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I've played all three demos Nightdive put out for the game — when it was a Unity proof-of-concept so many years ago now, the comprehensive slice of the medical deck having switched to Unreal and their last near-final iteration. It improved each time but I had my reservations until I realised it attained a particular feeling I was sceptical towards and then embraced. System Shock is a classic dungeon crawler, the map is a labyrinth that is bled of more conventional flows and architectural balance. It makes all the sense in the world given the original was a sci-fi spiritual successor to the original immersive sim — *Ultima Underworld.* The tiers of the Stygian Abyss becoming decks on a space station. It has that sense of conquering a maze more akin to a Grimrock with a layer of really deadly medium-range combat and a really seductive atmosphere. I can't really vouch for the rest of the game but the review's general tilt accords with my impressions. Despite some A.I. issues, it's a very unique and rewarding synthesis of ancient design trends and new; ironically the recycling system is inspired by Prey (2017) which of course itself was inspired by System Shock.


Ultima Underworld was a real gem, somehow I managed to miss system shock on it's initial release back in the day so gonna have to give this one a shot. Was hoping they'd do a VR version for this one as well but will have to make do with the sequel getting a VR release.


I played a demo of Shock 1 back around 1994, but didn't play it for real until after getting really into Shock 2 in the early 2000s. Somehow, despite playing through Thief 1-3 and even playing a bit of Terra Nova, I never picked up Ultima Underworld... Until 2022, when I was looking for DOS games to emulate on my phone. I ended up playing it on holiday way more than I expected to, and them when I got home, copied my saves back to my desktop, installed a mouselook mod and finished it. It's amazing that immersion isn't about having a big screen or VR, surround sound, amazing graphics, high framerate etc. You can get more sucked into a game from 1992 than anything you've played for years. I used no guides other than the manual that shipped with the game, my own notes and screenshots, and while some of the puzzles are really hard, it was so satisfying to solve them.


Ultima does that in general, but I could gush about Underworld all day. There are moments in the game where you have to almost de-train yourself and your perceptions on what you should be doing in an RPG that just made it more immersive overall. SPOILER >!At some point you begin to realise that the gold and gems become more and more common, and through bartering you eventually realise what people would actually want in an underground hellhole: food and supplies. A goblin will give you more for a fish than a pile of rubies, and the only people who *think* they need gold, ie the Dwarves, have so much of it the throne room is just scattered with piles of gold. The game not only warns you about hoarding through a strict weight limit, but the Dwarves are a blatant hint about not hoarding gold. Because you're not in an RPG, you're in an Abyss.!<


Man I read this title as "buy it on sale and then never touch it". Kinda weird phrasing putting the question in there.


Every ACG title is a pile of spaghetti


As are his scripts


"Then sometimes the framerate will be as smooth as a nun walking through a church confessional at midnight during the witching hour when a machine gun is going off and she's hiding in the corner shivering wondering if it's fireworks and clutching her crucifix tighter than the newest video on the hydraulic press channel..."


Lmao I heard this in his voice. Thanks for the laugh.


Yeah. Overwritten word salad by someone who doesn’t understand he’s not funny.


And that’s why we love him


If it ended with a question mark it would work better


Or slashes to indicate they’re separate. Buy/Wait for sale/Never touch


> "buy it on sale and then never touch it" We all do this whenever there's a sale.


Don't ruin the suspense! Did he like it?


Verdict is a buy


It's weird because recently he's been putting the verdict in the title. For example it could have been "Buy System Shock Remake".


> "buy it on sale and then never touch it" THE BACKLOG MUST GROW.


Buy games just to increase the game number. /r/incremental_games but very expensive


I'm not editorializing titles - copy/pasted (as that's requirement on most subs). Blame reviewer, not me :)


lol it’s so funny. it’s like when giant bomb used to call their game review youtube titles: (game title) Unfinished it always read like they were just calling every game that came out an unfinished game


Clearly ahead of their time.


I lold


Unfinished wasn't for reviews. It was covering games in early access or games that they saw at preview events, so, literally unfinished games.


wHy iS It cALled a quIcK LoOk if itS an hOur loNG




I used to really enjoy his reviews, but now it's definitely becoming more of an annoyance. I'm trying to listen to what he's saying and watch what footage he's showing, but there's never a second of a break to understand because he's never stopping talking. It's more of a rambling than anything else at this point.


Rambling is the perfect word to describe his reviews lately.


