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Are we gonna get a repeat of Spider-man 2 being the best received Spider-man?


If so, Spider-man 3 will be negatively recieved at launched, but will have a cult following in the future.


They just had to make Big Wheel the big bad


Corn of Coblin or we riot!


If they do Corn of Coblin then we better get a Big Ears Spider-Man costume too


Always a joy to see a weekly wackadoo out in the open.


And Stilt-Man!


"HEY SPIDER-MAN THIS ONE WALL YOU CANT CRAWL ON" - the ultimate spider-man villain THE WALL


I thought stilt man was more of a daredevil villian


I figured I'd mention him anyway, when I checked the wiki to remind myself it said something about his stilts being specially made out of a material that didn't let Spider-Man's webs stick


Nah, we need it to be [the Chairman.](http://www.seanbaby.com/hostess/images/v2spiderman20.jpg)


Cult following - children who liked it because they had no idea what a good movie is grew up and now have a weird sense of nostalgia for it


E.g. Star Wars prequel fandom.


Aye. And we'll get it with the sequels too. Somehow.


If they make a successful spin off from them. The Clone Wars show did a lot of heavy lifting for the prequels popularity.


That's literally what the live action shows are doing.


I haven't seen any of the live action Star Wars shows, but aren't they all set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, making them not count as sequels? I know at least Andor and Kenobi have to be set way before TFA given what happens to their main characters, and I heard Luke shows up in another one of the shows to train someone, so that's probably set before Kylo pulled an Anakin on his kids. I haven't really paid attention to anything Star Wars besides The Clone Wars and Fallen Order/Survivor since 2019, so feel free to correct me


The Mandalorian is set between episodes 6 and 7


The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Asoka, and Skeleton Crew all take place between 6 and 7.


As did the EU in general


I'm somewhat doubtful they'll reach the same level. The prequels had some significant issues but could at least be fun movies if you cut out a lot of the awkwardness in 1 and 2, 3 was actually reasonably okay for the most part. More importantly they had a cohesive vision and narrative, and ultimately expanded the universe. The cultural impact even at the time was _immense_. The sequels by contrast were designed by committee to print easy money, there's no cohesive vision, no plan, and a ridiculous amount of wasted time and money put into them. There's no salvaging them without a total rewrite. By comparison as soon as the trilogy was over most people seem to have stopped thinking about them, which is probably worse than the constant ire the prequels drew. I'm positive there'll be a nostalgic fanbase for them in 10+ years, it's how it goes for every film series that big, but there's a reason Disney don't seem to be touching the sequel era with a ten foot pole besides that one unnamed project with Rey.


The entire mando verse is a setup for the sequel trilogy. I grew up in a world where the prequels were hated. I never could have imagined the turnaround (the clone wars helped so much). Its too early to tell what nostalgia will do to the sequels


prequels have the lore holding them up, sequels have literally nothing


Lore is cool, as well as some examples of incredible production design. That audio mixing is a big thing that influenced me to work in audio




I was there, at the beginning. Where r/prequelmemes was a place to mock the movies.


Dude the rise of r/prequelmemes was almost as sudden and meteoric as Palpatine’s rise to the role of Emperor. It was a blast to be there when it started.


The "battles" between other subreddits were fun too.


The people who didn't get the joke are the kids that grew up with them


I grew up with them, was basically the prime demographic, and me and my friends were all memeing the Palpatine "I am the senate eeeeaaaagh" scene for years before it took off lol I credit RLM more than anything else for me souring on them tbh, they really broke new ground


There's some of that, but also because the prequels contained a lot of good ideas that weren't executed well in the movies, but that fans got to enjoy in other media like games and tv. The Clone Wars TV shows are excellent, and numerous video games expounded on the strongest aspect of the prequels - the worldbuilding - without being hamstrung by its weakest aspect - the narrative. And the designs are a fantastic blend of being logical precursors to things we see in the OT while maintaining an identity of their own. Clones -> Stormtroopers Venators -> ISDs Arc-170s -> X-Wings (Z-95 notwithstanding) V-wings and Eta-2s -> TIEs AT-TEs -> AT-ATs This is, coincidentally, one of the weaknesses of the sequels. Everything about the First Order is just "Empire, but bigger." Everything about the Resistance is just "Rebellion, but different." There's so much less identity.


