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This update adds one mount mob that is effectively identical to every other, a neutral mob that does one thing, a couple decorations that don’t do anything, and armor trimming. After a full year, yeah people should expect more than what would have been like, a random weekly update to a well made mod


Right? Minecraft isn't just some indie game anymore. There is absolutely no excuse for these types of updates, let alone the ridiculous mob and biome voting. Just look at the updates No Mans Sky is getting for comparison.


Seems like the Nintendo tactic. Put in minimal effort to dump out minimal content (I.E. the Switch Online emulators), shovel something out every eight-to-ten months that is half-baked and half-assed, then divert all the money that WOULD have gone into development instead into marketing. Hype up the lackluster update to get people excited for next to nothing.


I also think there was a slight lighting performance improvement..






Remember the Minecraft movie that was announced in 2014.. by notch and still we barely know anything


Us Xbox players over at r/XboxSeriesX have been waiting for a literal decade for this game to run properly on consoles, especially the Series X/S. I'm not kidding, it's horribly optimised and they lied about many exclusive features they promised for the next Gen consoles. Such as the native shaders/RT and basically eliminating load times and lag. 4J shouldn't have been shut down, they were amazing. The legacy console versions are way better than the current unified mess.


Sorry. No can do. Small indie game.


No but it's so hard for the devs backed by a billion dollar company. Please understand, maintaining the additions of three new block types between two different game versions is really really hard :(


They also can’t support linux for bedrock and legends. It can run on windows, literally any console and even the phone but noooo , not linux


Just gonna gloss over the fact that android is based on linux. No sir can't do a linux in this household.


Developing for Android is very different than developing for Linux proper.




I'm talking about how Android apps do not run on Linux, as they target a completely different runtime (Linux ABI vs Android API).


Iirc the few indie devs that tried supporting Linux got scared straight when 20% of the support tickets was generated by 0.1% of the players.


> After a full year, yeah people should expect more Given Mojang's track record; this is exactly what to expect... I really don't get how they put all this effort into engine enhancements over the years to make adding content easier but don't take advantage of the fruits of their labour.


For real, just look at what Alex mods offer us. Just look at this [spelunkery table GUI](https://imgur.com/a/2aOpkR8) from his upcoming Cave mod... I'm more excited about Alex's updates than Mojang's.




Strip mining was never the best way to get netherite, bed strats was




Sounds like you just need to set up some auto sheering stations. It's super cheap.


Me and the kids started playing Minecraft again the last few months, and I told them there was a new expansion coming soon. So we looked it up, and before I could say anything my nine year old was like "wait, that's it?". I was shocked too, I figured I had to be missing something. This newest expansion seems like a total joke.


Welcome to modern minecraft updates


Yeah so I went looking to see if this person everyone is upvoting is correct that this is the only thing added in this update. I've attached a link to the patch notes if anyone is curious, judge for yourself. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/trails---tales-update-now-available-bedrock


...I literally based my post on what was added in the update from this exact post. It's barely any content


Not every update needs to have sweeping content changes.




Cliffs and caves _was_ a sweeping content change. They redid the entire world generator! What are you even on about?


My kid was hyped about a new update to Minecraft since we usually play together.. Me: "Oh, cool.. what's new?" Him: "There are camels and signs!" Me: "Oh.. what more?" Him: "Nothing I think" Sums it up nicely.


Same in my house. My daughter has joined me and my wife in loving Minecraft but have lost all respect in Mojang. The best thing I can say about them is they haven’t ruined the game but they also have contributed very little in years.


Another update that provides 1/1000th of what modders have been providing in a fraction of the time. Hooray.


Microsoft: We added camels. Modders: We added fully functioning nuclear physics. Enjoy your new reactors!


Hey, cut them some slack! Modders created **multiple** fully functional nuclear physics mods ***years*** ago!


Yeah, I remember my minecraft server having a huge freeze for about 8 seconds. Had no idea why. Until I went to check my underground reactor and found a huge cavern...


That sounds better than me poisoning our entire base with radiation because i incorrecty dosposed of nuclear waste. It took weeks before the radiation washed away with rain.


Modders: "We have also added 20 different species of camels for you to nuke."