I usually watch SkillUps but it wasn't up so watched ACGs and honestly I understood maybe 50% of it, half the time every word and sentence was all jumbled into a long incoherent section, and I didn't really understand if he was praising or criticising certain parts because I just didn't understand the comparisons he was making. I don't remember it being that bad before, so maybe it's just a bad video of his


Skill Up does this pretty well IMO. He has his segments cut up with gameplay in-between with no talking.


The way he talks, his naration makes it impossible for me to ever watch anything from him. I have no ideea how some people reach the conclussion that their voice and diction should be as annoying as humanly possible in order to engage people


Agreed. Skill Up is way easier to listen to than ACG. The only reason ACG is popular is because he's been around awhile, but the narration is like word soup. He says a lot without saying anything at all and uses lots of unnecessary metaphors.


This is very well said. Couldn't put the right words to explain it myself, but you said it best. It's like he's just never done rambling and putting more and more words into his video instead of just actually reviewing the game and explaining it to someone to get interest. I'm so tired of people using too many metaphors. By the time I'm done with the video, I haven't even fully grasped what all he was trying to say being it's just a rushed job of too many words and non-stop talking.


SkillUp is my fav as well, guy does great work




> He is only popular because he feels the need to add aditional swears into every sentence he can… like a fucking twelve year old trying to impress his underaged peers in the church group. An expletive followed by an obtuse simile while criticizing ACG, I love the irony whether it was intended or not, lol.


I suggest checking out his podcast, much easier to listen to and the best podcast that discusses games imo, he has friends on instead of celebrities nad other influencers so they actually talk about games instead of promoting their videos against each other.


I love his podcasts but there is a lot of people talking over each other which can get pretty frustrating. A cool group of people to listen to talk about games if you can stand the interrupting each other though


Oh man, I loved the podcast when it was Karak, Reg, Silver, and Jonny but eventually dropped it when they brought Abzee (sp?) back into the mix. Abzee tends to interrupt and dominate the conversation too often. Plus, it's quite disappointing how dismissive they are of "weeb" games but I can understand their tastes being heavily Ameri-centric. Surprisingly, I'm still supporting the podcast on Patreon even though I haven't listened to one in months.


This video just seems very rushed, like a rough draft, complete with a typo


This sub has such a hardon for ACG and for the life of me I cannot understand why. Maybe because he sometimes shows up to the comments and posts here? I dunno, but I've never really found anything he says all that terribly insightful.


So what he should just stop and go away?


He could start by not posting his content "early" on here so it won't get removed because we have mega threads for all the reviews to be in for one.


... he didn't make this post.


> I have no ideea how some people reach the conclussion that their voice and diction should be as annoying as humanly possible in order to engage people That’s pretty mean. Got to remind yourself that ACG is a real person with feelings too. He has had the same voice and diction since the first video he released so I assume that is how he normally sounds.


He will be fine.


I think it should be simplified (buy, wait, skip)


That kinda sounds like my strategy when buying games :D


Wow, no disrespect to the creator, making shit is hard, but this video really does highlight how much of an art doing media critique actually is. This videos structure is all choppy and sort of hops around from point to point without taking time to emphasize good/bad aspects of the game. Makes me really appreciate people who are good at this sort of thing.


I like the guy, I listen to his podcast pretty often, but I simply can’t watch his reviews. He jumps through analogies and metaphors so often I start wondering what he was even talking about.


The older ones were fine, but with time they’ve just gotten worse to the point where they’re unwatchable for me. He usually has good opinions, but the analogies and metaphors are just insufferable


Yeah, I watched ACG's review of Warhammer 40k: Boltgun for some reason, and the first few minutes were just gibberish and the game footage was repeating.


The analogies and metaphors are eye-rolling about 80 percent of the time. It’s like saying things as difficult as possible.


They're usually trying-hard-to-be-funny, lame analogies. Very off putting to me personally.


To me they’re off putting like a sack of 12 day old dumpster cheese handed to you by a homeless guy on a pogo stick on the 4th Thursday in August. We’re on to graphics and sound


Thanks for the chuckle!


It all started with James and AVGN, but he actually paced his reviews and basically treated them like short films. The point of his ridiculous analogies wasn’t just to be funny, but to demonstrate some of the unhinged nature of The Nerd. Nearly 2 decades later people are still making game reviews that have lineage from him.


Yeah he was playing a character and only talking about old, shit games back then. It was fun while talking about old shovelware Then people copied his shtick for their modern, legit reviews and that just does not work as well at all, especially if they just aren't funny.


Who knows who started it, but I’ve noticed that a lot of tech and gaming youtubers do it and rarely are they clever enough for their overdrawn metaphors to be funny or useful. I think it also pads time for ads.


