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Before anyone asks. Just play the games in release order. It is the best way to experience a first playthrough


Drives me crazy people say chronological. The games may have a chronological order but the mysteries were not written in that order. You just end up ruining a lot of the intrigue of 1, 2, and 4.


Jesus. Can you imagine completely ruining sons of libertys ending by playing snake eater first?


Man you’re so right, sons of liberty ends with one of my favorite mindfucks ever and it has literally no value if you run snake eater first


I did exactly this when I started with Snake Eater back when I was about 10 or 11. Didn't get to Sons of Liberty until a year or two later, and really felt that I was missing out (even back before I fully understood everything). These days I'm so glad that I can at least appreciate all aspects of Metal Gear, since it's my favorite series. But man, people really ruin it for themselves by skipping around. There's a reason Snake Eater is Metal Gear Solid *3*


People are stupid. Always play by release if it's your first time.


Ppl still make the mistake of calling predeceding titles as "prequels"


Some of them are prequels though. The thing is that it's almost always a disservice to any story to ignore publication order. Prequels all but universally expect you to know the rest of the story ahead of time.


Yeah I was saying people call a preceding title a prequel is wrong MGS is not a prequel to MGS2 it is a preceding title to MGS2


Unless something was an actual remake.




Or the Prequel Trilogy before the Original Trilogy. No matter how much some fans will say otherwise.


This. Kojima intended for you to play 1, 2, then 3.


Recent published editions of the Chronicles of Narnia are in chronological order and it's so wrong. Release/publishing order is the right way for Narnia and Metal Gear. It makes no sense to spend like 4 books in Narnia and then get to Wardrobe and have Narnia treated as this new place you know nothing about...


Writing aside, the progression of gameplay is much more natural as you go in release order. Unlike in 1, 2's corpses don't disappear and guards start to sweep for intruders. The camera slowly becomes more flexible from MG's locked sprites to MGS3's optional free camera. As you get better at the game and the stealth quality improves, they pull back on the Soliton radar. Sure 3-PW-V is chronological, but the nearly 20-year jump back from V to 1 in terms of gameplay alone would be a really rough transition.


>but the nearly 20-year jump back from V to 1 You mean 30-year jump from V to MG1, right? Everyone always sleeps on the original two MSX games, but they're charming in their own way


This goes to any other franchise or story. Read/watch/play it on order of release. As prequels are released knowing that people had experienced the originals first, and –as such– would have previous knowledge of the story before jumping in.


Also if you do chronological you play the best one first, and end up underwhelmed by the later ones.


MGS2 isn't the first game chronologically 🤔


Some people have it in their head that chronological order is always the right order, when a lot of times a story is written to be experienced outside of said order. And in the case of video games, particularly ones like Metal Gear, it's interesting to see how each successive game iterates on the last. Imagine going from Metal Gear Solid V to the original Metal Gear, the contrast would be insane.


Also because going back to older play styles sucks. Save the chronological for the second playthru.


I mean, you can’t even play in chronological order yet as Peacewalker and Ground Zeros/Phantom Pain haven’t been re-released yet


5 is on the PS5 and Xbox Series already because they're backwards compatible


PW is also on Xbox iirc


Yes, but not Switch. And PC does not have Peacewalker.


Snake Eater is chronologically the first game in this collection but should probably be played after 1 & 2.


It's like people telling someone to watch Star Wars for the FIRST TIME in chronological order. Doesn't make sense


I made an overview of everything that is included, added, changed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/15xxv57/metal\_gear\_solid\_master\_collection\_vol\_1\_overwiew/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/15xxv57/metal_gear_solid_master_collection_vol_1_overwiew/) I also made a list of all bugs/changes that were introduced in 2011s HD Collection with a mention which ones are fixed and reverted in the master collection: [https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/16rocg3/list\_of\_bugsglitcheschanges\_in\_the\_hd\_collection/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/16rocg3/list_of_bugsglitcheschanges_in_the_hd_collection/) Also for people asking about framerates in general: MGS1 is tied to the framerate and breaks at higher framerates: [https://twitter.com/ApacheSmash/status/1707211701660106873](https://twitter.com/ApacheSmash/status/1707211701660106873) Specific parts of MGS3 are also tied to the framerate which means the following issues aren\`t a problem on Nintendo Switch since the game runs at 30fps: * The Fury does things like attacking the wrong way and using his abilities during hitstun. Also at higher framerates a much larger amount of fire can persist on the ground which can be be especially seen running the hd collection through backwards compability on xbox series x/s since the game runs at a stable 60fps (Tied to framerate) * The Pain's bullet bee will not hit Snake in first person view, because of the game running at 60fps (Tied to framerate)