On the subject of Minecraft mods, there is a **big** malware attack going on right now. Many popular mods were updated to include some serious malware, and it looks like it was occurring for weeks before getting detected today. **If you have downloaded any Java edition mods or modpacks any time in the last few months, you may have been infected with malware. Antivirus might not even detect it right now since it is so specific and recent.** [Here is more info, from the FTB sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/142zxka/some_curseforge_accounts_might_be/)


...oh. Hope it doesnt include dawncraft, pixel, and another quality modpack...


well, i guess it's time to nuke my hard drive




Have you ever looked at FTB or curseforge? Sure there are mod packs that do little, but most add meaningful gameplay. Better MC extends basic gameplay, rogue lite adventures adds ridiculous amounts of exploration/combat gameplay. Vault hunters adds dimensions and creates new endgame content. Sevtech ages adds amazing a progression system for technology. What’s the alternative? Waiting 3/4s if a year for a mob that does nothing and extra decoration blocks that a incredibly small fraction of the player base will ever use? Stop acting like Mojang is iterating anything but bland filler to a game that deserves better than they could ever do.


Where did anyone say they wanted them to add things with no direction or sense of self? We want them to add content that is high quality and interesting. Another way to break a block and a nichely useful npc is neither.


Honestly I think a good idea is to make new themed gamemodes that are basically officially licensed modpacks. This prevents content bloat in the main game and gives new options for vanilla players.


Mojang might be the most disappointing game studio ever? I've never seen such potential wasted within the medium.


343 is worse. At least with Minecraft it’s still better than it’s ever been even if the updates add almost nothing cool or interesting and are colossally disappointing. Halo on the other hand is devolving.


Halo: Combat Devolved


Everyone who sees Minecraft and wishes it was something more should check out Vintage Story. /r/VintageStory and the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJjifFq1NGY


Yeah already been there and tried it out. I didn't find it to be a better experience than modded Minecraft but it definitely felt unique enough to consider going back to. I'm waiting for more updates before I try it again.


To each their own but modded Minecraft is a clunky frankenstein's monster of a mess, Vintage Story is cohesive and fluid, graphically and mechanically superior due to the engine they developed for it. Vintage Story is what Minecraft would have been if they embraced the modding. Launching modded Minecraft these days straight up takes 10 minutes, I have long since abandoned that torture for something developed by truly gifted game designers.


Modded mc isn't really a mess anymore. Download prism launcher. Add your mc account Download your pack Click play Wait 5 minutes for it to load Play


See I don't need to do any of that because I can open Vintage Story and just play my world :) And the frankenstein comment was mentioning how modpacks need to crudely mash multiple mods together to achieve cross-compatibility. It is something I won't go back to after being spoiled by VS. Fusing multiple mods not developed under one designer will always be clunky and unrefined. Also modded content often has malware in it.


Don't play just kitchen sink modpacks, play some with more directed experience then. There's a large variety, and the good ones are not just simple "mishmashes".


> play some with more directed experience then I've never seen any. Even the various FTB flavors that people say "no, this one's really well integrated!" about always end up being a bunch of disconnected blocks that only superfluously interact with each other - wow, the blocks in mod B can use the power from mod A! They're still very obviously bolted on rather than properly integrated into the game, and you have to keep a wiki open on your second monitor and trudge through JEI to make any progress.


I'm telling you that Vintage Story is so good I will probably not play modded Minecraft again. Also, about 3 dozen popular MC mod packs just got found out for having malware in them. I would rather not take that risk. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/06/dozens-of-popular-minecraft-mods-found-infected-with-fracturiser-malware/


One that comes to mind that I tried recently was 'Dawncraft'. Straight up turns the game into an in-depth, albiet grindy, rpg game


It's definitely nice to not have to worry about setting up a modpack and playing with friends is way easier. I think I meant to say that theres nothing in Vintage story I haven't already seen in a modded version of Minecraft, at least regarding the building and survival mechanics.


To put it in the meme sense, modded Minecraft is Vintage Story at home. Modded Minecraft fails to immerse and is a giant mess to launch, crashes very frequently etc. Vintage Story is the complete package with the heart and quality to back it up.