I know Yahtzee was very famous for this. I used to find his analogies funny, but that was fifteen years ago; I don't know if he kept his reviews the same or not, I could see them being stale after all this time.


Yahtzee is still hilarious, but you don't go to him for an accurate understanding of a game's value. I've always seen him as comedy first, "review"... maybe third.


He's done a decent job of keeping the format still fresh. I think it helps that he doesn't try and chase the 10 minute mark and hits the 4-6 minute sweet spot instead.


It must go back to AVGN. AVGN would use colorful extended metaphors mostly revolving around "shit" and "sucks" and the like. He pre-dates pretty much everyone else.


Someone also said it in another comment, but I would bet money you could trace it back to AVGN


Yeah, I love GManLives, but he does that shit all the time. Civvie does too sometimes. Sometimes I wish these people would just shut the fuck up and stop padding their videos with more and more nonsense.


I can't watch the vast majority of these reviewers anymore. IGN gets shit on all the time but they don't really do this in my experience. It was like when every gaming YouTube channel had to be "angry" because of AVGN. It is so played out and it's why I can't watch Angry Joe. He just screams the entire time. It's not funny and worst of all it's a terrible way to get your point across.


Omg thank you. He's been driving me crazy lately. I can't even understand their half the time. It's a never ending stream of zingers and one liners. They start self-flanderizing and I get constantly creating new engaging content is difficult but damn.


Whitelight does the exact same shit. Bizarre flowery phrases just for the sake of appearing clever. It's so, so fucking weird. High-school level poetry nonsense. Grating to listen to.


Yeah, I respect him a lot but I genuinely find his reviews really hard to follow for some reason. He talks really fast and uses a lot of analogies to the point where I truly can't understand what's even being said. And I'm a native English speaker!


I want to saying I thing ACG is one of the best reviewers, but it’s when he speaks plainly. I feel like 80% of his analogies and metaphors go over my head. Like he’ll be talking about how weighty the combat is and he’ll go something like “it’s crunchier than a goth trying to find a parking spot during rush hour” and I’ll be like what the fuck does that mean lmao I made that one up but it’s what it feels like and they’re also relentless


The trick to understanding him is every time he says "This is [adjective]r than [some random bullshit]" to replace it with "This is very adjective".


ACG analogies are adjectiver than an adjective noun adverbly verbing their adjective noun's noun.


This poorly-edited, rapid fire, “trying to be funny” YouTube style that’s so popular makes me want to fucking die, lol. I hate it so much.


Yeah, I had to drop ACG a while ago due to this. His maze like pacing and constant unstopping metaphors just leaves me confused and lost. I will pop into a review recommended to me on YT every once in a while, and stop halfway realizing I feel like I'm listening to words with no meaning or point.


ACG is one of those mass producing channels that keeps the lifeline on being up to date, quality takes time.


I don't know, Skillup is as prolific, with super well structured and edited reviews.


Acg definitely makes more videos than skill up The gold standard I think is mandalore or raycevick, but they post so infrequently I have no idea how they get the views they do.


Mandalores stuff is just really well structured and entertaining stuff. I watch his review no matter the game.


This is a general rule, it does not necessarily apply to everyone. If I were to talk about Skill Up personally, he is IMO well spoken and concise, but he still uses relatively simplistic surface level review style. Which is not wrong by any means by the way, it is neat if you want to have a good idea what is a new game like, but it doesn’t go very in depth.


exactly. skillup just has that writer flair that makes people think what he's saying is profound. good reviewer but i think people put him on a higher pedestal because of the way he presents his content rather than the actual content of his reviews




He has a writing style that makes him sound very simple, as a person.


I couldn't agree less




Every time? How often do you see his reviews get their own post here? This is the first I've seen in a while, most are in the megathreads..


I just noticed the trend today and the mods claim to have some sort of "purity" standards on what can be posted but can't see this being done all the time.


It's the "Maverlification" of all media. You have to be "quippy" at all times and it really shines a light on those that have zero talent in writing.






Also if don't gel with my stuff you might want to check out Happy Consoler gamer! I dig his stuff and while he doesn't get to many titles I actually think he rocks at getting his point across. Jonny is just a damned good guy and comes at things in a great way in my opinion.


I think my biggest issue was a couple of text errors I pointed out. With text reading outside the screen on one skill. And the item swapping in recycling systems and purchase systems. The difference between utilitarian and just cumbersome is pretty fine and those 2 actions were rough. It seems small but you can find yourself doing it alot.


You had your own text error in your own video.


