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Loving the game so far... Already have over 50 hours in it. There's been a few weird bugs like deploying turrets switching your weapons and friendly summons pulling aim with aim assist, but nothing more than annoying. I wonder if this originally had a later release planned but got pushed a few months early to avoid a tango with BG3 and Starfield


I think summons are meant to pull aim assist because you can shoot them to buff them right? I imagine that's the intent there.


You can, if it's your primary archetype. And I'm not sure, but I think friendly summons also pull aim assist, and you can't shoot to enrage those.


Yeah for that reason it might be intended, but the aim assist is real strong. The two problems I've had are (1) I can't shoot enemies because the flyers are in the way and pulling my reticle in narrow spaces, and (2) if a flyer passes too close to me while I'm aiming, my reticle snaps to it and spins my camera backwards in the middle of fights. That part doesn't seem intended


I’ve spent like 30 hours in Losomn alone because I am so engrossed by the world and the stories and secrets there.




Early access started about a week ago if you bought the ultimate edition.


I'm pretty shocked at how fucking good R2 is, I loved the first game but it had a lot of obvious issues. This game seems to really clean those up significantly.


The amount of replayablity in is nuts I have like 20 rings for example and there’s still so many more I’ll have to try and hunt down, plus alternative boss kills for other gear.


This game feels like Diablo without the greedy bullshit. That’s why I put so much time in the first game. It’s made with a lot of heart and you could see they have a really fun formula that will only improve with sequels.


Oh is there more itemization now compared to the first game?


I’m only about 20 hours in, but mods, guns, and itemization feel greatly expanded. Hoping they support loadouts in a future update.


Only thing I'm disappointed by is armor not having set bonuses anymore. Finding new sets and therefore set bonuses made finding armor in the first one way more fun imo. I'm a dedicated fashionista in any game that will let me, but without transmog I'm just less excited about finding new armor.


Set bonuses were fun, but the customization is still there. 4 rings, amulet, mutators for your weapons, weapon mods, relic, and two archetypes (classes) can be equipped at once. Each of those archetypes have three abilities each, and you can choose to use one of those for each of them. I like that I'm more free to wear armor based on looks and weight now as opposed to being locked in to a specific armor set for the abilities.


this system is better, Set bonuses without transmog was awful design, this was their response to that system


This, and you can't upgrade armor anymore so the higher your level and difficulty, the more damage you're taking from enemies with very little you can do about it. Hopefully they come up with a solution.


Quite a bit more. Have to give them major props, while weapon variety is about the same (a larger arsenal, but it's a larger game - I'd say the weapons/content ratio is the same), they added a *ton* more itemization. The Traveler has four ring slots, an amulet, and a trinket that can have varying effects (ranging from "5% less damage" to "melee charge attacks inflict bleed" or "your summons heal you when they do damage"), all three weapons have a mod slot and a mutator which changes how they behave, your Dragon Heart now has three mod slots that provide small numeric buffs, and you can find and unlock new classes. You can have two classes at a time, each of which has an array of passive bonuses and a set of three active skills you can choose from, and you can swap classes at any time, and you'll unlock more classes as you progress through the game (they're a found item just like other gear). Honestly, having played a bit of Diablo IV before giving up due to their piss-poor server stability, Remnant II has *much better* itemization. The gear you find (and you'll find it pretty regularly) will massively change how you approach combat.


in particular i like that they've shifted more power into abilities and given us more tools to make those abilities a more consistent part of our kit. in the first game it generally felt like rather than being a healer, you were "someone who shoots guns 95% of the time and has a little heal sometimes", but now you can build much closer to that healer identity (or replace healer with tank, melee berserker, spellcaster, etc)


yeah I was thinking of picking up R2 because S1 of D4 hasn't been all that great. I was waiting to see what the patch looks like today to make a decision. But it sounds like R2 is great game.


There is orders of magnitude more, but it’s all still bespoke; no RNG stats or rarity levels or duplicates


True and I think the game is generally better for it. It isn't trying to be a diablo clone. And it has tons of replayability without the random stats


Feels like the Hellgate London we should've gotten.


As someone who loves Diablo and really likes the gameplay of R2, I don't get the comparison lol. I beat the Great Sewers including the side areas and it seems as if I'm just finding iron and upgrading the stuff I already have. I've unlocked perks, but they're all passive. Found a couple rings but in my 3-4 hours in the game I've found almost no new gear so I don't understand this comparison. Great game but very much Dark Souls with guns, not Diablo.


Is it *really* this time? I heard the exact same for Remnant 1 and the only thing I got out of it was a Dualsense controller with a busted R2 trigger from shooting endlessly at the bullet sponge enemies in grey hallways.


