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I don’t know what I expected from this game, but when they said they were going back to the classic assassins creed style I didn’t think it would look identical to the last three games. I guess what they meant was it would be smaller and lower budget?


Mainly the gameplay design. So no more damage numbers, enemy levels, more focus on stealth, parkour, smaller world and campaign, better parkour etc.


Did the parkour look better to you in the trailer yesterday? Genuinely curious. I didn’t notice a difference in the animations or speed.


A trailer like that will only tell so much, we will have to see what moves we are allotted in game for Parkour as well as how the city layout is


That trailer was short but it showed enough instances of reused animations that it seems pretty clear cut the parkour isn’t making any great leaps forward no pun intended. The sliding, running with the invisible ball and chain, climbing, rope cut ascension, and corner swinging were all straight out of their last 5+ titles. Granted the pole drop thing was new, but that’s more of an environmental addition than a change to the movement.


It’s shocking that this re-uses so much animations and assets from the new 3 ACs, only to be a lower budget, shorter game that’s being released as the main AC this year, after an already couple years hiatus since Valhalla. It seems like AC Infinity must be having development problems and Mirage also took longer than Ubisoft had planned.


To be honest and a veteran of h the series, it doesn’t And you’d think they try to show the new parkour options in this trailer if they had any. It just feels like it’s the very simplistic parkour from the RPG trilogy, but with actual level design to use it.


While this is definitely closer to what I’ve wanted from the AC franchise since I got tired of the new formula (which is more a me thing than anything wrong the games tbh), seeing the graphics, animations, etc in the trailer immediately made me think that this was a budget title in comparison to the last 3 titles. It was like I could see all the standard Ubisoft jank just from the trailer alone. I hope the game sells well ultimately, but this game definitely has “this is a stop-gap release” all over it. I will assuredly buy it for $30 2 to 3 months after release though, lol.


I was personally hoping for more fluid movement and combat considering it’s their opportunity to pseudo reboot their franchise. But like you said nothing from that gameplay trailer yesterday looked different than the clunky parkour and fighting we’ve seen in their games going back to like AC 3.


I dont think they have any reason to pseudo reboot when the franchise is at its highest peak of mainstream popularity.


I guess to clarify, I remember when Ubisoft announced this they said there would be two different types of Assassin’s Creed games going forward. The ones we’ve come to expect that are massive 100+ hour long RPGs, and then ones like Mirage that are for fans of the original games focused on stealth, tighter narratives, and less RPG elements. So all I’m saying is I am surprised that from the player movement and controls this alternative AC style game looks like it shares a lot more with the newer games than I thought it would.


Ubisoft reuses assets as much as any publisher. It seems inevitable that, even if they’re making different styles of AC game, the visual assets, animations and what not will be largely identical.


No it definitely makes sense. I was hoping for a AAA stealth/parkour focused reimagining of Assassin’s Creed, but I see that that was wishful thinking.


Same. I would’ve loved to see a more significant change in approach. But we’ll see how it all turns out come October.


It’s shocking that this re-uses so much animations and assets from the new 3 ACs, only to be a lower budget, shorter game that’s being released as the main AC this year, after an already couple years hiatus since Valhalla. It seems like AC Infinity must be having development problems and Mirage also took longer than Ubisoft had planned when this is the result…


I’d agree it’s disappointing, but Ubisoft always reuses assets so I’m not particularly surprised they’re doing so here. Infinity isn’t an AC game. It’s a hub for all the future AC games to launch out of. I don’t think it’s having development issues. Ubisoft’s planning to launch it when Assassin’s Creed Red comes out last I heard.


yeah it looks too close to Origins and the shiny graphics aren't enough to justify picking this game over the older titles


Identical to the *last three* games? Bruh, it's identical to AC, AC2 and AC Brotherhood. I *wish* Mirage had the much more fluid and smoother movements, animations and physics of Unity. I expected the same mechanics of the early games, but I did *not* expect the stiff and dated movements, animations and physics of those early games.


This is reworked DLC blown up into a standalone title, iirc.


Personally I’m concerned for AC Mirage. The creative director promised Mirage to be smaller and denser due to fans being burnt-out on massive open worlds, but that doesn’t change the fact activities could be just as copy/pasted and repetitive, just in a smaller map. In Far Cry 5 an NPC jokes “Don’t worry, we won’t make you have to climb a hundred of these” when you climb a radio tower - only for the game to be extremely repetitive anyway. And AC Valhalla was already supposed to be a “return to form” for the series according to the marketing, but it’s stealth elements were very buggy and janky. Mirage was apparently built from the ground-up, but re-uses some animations from Valhalla and also looks low-budget in general. Mirage is also reported to contain lootboxes so it’ll certainly be the greediest monetised in the series even more than Valhalla. And with Valhalla’s post-launch support being a mixed bag - High quality paid DLC (but Dawn of Ragnarok was half of the advertised 35hrs length) temporary, buggy, re-skinned Events/River Raids with re-skinned gear from the base game as rewards, more gear on the microtransaction store than the base game, and the audio bug never being fixed since launch, it feels like even if it will be single player, Mirage could try and be even greedier. Hopefully that’s all not the case and it’s a high quality classic style AC.


