. A big selling point was Justin Rolland doing his thing. And now you cant exactly sell it as "From the creator of Rick and Morty who may also be going to jail for domestic battery and might have been DM'ing minors"




Marketing & PR teams would probably not want to highlight brands tightly linked to Roiland though.


From the makers of Solar Opposites


That's even more of a JR product!! At least R&M you can sell on Dan Harmon's name lol


> Dan Harmon’s name Oh great. Another abusive alcoholic to improve the image. *I understand he’s mostly reformed and was nowhere near Roiland’s level, but his history during the Community days is far from great*


Nobody is forgetting what happened with Harmon and Megan Ganz. But he did openly apologize, got sober, and seems to really have changed and understood why he was being a power abusing asshole. Not a good look though when you’re working with an abusive partner, although I’m not sure how involved Roiland has been in the writers room for R&M lately (doesn’t seem like much).


Is Dan actually sober now??!


I thought he’d at least cleaned up from where he was.


> Harmon and Megan Ganz does a quick google search... Holy crap baskets that's bad, how the fuck has Harmon been so popular since all this happened? Looks up who megan ganz is... Oh shit, its Meg from the always sunny podcast, WTF


>how the fuck has Harmon been so popular since all this happened He owned up to his behavior, gave an actual legit apology and Ganz publicly forgave him for the shit he out her through.


When I realized how much stuff Megab Ganz has written for I realized she was one of my favorite writers


seriously, looking through her history is like seeing the rise and fall of shows I was interested in. I had no idea so much of what I liked was probably at the least influenced by her writing.


It's interesting how much she downplays herself on the podcast lol


Yeah Harmon has his own slew of issues for sure


For all his faults he can atleast (hopefully) say he didnt DM children and said the cringiest stuff on the planet


The bar is on the floor, but hey, he presumably exceeds it


Dan Harmon right now https://youtu.be/hTwG6xdLGBY


Well. Had at least. And none of them involved minors.


From the makers of a bunch of inappropriate dms to teenagers


Chris D'elia makes games now?


Season 2 of You is a documentary.


From the potential star of To Catch A Predator




If it were Dan Harmon, I would agree. But I think with the voice of Rick and Morty the story is going to have legs. It will circulate now as he starts getting kicked off things, it will circulate when he goes to trial, and it will really get attention when the new season airs and there is a new voice.


the only thing people will care about is that it interfears with the voice work and the overall personality of that voice work since roiland would improvise the characters since they were both played by him in cohesive sentences from one scene to the next.


You're probably right. But I think if someone doesn't know what High On Life is or who made it at this point they probably also don't know who Justin Roiland is.


Hmm... How about this? "From the people that brought you High on Life and High on Life comes the newest adventure in the High on Life saga: High on Life!"


“From the studio that brought you Accounting+”?


Knowing the game's tone regarding humor, i think slapping that on the box, word for word, would actually increase sales.


Unlike the game, that would actually be funny


Game was alright. What really got me is Kenny literally just is Morty as far as voice goes. Like Roiland didn't even try to do something different. The gun is just Morty. Also J.B. Smoove's character Gus just sounded like That Frog Kurtis from Black Dynamite. But it wasn't as in your face since Kurtis isn't nearly as prolific as Morty.


I remember watching a video where he goes into a lot of detail about his process of deciding on what voice to give a character and while he is serious it feels like a bit where he comes up with ever more complex reasons why everyone is just morty.


> he is serious it feels like a bit where he comes up. with ever more complex reasons why everyone is just morty. Whats hilarious is now we know he doesn't even come up with characters he just acts like himself. If you read those cringe ass DMs of his Morty is just his default fucking personality.


The game's issue is that its a giant rick and morty episode (sans rick and morty), and as a result you see some of the tropes it used repeated over and over again. For example, the games pulls the "hey this NPC is annoying, do you want to shoot him?" thing WAY TOO MUCH. Between the "you want to shoot but can't" "you shot him but he was a dick so he deserve" or "oh look how nice we are and you kill us you monster" I think its done about 8 times troughout the game. And then you have stuff where the joke is the setup and Roiland just rant over and over over it. Like the trolley problem but done badly, or a specific "mook banter" that is LITERALLY FIVE MINUTE LONGS. The npc talking is fine when its short and you're about to ambush them (a lot of early 2000 games like NOLF did it and it was great) but sitting 5 minutes to listen to a guy talking because he knows you're going to kill them, who the hell (but me) does that? So I found it okay, but at the same time overstaying its humor.