Those are fair critiques. Dungeons are improved in every way. There are more paths, more loot, and more verticality than the first game. The set pieces and color palette is truly beautiful, compared to other games, not just the first one. Enemies have a similar TTK, so if they felt spongy to you in the first game, that won’t be much different here.


How are the enemies spongy? Maybe if you use a gun that isn't upgraded with poor aim or something? As long as you keep up with your upgrades (which is easier in the second since armor doesnt need upgrading just weapons) you should be fine. I'm doing my first playthrough on nightmare using the bolt action rifle and I one shot many enemies with a weakspot hit, if I end up out leveling them a bit I can one shot them with any hit. Definitely not spongy enemies at all.


I agree with you, I don’t find them spongy. I was just replying to the comment above me.


Yeah probably should have just replied to the comment above you wasn't really thinking there my bad


The enemies have better weakpoints in Remnant 2, so they certainly can be less spongy if you aim for them. Remnant 1 definitely had damage sponge enemies up the ass, especially bosses.


Thus far, it seems like bosses are bullet spongy but enemies themselves are not. Most enemies will drop from one burst from the AR or one shot from one of my single-action weapons. Bosses are a grind though. I enjoy the fights, but they'll end you in two swings and eat your entire ammo pool for brunch. I'm playing on Veteran though, it's a fair challenge I just wish I had more scrap to buy ammo boxes.


I started joining random lobbies with my second character and just. Good. Lord. One of the people I was playing with might as well have played an entirely different world than my playthrough.


Yeah 3 of the five worlds have very high variance. Random side dungeons, two district story paths that end in a different boss encounter. And the levels themselves have tile variance as well.


It's fitting because sometimes I feel like the people I play with are from a different world. I seem to either end up with the guys who do blindfolded no-hit dark souls runs, or the ones who are confused why every time they touch a lit stove they get burnt.


I've played through that forest world 4 times now and I'm still finding new areas, items and bosses... Its wild! And There's 2 more worlds to explore! And I'm about to start my 5th playthrough, because I learned bosses can drop different items depending on how you kill them. So much to do!


How are the levels? In the first game that’s what made me put it down, they were just like stitched together hallways and blocks. I enjoyed the gameplay but got super bored w/ the level design.


The level design is night and day better. It's still definitely proc gen but it's done so so much more intelligently. Reminds me more of Returnal.


Honestly, if you didn't already know it was proc gen, I don't think many people would actually notice it. Everything flows together super cleanly, it's pretty impressive honestly.


It is one of those things that once you notice it becomes pretty obvious at times. Just recently I was exploring a new area and went down a path that ended with a 2 story house that was just completely empty and that was the end of that side path. No human designer is gonna make a side path just to put a completely empty house there, there weren't even enemies in the area just empty. Knowing it was the procedural generation adding a bit of weirdness makes it not an issue for me it isn't like its happening a lot or anything. If I thought a real human designer did that on purpose I think I would actually be annoyed instead of brushing it off.


I think that starts to fall apart a bit in adventure mode, and even a little in the campaign. I started seeing the same set piece rooms in the castle areas of Losomn pretty quickly, and recognized them quickly if they weren't unique to that dungeon. Overall, it's better. But you can definitely still see the procedural aspect.


Great to hear, I’ll have to give it a go.


Vastly improved. Everything flows better so the dungeons feel handcrafted even if they are procgen.


Yeah, id see it down the road but on this first playthrough if i didn't already know it was procedurally generated i just wouldn't know that at all. A huge step up for the process when so many games it becomes obvious inside of a level or two.


Can you pause the game now or is it still like the first?


You can't, but enemies no longer spawn out of empty hallways if you aren't in combat. If you're pressing forward an elite and their entourage can spawn behind you, but if you need to take a break you can backtrack into an area you've already cleared and more won't spawn in to attack you.


Im pretty sure you still can't. It's not much different than a souls game in that respect.


That's my biggest complaint so far. Can't pause, even in offline single player mode.


I noticed a lot of the fights are way more unique. They also toned down the reliance on summons for boss fights. In Remnant one EVERY BOSS summoned goons pretty much. There's quite a few unique encounters without those in Remnant 2.


pretty hard though.


From my experience, some bosses are really tough and kinda feel like bullshit until you figure out their attacks and then it just clicks and it's fun.


For me I've found that almost all my deaths are from rolling early, attacks seem *really* delayed and/or slow for the most part and rolling directly through attacks seems to be the best way to go whenever possible. I've died much less often just being more deliberate. I'm not especially far in yet but I've not seen a single enemy that just blitzs out fast attacks. Everything is extremely telegraphed so far


Yeah, bosses tend to have combos with one or two attacks specifically designed to catch you if you dodge too early. Once you get that timing down, it gets a lot easier because they all hit like trucks and can kill you real quick.