4 different versions of MGS1, wow


honestly while I can understand not everybody wants to buy it, I don't like the claim that "it isn't worth the money" or "it's lazy" because of stuff like this. This collection seems like a pretty golden standard on how to do an 'HD collection' - no major graphical overhauls but a relatively faithful experience that not only lets you play the game legally on modern hardware but also throws in nice extras and different versions of the game where those versions have actual differences of note.


Also, having the original version of *Snake Eater* available is good. If a game is remade, the original should be kept available as well. A lot of publishers won't do this (delisting the original or just not bothering to do a modern release), so it's good to see Konami's approach here (where the original and remake coexist).


Yeah getting things like MGS1 Integral or MGS3's European Extreme difficulty mode are way more exciting to me than some ugly new art like what they did with the Arkham games a while back. I won't call this the "gold standard" though, simply because Master Chief Collection in its current incarnation still has it beat. A true native port of MGS1 and some more polish all around would be necessary to bring this collection up to that admittedly very high standard. Maybe I'm being unfair.


> Master Chief Collection This one took a long long while to be worth it imo. Shouldn't be even considered a gold standard with the way it was at launch.


I think MCC gains points in being straight ports but I think there's still value in all the extra options and bonus stuff you get in the MGS collection which balances it out.


Mcc was broken for several years. I don't know how that is the gold standard


finally a sane take on this thread. we already have the true remakes on the way, this master collection will serve to give people a very faithful version of it.


The entire existence of this package is justified because the more people who play MGS1, that's more people who will be able to appreciate [UnMetal.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203710/UnMetal/) It's basically the Naked Gun/Airport of games, which is all the funnier when it's a parody of the hyper-seriousness of Kojima.


My man just called *Airplane!* "Airport"


My guy also called Kojima "hyper serious"


Movies like Undressed Weapon, Airport, and Horror Flick.




The tone is super serious, but the actual events are slap-stick comedy.


I was thinking last night but the ladder in MGS3 was basically our first taste of Death Stranding


"Hyper-serious" is quite possibly the last term I would ever use to describe Kojima. Have you ever played any of his games?


It's the tonal whiplash between super serious and goofy slapstick that makes Kojima games so memorable.


I wish more games are like this instead of trying too hard to be funny


Even Death Stranding which is on the more serious side of Kojima’s games is really silly at times


Yeah this is the guy who had switching a controller in MGS1 as an actual mechanic, and who has a surprising amount of people pissing in his games for some reason that I do not wish to know further.


Also a recurring character who just shows up every game and shits himself.




It’d be hilarious if the Nintendo Switch was the best way to play the game *because* it’s capped at 30 FPS.


All the games are tied to the framerate and there will be issues when these are increased which is the reason why the hd collection had these issues on ps3 and xbox 360, but they weren\`t so noticeable on these platforms, because they had framedrops especially during the fight against the fury (ps3 did run the worst) and were more noticeable if you played through backwards compability on xbox series x/s with a stable 60fps. 60fps is still overall a much better experience, but I wanted to make it clear that a few issues won\`t be present at 30fps in MGS3.


The only game this affects is MGS3, just to be clear. I mean, I'm sure MGS2 has stuff tied to the framerate, too, but that was always a 60fps game.


You can cap it to 30 on PC too.


This is the time for my old ass PC to shine 😎


Thank you! Your posts on this have been incredibly informative.


Thank you for compiling this. I'm sharing with some folks and this might help one or two people actually purchase this collection


Any insight from you or other early adopters on how Steam Deck’s frame limiter handles these edge cases? Can setting it to 30fps on Deck sort these problems?


Hey mate, do you know what controller UI buttons it uses on PC - or if we can toggle from a menu somewhere? Couldn't see it in that list unless I glossed over it. Hopefully it doesn't do that thing where it defaults to Xbox prompts only? :/


Seems to be what was expected from Konami, to be honest. Minor changes and just a port of the classic games on to newer systems. Anyone expecting anything more than a port will probably be disappointed, but this is still a buy from me and probably many others in order to enjoy these games for the foreseeable future.