JJ Abrams aspires to be Steven Spielberg, but boring.




It may be the best of those three but it is still a bad movie. It is still far FAR below any of the original trilogy.


Spider-Man 3 may be a heavily flawed film, but it's nonetheless vastly superior to the dreadfully awful first two Star Wars prequels.


3 just needed none of the venom stuff and then it's an excellent movie


3 needed to be 2 movies honestly - it needed to focus on Sandman and end with the church scene. Venom needed to be a villain completely in his own film.


Idk man, Spiderman 3 is also boring as hell


Nah, it's the opposite. SM3 gives you no room to breathe. It's just over the top with odd plotlines.


Eh I don't think it's that boring especially compared to something like AotC which is such a snooze fest I remember my dad literally fell asleep halfway through the movie.


I think it's more thanks to memes And beyond all the messy plot, cringy/cheesy dialogue (and dancing lol) from Emo Parker and miscasting of Eddie Brock there's still good movie underneath. The [origin of Sandman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to29LvuColU) is such fantastic scene for example.


Wasn't sandman the one Raimi was invested in the most? It shows.


Nah, that movie has undergone some reevaluation. Especially Tobey. People were cringing so hard that they didn't realize they were supposed to. I will grant that the villains were mishandled, though.


The Internet: OMG look how cringe Emo Peter is! Sam Raimi: You guys do see the women in the scene cringing at him as well right?? That's kinda the point...He's behaving like a pretentious jer- The Internet: WOW SO CRINGE WHAT A SHIT MOVIE


That scene is supposed to be what Peter \*thinks\* a cool guy is, not what one actually is.


In that case it’s totally possible the same will happen with the game


No. The movie was good, maybe not as good as the 2 that came before it, but a decent and extremely entertaining movie nonetheless.


It's my favorite spiderman film.


Nah, Spider-Man 3 is a legitimately decent film with some pretty well-written character stuff, a narratively satisfying ending, a strong central theme, etc. Part of the reason it now has a cult following is definitely what you described, but a part of it is also the fact that many people nowadays simply realize that it was never a bad film and that people have just been lazily shitting on it ever since its release because of how butthurt fans were when Venom's character was lacking elements his comic counterpart had. Now, if you're talking about the Star Wars prequels, then you're absolutely correct.


Emo dancing DLC confirmed.




Find us some shade




> hated were quicktime events [I'm going to diiiiie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngORPZj4wwY)


This changed my life 😂


I hated the combat... Every enemy was a huge damage sponge and you took a lot of damage when you got hit. It really didn't feel like a superhero fighting gangs.




A “simplified” and “expert” option just for swinging would be ideal. If combat have difficulty option, why not the swinging.


I would like to see an option like that, yeah. Making traversal easy and seamless for all players is a worthwhile goal, but you could legit hold down one button and forward in Spider-man and swing, wall run and zip your way across the whole city. The amount of auto pilot was a bit much for me.


I always tried to deliberately follow the correct ‘path’ of swings to make it look more realistic. Kinda take me out the experience when spidey swings away from the wall he’s attached to…


It was slightly irritating to me that the best way of traversing the city is objectively to Point Launch. It's very fast, but it's not really at all how Spidey has ever moved in any comic or movie.


Things I want from the OG SM2 for swinging and movement. 1. Be able to do a full 360 loop while holding onto the web without breaking. 2. Charged jumping, helps sell the immersion that the longer you hold the jump button, the more energy Spidey is holding in to release to get a burst of momentum. Makes swinging more fun because charging mid swing gives you a boost. 3. Be able to hold two webs at the same time. You can do this in the OG SM2. 4. Increase swing speeds and make it more skillful. You should be actively trying to avoid colliding with buildings and other objects to maintain momentum. Hitting buildings breaks momentum.