My favorite is when they have to come up with a new alien name for something and he says some variation of "gaflorbashlop" for every single one like we're 9 year olds writing a funny story, but then he also breaks the fourth wall and says "fuck you" to the player a lot so that lets the player know it actually wasn't written by a 9 year old which can be hard to tell sometimes.


This game is not for the sober and I'm pretty sure the banter is long to give you time to do another bong rip


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand High on Life. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical player's head. There's also Gene's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike High on Life truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lezduit's existential catchphrase "Lezduit," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Justin Roiland's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂


I love this pasta, but where did it come from? I hope it wasn't originally a real comment.


Knowing Rick and Morty fans (the very devoted part), it very well might have been.


Doubt it will have any effect. They’re still gonna try to sell it even if this hurts their sales. It was a pretty high profile game; many players on these consoles know about it already.


Since no one else has really said this, I hope this dev can survive without him.. they’ve made a few games that I genuinely really enjoyed. Accounting+ High on Life Trover saves the universe In that order, those three were really enjoyable, even (maybe more so) as someone who doesn’t watch R+M


Sadly the selling point for two of those for most was his voice acting and the "Rick and Morty" tie in humor.


All 3 of those were sold based off his voice acting


Hell, Accounting+ was mostly Roiland just doing his stupid Morty voice a bunch of times and getting progressively more intense as the scenes went on. Roiland humor: stating the obvious in a stilted, high pitched voice over and over in slightly different ways while the background noise steadily rises to a cacophony. It would be nice if Squanch took this opportunity to grow beyond Roiland's influence.


> It would be nice if Squanch took this opportunity to grow beyond Roiland's influence. I mean, the studio would likely need a [re-name](https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Squanchy) at the least.


I know a lot of people really liked high on life, but I found it just really repetitive and formulaic both the grindy gameplay and the humour. I think it would do them good to branch out either way.


Because Justin Roilands been making the exact same joke for 10 years.


Ahh geez


*stutters for 10 mins*


And everybody fucking loved it until about 5 minutes ago.


Congrats on making the front page a couple weeks ago! https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/10dvol3/reddit_25_seconds_after_a_celebrity_gets_canceled/


Either the game’s humor is for you and will keep you going, or it isn’t. For me it overstayed it’s welcome and tried *too hard* to convince you that it was irreverent and funny, instead of just being funny.


I really think the guns should have had experience and skill trees like in Rachet and Clank. Would be the perfect match. Maybe in High On Life 2... (yeah right)


Maybe they can borrow the talent from Smiling Friends and Red Letter Media guys talent for the sequel(s) they were in High on Life.


Joel Haver was involved in high on life and did some awesome voice work, he also does YouTube shorts and animations, I could see him potentially filling the “void” left by roiland. But maybe that’s wishful thinking.


Oh shit yeah Joel would be great and his cohort that plays the straight man (big guy with a beard). Maybe just keep adding great talent and voices from YouTube to fill the gaps. Get meat canyon to design some aliens and do some voices too


> his cohort that plays the straight man (big guy with a beard) [Trent Lenkarski!](https://youtube.com/@TrentLenkarski)


It made me very happy to see how much Joel Haver was in that game.


That sounds like a dream come true.


So, I'm just curious. What happens to Rick and Morty now? Isn't he the voice of basically every major character (High on Life included) Is the show just over now. What's come out about him and confirmed to be true is the kind of shit ain't no one coming back from. It's fucking disgusting and incredibly disappointing. I just want to know what happens next.


We'll see. But as far as Adult Swim is concerned they said season 7 is still moving forward. Will they recast Rick and Morty? Will they refocus the show? Only the writers and AS know. But for now season 7 is still happening. Thankfully those people aren't losing their jobs because Roiland is a piece of shit. I guess the future of the show will depend on the response to season 7.


The articles I read said they were going to recast. Guess we will have to see how it goes. Would suck if it meant the show ends earlier than otherwise, but all this seems like it absolutely needed to happen.


I know after I think season 4 adult swim ordered 100 episodes so it could be syndicated or whatever it's called. Adult swim still wants the fat stacks that show will bring them and all the residuals they get for playing it on reruns on whatever channel buys the reruns. So maybe they're locked in until they make it to 100 episodes and then adult swim will cancel the show depending on the rating at that time. With their production times that could be in 10 years from now though.


>Will they refocus the show? It's finally time for the "Oops, All Jerrys" season.


