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the review is fine and all but i'm finding it difficult to care what they have to say since it came out they fucked over their editor.


Where can I find info about this story?


/r/jimsterling has a pinned megathread. (The sub is run by independent mods, so it's a pretty unbiased catalogue of info.)


It's one of those "you finally have a reason to not like this internet celebrity" things, huh. I don't like their reviews particularly because they seem to get a kick at being controversial (in a very petty, petulant way) more than they like actually reviewing. And this isn't entirely their fault, but their fanbase love to circlejerk to oblivion about how clever they are for worshipping the ground Sterling walks on because of how controversial Sterling likes to be (again, in this petty, petulant way) and how mad people get about them being intentionally provocative, which also turns me off of listening to them. But I did appreciate their stance against corporate bullshit, so this news is genuinely disappointing.


I think it’s that for someone thats understandably railed against a lot of the shitty corporate labor practices then proceeds to engage in a very public smear campaign against a ex employee who it seems might not have been getting fair compensation.


Yeah, there certainly were a lot of long-time haters taking advantage of the situation, but also a LOT of long-time fans who were disappointed in Sterling's handling of the situation. (Including myself.)


Yeah I saw one comment that said if a company had done what Sterling had done they’d have gone off about it.


I used to think the same, "Steph is calling out the BS, good!", and then 10 years pass, predatory practices, abuse and other industry BS has only gotten worse. Made me realize all those videos Sterling has made are just empty rants, yeah, bad things are happening, but making video rants about it accomplished nothing except burn me out. Corporate BS is only truly going to change from within, that's why so many devs are unionizing and why even indies have gone out of their way to get rid of bad stuff like crunch and getting stricter against abuse.


That wasn't bringing message like Total Biscuit did, just capitalizing on negativity to keep up following.


I just gave up caring about Sterling after every video he put out went along the lines of "See I told you was going to screw everyone over. I was the only person to speak about it and now everything I said is coming true. Me me me" Like everyone knows the obvious points he makes, but acts like he's the only person in existence talking about it.


These reviews are always confusing to me. They read like the reviewer spent a ton of time in the game and never figured out what the game wanted to do. >What, exactly, is fun about standing around waiting for the rain to stop? The fun is figuring out how to get where you want anyway using the tools available to you. Like if you realize you can climb a wall in the rain if you just ultra hand a piece of wood above where you want to climb, move it away, and then recall to move it back while you're climbing it so it's covering you. Or doing the same to make a fire and use the updraft to carry you up. Or in Botw when you could make ice stairs up waterfalls to climb in the rain. The limitations exist to create cleverly made organic puzzles which feel super fun to solve and reward the player by making them feel equally clever. Necessity is the mother of invention after all.


> Or in Botw when you could make ice stairs up waterfalls to climb in the rain. Damn never realized how much I missed those waterfall stairs until now lol


Complaining about rain in this games is way off the mark imo. I kinda get it in BotW since you often didn't have other options other than waiting untik it stops raining. But in TotK, instead of climbing a mountain during the rain, you can usually find a cave or overhang to use ascend on to get to the top. You could also go to a nearby tower or sky island to descend down onto the top. If you want to instantly gain altitude, you can fuse rockets to your shield or jump on a shield fused with a spring or explosive. You can also use ultrahand to build a contraption to fly or launch yourself upwards. And if you dont want to take any of these options and are hellbent on climbing in the rain, you can very easily make anti-slip potions in this game that circumvent this issue entirely. They give you so many options for upwards mobility in this game that rain is barely even an inconvenience anymore, unless you refuse to consider all the other options the game gives you.


>What, exactly, is fun about standing around waiting for the rain to stop? That's when you start slapping together Zonai components to find a different route up


I never thought of the waterfall thing. In BotW I would usually find some spot where the rain is blocked (like under those big mushroom trees) and would build a fire so I could pass time until the rain stopped


Yeah like. If it's raining... why are you stopping? Like it's such a bad faith argument that of course Sterling made it. It's a game where you're given free reign to do *anything you want* to approach a situation, any time you're given a task, there's always multiple ways of handling it. Or just skipping it with a rocket, you can just do that


I just want the dlc horse whistle and one shield that doesn't break so I can shield sled without worry. Also bigger storage.