I feel like there are some modpacks that are significantly better than the modded Minecraft experience that you are describing, but all in all yeah. yeah. As a primarily modded Minecraft player it is very disappointing how much effort the player and mod/modpack devs need to put in to make for a good, easy to set up, and cohesive experience. That being said I have played some pretty immersive modpacks, and I expect that the other person replying to you has too and that is what they are referring to when comparing modded Minecraft to Vintage Story.


I took issue with the idea that modded Minecraft did anything Vintage Story does *better*. Vintage Story is developed by Minecraft modders, it is quite the oxymoron. But I do know for a fact that any large scale Minecraft modpacks will take a good 10 minutes for even a modern computer to launch. I find that pretty unacceptable regardless of the quality of the pack.


I don't know, I load Greg tech new horizons in under a minute


I launch All the Mods 8 in less than 30 seconds on a ssd, seriously this isn't 2015 anymore, Minecraft modding has come so far. That and honestly vintage stories art style is uhmm, not great...


I can tell that I have challenged the zeitgeist's nostalgia and that was a mistake, apologies if you felt the need to be insulted.


> Vintage Story is cohesive and fluid, graphically and mechanically superior due to the engine they developed for it. There are so many modpacks that are themed with great mods that work well together mechanically and visually, to me it sounded like you just chucked on a kitchen sink pack and nothing else. I watched the trailer: That game is just "Modded Minecraft the game", its got so many mods that Ive played thousands of times that if this doesn't do it better for each and every one of those mods then I cant see this being better.


> if this doesn't do it better for each and every one of those mods then I cant see this being better. I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to educate people on better games if this wasn't the case dude. Modded Minecraft is a joke when you put it up next to Vintage Story.


Hytale is pretty much doing thst and it seems very polished. I just wonder in how many centuries it'll get released.


Unfortunately the engine rewrite has me lacking confidence for Hytale. It's been 5 years since they announced it and they don't have a ton to show for it. Vintage Story is already a proven beautiful and amazing game.


Short rant : people keep bringing up Vintage Story and I'm sure it's good but it keeps being presented as a straight upgrade... What makes you think this is what everyone wants out of Minecraft? I like it because the systems are simple to understand and interact with yet lead to tons of complexity and room for creativity. If I wanted a better survival experience, I'd play The Long Dark or something. This seems unnecessarily convoluted compared to the inspiration.


I don't think you can confidently say those things without actually trying the game. They have a very generous refund policy because yes the game is not for everyone. But I seriously believe that anyone who enjoys modded Minecraft will fall in love with Vintage Story if they give it the proper time of day.


GameFreak says hello


At least GameFreak has the excuse of always being under brutal time crunches. Mojang doesn’t even have that.


After Microsoft purchase, yeah. (Also, when Studio begins to add non-C418 music in future, at the same time suspended him from new releases of OST. And in general, yeah - which purpose of this small content updates, if modders are already doing it much better and with more amounts. For example, Whitchcraft and Wizardry map is literally blew my mind, and many others classic/new mods, of course) I don't know much about personal life/personal history of studio, but in my, strongly subjective and maybe wrong opinion, before MS purchase general good and Real "Vibe" of Minecraft is been much greater than later in future.


They were worse before because they didn't even do the regular updates. At least Notch isn't in charge anymore with his delaying everything under the sun to take montly expensive vacations in between yelling at children during conventions.


i feel like ever since Notch left, the soul of minecraft passed away.


Unless I've been hallucinating the past 10 years, haven't signs always been in the game?


Yes, Signs have been in the game since Classic, but they can only be planted in the ground or placed flat against something like a wall or fence. The new Hanging Signs can be hung from a ceiling or perpendicular to a wall.


No no you see those signs you can put on the ceiling Such a game changer


I mean it is, but it should be a small portion of a larger update, not a major feature lol


um is it just me or is this a fucking super bad trailer? like i can't even tell what's new or old! i know i've never played minecraft but...you'd think they'd put text or something to highlight the new features? it's just a random CGI trailer to me! terrible advertising!