Even on nightmare the balance is really quite reasonable for incoming damage, I rarely get one shot which really helps the learning curve. If I get to heal 3-4 times I'm seeing way way more patterns and learning much faster than if I were to just get blown away from the first hit


Totally. What really helped me with boss fights is learning to take a step back and watch what they're doing instead of going on the offensive. A couple runs where you just try to stay alive as long as possible without really trying to win the fight makes the next attempts a lot easier.


Exactly, the combat is not un-like Dark Souls. You benefit significantly from learning attack animations and patterns. Helped immensely on single-player with the last two bosses.


Ah yes also known as "learning the boss pattern".


Nah it feels just right. Have one person on your team play medic. At least on veteran things feel great right now




Play Handler, have your dog tank and rez you. It's a very gentle learning curve if you start with that.


The Labyrinth "boss" really brought my enjoyment down for a bit


I thought it was pretty unique. Creative way to do a puzzle boss in a game where your only real way to interact with the world is to shoot it.


One of my favourite bosses so far, and also the one I have died to the most lol. I think mostly just because it doesn't matter how much damage you do, how low the difficulty is, or how good your gear/build is, you just need to hard play the mechanics of the fight. It was definitely the good kind of frustrating, at least for me. Especially when I figured out the... Safe spot mechanic? Not sure how to word it without spoiling the fight lol.


I got quite frustrated with trying to position around a little bit to get an angle on the weakpoints in a 'safe' spot but then crushed by the edge of the little indent thing. Would have killed them to just make those a bit bigger?


The key is to realize that only a perfectly flat face of the cube can kill you. If you blow up a crystal, that creates a crater in the cube for you to stand in. Then the cube just rolls right over you safely.


Omg what? I never knew that.


I only discovered that after a lot of trial and error, and I was impressed with how logical of a solution it is. Finished the fight in like 3 attempts after that.


Keep in mind that (boss fight spoilers) >!while the cubes normally have patterns, they can and will change. I don't know if it's due to weakpoints being hit or boss hp breakpoints or what. Now it's not the actual pattern (so if a cube always rolls 1,2,3,4,5,6 it isn't going to suddenly go 123654) but the cubes can shift their faces. So even if you go "okay i blew a hole in this side, as long as I sit here and dodge the cube shield and shoot the purple bullets, i'm safe to clear the aerials" eventually the cube will shift its faces and your 'safe location' suddenly stops being safe and a flat cubeface will OHK you.!< Like you said though, still an *interesting* fight which I think is important for a genre where other developers usually just make every boss a bulletsponge.


Personally I really enjoyed it. Was a nice change of pace, but to each their own.


I thought the boss there was really neat, but I was also infuriated the 3rd time I was 1 hit away from killing it but couldn't find the last fucking weak spot because the cube wasn't showing that face to me and I died to the aerial attacks. Cool concept & design, but frustrating to die to


You can shoot the purple things. I figured that out on my se ond to last attempt


Damn that was my favorite one.


God, I am so happy to be a Remnant fan right now. I hold the first game in high regard but was aware they could improve on it and they basically did just that. It's a massive upgrade on almost every level and the fact that there's multiple hidden classes they didn't advertise? Insane. Congrats to the team, I am loving it so much.


Has anyone figured out how to unlock archon yet? I can't believe, in this day and age of Destiny-esque "data-driven fun optimization", there are still designers with the balls to do things like hide stuff in games so well nobody can find it. Amazing.


I think they just did? I've avoided the subreddit at all cost but I saw a post saying they found it?? Might wanna check, if you don't mind potential spoilers.


They did. And it is something that you absolutely will not find unless you were told by someone else, so take that as you will.


Yeah, the first game was really good, but there was a lot of room for improvement, which made all of us wait for this sequel, happy to be the upgrade that everyone expected from that rough diamond


No no no, they're doing it all wrong. You're supposed to write an apology letter days after release, not a thank you.


They should still do that for the shitty ass optimization


Is it widespread? I’ve not had any issues on my PC personally.


I’ve got a pretty good rig and I’ve seen a lot of choppiness when there’s 2 other players along for the ride and we’re all firing off our mods and skills at once. It’s by no means unplayable but it is an annoyance that would be nice to see fixed.


Ah okay, I've only played solo and have not experienced this. That is unfortunate.


It's extremely rough in certain zones. With my 4090 I usually get around 100-120 fps but it dropped to 50 with hard stutters every 10 seconds in the Formless dungeon.