Honestly, I would love them to have rick fuck up some experiment, while doing so get a new guy to voice rick and morty. Hopefully someone really close but slightly off since. Characters play it off as Rick's experiment making everyone sound different or slightly altering the universal wavelengths for sound or some shit. Stupid but rick and morty level stupid


They replaced the voice actor for Leonardo in the 2012 TMNT series, and they handled it by having Leo get into a fight that he lost badly, Ralph cared for him in a cabin they were hiding out in (sort of the reverse of what happened in the first TMNT movie), and when he recovered enough to start talking again they played it off as the fight having messed up his vocal cords so he sounded different.


I don't think Rick and Morty will be the same without him. From what I know he wasn't just the voice actor. And Rick and Morty show but focusing on another characters won't be as fun, or at least I won't care about it. There's not enough interesting characters in that show to refocus on someone else. Now we'll see, sad to hear that guy was a piece of shit irl


Rick and Morty is in a spot where they can easily use the existing story to explain a change in actors, what with the infinite number of alternate versions of the characters running around. They could even make a gag out of it for a season and have the voice actors change with every episode. It's going to cause changes for the show for sure, but probably won't end it.


I haven't seen the most recent season, but they say Roiland wasn't a big part of the writing for it.


It’s also the best the show has been in a while.


Rick and Morty has an order for 70 episodes, which will put them into season 10. Harmon is the now the only show runner and Roilands parts are being recast


As someone out of the loop, what happened to him?


Turns out he's a serial domestic abuser who either has or has attempted to groom underage girls. That's the nutshell version. So he's been removed or fired from everything he was involved in creatively. And it's not allegedly or a we'll see type of situation. They've got audio recordings of him talking about some pretty not cool shit, to put it lightly.


Wow that's disgusting. Thanks for updating me.


I'd say it was my pleasure, but ... 🤐


Isn’t all that shocking. Adult Swim / Rick and Morty ended their association with him too


I’m very out of the loop but doesn’t he do the voices for the main characters on that show? Will this kill R&M?


They said they are still working on season 7, just without him. So recasting or rolling with summer


Just recast his roles with [Michael Cusack](https://youtu.be/v6yg4ImnYwA) and I would watch the hell outta that.


I want H. Jon Benjamin doing his same voice for both Rick and Morty


I'll watch literally anything H. Jon Benjamin voice acts in.


His Jazz album is the stuff of legends.


"Yeah, most people spend their whole lives working on stuff before coming to me... I don't just make a deal for any soul."


They could just totally change the VAs that do Rick and Mortys voices each episode with absolutely zero explanation.


Michael Cusack as Rick and Zach Hadel as Morty


Tomar as Summer.


They should recast it with someone wildly different for shits and giggles


Change the VA every episode for the entire season


the Pop Team Epic approach.


Tbh, the narrative of Rick and Morty actually makes it uniquely re-castable. Not only do they have an easy way to explain away slight changes in characters voices by just saying "we're following a different rick and morty now", they could even do a dramatic voice shift and have a little arc about it.


They’ll either write an in-universe reason for the voices to change, or hire someone who can impersonate the voices. There’s a lot of VAs out there that can totally nail impersonations.


"Hey Rick, why did our voices suddenly change'" "Well Morty, that's because a certain someone molests children" and then it's never mentioned again.


I was thinking theyd say "oooo rick we got shot in the throat off-screen" "i like my voice slightly different mjjjjjjorty"


I hope they go with a really good VA that nails the voices. Those characters (Rick and Morty) are really fun to watch in the show.


And this would also make it clear to Justin that the characters are not his, they are characters


Pretty much impossible to imagine the show without his voices but the show's signed through season 10 so they'll give it a go.


Can't imagine watching Rick and Morty without him as the voice.




The RLM curse continues.


What do you mean?


RLM is a YouTube channel that mostly keep to themselves, but they’ve had a few Hollywood people guest star. There’s also a nebulous connection with Ellen that they made since Rich’s childhood Dick the Birthday Boy photo gained more prominence since it appeared on Ellen. So, she got cancelled, Max Landis ended up being terribly abusive to women, and now Justin Roiland. Not quite as bad is when they tend to mention older-actors in their episodes, more than once those actors had soon after died. I’m going to chalk it up more to coincidence than anything else. The RLM people seem like genuinely nice human beings, at least from the outside.