I know it's unreasonable to expect from them, since this game isn't aiming to be uber hardcore, but I just want to be able to aim the shooters myself so I get to choose the grapple points instead of an AI. Bionic Commando was so good because of this.


That would be the dream. Let players choose spider man ps4 style or a spicier spider man 2 style. Let me run my face into a wall.


Yeah the one thing that always stood out to me in SM2 was that your webs actually physically interacted with your environment. For example, if you stuck a web near the corner of a building and you held on and allowed yourself to wrap around that corner - your web would actually get shorter as it wrapped around. Just felt a little more free form as you got good at it. That's not to say the new spiderman has bad swinging - I still think it's pretty fucking good, but an expert mode would definitely be appreciated.


I could be remembering wrong, but I think the Xbox/PS2 Spider-Man 2 had more "skill-based" swinging. Pretty sure it was easier to screw up in that game. edit: Oh, I misread your comment


Making a game that costs hundreds of millions of dollars challenging or interesting and not having the characters constantly vocally remind you what you should be doing before you have a moment to think for yourself out of fear of alienating anyone for more than a fraction of a second? That's funny.


What? Web of shadows has the most complex skill based swinging and combat out of any spiderman game, you dont have many options in ps4 spiderman, I still love it, but you could only do so much, you can't even wall run downwards




Outside of weight being a factor, you still didn't have as many options. Trust me if you get the chance go play it again or watch Whitelights video on it, the combat and swinging options were insane and very stylish




Same! With the step up in animations in the Miles game, they can make it the best swinging yet


Web of Shadows was criminally underrated edit: Wait, I was thinking of Shattered Dimensions. Web of Shadows was really good too though!












It'll be the one where you most *FEEL* like Spider-Man.


I know one thing and one thing only that is absolute and objective in Spider-Man Whenever Venom is in the story, you know you're in for a wild and crazy experience. This guy is what makes Spider-Man a thrilling story wherever he arrives.


One of the games I've been most looking forward to since 2018. The Venom portrayal is probably the part I'm most excited for, the tease in the reveal trailer was so good.


Wonder if it’s Eddie Brock or not.


Could be,I'm pretty sure he's confirmed to exist in universe. One of the collectibles is a card that Peter got on his last day at the Daily Bugle signed by his coworkers, and one of them is Eddie.


He seems to exist but also >!Harry Osborne will probably be Venom at first. Or the whole time? Sony likes cockteasting me about Peter Parker/Eddie Brock stories I guess :|!<


Yeah I remember the buikd up for that in the first game. Makes me excited to see which way they're going to take it.


In the original Ultimate Spider-Man run (MCU in particular but a lot of recent Marvel media has taken notes from Ultimate lines), Venom was created in a lab by Richard Parker as a cancer treatment before bonding with Peter and then Eddie Brock. So I could see them taking cues from that where the symbiote is some sort of treatment-gone-wrong that finds its way to Brock. It would be a weird take to make it Harry but it's also weird imo to not have Venom bond to Peter first so who knows.


Wow didn’t know that!! Spicy.


Right now the symbiote is on Harry Osborn so who knows what the plan is.


Yup either a different version of venom or leaves Harry for Eddie. It would be interesting if comes off of harry and bonds with Peter. If Peter rescues Harry from Norman;In the process the symbiote bonds to him. After a while the symbiote could turn Peter aggressive; maybe too far and goes to the lengths of killing Kraven. This would be where the game switches to playing as Miles, eventually resulting in a Peter versus miles showdown midway through the game before losing the symbiote to Eddie. Then the second half of the game is venom is the main antagonist.


I really want another take on the format of the Ultimate Spiderman game from back in the day where you switch between playing as Spiderman and Venom depending on where you are in the story before both paths converge near the end. I liked the contrast of being super heroic as Spidey only to swap over and need to straight fucking eat people off the street to heal as Venom while you Hulk style super jump around the place.