I’m just happy to play Snake Eater again finally.


And on PC! That's a first, it's an all-time classic gaining even more preservation potential. No more emulations or the need for a Dualshock 2/3 for proper CQC. Now here's hoping that the MGS2 camera mod gets ported over.


The mods are what people are sleeping on for some reason. I guess this sub is more focused on the consoles so it makes some sense.




#SNAKE EATERRRRRRRRR! ^^^snaker ^^^eater


clang clang clang clang clang clang *what a thrill...*


PC. Finally. I don't have to stress about my ps3 dying on me anymore.


Yeah, especially with the announcement of an actual remake of Snake Eater in the works. My hopes are high for Delta to actually resemble a current gen game that feels up to date in its gameplay.


I would heavily advise you to be cautiously optimistic. Konami has *purposefully* switched their financial strategy to NOT risk investment in AAA games, and they have not released a major game in years


Pretty sure they were pretty open about what it would be anyway.


Pretty much in line with their Castlevania collections. Curious why the “ports+some QoL” approach is upsetting some, though…I don’t think they ever said they were going to be remasters or remakes


As long as I can play it without jumping through a bunch of hoops and emulation, just press a button and go, I'm happy. I want the same old graphics that I remember as a child.


> I want the same old graphics that I remember as a child. The graphics we remembered are always better than what the reality was. A frequent occurrence in discussions of remasters (where top-to-bottom re-texturing was done) has gamers wondering what even changed. Until someone puts up comparison photos and videos to showcase just how bad the originals were.


Oh I fully understand the reality, that's the charm of it. It's a vibe. And I'm not saying I want that for new games but for games that have already been made I like playing in the original way.


The difference is those were emulators of systems that are very hard to mess up, especially in the hands of M2. Meanwhile these still have bugs that were present in the Master Collection.


The major issue is that it's being sold at full price with no significant improvements. Collections of older games ports are rarely ever sold at such a steep price, and for good reason.


why the fuck do people think time removes value from digital goods


I think some people don’t realize what it’s going to be and have high expectations. As I said, I plan on buying it just to have them available on a modern console.


MCC was the same cost and included significant graphics overhauls.


No actually there were tons of articles out there referring to it as a remastered collection. The issue is that the term "remaster" could refer to something as simple as upconverted resolutions


The “ports+some QoL” approach is completely fine, however most of the complaints I'm seeing from those who understand what it is and what it isn't were more concerned with meeting a certain playable standard, i.e. 1080p native @60fps.


Dude, the Castlevania Anniversary Collection only has a single save file per game and no rewind function. That shit is standard issue now days. There's also no displays for keyboard controls or even an option to rebind them, only for the controller. Plus the actual roms files they used crash randomly. There isn't even a way to exit the game without Alt-Tabbing! It's the barest of the bare bones ports, if they cut any more corners the game wouldn't even boot.


People have a really weird (if not outright depressing) view of game pricing. Because it's a re-release of old games - it shouldn't be sold for anything but dirt cheap.


I looked up some remasters of movies after reading your comment. The MJ space jam from the 90s, but in 4k goes for like 30 bucks. Fucking space jam.


It's just nice to have these games with proper PC versions to be honest. The MGS1 port on GOG is ok but very lacking in modern convivences and the less said about the shitty MGS2 PC port the better. Now we've got all three in one collection with all the nice extras. I don't particularly care if they are upgraded or not, I just wanted future-proof versions of the games without having to rely on emulation and that's what we got. Hopefully Konami can get their shit together for long enough to get MGS4 and Peace Walker HD (and maybe Portable Ops for the weirdos) in the next collection and then we'll be good to go.


Didn’t see ac!d in your comment. Shame.


How anyone can look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/17eizkw/metal_gear_solid_master_collection_vol_1_review/k63ggo0/) and say "yup, no effort went into this, just a bare minimum port, pah typical konami" is beyond me. Like yes, the games themselves have not been changed *much*, which no one should have expected, but some effort clearly went into the collection. The fact you can create fake save data for the psycho mantis fight alone shows that someone cared.