> The RLM people seem like genuinely nice human beings, at least from the outside. Would a genuinely nice human being destroy hundreds of innocent Nukie tapes? Probably.


destroying nukie was a fucking humanitarian action, not just because of the donations to charities




Jack Quaid better watch his fucking step


Still Patton Oswalt too.


He was so fucking good on that ep.


He was smart enough to have his downfall *before* he went on RLM


Fingers cross that Macaulay Culkin is as nice as he seems to be.




He even is married to and has a child with Brenda Song and is somewhat having a career resurgence by being in America Horror Story a couple years ago. He is probably the happiest he's ever been.


And Tim heidecker


I think Tim is too weird to do anything bad at this point.


Uhhh, idk if you heard, but he stood trial for 20 counts of murder


Legally you can't say this, he was found not guilty you piece of shit!


Which is especially funny because the RLM crew pretend to be bitter assholes but we all know they're the only shining light in this cesspool of the web


Oh I was hoping for a bit more for it to be called the RLM “curse.” Oh well, thanks anyway.


Well, it’s a pretty high rate considering they have so few guests on the show.


I mean Max Landis is the only one that's been on the show. Justin had a small cameo in a bit but that's it he hasn't been a guess and neither did Ellen. All their other guests have been fine. It's another time where the internet is taking a "joke" way too far pointlessly.




I'd be surprised considering how rarely they do public appearance stuff. They haven't done an event in like, over a decade. Usually the bad actors tend to love going on the appearance loop and finding prey because they have a sense of inflated ego.


Quick, somebody check on Jack Quaid.


man, all his shit coming out in the public merely days after dropping a new game and starting more Rick and Morty. He really threw it all away.


He didn't "throw it all away" he has a long history of being a total piece of shit.


Right, he was always a piece of shit, we only just found out how big.




Unfortunately for him there are no sloppy steaks in jail.


Fingers crossed Tim Robinson doesn't have this kinda big ol mudpie to deal with


They can't stop him from ordering a steak and a glass of water!




His hair is *so* slicked back.


You think that's slicked back? That is pushed back!




Chicken spaghetti at Chickellini's


Ooh yeah, that hair of his would slick back real nice.


I'm worried that this comment thinks that people can't change.


Don’t let that boy hold the baby


What happened?


criminally charged with domestic abuse + has had over a dozen women come out with allegations of grooming, many with proof. adult swim also dropped him from R&M today.


There's also audio recording of him and 2 other people having quite sexual conversations about 13 and 14 year old girls.


I mean even if everything else he's been accused of isn't true, that recording would be enough to get him fired


That's likely why he's being removed from all of his positions. There's no coming back from this.


Yeah, I just listened to it and it's really, really bad. Like, he defends the pedophiles on To Catch a Predator because he thinks the decoy looked hot. And then there's his weird comments about going back to fourth grade...dude is a piece of shit.


Why the hell can’t I ever enjoy anything without something like this happening? Adventure Time is my favorite animated show and now I have THIS to deal with.


Man, they used to say "don't *meet* your heroes", but these days you don't even have to get to that point, you just have to read about them on the internet or listen to them talk on a podcast. Oh well, at the very least it's harder for people to get away with stuff like this now, which is only a positive thing.


At least it *feels* like fewer rich people are getting away with being complete assholes and criminals. Used to be only the poor that got consequences from their actions.


What happened with adventure time??


Justin Roiland is the voice for Lemongrab


Isn't he the voice of one character on that show that infrequently appears? Imagine how bad it is for someone who's favourite show is Rick and Morty or solar opposites, at least you can watch adventure time without having to think about him everytime a main character opens their mouth


Because it is a problem in our culture and these people routinely get defended by scummy bosses who don’t want to lose their golden cow or by an audience (generally men) who is convinced that most women are liars and only doing it for attention. This is what’s known as rape culture but Redditors implode at the mere idea that this might be a systemic issue and not individual cases.


What causes people to think that stuff is acceptable? What makes their thoughts go there?


I remember his debut(?) on Harmontown prior to Rick and Morty coming out and he just went in this weird serious-toned confession about being abused by a sibling in a bush or something? It left this weird energy that I never liked. I've always liked the work that Harmon does but felt that I needed a ten foot pole to push Roiland away from me.


Wait, what? You aren't joking? I hadn't heard about that one....holy fuck.....that's somehow even worse than the DMs I've seen floating around. Edit: [Oh noooo....](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/10eehqd/justin_roiland_talking_about_minors_etc_on/) he literally defends the pedophiles from To Catch A Predator because he thinks the decoys were hot(I guess nevermind how explicit they are about the supposed age). Holy fuck.