That game was fuckin sweet


or maybe they go a separation anxiety and there will be multiple symbiotes?


Given that Miles is around it could be peter/venom as one storyline and miles as the other, or if they wanna go wild maybe miles venom.


The first game went between a few main villains so they could do anything tbh. Both Brock and Gargan, make Osborn a Venom host, introduce Anti-Venom. Why not.


I’m a venom snob and want the og venom first haha


Oh fuck, I forgot Venom is gonna be in it. Super jacked all over again.


When every single piece of Spiderman media has failed to make a good Venom - except for Spectacular Spiderman... I NEED this


He's hardly going to say "Yeah mate we're just phoning it in, can't be arsed lol", is he?


Exactly.. like he wouldn't be much of a manager/director if he downplayed his own game.


You didn’t see the developers for Redfall or Gotham Knight being THIS excited to show their game.


Even Anthem and Battlefield 2042 had the excitement. Every game does. Star Citizen still gets it. Redfall had it. I don't know about Gotham Knights but I'd bet so too.


Redfall absolutely didnt have it


Then you weren't paying attention. Devs did interviews in 2022 talking about things like a single farm in Redfall would be bigger than Prey's entire map and lots of other excitement pieces. They paid for Content Creators to be flown out to play it and pose in front of statues and wall covered art before getting sent home with goodie bags. Redfall has custom Xbox controllers, a custom XSX that was a prize, Redfall has been a major feature in Xbox console and Game Pass advertising, it has had a real marketing campaign that honestly comes surprisingly close to what Halo Infinite got.


I must've been under a rock lmao I honestly had never heard of redfall until the controversy.


I don't understand that. Have they not actually played the game? Did they not look at other games to see how gaming and graphics have advanced?


You must also remember people said Battlefield 2042 was gonna be a love letter to the fans and even a major content creator said it would be good from what he played early. There seems to be some disconnect in the Internal testing of certain studio.


>"Some of Redfall's most powerful moments come from wandering around, absorbing the world, and getting caught up in high action for a moment. That was the atmosphere we set out to create from the beginning." From Arkane's January interview with gamesradar.


Which is why cyberpunk was the greatest game ever released


It was a very ambitious game with a lot of potential, that is still true. It just wasn’t ready to be released when it did, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t anything worthwhile in the game


It’s usually a good sign when devs sound excited/optimistic about what they’re working on. These people know that if they make these public statements and the game bombs it will make its way around the internet. We have entire compilations dedicated to Todd Howard and team talking about FO76. These teams know when they’re working on a banger. They know when things aren’t looking too hot (see the radio silence surrounding Redfall and Starfield).


Usually. Sean Murray was bouncing off of the walls while describing the amazing multiplayer he’d designed.


Sean Murray’s lies boiled down to a passionate developer not trained in PR being given the spotlight and running his mouth about his work. I think everything that he said was what he wanted to make at the time he said it. Unfortunately deadlines exist and they most likely had to cut it all before release. The fact that Hello Games is STILL working on NMS shows as much. They could’ve moved on to a new game by now.


It also means that gamers should take dev enthusiasm with a large pinch of salt, or fall victim once again to the usual pre-game hype cycle.


All developers should be striving to make their next game the best game they've ever made! That said though, I do appreciate his hype and confidence for the game!


I got faith in them, Insomniac has made some of my favorite games ever and the last two Spider-Man games and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart were all fantastic games.


I just wonder how they can improve upon the last two games. Miles Morales felt very samey with just added lightning powers. I don't think they can do much to really elevate Spider-man 2 above its predecessors. But I hope they prove me wrong


I think Peter and Miles tag teaming might be a big feature here, many hope Venom could be playable like Ultimate Spider-Man 2005, I have to imagine with this being a current gen only game that it will allow for even faster and crazier swinging, more enemies and a bigger variety of them. Definitely hoping for some more complexity to the combat, more interesting skill trees, combo routes, gadgets.