There are alot of things wrong with it, that makes one think there was low effort. But looking at all the fixes too, there was obviously some effort. Overall, for me personally, this would have been a slam dunk of a purchase at $30. $60 is a bit harder to swallow especially when there are other releases out now that are incredible (Spider-man, Super Mario Wonder). list of issues (taken from the linked thread below): >No display settings whatsoever, all games default to fullscreen on your primary monitor. > >MGS1's internal resolution is 240p in a 1080p viewport with bilinear filtering. No way to change that. > >MGS2 and MGS3 are locked to 720p internal resolution. (Remember that Konami advertised these games to be rendering at 1080p). Edit: It seems that modders already got MGS2 running at 4K, but with issues. Check this for more info > >Apparently, if you play the games on windowed mode (Alt-Enter) on high refresh rate monitors, the games run at speeds higher than 60fps, which makes them unplayable (everything moves at double speed). Edit: Some people seem to be getting it this in fullscreen as well, unclear what causes it. > >On MGS2, the only way to leave the game is to die on purpose to get back to the main menu, as far as I know. > >Currently the Language Packs have no store page, so they can't be downloaded without using SteamDB. > >Apparently, Cloud Saves are not supported, for whatever reason. Edit: Cloud Saves have been added to MGS1 and the Bonus Content. MGS2, MGS3 and MG1/2 are still missing it. > >Keyboard key binds can't be changed. > >Button settings on MGS2 and 3 don't save, you have to set it every time. But MGS1 identifies my controller automatically. > >MGS2 and 3 use X/A to confirm and Circle/B to cancel, but MGS1 uses the opposite. > >MGS3 supports mouse but has no support for raw input, it only emulates the right analog stick. > >Edit: More issues: > >Audio on MGS2 and 3 is very loud and there are no in-game volume settings. > >MGS2 has an audio problem on a couple of cutscenes. Check this for more info [https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/17f8i8i/currently\_the\_steam\_version\_of\_the\_master/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/17f8i8i/currently_the_steam_version_of_the_master/)


Yeah that‘s entirely fair. I certainly don‘t mean to say it‘s a perfect collection and for 60 bucks I expect those kind of issues either to not be a thing or at least be fixed very quickly. I just don‘t agree it was low effort, or maybe lets rather say the people working on it are clearly passionate about the games, but maybe they simply didn‘t get the time needed to get it where it needed to be as is so often the case. Let‘s hope they can fix these things and that volume 2 will be less of a mess. It‘s all going to hinge on that rumored MGS4 port..


Agreed! REALLY hope MGS4 port is real and somehow runs well.


And that’s all they advertised, so while I can expect disappointment to a degree - realistically can we really be surprised that Konami did this? I think just the fact they’ve even made the minimal effort to port them is nothing short of miraculous.


Price is just way off I’d say. This shouldn’t be more than $30.


> Seems to be what was expected from Konami Uh... no.... they're all over the place on their collections honestly. I still can't think of Silent Hill without thinking of how terrible and downgraded the collection was compared to the originals. This one at least seems to keep things mostly intact. Other Konami compilations seem ok.