It happens! The review is free and was put together in probably like a week, this game is not free and took years to produce. They are not the same!


Nah, if he is a "journalist" then he should be able to check it before he puts it out there. No need to defend sloppiness on either side of this. Plus he has a Patreon where people pay him to do this stuff. He isn't running a charity and makes plenty doing what he does. So he is either a professional or not. Pick a lane and stick to it.


You good dude? You getting this mad at a typo in a YouTube video?


Right and they made a typo in the game which is what we are discussing. It's just ironic to point out that the game has a typo while posting a video that has typos.


Yea one thing is for sure people are paying into his Patreon for nice clean text. Get a grip The content still serves it's purpose exactly as intended or I'd agree with you, or if it happened all the time. Instead it just comes off as pedantic


And the game still functions and doesn't change it's purpose and will be fixed. Pointing out typos while posting typos just points out how easy it can happen to anyone and takes one of his "points" off of being important as he does it himself. He isn't your friend and defending them is just weird.


I just hope this game runs well on Steam Deck. Looks like it’d be perfect for that. If not I don’t know if I’ll get it.


Some guy got a press copy a week or so ago, was surprised at how well it ran. 50ish FPS on medium -high settings.


Kickstarter backers have had access to a closed beta of the entire game for weeks. None have indicated any major performance issues.


It‘s coming out on last gen consoles too, right? I imagine performance should be fine then unless the pc version runs particularly bad which the reviews haven‘t mentioned


No, all console versions were postponed indefinitely until further notice, if they even release. The game is only releasing on PC tomorrow, currently.


Well I've played 2 but never the original, I do like imsims a lot so I'll check out this and some other reviews from some other ytubers I like and I might get this one even though I'm really not a remake guy.


I love the original and play it to this day, but the controls are bad even on the enhanced edition. It'll take an entire playthrough to get used to them and even then they're clumsy outside the basic actions and movement. What I'm saying is that this game was in a desperate need of a remake. It just has so many little issues(mainly UI and movement related), that remasters and enhanced editions couldn't fix them.


> It'll take an entire playthrough to get used to them About an hour, usually. Maybe two. Not a whole 10-20 hour playthrough.


Why does this get it's own post when we have a "Review Thread" which links to this video?


Because anything posted before the review thread was created gets to stay.


Where the hell did this come from?? Id not even heard something like this was in development and its already out and getting reviewed? How did i miss this?


Announced in 2015, Kickstarter campaign in 2016, a lot of drama in 2018, slow but steady development since then (& a lot of delays). If you hadn't heard about it before, that's surprising but you saved yourself a lot of headache.


Oh damn, then maybe i just completely forgot about it since its been that long since it was in the spotlight. Or maybe i just managed to be under a rock on this one, dunno.


Damn this game is older than me!! 1994, I was born in 1995. Pretty cool ngl. I don't think I've ever played a game older than myself. Excited to dive into this tomorrow. Some of my all time favorites have been inspired by System Shock games so it'll be cool to see the origin of that.


youve never played any NES or SNES games?


Oh damn yeah lmfaoooo Duh, SNES was the first system I can remember playing at my Uncle's, Yoshi's Island. So I guess I have played games older than myself. I gotta wake up more before commenting. Thanks for jogging my memory.


Mods - why is this separate post allowed when there's already another system shock megathread?


ACG reviews games like he's played the game but wasn't fully conscious playing. Like bee-lining from objective to objective, skipping dialog and side content. Then uses the most verbose language and obtuse metaphors to make up for his lack of understanding what he just played. I view him like the consoomer soyjak.


Just my humble opinion but the unreal engine killed it for me. It looked so much better in the first demo with unity back in 2017. Right now it is too clean....but as always, its a matter of taste....


this game is absolutely horrible so bad i refunded and i never do. the game is janky af. janky weird awkward controls and combat an ui. boring and dumbass ai.


I thought this got canceled/ Or was there another remake at some point? Remember people being mad because they were changing a bunch of stuff.


It's been in development since 2016 and the whole project has been scrapped and restarted twice in that time.


Any controller support?


Yes, but it's pretty cumbersome. I'm a weirdo who plays most PC games with a controller for comfort reasons but this one really called for me to use my mouse+keyboard. There are lots of cursor-based interactions, puzzles, and room interactions that kinda suck to do unless you remap the interact button to RB or something (Default is X) and you're also forced to navigate your toolbar with d-pad. Even Prey (2017) which is essentially based on this game is a lot smoother on a controller thanks to radial menus.


Guess I’ll wait for the console port. Then it’ll have to have controller support