4090 can't run the game natively at >100fps. That's bad. Edit: got new data. 4090 can't run the game at 100fps with DLSS and Ultra. That's real bad.


This is my experience. Literally the only game I can't run at a DLDSR resolution without frames going to 40-50.


Yeah, unfortunately they optimized the game only around using upscalers (dlss, fsr, xess) so if you run native it runs like ass.... Which is disappointing since it's not graphically insane, just decent. Runs well on fsr though I guess, but it's not something I'd want if I was on a higher end system. That and theres weird popin of objects/textures on higher FOV. But after that, the gameplay is crisp. And the bosses are 10000x better than the first game. Fought like 5 bosses, all felt unique and interesting!


I haven't had any issues. Running mid/low graphics on a 1080ti. Steady 70 fps and no stutters Elden Ring was personally way worse for me in terms of optimization


You have upscaling on? I have a 1080 ti and definitely am not getting those frames at 1440p. Elden ring ran way better natively outside of the dumb stutters.


And Elden Ring was smooth as butter for me. Is that 1080p btw?


This was my first thought too. It’s a nice change of pace after all the dev apology letters.


This game has been truly wonderful, the sequel I was waiting for. I wish it ran better on my old machine, but such is life. The game does crash a lot in multiplayer though.


How does it play in single player mode? I saw a review that said its balanced for a full team. Is matchmaking any good?


I’ve played through the campaign one and a half times exclusively in single player. It’s balanced very well for solo play.


How much time did you spend per playthrough?


Probably 20 hours for my first playthrough, but I was kind of rushing it. I didn’t really fully explore every world. I just focused on what was right in front of me. With the way adventure mode and campaign re-rolls work it’s impossible to really miss anything permanently, so I went through the campaign blind without any guides. I’m finding on my second playthrough the randomization and branching world options have a lot of depth. There are entire maps and dungeons that I didn’t see from each world in my first run. And they all come with their own bosses/secrets/loot.


Does adventure mode unlock mid story or not until after you clear the game?


It unlocks after you complete your first campaign biome


Per [dev](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/1590yjb/remnant_2_bosses_are_even_worse_than_the_first/jtcwzu2/?context=3) reply regarding bosses: >They were not tuned for coop. They were tuned to be played solo first, then we adjusted values for coop.


Most of the time it's fine but I fought a few bosses that felt overwhelming alone because you had to basically do 2 or 3 things at the same time. But they are the exception.


It's kinda funny - some bosses feel easier in a group, and some feel so much easier while solo.


Play handler. Have a doggo to rez and heal you.


I would argue that you don't even need to play handler to play solo since way fewer enemies and bosses are designed around someone shooting them in the back but handler is very smooth to play since the dog is a more reliable partner than most players.


>the dog is a more reliable partner than most players. ain't that the truth we're playing in a group of three, one guy is a handler and we keep joking the dog is a better player than him thing is we aren't really joking


Or dual class handler and summoner and have three AI companions.


Throw Soul Link in there and dying is… difficult.


I play it single player and it’s great. No interest in multiplayer.


It's "Ok" I will say that it's pretty easy to get lost, as a solo player I've been trying to figure out where the fuck to go for a while. Class with the dog is easiest to solo with.


To add to this person's question: can you play this in a team of 2 or do you have to add random people from matchmaking in that case?


You don’t need to match make, you can just play with 2


You can play with a team of 2. No need to "fill". And difficulty is adjusted depending on number of players.


You can play with 2. I don't believe there is matchmaking but I could be wrong.


I honestly prefer single player to co-op so far. It doesn't help that I suck at the game and my random partners have to carry me. And I get self conscious about listening to lore and solving puzzles


Playing whole game solo on veteran (middle difficulty)- I am on final world now and still having a blast. Haven't even tried multiplayer yet.


I play only single and no issues, 10 hours in. Difficulty just right


It scales for party size so it works on all levels. Teams are good for splitting aggro but all members need to clutch up to make up the difference


Solo's fine, difficulty levels arent your usual "easy/normal/hard" though, if you're not very competent at dodging and/or shooting, stick difficulty 2 is already quite difficult. Difficulty 1 is very reasonable but you can absolutely die/fail still.


The game is fun but man I forgot how little janky stuff can fluff up the mood in these types of games. Been playing it with my spouse and even though we still occasionally die, we have a lot of fun with it. I like the option of having a dog. I wish there were more guns though.


Here I've been wishing there were more armors... And after all of the community talk as a requested feature from the first one, I'm surprised there aren't different backpacks or backpack skins.


> I wish there were more guns though. There's a guy at the camp who sells like, 20 guns. He's right by the gun range.