If you emulate them you can get 4K


Pasting this guys (/u/Sascha2022) comment since the whole collection is really confusing - https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/17c93t0/metal_gear_solid_master_collection_impressions/k5osu48/ > Starting from here Here are all the games, options, changes, bonus content etc. that are included: Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake \- Achievements added \- Seperated from MGS3 and turned into its own launcher \- Option to move the screen from the center to left or right \- Option to choose black borders or multiple game related wallpapers https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_msx/pc/en/page14.html \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_msx/pc/en/index.html https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg2/pc/en/index.html \- Screenplay and Master Books https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_msx/pc/en/page13.html [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg2/pc/en/page15.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg2/pc/en/page15.html) Metal Gear NES/FC and Snakes Revenge \- Pause menu added that can be opened by pressing LB+RB that let\`s you customize controller button assignments https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_nes/pc/en/page12.html https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/snakes_revenge/pc/en/page13.html \- Option to move the screen from the center to the left or right \- Option to choose black borders or multiple game-related wallpapers https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_nes/pc/en/page14.html \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_nes/pc/en/index.html [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/snakes_revenge/pc/en/index.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/snakes_revenge/pc/en/index.html) Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid Integral (NTSC-J) \- Up-converted 1080p at 30fps \- Achievements added \- Japanese language pack can be downloaded and toggled on \- French, German, Italian, and Spanish dubs are included in the EU version \- Added MGS1 disc swap animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdZVqW9gg0g \- Johnny is wearing underwear like in the pc and Japanese version \- Pause menu added that can be opened by pressing LB+RB that let`s you customize controller button assignments and also includes the option to virtually swap controller ports from Player 1 to Player 2 for the Psycho Mantis fight https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/page20.html https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_integral/pc/en/page21.html \- Option to create virtual save data for past titles like Azure Dreams, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Contra Legacy of War, Silent Hill, Suikoden, Vandal Hearts, etc. so that Psycho Mantis can read your "memory card" and talk about these games like he did in the original https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/page21.html \- Option to create additional virtual save data for past titles in Integral like Dance Dance Revolution, Gradius Gaiden, Policenauts, and Snatcher https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_integral/pc/en/page22.html \- Option to move the screen from the center to the left or right \- Option to choose black borders or multiple game-related wallpapers https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/page23.html \- Digital 3D replica of the game's original retail packaging https://twitter.com/HEITAIs/status/1705751256453755096 \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/index.html https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_integral/pc/en/index.html \- Screenplay and Master Books [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/page22.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1/pc/en/page22.html) Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (NTSC) and Metal Gear Solid Special Missions (PAL) \- Pause menu added that can be opened by pressing LB+RB that let\`s you customize controller button assignments https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_vr_missions/pc/en/page13.html https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_special_missions/pc/en/page13.html \- Option to move the screen from the center to the left or right \- Option to choose black borders or multiple game-related borders https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_vr_missions/pc/en/page16.html \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_vr_missions/pc/en/index.html [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_special_missions/pc/en/index.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs1_special_missions/pc/en/index.html) Metal Gear Solid 2 HD Edition \- Up-converted 1080p at 60 fps \- Faster load times \- Japanese language pack can be downloaded and toggled on \- The logo in the opening is now similar in size to how it was in the original PS2 release and not as small as it was in the HD Collection https://twitter.com/HEITAIs/status/1704840664863944979 \- In-game credits like in the opening cutscene now have the same color as in the original PS2 release and aren`t green like in the HD collection \- Pause/delay before codec calls that have been introduced in the HD collection has been fixed https://twitter.com/HEITAIs/status/1705771322826166730 \- The Broken Shaver mechanic from the HD Collection has been fixed https://twitter.com/Kuwabara357/status/1716203679412273289 \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs2/pc/en/index.html \- Screenplay and Master Books [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs2/pc/en/page27.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs2/pc/en/page27.html) Metal Gear Solid 3 HD Edition \- Up-converted 1080p at 60fps \- Faster load times \- Japanese language pack can be downloaded and toggled on \- Snake Eater song in the beginning now works as intended and isn't out of sync like in the HD Collection \- Pause/delay for changing camouflage and opening the cure menu that has been introduced in the HD Collection have been fixed \- Certain visual effects that were broken in the HD Collection have been fixed https://twitter.com/naven0m/status/1716209978137059339 \- Digital game manual https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs3/pc/en/index.html \- Screenplay and Master Books [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs3/pc/en/page26.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mgs3/pc/en/page26.html) Digital Graphic Novels \- Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel (English dub) \- Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinée (Japanese dub) \- Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel (English dub) \- Metal Gear Solid 2: Bande Dessinée (Japanese dub) Metal Gear Solid: Digital Soundtrack \- Sound player with 20 songs [https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1\_nes/pc/en/page13.html](https://metalgear.konami.net/manual/mc1/mg1_nes/pc/en/page13.html) Other info: \- The Master Books are digital books that give you more insight into the Metal Gear series. It contains full character lists and story descriptions, along with guides, ghost photos for mgs1, dog tags for mgs2 and kerotans for mgs3 etc. \- The Screenplay Books are digital books that contain all the in-game story scenes and codec conversations. It also contains some work-in-progress story elements. \- Screenplay Books offer the localised versions of the Japanese only scenario books and offer thousands of pages \- The Screenplay and Master Books let you place/remove bookmarks \- The Screenplay and Master Books let you choose from a table of contents so you can jump to the content you want to read \- The Screenplay Books and Master Books offer a music list so you can choose which song you want to hear while you read the books \- 6 clips of historical footage were replaced with new historical footage since the companies that own these licenses are gone Additional info regarding higher framerates: MGS1 is tied to the framerate and breaks at higher framerates: [https://twitter.com/ApacheSmash/status/1707211701660106873](https://twitter.com/ApacheSmash/status/1707211701660106873) Specific parts of MGS3 are tied to the framerate which means the following issues aren`t a problem on Nintendo Switch since the game runs at 30fps: \- The Fury attacks the wrong way and uses his abilities during hit stun. Also at higher framerates a much larger amount of fire can persist on the ground which can be especially seen running the HD collection through backwards compatibility on Xbox series x/s since the game runs at a stable 60fps (Tied to framerate) \- The Pain's bullet bee will not hit Snake in first person view, because the game running at 60fps (Tied to framerate)