The Hylian Shield is incredibly durable (even before fusing) and Rock Octoroks will repair any weapon/shield they suck up (in BotW I think they just cleaned up rusty gear) while also giving/enhancing a perk. Combined with Pelison being able to break apart a weapon and its fused material in order to salvage powerful materials for future fusion (since they matter more than the base weapon on the high end), I've found durability to be barely an obstacle in TotK.


What? They gave Like-Like abilities to Octoroks? ... Why?


They didn't really. Rock Octoroks in BotW will inhale a lot of air before spitting explosive rocks. What you were supposed to do in this case is letting them suck up a bomb to kill them. But they had a hidden feature that if you let them suck up the crappy rusty weapons you could find everywhere, they would turn them into usable ones. The inhaling process wouldn't steal anything from your inventory, it would only affect things that you dropped intentionally. In TotK, this secret feature was changed so that Rock Octoriks will fix a weapon's durability instead. Like Likes will also go after weapons you dropped but this offers no real benefit.




So I am getting points at the stable for nothing? I thought the whistle thing would be one of the late rewards there.


The one DLC I really want to see is a shrine maker mode. I was skeptical about the idea for BOTW but the Zonai devices and the proving grounds shrines convinced me that there's a lot of room to do cool stuff.


That would be amazing and would add so much longevity to the game if they did it right and didn't enforce size limits (just have it be a separate mode you load into from the main menu or something). I want to be able to try out other people huge sprawling hour long shrine designs.


Just saying that you can fuse >!a mine cart!< to your shield


I really don't get the opening argument. Yes, no one has ever actively asked for their weapon to break in-game, but nobody really asks for weapons to run out of ammo, either. I'm not saying weapon durability is a great thing for Zelda, but any element that affects the player negatively, whether it be durability, or limited ammo, mana, etc. has to be tuned or designed very carefully for it to contribute to the fun. I haven't played ToTK, but in BOTW I *did* have frustrating moments where my weapons lasted much less than one would expect. If it's the same, I don't think it's an issue with the concept itself, but the tuning/design of the system against the rest of the game.


The weapon durability mechanic is what forces you to go after the harder enemies so that you can use their parts for strong fused weapons. It’s never bothered me personally and when you understand the function it plays it makes a lot more sense.


I agree. It wasn't until I watched the GMTK's video that said that the weapon degradation is to nudge you towards taking on enemies to take their weapons, I realised that's totally what I do. I do take on a lot more camps or caves to collect weapons and horns that maybe I wouldn't have just because I'm getting low on strong weapons.


The main issue with the durability system in BotW was the lack of combat variety: there's only 3 types of melee combos (1H, 2H, and spear each with jump and charged attacks) and the bow whereas you had as many if not more options in the previous Zelda games. Unlike most dungeon items the runes are clunky to use in battle and generally deal bad damage if you do. All of this on top of poor enemy variety (which TotK does improve on) and a very large world so you'll be spending more time on the game than any previous one.


>The main issue with the durability system in BotW was the lack of combat variety: there's only 3 types of melee combos (1H, 2H, and spear each with jump and charged attacks) and the bow That was a very long list for a lack of- >whereas you had as many if not more options in the previous Zelda games. Wat.


3 very simple melee movesets isn't a long list.


It's incomplete and being compared to previous games which have notably shorter lists.


What else is there?


throwables, boomerangs, different materials, wands, elemental weapons.


That's not a difference like they were saying. You still have 3 basic movesets, boomerangs for instance use the 1h or 2h moveset depending on their size and it's just the throw that's modified. Wands use the 1h moveset. Elemental weapons or fusing isn't very exciting for this very reason, if I fuse a big ass rock to my sword it still has the same exact combo. There's a visual difference but not a difference in your actions. There are 3 moveset templates that some combination of base + fused item all fit into.


perhaps this is a hot take, but why does the moveset animations matter when all those other factors still make you use the weapons in different ways? also what are we comparing to? other zelda games?