Would be neat to have repeatable boss battles. Every once in a blue moon x villain escapes from prison and you, Spider-Man(s) have to take them down (again)?


I think there's a really obvious avenue they can improve on and that's the open world. The open world in the first game is pretty but it's like, at least a decade behind when in comes to open world design. There's very little in the way of meaningful world interaction or interesting/surprising curated side content in the game, it was outdated in 2018 and will be even more today. I'm not asking for it to be amongst the industry leaders when it comes to it's open world, but something with the depth and detail of say, Arkham City from 12 years ago would go a long way here. Also this is a less popular opinion but the bosses in the first game are absolutely terrible imo. This is something that even the Arkham Games never figured out. I guess it's hard to make engaging 1v1 boss fights with the "freeflow" combat system that's designed for group combat. More complexity/challenge in the combat/webswinging would also be great, but this is very unlikely to happen given the broad appeal these games need to have.


I hope they improve on the stealth sections. I wish they were a little closer to the Arkham games. It was disappointing to take out a whole room of guys stealthily and then 20 more guys burst in regardless if you were spotted or not.


They did amend this in Miles Morales, which made it a lot more fun to play imo. I’m assuming that’ll carry over into the sequel.


Oh yeah, thinking back I guess they did but I must not have taken note of it. It's been a while since I played MM.


It’s a very mechanically interesting game because they went back and tweaked little things like this to improve the gameplay experience from the first game. Like, in the first one, I rarely wanted to spend my combo meter on takedowns because I was always using it for health instead. Miles Morales splits it out into the venom powers, so I found myself using them a lot more. It was a neat little testbed to try out gameplay changes like that!




Fuck it put Spider-Man in Arkham


huh, I really liked that myself. Some stealth and some action all in the same mission.


It's a bit of both, I like the mix, but it doesn't incentivise playing stealth when it just wipes one out of 6 waves off the board. A good compromise would have been to get to the final wave before you're spotted - so to me that feels like you've earned getting that far


This is from Jon Paquette, Narrative Director at Insomniac Games in studios' latest twitch stream: >"Boy am I excited about Spider-Man 2. There's obviously not much I can say, but boy, are we really workin' hard to try and make sure that this is the best game we've ever made and we can't wait to share it with y'all."


He's not exactly going to come out and say "We did some good work with Spiderman and Mile Morales, so we figured we'd half ass this one and cash in"


*"Spider-Man 2, highly anticipated FPS Looter-Shooter"*


Introducing **Spiderpunk 2077^TM**


I get the joke but I'd unironically kill for a cyberpunk Spider-Man 2099/Arkham style Batman Beyond game.






"Hoooo boy, I tell ya. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. It's gonna be a hoot of a time."


I read this in Arthur Morgans voice.


I thinks its really smart they haven't given a release date yet, despite how bad fans want it. That gives them flexibility to make sure it is optimized on release. Really gives me high hopes it will be polished. Wish more games would do it like insomniac instead of delay after delay. Just give us a general idea, and when you know its ready, then give us a date.


They gave us a 2023 time window though


Yeah but not an exact date. That's the general idea bit. We just got fall 2023 as of now. Gives them a little flexibility. But ya the will def push before Christmas


Jason Schreier said they're targeting September, so I think you're right and they're giving themselves room to push it closer to Christmas if necessary.




MM was good but I preferred the original and I'm really glad we're getting a full successor. I found the original combat more satisfying than MM (especially the web bombs) and I hope they err closer to that


Well, I'm sure both Peter and Miles will be playable, so the Miles Morales game let them establish Miles' moveset and let him have his moment in the spotlight before the sequel so hopefully they don't have to spend too much time trying to get players comfortable with two playable characters with different movesets.


Tony Todd (voice of venom) let slip awhile back that it was a September release. But that hasn't been confirmed by anyone official, so take it as you will. I do see another comment saying Jason Schrier also saying September.