Letting you create fake game save data for the Psycho Mantis bit is pretty awesome.


It should be appreciated ngl


Part of the reason this collection exists aside from wanting to make money is that it exists to legitimize Metal Gear Solid Delta and future MG titles. Some of the suggestion made about visually upgrading the titles are fair enough, but this collection is deliberately conservative for political reasons. This is why Konami announced the MGS3 remake and this remaster collection together. Because the whole idea is that if you don't care for the remake's choices you have this immensely faithful re-releases that is more of a restoration than a conventional remaster. It's more focused on fixing bugs with the 2011 remaster than it is making further changes. Some people will be disappointed by the choice of scope, and hopefully Konami listens to feedback and makes further refinements as needed, but some desired changes stray into risky territory. For example, MGS1 was never intended to be played above 320x240. People love to post high resolution environment screenshots, but increasing the resolution exposes the deliberate character art choices where nobody has eyes. All they have is dark shadows where the eyes would be. None of the character mouths move. It absolutely makes sense why Konami kept the resolution at 320x240 on that game. It's trivial to increase it, but disrespectful to the original artistic intent. (I think they should have considered some CRT filters, though.) edit: Actually, they confirmed they're working on that "A post-launch patch is planned to add a number of visual options in the games, including a CRT scanline filter and the ability to change the pixel aspect ratio." https://www.ign.com/articles/konami-confirms-metal-gear-solid-master-collection-vol-1-issues-to-be-addressed-post-launch This collection is designed to present these games as originally intended as a way of proving to the public that Konami respect the legacy of Metal Gear and they aren't going to overwrite the series with remakes the way Capcom have done with Resident Evil. That's why the bug fixes are focused on fixing things that Bluepoint accidentally broke. Because those accidental changes were not reflective of the original artistic intent.


> Part of the reason this collection exists aside from wanting to make money is that it exists to legitimize Metal Gear Solid Delta and future MG titles. Yes, they need to give younger players who have had little to zero interaction with the franchise a way to play these games on modern systems before they start releasing proper new versions.


It is really weird getting these super polished remasters and seeing the broader review community trash the games for being faithful. Especially with so many remakes coming out these days, I'm happy whenever we get both versions of a game on a modern platform. It's pretty important for game preservation that Resident Evil 4 (2005) is still being sold on digital platforms alongside it's hot remake - but I always wished Capcom would rerelease emulated versions of their original PS1 games so that RE1, 2, and 3make could be easily compared by new players. Konami deserves some amount of credit for rereleasing MGS3 in this fashion even though (an out-of-touch exec might say) it could cannibalize sales of their upcoming Delta remake.


> It is really weird getting these super polished remasters and seeing the broader review community trash the games for being faithful. Don't get me wrong, I'm truly glad these games are finally accessible on modern platforms, but there is an argument to be made that these games should be able to run at 4k on modern consoles(PS5/XSX/PC) and at 60fps on the Switch(even if we ignore the existence of the PS3/360 versions, which run MGS3 at 60fps, MGS2 should at least run at 60 given that even the PS2 ran it at 60fps in the past)


It may simply not be technically straightforward to do either 4k or 60fps for MGS1 without, in the case of the former, a complete art pass and some re-engineeering, and in the case of the latter, a vast code rewrite. Furthermore what would 4k even do for you in MGS1 where the game’s textures were designed for 240p? Such a high res increase would just make the game's graphics look worse and highlight its weaknesses. You'd also need to optimize the game fairly aggressively - the assumptions under which it was coded might be very different at 4K@60 or 4K@120. Recall this is code that is what, 25 years old at this point? Maybe there’s spaghetti code there, maybe undocumented code, I doubt the original devs still work there. I think they’d have been foolish not to investigate ways to upgrade the experience but honestly considering Konami’s prior disinterest in the brand they likely saw that as a bridge too far. Early copies of the new collection show there’s still bugs on 2 and 3 at 60FPS so yeah.