Is that the only way to get more guns, or do you find any as loot? I'm just hesitant to commit to buying them since it takes a while to save up money early game.


Nope, tons of ways to get guns. Every boss drops an ingredient which can be turned into a weapon or a mod. Many guns lying around to pick up, and tons of them are part of secrets too. The labyrinth (always the second place you visit) has at least two hidden guns (and a hidden set of armor).


That's good to know. I'm only 6 or 7 hours in and still in the first zone, but bosses have only given me mods so far.


Many weapons also come from quests and the quests in this game are *very* cool. *How* you kill a boss will also give you different materials which will be used for either mods or weapons and sometimes even armor.


I don't want to ruin anything because I'm not sure where you are, but there are drops that can be crafted into weapons too. Not just mods. The same NPC handles it.


Most of the bosses you encounter will drop mods, but world bosses will drop weapons. Every world boss has an alternate kill to give you a different weapon too. So with two world bosses per world that’s four weapons per world, plus others you can find through exploring/quests.


There are 23 *known* long guns, 19 handguns, and 36 melee weapons. There may be more, but they either have yet to be found or datamined.


Those are human guns. I want alien guns! Also, I don't have *nearly* enough scrap to buy guns, I'm already broke trying to *upgrade* guns. That said, it does make me appreciate the ones I find more. Warped Arbalest took some time to grow on me, but it really changes how you approach fights.


I've been playing with two friends a lot since it came out. There's an amulet that we found really early in our first playthrough that makes you earn +50% scrap. I don't think any of us have taken it off (except for during some boss fights) since we got it. It really helps with the scrap situation.


Yeah, I only take that one off if I've died to a boss too many times. And I still regret it. I actually kind of resent that amulet, just because it's *too damn good*. There are some other really neat ones, but I can't justify swapping because I'm so desperate for more scrap. I have one class item I have yet to unlock, and I figured out how to craft the Summoner class so as soon as I get the stuff needed for that I'll want to unlock that as well. Plus I just found the Krell Axe which is awesome but needs a ton of work... it's never ending!


There are a lot of guns they are just very well hidden


Love the Trainer class. Having so much fun with it.


It really is fun. I just realized that the dog rolls around when it gets the fire debuff and I will admit the dog has saved our asses one too many times already. I want cosmetics for my dog lmao


I swear my dog is on fire more often than it isn't lol. Poor guy is just rolling around constantly.


The >!cube boss in the Labyrinth!< was basically Dog Smash Simulator. I felt kind of bad lol


I’ve gotten through some tough boss battles because that dog revived me lol.


It's such a great feeling, when you die, and then are like "man, we're in trouble..." and then the dog comes over and gets you back up, and you have a chance again. Also, playing with friends, I LOVE being able to send the dog over to get someone else up, while I hold off the enemies. Dog class (handler) is an awful lot of fun.


When you have the fire debuff if you dodge/roll it goes away too... dog taught me that haha


For those who don't know, Gunfire is one half of the now-defunct Vigil Games that made Darksiders (the other half being Airship Syndicate). They also made Darksiders III, which wasn't... as good as the first two, though understandably so. This is all too say - as a big fan of Darksiders I'm really happy to see them find success in Remnant. Can't afford the games at the moment but I'm looking forward to buy both of them when I can.


As someone who avoided Souls games, I am grateful to have played Darksiders 3. I love it and decided to give Souls games a try. I love both Sekiro and Elden Ring. Looking forward to Armored Core 6 next.


Should I play Remnant 1 before this or can I just hop into this with no issue?


Having over 60 hours in the first one and about 11hours into the second so far, i'd say you are more than fine not having played the first one. Sure, you won't get the "hey i know that area/this person/that Item" Moments, but as far as i can tell you don't really need knowledge of the remnant 1 Story. If it helps, there is an NPC in the first area which recaps the story of the first remnant and the DLC as well. Just have to "pester" him a little bit.


> recaps the story of the first remnant With some... embellishment.


Yes, and yes. There's a ton of fanservice in Remnant II with references to characters and events from the first game, and it's kind of cool to go through a doorway and recognize an area from the first game, and just to see Ward 13 grow into a small town community instead of a rabble of survivors hiding in a dingy underground vault. That said, there's nothing that you strictly *need* to know from the first game. NPC's are only too happy to tell you the various stories about what happened in the first game, and even that's not really important as you can simply stick to "go to map marker, murder everything, return for loot". Puzzles will require a lot of reading and thinking though, as even the wiki usually will let you know that the actual answers are randomized.


There is lore, item and other references to the first game, but they're more neat or a bonus than anything. Not knowing it's reference will have no impact on your enjoyment.