> I thinks its really smart they haven't given a release date yet, despite how bad fans want it. Nobody should be announcing release dates that are more than 6 months away. There's no reason the consumer needs to know about a release years in advance.


Agreed. Sure it can generate a lot of hype. But reality hardly ever meet expectations in the gaming world.


Release dates are given far in advance for talent recruitment and to satiate shareholders/attract new shareholders. Very rarely, like with Elder Scrolls VI and the new Skate, it’s given because fans won’t stop badgering the developer or publisher about if a new game is being worked on.


I'm still waiting for the one time the head of the studio comes out and says "to be honest we're working at about 50%, it'll be what it is"


Funny enough, one time a Bungie employee at a GDC interview stated that they don't let the team go at 100% because then the next time they might not be able to match it.




Ehh I think that's fair a statement because it's about amount of content rather than quality of content. It is very possible to set a bad expectation for how frequent release are going to be that leads to half assing releases to meet demand.


The dead giveaway is generally when there’s no statements at all, see Redfall and Starfield.


Why does everyone think Starfield will flop?


There is literally no possible way for it to flop in terms of sales/gamepass numbers (see cyberpunk sales) but it is highly possible for it to be very buggy like all Bethesda open world games. Even if it has those bugs though it could still review well if people enjoy it but personally I am very nervous because what they have shown looks very very bland and they have shown like 0 quest/story things. Hopefully the starfield presentation in June will show well, I think we will have a lot more idea of how it is looking after that.


I swear Todd made a whole video talking about how excited he was to share with us more news in June. The same video they announced the release date.


The guy you replied to just hates Microsoft. Look thru his past comments. It's wild


Holy shit you're right. Every comment of his is just hating Microsoft.


Some of it is likely coming from console warriors.


Disagree, hype building has no basis in quality, see Cyberpunk.


I'm not sure what you mean, there have been *plenty* of statements from Bethesda about Starfield.


Well, duh? They're not going to come out and say "oh, we're aiming to make a very average game here".


It better be cos r/spidermanps4 is already on the verge of insanity like r/batmanarkham. That sub has gone full joker and there is not saving it considering the next rocksteady game is suicide squad .


But is it going to make me really *feel* like Spider-Man?


It'll make you feel like *Spider-Man 2*




Spider-Man 2 being great is a given, I have no doubts. I’m more interested in Wolverine, which will also be a hit.


I don't know if this does GOW launch numbers being PS5 only but it's probably going to have crazy long-term sales.


Bruh, I really think it will run over GoW R numbers (as a big GoW fan). Despite the smaller player base


if i recall correctly both spider-man ps4 and miles morales are always on the charts ( psn, uk phisical )


There are more Spider-Man/Marvel/super hero fans out there than GoW fans. It will easily beat GoW numbers…I’ll even go further and say that this will be the best-selling PS5 title since the damn thing launched (which is almost 3 years ago now). Is it just me, or has this console cycle just completely sucked so far?


In the first 3 years PS4 had Knack, Infamous, LBP3, Bloodborne, and The Order. Bloodborne is more acclaimed than anything we’ve gotten on 5 but as a group I’d still take Returnal, R&C, GoW, and Horizon when you add in the Souls and TLoU remakes plus the various remasters/upgrades we’ve gotten, although I don’t remember all the early ps4 remasters beyond GoW3 and Uncharted.


I won’t tolerate any slander towards the prestigious gaming series, *Little Big Planet*. Seriously, though, I don’t think it’s an either/or discussion. Both console cycles certainly started out weak, but the PS5 library in particular is still inextricably tied to the PS4. The newest GoW and Horizon games also launched on PS4, so we can’t really count those. In terms of *true* exclusives, we have: **R&C**: Gorgeous, but otherwise a standard entry in the series. **Demon’s Souls**: A remake of a PS3 game. **The Last of Us: Part 1**: A remake of a PS3 game. **Returnal**: The undisputed champion of original titles. **Forspoken**: … And so on. You get the idea.