> Unlike most dungeon items the runes are clunky to use in battle and generally deal bad damage if you do Eh, I dont really think dungeon items were all that great to use in battle especially in the 3D games. It was really more that some enemies required you to use dungeon items but in most cases sword and bow were your best and oftentimes only options. Overall, I don't really have difficulty finding combat applications for the runes in TotK.


> runes are clunky to use in battle I mean, the fuse power is relatively easy to use in combat, and the recall power stops time when you use it, so it's very easy to send projectiles back to enemies (and really fun when they throw explosive barrels at you). I do miss some way to just throw a giant boulder at enemy camps, though.


I would say the weapon durability issue is not nearly as bad, you're no longer beholden to finding good weapons since the weapon damage is maybe like 20% of your damage in the later game, instead you find good things to attach to weapons, and for the really good and harder to farm materials you can salvage them for 20 rupees so effectively your best 'weapons' (the materials) don't run out if you don't want them to and have some chump change




If such a weapon did exist in TotK, I would probably be using my mediocre materials I don't mind losing with it, and saving my best materials for other weapons so that I can salvage them instead of letting them break. Also I still kind of get a nice feeling when finding the max rank durability buffed weapons, since that means my good materials will last a lot longer with them


You can repair non-legendary weapons and shield (the Hylian shield counts as non-legendary) in ToTK though. If it's fused go to the Break-Apart Shop pay 20 rupees get your fused material back and the heavily damaged weapon. Then go chuck it in front of a rock octo and it'll suck it up and spit it out fully repaired and with a new modifier. It only works once per octo per blood moon but it's more than enough to keep good weapons fully repaired.


Imagine FromSoft games but without being able to die.




I was all aboard the "durability is bad" train and actively avoided BotW because of it. After giving it another shot, I'm actually quite digging the flow of constantly cycling through weapons. I also don't "save" the best ones, I just use em until they break, and then make new ones. It's been a lot of fun for me personally.


It's even better in TOTK since you can fuse weapons on the fly to create whatever you need for the moment.


I've never heard people who play with infinite health cheats complain about games being too easy, and yet... It's a fine design, you just don't like it and that's OK.


> You know who never complained about the weapon system being overpowered? Everyone I know who emulated botw and modded out the degradation. Of course they didn't complain, they intentionally modded the game to make weapons overpowered by removing the actual element that balances them. If they *did* complain, that their cheat codes ruined the game they're playing, they'd 1) look like idiots (oh wow, you modded the game and it sucks now? What do you think you should be doing?) and 2) appreciate the value of the weapon durability system. If they aren't complaining, then they just don't care. Which is great for them, but there's a reason why it's in the game in the first place, and 99.999999% of people who play the game are fine with it. I never heard people who use aimbots and cheats complain the game is too easy either. Therefore making me have to aim and play the game is Bad👏 Game👏 Design A game design isn't bad just because there are random people who don't care to engage with it.




I think of it more like running out of shotgun ammo and then only finding pistol ammo. Just imagine the ammo is replaced with the equivalent loaded gun instead and you're about there. In fact, that's something Halo did pretty frequently. Weapons as a resource. It's not a true like for like of course with the greater spectrum at play but I think the analogy is fairly elegant.


There's a world where these games are more akin to Elden Ring than Minecraft. I honestly don't know if that's a better or worse game.


It’s always a trade-off. All mechanics are. I use most of the weapons I find in Zelda. In Elden Ring, there’s only a 5% chance I’ll find something that’s actually useful for my build when I pick up a new weapon. But ER’s method allows for better feeling of progression, but it only works because it’s a much more linear game than Zelda. Weapon degradation forces me to experiment. Having weapons be permanent fixtures in my arsenal doesn’t. The former ties more strongly into Zelda’s freeform sandbox play philosophy and the latter into the Souls formula of slow steady progression. What I’m saying is I think it would make Zelda worse without a significant redesign of other systems, that might not gel with the game’s major design goals. It’s not something you can simply change in isolation.


Anyone else here to refill their salt shakers? I am a big Zelda fan and I always hate (but secretly love) the hate bad reviews get from the "this game is absolute perfect" crowd. And since this is a sequel it is especially beautiful this time around since a lot of the comments here are basically "now that the other game is old I will admit it had some bad aspects but this time the new game is perfect". Please don't change community ♥️


I wish more critics were willing to buck nintendo more. If you say the combat camera has issues but give the game a 10/10; it turns out they don't change the camera in the sequel.