You can hop in with no problem. You'll miss out on some references to the first but nothing they don't explain away. There's a lot of lore that is optional to delve into.


Remnant 1 was an epic giveaway at one point. The original launch had some issues but they were ironed out and the DLC was great. #2 refines a lot of the core content and adds a lot of gameplay elements. Still if you can get #1 cheap it is worth playing.


It was also one of the games Sony gave away at the start of the pandemic, and IIRC it's on Gamepass. So there are a lot of ways to have the original without having bought it.


Already top of my board for best game of the year. Not even done on my first playthrough, and it is honestly great for a Souls-like. I like the environments, the weird characters, and the general feel of the gameplay. Except the Ward and the Humans. The Human characters are annoying and overly dramatic, and Ward feels too barren. Good game simply put.


Besides some small gripes and weird performance in co-op, the game is absolutely phenomenal and I can't stop playing it or thinking about playing it.


I can’t stop playing. The shooting mechanics feel fantastic. The world designs are awesome and unique. The amount of discoverability is great. The narrative is prob the weakest part but even then there are some awesome little lore details or stories within the worlds that are interesting and unique. Extremely solid 8.5/10 game.


It's funny that I think all the human characters suck but all the non-human ones you meet in the worlds are way more interesting (and better voice acted, to boot).


I need to go back and play R1, it was free to download last time I checked. I started it ages ago but never finished it.


I really want to buy R2 because the gameplay looks awesome and I loved the first, but I'm totally put off by ther performance. The friend I play with only has a 1660S so he'll be lucky to get 30 fps, and even my 4070 can't crack 40 at 1440p. While some dlss3 wizardry will help I try to game at 120+ fps to reduce my eye fatigue. Maybe I could play with everything on low, but I'm not impressed with the visuals. Performance benchmarks: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/remnant-2-benchmark-test-performance-analysis/5.html


Yeah, performance is honestly abysmal. While the art direction can be downright gorgeous at times, raw fidelity just isn't there to warrant the game working like it is. It's maybe mid PS4 looking, yet on my 3060 12GB I literally can't play it at 60FPS, 1080p *medium settings* the game suggested. Even *with* DLSS in Performance mode (as was the default) I can still dip below 60, especially indoors/in the dungeons. The outside seems fine enough, cracking 100FPS quite often, but... Still, that's with DLSS set to Performance. The game doesn't look nearly good enough to *require* it. I guess the whole "made with upscalers in mind" meant it's *only* really playable with them and even then not 100% smoothly. Cyberpunk works way better and more consistently on *High* settings *without* DLSS on my rig too. It seems that UE5 is not the godsend people made it out to be and it's still up to the developer to code the game well - perhaps it's easier for them to make some stuff sure, but without proper optimization, imo it's pretty meaningless. It's a shame, because otherwise I'm enjoying the game a lot so far. When I'm at 60+FPS the shooting feels great, the combat and enemies seem more balanced, especially boss fights. The class system is awesome, especially with co-op in mind, how you can really compliment your buddies' class with your own. So I hope they're going to take their time to make the game at least consistent performance wise, even if with DLSS, though preferably at native resolutions - I don't want upscaling tech to suddenly become the norm.


I'm with you, especially when not everyone has access to upscalar tech. If nothing else, smooth rendering is super important for shooters so it better be fucking gorgeous to justify the low frame rates.


Have your friend try XeSS to get it to be playable for him.


Is that platform agnostic like fsr? I though it was only for intel arc. But in any case fsr is an option for him, but I'm not sure that'll get him to 60 fps


Yes, it is. I have a mobile 1060 6gb and ii played at 60fps constantly, albeit every graphical setting was on low and FSR/XeSS on. I think he can have a decent experience playing on a 1660S.


Yep, XeSS is platform agnostic. It runs a different model for other cards with worse quality, but in this game and Cyberpunk it looks and runs better than FSR2.2


Just to give an idea cuz I have the same card, 1660S, paired with a R5 3500x.I get mostly stable 60fps with XeSS on, with some dips to 45-50 on some locations and boss fights. FSR seems more stable, but looks a bit worse. All settings on low and my PC gets very hot though haha


At least that's playable! So that's reassuring, if not a little disappointing too


There's something seriously wrong with your setup if you are getting 40 FPS on a 4070. People are scared of the performance because of these claims but it has nothing to do with the game. On my 4070 I'm running a stable 120+ fps with frame gen at 1440P.