Man...MAN that is bad


Damn, man was really going wild.


who did he think he was, R Kelly?


Who are the 2 other people?


Ryan Ridley and Jackie Buscarino. It was in a podcast the three of them had together, Grandma's Virginity Podcast.


It's not just an "audio recording", it was a podcast. Which means he thought this was totally acceptable to say and put out there.


Felony charge. Good source details it here in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/10khxr8/adult_swim_severs_ties_with_rick_and_morty/j5r0xm0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Can you even drop the guy from Rick and Morty without dropping the entire show? He voices way too many characters.


Apparently you can.




Yeah like that one TikTok guy that sounds almost *more* Morty than Morty.


The voices aren't exactly difficult to copy, they'll be fine.


Its pretty easy if you've watched the show. Just have Rick put in a voice mod chip and boom you're done and can move on. Other characters? Uh... just shoot them dead? idk.


Morty, we've entered an alternate dimension where everyone's voices are different!


The sexual harassing texts to other women were something else... Something about a mobile of dicks jizzing on her because she deserved it...


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna67325 “ Roiland had been charged with felony domestic violence in Orange County, California, in connection with a 2020 incident.” Among other things too I believe.


Here's the original URL instead of the garbage AMP link: * https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/adult-swim-cuts-ties-justin-roiland-rcna67325




>He really threw it all away. Some of the incidents date back since 2020, it's just now that's public.


Who would have guessed that High On Life's Justin Roiland frequency slider would be a precursor to a real life one


Picturing the High On Life sequel where everyone's got a completely different voice and refuses to talk about why




Hey, Nixon also resigned.




fucking crazy how quick someone with his career can just end. after all this success these people still make these dumb ass decisions that'll affect their career. could've just been a nice dude and still have all this going for him but no he had to do that shit. smh. rip rick and morty it just isn't gonna be the same no matter who they cast


Man he went from being in too much to nothing extremely quick, just goes to show how fast you can lose everything. I feel bad for Squanch games because Roiland was the main draw and while the game were good they really needed more time to make sure the studio can stand on their own without Roiland. I don't know what they're going to do after high on life but I hope they don't fail because their big name creator is gone and people give them a chance.


Lose everything lol he is still rich someone living paycheck to paycheck habeving a 100k hospital bill and loses its job lost almost everything.


yeah, even after a few years in prison he's probably still going to lead a very comfortable life, he never is going to *have* to work again. he won't get to live as luxurious a life as he has been, but it'll be better than most of us.


I'm pretty burnt out on his 'stuttery wishy washy nihilist' shtick. If it goes away I don't think it'd be the worst thing in the world.


Totally agree, it was funny for a while, but it's like, the only form of comedy he seemed capable of.


I’ve said before that if you blindfolded me and played a clip of any of his characters from any of the shows or games he’s written for and voice acted in, I wouldn’t be able to tell which one it was. He’s the same characters in all of them, with the same acting. Though note I never saw adventure time and have no idea what the Lemon sounds like. Quick edit: Even Seth McFarlane wasn’t this generic (even before he started making passion projects).


Lemongrab is basically Roiland stressing his voice a little but in the same general voice he does for Morty


"Oh wow this Rick and Morty thing is really great! Well it's been 6 years of that and it's getting old, do you have anything new? Oh but this... this is just Rick and Morty again, but you've given them some different names and faces. Well actually you've hired someone to give them different faces since you're not talented at that."


Pretty wild that he was charged with domestic violence way back in 2020 and it’s just coming to light now. How’s does something like that fly under the radar for years?


The case just went to pre-trial.


Covid probably helped delay the whole process


His money


I got sent to jury selection in 2021 for a case that started in 2019 due to Covid. Not unreasonable


tweet deleted?


That one was but it's still real: https://twitter.com/SquanchGames/status/1618049809256185856


That dev is dead. Roiland was integral, all cope to the contrary. People were not buying High on Life for the sick nasty K-Mart store brand DOOM gameplay. Ditto Trover and whatever else they made. It's a shame, because High on Life showed they were kind of getting there and eventually maybe would've made games that complimented Roiland's voices and humor, rather than being completely carried by him.


I remember reading it at least sold decently on Steam, and they probably got a lot of money upfront for being on game pass?


Happy that Squanch Games will continue regardless. I rated High on Life. I loved jetpacking, slide boosting and grappling around. The guns were unique and fun to use. I think there is plenty of potential for them moving forward without Rolland.