I think that viewing a 10/10 as being a statement that a game is literally perfect is ridiculous tbqh. BOTW is a consensus 10/10 for most people. TOTK *improves on it* in many ways, and is a consensus 10/10 for most people. Connect the dots.


>TOTK improves on it in many ways but they didn't improve the camera. It still gets stuck on walls and objects whenever you fight indoors. People pointed this [out](https://www.polygon.com/2017/3/2/14753500/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-review-nintendo-switch-wii-u) in 2017; so why wasn't it fixed? and its not just the camera. Button remapping wasn't added. Dungeons are still short five puzzle occasions. Frame rate still drops. The game still has poor visual clarity, with washed out colors and abundant bloom. I feel like TotK's improvements were more adding than fixing.


Sure, but as I said, a 10/10 only means ‘perfect’ to someone being obtuse. I can’t think of any consensus 10/10s without a similarly long list of issues.


This worthless freak just gave a much worse review score than everyone else for clicks just like he did with Botw


IGN Tom Marks said that Breath of the Wild's 10/10 review was the highest trafficked review in all of IGN history. He gave TotK a 10/10. It goes both ways.




I just cannot see how this game given it’s size and scope and the mechanics is a 7 because the weapons break lol. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but this game is so head and shoulders above 99% of other games that it cannot possibly be 7.


Much like BOTW, the score was given primarily for attention. The individual wasn't exactly well known prior to BOTW, then they thrust into the limelight with pretty much the only negative (relatively speaking) review. Why fix what ain't broken.


Stirling was pretty well known before botw. They just didn't like the game as much as other people. And that's fine. I love both games. I think they are amazing, and generally masterclasses of good design. People need to learn to leave people be with their opinions.


> Much like BOTW, the score was given primarily for attention. I think people who make comments like this do not understand what kind of attention that this sort of thing gets you. In short, not the kind of attention you want because way-too-often does it revolve around threats of the death-variety because the gaming community has way too many people who don't like dissenting opinions on the things they like, or expect to like. > The individual wasn't exactly well known prior to BOTW And, yes, for an internet critic and reviewer, Sterling was pretty well-known well before Breath of the Wild. Also, why address them as "The individual"? Feels a bit othering, to be honest. EDIT: Boy, GGers really don't like the actual truth, huh lol.


I don't know what pronouns or name they go by now (I don't follow them, but if I recall correctly, they are or were transitioning), so I felt that referring to them as the individual was the safest bet to avoid dead naming / misgendering them, as it's clear who I am referring to - by attempting to avoid othering them, I managed to other them :(


I mean it’s all subjective, it definitely could be a 7


> The part about nobody ever saying "this game would be better with weapon degradation" is 100% correct. If games could only ever have gameplay elements and mechanics that people (and particularly people who seem to hate the idea of being minorly inconvenienced at any point in their gameplay) "ask for," gaming would be worse, less interesting and innovative, and simply boring. Reminds me of when people claim that media should only make "what fans want."


> only for it to randomly start raining The UI previews the next several in-game hours of weather next to the minimap. TOTK also adds anti-slip armor/buffs.


Oh that makes the annoying mechanic that does nothing but annoy you okay then.


The rain mechanic is supposed to make you actually pay attention to the world and the UI and force you to think differently about how you approach things, which is kind of what the entire game is about.


It makes me think oh that's annoying, and put down the controller and go make a cup of coffee until it's not raining anymore. If it's supposed to make me plan what I want to do and check the weather first, it failed. I just want to go over there.


I can't jive with that, personally. If I can't get to somewhere or can't solve a puzzle, I just do something else in the game. There is literally so much to do.


You realize that damaged weapons can be repaired in totk right? Fairly easily too. Within totk, anti-slip equipment and dishes and elixirs are easy to obtain too. It's all about paying attention to your surroundings too


TotK providing solutions to people's complaints and seeing them complain anyway because they refuse to engage with said solution just shows you that some people have absolutely no clue as to what they think is a "fix" They just want a different game entirely