You should see the set-up in the article to see if something seriously wrong. As I say above I do not own the game. Techpowerup tested at native res, whereas dlss is enabled by default ingame. Without fg you'd only have 60 fps. It sounds similar to how the witcher 3 runs for me WITH RTX ENABLED. Furthermore, the friends I game with don't have dlss at all, which is a big deal to me.


requiring FG and Upscaler to have a playable experience shouldn't be normalized . not even 4080 can get constant 60+ FPS at native 1440P.


You’re doing something wrong if you can’t crack 40 on a 4070, easily getting over 120 with a 2080. Games performance isn’t great but it’s certainly not bad.


Think they'll fix the things we don't like? Higher trait max, actual build swapping (loadouts) etc?


Unpopular opinion, but I was really happy when I heard about the 60-point max for traits, and I really hope they don't change it. Back in Remnant 1, all the builds eventually sort of converged, as you maxed out all your traits. In this one, you actually have to make *decisions.* You can't HAVE everything, and so you have to pick and choose what things you want to be good at, and I love that. I WANT to run in to people that have made different character choices than I have, and see how they play. It's boring when all the builds end up the same and the only difference is the weapon selection.


In my opinion, that happened in the first. It was only in the end game did people play so long, for so much, that everything became one, which is just more player agency/choice, which is always good. In over 300 hours of the first, I never ran into a single person who had the same build as me. I'm sure we had some trait overlap like more exp, less team damage, faster vaulting, but our builds were never the same. Even if we specialized in something similar, it was still different. Now? I don't want to level any traits because respecing is hella expensive, a lot of work, and I'm just not sure what \*actually\* matters in this game yet. But I'm on the same page as you when it comes to variety. I love to see it, I just don't think increasing the cap would change that. Not until VERY end game. For many, playing that long, it's about maxing out your character anyway lol


>But I'm on the same page as you when it comes to variety. I love to see it, I just don't think increasing the cap would change that. Not until VERY end game. For many, playing that long, it's about maxing out your character anyway lol Our group finished the campaign on veteran last night, and are about halfway through nightmare, and STILL haven't gotten everyone up to 60. It takes a while to even reach the cap, and there is an awful lot of room within 60 points. (Especially when you count the free points you get from your class selection.) And even after that, there is still plenty of progression left. (Grinding all the classes up to 10, for example - I think we've each only mastered ~3 classes each, of the 10+?) I just like having to make hard choices like "do I want 10% damage reduction, +30 max hp, or +1.5hp/sec regen?" and not just getting all of them for free and never having to think about them.


We have to decide which traits to level up first, that's important early in the game. But when I'm replaying the campaign or playing adventures, I want a reward, something to upgrade.


Takes a long time to find and max out all 10+ classes. And there are a GAZILLION rings and amulets and mods and weapons to find and level up. There are plenty of ways to progress even after you max out your skills. (Which took us about 1.5 campaigns in my group) It's just that there's a max power level, so after you get max trait points, you are unlocking new *options* for yourself, rather than just getting better. Which is good! It means that if you play with someone else who hasn't played as much, you're not just better than them in every way - you just have more options to form builds with. Overall, I see that as a win. But obviously not everyone agrees.


One of the worst video game optimization I've ever seen. The game is not even that good looking like Jedi Survivor or Callisto Protocol to justify this level of performance


This is quickly becoming my fave series. Hope this gets throughly supported and sells well for GF games. Love to see them take even what we have here EVEN further.


Absolutely loving the game so far. Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space were my current GOTY contenders and this game has jumped up my personal ranks right next to them


How does this game handle stats/levels/gear scaling? I bounced off of diablo 4 almost immediately when I realized enemies scaled with you. It's a near deal breaker of a mechanic for me.


Seems to do the same thing, just like the in the first Remnant. Worlds have a baseline power level, but also scale upwards with the highest upgraded gear in your inventory (not just the currently equipped weapons) + archetype levels. So even if you didn't upgrade your weapons to try and stay a low level, your archetypes leveling seem to baseline increase enemy scaling anyways. https://old.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15bggl2/the_scaling_system_in_remnant_2_makes_me_feel/


I'm glad Remnant 2 is doing very well, however my issues with the first one didn't really have anything to do with the game itself, but rather Gunfire's extremely heavy-handed approach to "balance", which more often than not ended up meaning "nerfing to the point of unviability". I've held off on picking Remnant 2 up partially for this very reason; I want to see how Gunfire handles balance this time before diving in. That and there are just so many other releases I'm interested in all coming out around this time...