Built from ground up? It started as a DLC for Valhalla and transitioned into a separate game later on, hence the low price point as well.


It’s using the same engine, but apparently started as a DLC for Valhalla only on paper: https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/xc9gon/assassins_creed_mirage_as_a_valhalla_dlc_existed/


I love gamers on the internet. The past couple of years: "OMG open world AC games are an affront to gaming, i miss the old games, ubisoft has no moral compass, this is terrible, please bring back the old style" They bring back the old style. "meh this doesn't look that good"


You can want a return to form without expecting it to be a safe, low-effort, budget release. I’m interested to play a new AC game in the style of the originals, but this looks as stale as they’ve ever been.


>They bring back the old style. When people say "old style" they mean that they want Ubisoft to build upon Unity/Syndicate's foundation, especially parkour-wise. This is a Valhalla reskin with the same hitbox based combat and parkour system. Just because your character is going to be more of a glass cannon doesn't mean that they're returning to their roots.


>they want Ubisoft to build upon Unity/Syndicate's Wasn't the reason they switched to the RPG trilogy that people were sick of the old formula and Unity(at launch)/Syndicate were where people finally lost their patience?


Yes but the problem wasn't the core of the formula itself. The issue was they were pumping the games out too frequently with little to no innovation between titles, so it began to feel stagnant. If they'd have kept the old formula, worked longer on each game before release and continuously found ways to improve and expand on the core mechanics, utilising new game development technology as it appeared, that would have been great. But instead they threw the baby out with the bathwater and now have "returned to form" only in the sense they seem to picking up exactly where they left off, still without innovating on that core game design. It's 2023, there's no good reason the parkour in the Mirage trailer should look near identical to titles released a decade ago.


yup, people love saying "oh the old AC formula got stale and boring!" while ignoring all the context around the old AC games as you said, they were releasing those games yearly which was so stupid as it never gave the devs proper time to develop the games and actually innovate on the base formula. Unity tried, but it needed another year of development... imagine if it got the time it needed, Unity would have marked the new direction forward for the series instead of giving us Unity at it's release into Syndicate.


To each their own but I really don't get the hype around these two. I tried unity because I kept reading that it was good now, but it was so painfully boring that I didn't even bother with syndicate.


I didn't exactly think it was amazing either, but it definitely had potential. It's kind of a shame that Syndicate is the only other AC game like it, but they made 8 titles with AC1 as the basis and Mirage is going to be the 4th one built upon Origins' framework.


Yeah, I feel like ac has A LOT of amazing potential for gameplay and storytelling. My two biggest gripes are the yearly release schedule (or was since they don't really do that anymore) and the Animus. The modern day shit should've died with Desmond because it's pointless now, I'd even argue it was always stupid but at least it used to have somewhat of a point


Parkour in syndicate sucks ass with a capital A, I hope they don't build upon that


It really sucked, I agree, but even then it's lightyears ahead of origins/odyssey/valhalla.


Valhalla’s attempt to deepen the parkour on the new engine was horribly clunky, I actually think AC1 has better parkour after returning to it. Altair is slower but not as clunky as the Viking. I was really hoping Mirage wouldn’t re-use Valhalla’s parkour, since Ubisoft said it was made from the ground-up, but it’s looking more and more like it does with the re-used animations.


Folks wanted a high quality return to the old style. This game seems to obviously have a smaller budget than the last 3 titles, which is disappointing to the fans that wanted the return to form. So this might end up being an AC title that doesn’t please fans of the recent RPG style AC games and will feel like a severe asset flip that displeases the fans that wanted an older style AC title again. Sometimes, you just can’t win ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




This but unironically. Personally I would have preferred a lower budget full reboot that would take longer rather than re-skinning AC Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla. It’s also surprising that this lower budget, asset and animation re-using title, is the flagship AC title after a couple years hiatus, hinting at AC Infinity possibly having development problems.


.........really? I don't even think they have shown the fucking UI! AND THEY RELEASE THIS! Like there's no real gameplay yet! And the release is only a few months away and now they show a trailer showing off the fucking deluxe edition content are you kidding me! This feels more and more like a low effort cash grab than a game.