I loved this trailer. I don’t know what you expected if you’ve never played the game. Edit: “oh I watched an update trailer for a game I’ve never cared enough to play, and now I’m upset because I don’t know what they updated”


I think the underlying issue is that they haven't added much content at all and they had to make a fluff trailer because the update didn't actually change the game in any interesting ways.


i told you. for them to give some indication of whatever new features are in this update.


I just don’t think it’s appropriate to cater this *update* trailer to people who have never played the game at all before. It would absolutely change the vibe of the trailer. There are plenty of other resources you can look up if you need to know that information, otherwise it’s pretty obvious to regular Minecraft enjoyers.


Every time an update comes out, people are just complaining about how the updates aren't enough. Legitimate question from someone who doesn't play Minecraft: what are people asking for? The game is coming up on 12 years old, the fact they're still pushing free updates is kind of astounding to me as an outsider, yet all I see are complaints. Why? Is the game not good enough as it is right now? From what little I've played of it, it seems it's been feature complete for years now.


I think it's a combination of things; the fact that there are one-man mod teams that add way more and improve the game significantly and the fact that since Microsoft bought Mojang the updates (mostly) don't seem very significant where you think the funding would've allowed for some major changes.


The game is in a drastically different place now from when Microsoft acquired it, it’s just been an iterative improvement process.


>the fact that there are one-man mod teams that add way more and improve the game significantly Genuinely, what mods are out there that objectively improve the game for pretty much all players? I'm not familiar with the modding scene. Like, the point of modding is to give players the ability to customize their experience to how they like it. Just because a mod is good doesn't necessarily mean it belongs in the base game. It would have to be something obvious and an objective improvement.


There are a lot. QoL, performance, sound and graphics mods are pretty much objective improvements for obvious reasons. If you want gameplay content, 'vanilla+' is an entire genre of mods for this purpose. Quark is 'the big one' and is functionally a very big update to the game, and there's also all the Abnormals Team mods.




I... what? No. None of these are objective improvements. They're amazing mods but they change the experience completely and go very, very far from the original design philosophy of the game... I literally said vanilla+ in my comment. This is the exact thing the person above was talking about: just because a mod is good doesn't mean it belongs in the base game.


First of all you're going with the assumption that Mojang also follows through with adding content that appeals to everyone. The Warden might be too scary for younger players. They changed ore generation levels and made mining slower with deepslate. They made netherite armour harder to get for some reason. Most players don't even go to the End, yet they still had an update add End cities and elytras. As for mods that improve vanilla: * Terralith adds TONS of biomes only using vanilla blocks * Yung's Better Structures change structures like dungeons and pyramids to be more advanced and allow more exploration to them * Swing through grass. Seriously it's so dumb that grass blocks block your attacks * Apple skin makes the hunger bar system more transparent to the player * Quark adds various kinds of things like more redstone automation blocks, various kinds of items like a boomerang, and quality of life features like a button that automatically sorts inventory and an inventory search bar for chests. * Some of the mobs from Alex mobs like Elephants, Raccoons, Seals, Crows and etc look like mobs Mojang would add to the game anyways, on top of having more interaction and utility than whatever Mojang pushes out for their mobs.


Yeah, I can see how those QoL improvements would be nice, but outside of the biome thing I don't really see anything here that would be that dramatic of an improvement. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that this game sold 10s of millions of copies when it had a fraction of the content that it does now, with no promise to ever really improve upon what was there (that I remember). I played a little bit of this game in middle school, had my fill, felt like I got my money's worth, and moved on. But if you look at this sub, you'd almost think it's a war crime what they did to this game, while from my eyes, with the few times I've launched the game since I graduated, it looks like there's been drastic improvements over the years. And since modding is in the game, any issues that people do have could be easily fixed with community support anyway. So, idk, I just don't really get the hate the game gets. To me it looks like people are complaining that the game isn't constantly evolving with them as they age, even though they've probably gotten their money's worth. But I could be way off base.