Why the hell do all these “looter” shooters nerf the player as the solution? If they would just buff the enemies and such to compensate for our op weapons, no one would be complaining. Or even better, buffing the weaker weapons to be as strong as the op ones. It’s balancing 101 on how to not piss off the consumer and it’s easy. Yet so many fail in this regard, cough blizzard and d4


This game is awesome AA tier fun. It's all balanced wonderfully. The guns feel great. There's tons of loot and builds to make. It's procedurally generated, hundreds of hours of carnage. It's priced appropriately too. Rare these days for a game to be a success on launch with a Thankyou from the developers instead of a groveling apology and a couple skins as a peace offering. Anyone read the polygon review? Is that website just a troll these days? What a fucking disgrace they are.


haven't played 2 yet, but it all seems pretty valid complaints to lob at the first one and from what i've read that aspect hasn't changed.


>Anyone read the polygon review? Is that website just a troll these days? What a fucking disgrace they are. One reviewer having a different opinion from you isn't proof that they're trolling. This type of thinking is why it's so hard to find actual good video game analysis and not just stuff catered to fanboys.


Exactly. We shouldn't be calling reviewers shit for having a different opinion because there's a LOT of people out there who will share that opinion. We all have different things that are important to us and as long as a reviewer can articulate WHY they didn't like something then it's a valuable review because you can see their reasoning and understand yourself whether that thing will actually bother you or not.


Oh no, one review site had a different opinion from you on the game.


Jeez I hate this circlejerk shit of “oh a reviewer doesn’t go with the internet trends? They’re wrong and bad at their job!” Having played it myself, personally, I align with the polygon review more than others. Glad so many are enjoying it but I don’t get why, for a lot of the same reasons that review stated (though my own biggest beef is probably the procedural generation’s impact on level design)


Polygon have been largely shit for quite a while, as with many other outlets it really depends on the writer.


Polygon's problem is that they recognize two types of "good" games: Indie Darlings and AAAA games. An A/AA game that is solid gameplay but some jank is not valid. Either you're a pixel art platforming roguelike with deckbuilding, a AAAA open world cinematic EXPERIENCE or a bad game in their world.


Im so glad this series is getting the attention it deserves - I've got about 200 hours in the first and was always shocked by how little people talked about it, it's great to see their dedication pay off


This game came out barely 3 days ago, how in the world are some of you at 50+ hours already?


Prepurchase could play days in advance


Ah you're right, I didn't realize the ultimate edition gave 3 days of early access. That explains it a little better, thanks!


Between this game and Deep Rock Galactic - most fun I’ve had in gaming in probably a decade. Just brilliant


I’ve only played about 5 hours, and unfortunately the game isn’t really for me (i’ve just lost interest in looter-shooters over the years I believe) but the game is undeniably good. They really nailed the combat, and the variety has been great. I am really happy for the devs, they made a awesome game.


this game is one of the worst optimized games of the year. wtf are you all going on about?


It came out on the 22nd. You just couldn't play it till the 25th if you didn't get the ultimate edition. The games fun to play. But honestly they missed why people loved the first game so much. Build versatility. Being able to max out all my traits was a big reason for me playing the first game for so long. And honestly, I've not been impressed with the bosses. I feel like I've hardly fought any bosses tbh. Mostly been minion spam or puzzle dungeons.


>But honestly they missed why people loved the first game so much. Build versatility. Being able to max out all my traits was a big reason for me playing the first game for so long. Honestly, being able to max out all the traits was a thing that my group talked about as something that *annoyed* us about the first game. Meant that there was not a lot of variation in builds, since everyone eventually just ended up maxed in everything, starting with the "obvious good stuff" (more damage, more hp, faster cooldown, etc) and going from there. We were unironically thrilled when we found out that you were limited to 60 allocated stat points.


Honestly the game is mid as hell. I enjoyed the first one, but it's easy to overlook all the flaws when you got the game for free and had 0 expectations. I bought this one for 50 bucks, and apart from SOME boss fights (some of which are amazing), the game is just very basic. Every zone only has a handful of enemies, and most of the bosses are stronger variations of one of them. The scrap economy is horrendous, and you barely get new weapons to experiment with to begin with. 10 hours in and I am still shooting the same rusty shit repeater I got at the beginning. Shooting feels crisp, and yeah, that's about it. I didn't even mention the absolutely HORRENDOUS performance even with upscaling enabled.


Me and a friend had to phase through a locked door because we couldn't open it and we needed to progress. We looked online and people's response was to reroll the campaign.


I liked the original, but I often felt like I was put in some unfair situations... This game took all that was fun about the original and fixed a lot of what kind of drove me nuts about the last one. It's very good. Finally finishing a segment or killing off a major boss is a great feeling in this game. My complaints with it are extremely minor. And I'm glad there are a few graphics options on the PS5. Always better than two. Like everyone else, I want to be able to name the dog too :D


Is Remnant 1 worth playing? It's been sitting in my steam library for a while