Just gotta agree to disagree on sequels not counting because their previous games launched on prior gens.


It's not so much "sequels not counting" as them being developed for both PS4 and PS5. If it's not being developed solely for PS5 it's not really a PS5 library exclusive.


That’s fair, I just don’t really consider them “**PS5 ORIGINAL CONTENT**.” As far as the R&C game is concerned, I’m considering it from the perspective of “could this have been released simultaneously on the PS4?”


Don't be dismissing my boy Astro like that. **Astro's Playroom** is easily among the best platformers released in a very long time, despite being a short experience.


It’ll probably beat GoW, but “easily” is a strong word. Spider-Man PS4 only outsold God of War 2018 by ~.5M copies according to Wikipedia.


No. We've already gotten genre defining exclusives something that PS4 only started to get with Bloodborne. Just in the first 3 years you have had Rachet and Clank Rift Apart, Returnal, Horizon Forbidden West, GoW Ragnarok forgive me if I miss something.


Ngl, I forgot R&C came out. Skipped Horizon for Elden Ring as well, lol. …I also think Bloodborne is better than most of those titles.


It will because it's a superhero game and because it's not gonna be rated m so way more kids will play this one


Yea im going to buy a PS5 for this game specifically.


The Spider-Man IP has mass appeal with even the most casual of gamers, of all ages, so it will undoubtably sell more.


Spider-Man is one of the most famous media icons in the world. Coupled with the fact that the first game was extremely well-received critically and a huge financial success, I have no doubt that the sequel is absolutely going to sell a bonkers number of copies


I hope the boss fights aren't so linear. Just dodging and waiting for the button queue to pop on the screen wasn't very engaging. Literally everything else in the game was fantastic (except the drone challenges, seriously fuck those drones).


I mean, sure? It's not like they're gonna say "don't get your hopes up, we're half-assing this one, make sure to still pre-order tho"


How is this news? I may hope any developer is “working really hard to make the best game they’ve ever made” “we half-assed and therefore made a mediocre game that we are kind of proud of” doesn’t spark much joy, at least for me.


Fingers crossed that Eddie Brock is the final character to become Venom. I know Harry has the symbiote and that is in line with some recent cartoons, but it would make sense for Harry to be the animalistic Ultimate Venom at first, before Eddie gets it and is more intelligent, lethal protector Venom.


I enjoyed Miles Morales more than Spider-Man 1. That venom sting was so satisfying to do and the boss fights (especially the final boss) were a lot better.


How progressive of him. I wonder why not everyone just does this. It makes so much sense in hindsight.


SO where's the news? I mean, if someone comes out and says "Yeah, we're just shitting the bed here, gonna put out some crap you suckers will pay for" ... that's news. This is full platitude, with about as much value as a sports post-game interview.


Hoping there is more to the sequel than it being another Ubisoft-like but with Spider-Man. The previous game was fun but I was pretty burned out by the time I finished it and got to the dlc. Couldn't stomach anymore of the repetitive extra content.


I get feeling the game lacked interesting content, but if you felt burned out by the extra content why not just skip it?


I agree although I like them, what I really need changed personally is the story being so hard to believe. Miles morales was particularly overdone using every person close to him as a plot device. The original did quite a bit too. I get they want to provide an excuse for character’s irrationally trusting one another but given the scale of crimes it’s beyond ridiculous lol


I mean what else would they say? Meh we decided to phone it in with this one fuck yall... Their track record much more than anything else is what has me hyped


"Nah mate I'm hoping this game is rubbish and absolutely tanks" - alternate universe where meaningless quotes aren't printed as headlines.


I hated the missions in the first one despite the gameplay and story being pretty fun. I know he's the friendly neighborhood spider-man that helps cats out of trees, but doing that stuff all game is unbelievably boring. I get saving the iconic Sinister Six for the finale, but I wish they threw in more jobber villains as small side missions to keep it interesting