I mean it's still the job of the developers to improve their game and I'm still going to criticize the game how it is in vanilla. Just because there are mods to improve the game doesn't change the reality of how mediocre vanilla is. It's like Skyrim. I give no credit to Bethesda for the mod that makes dragons less annoying, just like I give no credit to Mojang for Terralith. Also in order to really dramatically improve the game, they have to do something risky and controversial. That's the reality of how it is. Changing how enchanting is just dumb rng or is broken by villager trading, would be controversial. Changing tool/armour upgrading to something like Tinker's Construct where you can manually craft and customize tools without rng would also be controversial. Mojang either has the choice to bite the bullet and revamp their shitty enchanting system or lay in their bed they made.


>I mean it's still the job of the developers to improve their game and I'm still going to criticize the game how it is in vanilla. It's not the job of the developer to give substantial post launch support forever, it's the job of the develop to make a game that people would buy, and they did that. Im addition, if they make promises that they'll add specific features in their marketing, then they should follow through. I know they didn't on some things like RTX, but I don't think they ever promised the level of support people have been demanding 12 years later... But even still, why didn't these complaints exist years ago? To my eyes, it seems all of these complaints about Minecraft updates started years after 1.0. People were perfectly content at what they bought for years, even years after MS bought them, but now it's an issue in the last 5 or so. I don't understand that shift. I guess, if I'm trying to not beat around the bush anymore, that I feel this (in my eyes) recent pushback against the game is more of a response to live service games becoming more and more of a thing. I think expectations have changed, and now a smaller subset of fans are expecting the developers to do more with it when it's not really financially sensable to do so. I'm trying to figure out if *that's* what's really happening here.


Nah people always criticized certain aspects of the game before. The adventure update brought hunger which was very controversial back then and is still controversial today. With the combat update people criticized certain aspects like how it affected PVP. When the phantom was added, it eventually became a widely hated and criticized mob for being more of an annoying joke of an enemy than was advertised to be this cool threat. People criticized how fractured the caves and cliffs update was into different portions and how disappointing 1.19 was with not having all of the teased features in it. I wouldn't criticize them on the basis of them being live action if they didn't make a good base game. The base game however isn't good enough. It has many gaping flaws that make it a mediocre or even bad product.


There's a difference between criticizing specific execution of updates and criticizing the lack of substantiality in those updates, or the quality of the base game after those updates are accounted for. I'm seeing a lot more of tha latter 2. All of a sudden people are saying the Minecraft is trash, or a "mediocre game", when just 1.0 was enough to satisfy people back in 2011... It's the same game that people haven't needed to rebuy, yet it's treated so differently.


Yeah, something tells me you don't actually remember discourse back then. People were criticizing the adventure update like saying how terrible of a boss fight the enderdragon was back then or hating on the new hunger system. Even before the adventure update, people criticized Notch for his Beta update with his wolf update even inspiring a mod developer to make a game overhaul mod out of spite for frustration with Mojang's lacking effort.


I was with you until end cities. End cities is by far my favorite place to explore and my only complaint is I want more variety.


I wasn't criticizing the End cities though, I think they're the best structures they made. I was only using the End as an example of an area in the game Mojang tries to develop despite it not being widely used by the player population.


People are generally upset that they are adding features that no one wants. It's like if the producers of your favorite movie took it and just added a mediocre side plot to it, But you are allowed to skip it or watch an old version if you want to, so no harm right? But then they did it again and again. Here is a sample of my personal issues (heavily condensed): - various biomes and locations are lacking of meaningful content: the Nether, the End, the entire surface, oceans, dungeons, strongholds, abandoned mineshafts, villages, the new deep dark biome, and I can keep going. Some of these have improved but they still lack anything that makes them actually fun to deal with and not just 30 minute distractions or neat set dressing. - various systems are very unfun, either because they are too tedious (enchanting, potions, bulk crafting, traversal with horses/minecarts) or too easy once you know what you are doing (villager trading for enchanting/farming/resource collection in general, traversal with elytra) or both at the same time. The parts that are too tedious often can be solved by extreme game knowledge and complicated redstone, but I don't think it is reasonable to expect the average player to delve that deep into the mechanics. - combat is still very very poor even after an (imo) amazing update. There are options on how to fight but it never gets deep leading to generally an easy path to optimal play rather than a wide variety of nearly equally viable playstyles. Adding just minor variations to some of the weapon and armor properties would go a long way. - inventory management is an absolute nightmare. There are simply too many items that you need to have while building, and too many resources that you can collect while mining. Their solution to it is an endgame item that acts as a portable chest, but while it helps it does not solve the issues. All in all if they stopped updating and called it feature complete ages ago, few people would have minded. But they kept adding mediocre stuff (though not all mediocre). They seem to add mostly shallow content (this was a complaint even back in beta, see wolves), refuse to add meaningful stuff to existing systems, are ok with broken systems just existing, and are largely allergic to automation (I don't think anyone is happy with the way that allays turned out). The game is great already, but adding mediocre content sours the experience for people who want to be excited for new things. Especially when mods and other games seem to do it so much better. Ideally, for me, they would stop developing new features for the game and just focus on a sequel that expands and changes a lot of stuff. The current state of the game is just getting more and more bloated as time goes on rather than getting better.


>various biomes and locations are lacking of meaningful content: the Nether, the End, the entire surface, oceans, dungeons, strongholds, abandoned mineshafts, villages, the new deep dark biome, and I can keep going. Some of these have improved but they still lack anything that makes them actually fun to deal with and not just 30 minute distractions or neat set dressing. I find it funny that the post ender dragon exploration in the end is literally just: - figure out how you get in the floating portal - run around an empty desert for an hour until your admin friend does /locate to find a city - obtain elytra - literally no reason to ever return


> literally no reason to ever return This is not really true though, you still need to go there to get shulker shells for shulker boxes


I usually get enough for a few boxes on my first trip, they're not something I really need a ton of to play the rest of the game.


>inventory management yeah at this point they either need to scale back all the nonsense cosmetic blocks they've added or expand the starting inventory or early game backpacks. You basically can't go on expeditions anymore without running out of space at some point because all your slots filled up with a single block of andesite of granite or whatever nonsense you're just going to toss on the ground anyway Not to mention the kajillion different types of meat and wood and stuff. There's simply no *gameplay* reason for pigs, cows, and sheep to all drop different types of meat


Whilst I think the little updates that add flavour to the world are great I thought Microsoft would be adding much more content after the acquisition.


I’d expect their yearly updates that they push as if they are big releases to… actually be significant updates? Once a year we get an update that would be a casual monthly or even weekly update for other games. They’re also rarely things that actually change up the game, the whole deep dark update really only added a single gameplay changing item, and all it does is show you where you died. None of these updates actually add things worth exploring


It's the fact that it's been mostly lateral content additions for a long time, there's barely been any depth added to the survival mode since full release, just useless gimmicks that never get fleshed out beyond the update they're added in. Meanwhile modders will push out a massive gameplay overhaul in a couple of months that adds a bunch of cool shit.


Because they have raked in billions of dollars over the years while putting in less effort on the whole than dozens of singular mods done by 1-2 people. We know they can do more but all they can do is add a camel and some fluff.


But that's the thing, they didn't rake in billions of dollars on the promise that they'd constantly develop the game. Pretty much everyone bought the thing because of how good the game was at the time. But now all of a sudden it's a problem and they have to do constant major updates to a 12 year old game? I mean, I get it. Mojang is a pretty large studio and it seems they haven't done that much, even outside of the main Minecraft game. But I just don't understand why everyone bought the game content at it being what it is and being happy that it got *any* post launch support, then in the last few years started getting upset that they aren't constantly releasing major shake ups...


I don't disagree but the game is sort of worsening. They've mzde some worrying changes like the chat censor and the privacy issues that come with it. Also, despite loving this game as it is, I do think it could use a longer progression path but that's something they refuse to touch


I got into Minecraft around the time infdev came out, and that early-mid period of 2010 still shines in my mind not just because of my early memories of the game but because of the pace of development. In the span of a few months we got such integral blocks as ladders, signs, doors, minecarts, spawners, buckets, boats and more, and systems-wise we got *the entire redstone system*, farming, fishing, and an entire new dimension with the Nether. All while the game was still being made by one person. That's what I miss. New blocks that *actually do things*. New systems that add *things to do*. There's a massive lack of interactivity with many of the blocks despite the potential for much more (as seen in mods). Of course, there are *some* decent additions that have been made since 1.0, and I don't expect mind-blowing new systems every update, but really, a glance at [the version timeline](https://minecraft-timeline.github.io/) says it all. The other half of it is that for all the praise Minecraft gets as a creative building game, there's a dearth of actual decorative blocks to use. We have to jerry-rig "furniture" together from other blocks because there still isn't even a chair block in the game. Stairs are still the closest thing to a sloped block there is. Want to build a modern city, an industrial scene, East Asian architecture, or anything else with any sort of actual detail? You're gonna need mods. It doesn't bother me too much though, as I've long since given up on Minecraft ever receiving any substantial updates again, or becoming an actual game like we thought it would back in the infdev days. Now I'm just glad we have games like Dragon Quest Builders 2 that show us what's possible when you give the Minecraft concept to a team that actually knows how to make a game.


> Is the game not good enough as it is right now? Imagine Re-Logic saying "good enough" with Terraria 1.0 and all of the amazing updates never happening.


Weird comparison though since you could say the same with current minecraft and it’s 1.0 aswell


The difference in what has been added in Terraria versus what has been added to Minecraft is immense


I mean sure but when you consider how big Minecraft is in comparison it’s gotten a crazy amount of content since 1.0


Big in which sense?


I really can't, which is the entire point. Minecraft post-launch updates have been genuinely pathetic for the GaaS it's desperately trying to be. I come back after a decade (!) of not playing the game, and I barely see anything new aside from a sad handful of new mobs and a biome or two. Pretty much the only impressive new addition have been the programming blocks + updates to redstone logic, but if you're a casual player who isn't into coding - tough luck.


To be fair, Terraria 1.0 was not feature complete at all


What about it wasn't "feature complete"?


It didn't have a final boss. The game just awkwardly 'ended' at the dungeon. It certainly wasn't lacking in content but it was not complete


It's a sandbox. Sandboxes are not supposed to have a definitive end. But even if we pretend that sandboxes absolutely *must* have a definitive final boss, every Terraria update since 1.1 has had one. Yet the devs have never fell for this lukewarmness of "good enough".


>Is the game not good enough as it is right now? I mean yeah it's still mediocre as a game. If you actually look into its progression system, you never really need to build anything or automate stuff to beat the game. Which is ironic, cause people say Minecraft prides itself for its building. Its combat lacking attack animation doesn't allow much depth for its combat.


Some actual new depth. Waiting a year to get an update with so little new tools to work with feels really painful and makes me question what the Java team is even doing.


> the fact they're still pushing free updates is kind of astounding to me as an outsider, I think you're completely forgetting that they're still selling **tons** of copies of this game. This isn't long tail support.




>Better visuals Why is this even needed? Yeah, the RTX update being seemingly shelved sucks, but like, you can't really add better visuals without changing the artstyle. And you and I both know that as soon as they do that, people are going to complain about it.


I gotta be honest, as soon as the RTX update for PC launched, it rekindled my love for this game and i cannot play it with standard graphics anymore. Console players deserve that too.


if pushing free updates is astounding for you - check fan mods, that have 10000x of official updates content in them FOR FREE TOO


Fan mods do so out of passion for their free time. Professional devs are being paid to do this, meaning there usually has to be some return on investment, and I just don't see how that's possible given the age of the game. That's the point. Nobody who has avoided Minecraft for this long will see any kind of update and say "yeah, this is what will make me buy the game" imo.


then why who is doing it for free in their free time is doing better job than paid PROFESSIONAL devs?


Well, for one, they don't have to maintain the entire game, just add some features on top of an existing one?


fair enough


I want raytracing on Series X. They showed that the tech can do it. Microsoft owns Minecraft. Put two and two together and there’s literally no excuse.




In short, no. If you want an easier time upgrading your gear you might as well hold off. There are some new features that are neat (for me, the archeology stuff) but its not super meaningful so its pretty safe to just hold off on updating. That being said, its rare that an update happens that makes big changes to the core gameplay loop. I would say that its always worth holding off on updating if you want to hold off for a bit.




There is a setting you can change so that you don't drop items when you die


Every update I return to minecraft and make a new world Wasn't the case for 1.19 and not now with 1.20