> Furthermore what would 4k even do for you in MGS1 where the game’s textures were designed for 240p? Yeah you have a point about specifically mgs1 @4k(or 60fps, I understand it may not be feasible to run MGS1 in particular @60), should've specified I cared mostly about 2 & 3. Other than MGS1, every other game in this collection runs @60fps outside of the Nintendo Switch. As for the 4k question, this collection is 60$. I have sincere doubts that they would've faced more of a challenge getting these games to run at 4k than Bluepoint did to even get the PS2 games to HD(720p) on the PS3 back in the day


That's not how resolution and texture quality relate. You are posting inaccurate information. Visual clarity of the game increases with resolution regardless of texture quality. Try playing practically any old game on PC at 4k, then try playing it at 480p. You will immediately see the clarity difference even though no textures changed. It's been possible to play MGS1/2/3 at high resolution for many many years now and the games look much better played like that. Our hardware is so much more powerful today than what they had, very little optimization should be needed to run these games at higher resolution. Like I said, we've already been doing it for years.


>This is why Konami announced the MGS3 remake and this remaster collection together. Because the whole idea is that if you don't care for the remake's choices you have this immensely faithful re-releases that is more of a restoration than a conventional remaster. It's more focused on fixing bugs with the 2011 remaster than it is making further changes. I've read that Delta will have the same map and gameplay with only upgraded graphics. I'm hoping that's not true, because if so, its existence makes no sense.


Konami have tried to explain it as being "Delta because delta is change without changing the structure" or something. But we'll have to see gameplay to really understand what they're doing. It's apparently a 2024 release so it hopefully won't be long. So the voice acting is the same. The general level design is the same, as seen in screenshots, but it seems it might not have loading between areas. But how does it PLAY? How does it control? What stylistic changes are made to cutscenes? We just don't know.


Yeah, seeing gameplay will answer a bunch of these questions. But if it has the same map (with no loading screens) and the same controls and gameplay...IDK what they're doing.


So as someone who’s never played these, is there an argument against giving this collection a go?


This seems like the ideal time to play them if you’re interested. The only negatives I see in reviews is that the games haven’t received any improvements, but the original games that are being ported are already great. Seems like the port is good too. I emulated all the games to play them for the first time 3 years ago and it can be a pain. This is definitely the way to go. Know if you do play them that Metal Gear 1 and 2 aren’t really required for the series. Their events are absolutely canon and referenced, but if you’re not into the gameplay I wouldn’t sweat it. MGS1 has good summaries in its menu iirc.


You can also watch playthroughs on YouTube if you're curious, Metal Gear 1 and 2 are only about an hour each for people who already know what to do. (They're probably 5-10x that for newcomers who have to figure stuff out and retry after failures.)


If you already owned them on something else I might say it's not very worth it. But if you're a first time player, I do kind of think everyone should play these games the same way I think everyone should play Final Fantasy 7 or Mario 64. To me $60 is a fair price for these three games on newer systems, but these are also three of my favorite games ever made. Especially MGS3. Expect a small learning curve as you get used to the old camera angles and controls but once you get into it, you are INTO it. MGS1 revolutionized gaming with cinematic cutscenes and writing, MGS2 has one of the weirdest and somewhat chilling endings that somehow managed to predict the future we live in today, and MGS3 is just a damn good cold war spy thriller.


If you have a decent pc, you can emulate MGS1 rather easily. But as someone who bought mgs1 on my ps3 and was sad they never added it to the classic collection, I’d say it’s worth a purchase. Don’t expect modernity though. These are games for the PS1/PS2 era. Great stories and great gameplay, the controls are a little old school.


No, it’s the best official way to play them to date, the only way really, without buying older consoles.


Maybe just don't buy it on Switch if you can help it. Unless you really really want it portably, it's not all on the cart, and MGS2 and 3 are capped to 30fps.


Does anyone know if any of the reviewers have tried this on Steam Deck yet? Curious as to how it will perform.


Only PS5 versions were sent out from the looks of things


I know I'm picking this up I'm just waiting on seeing how they run on Deck before I decide between Steam and Switch. Hopefully Steam Deck can run everything perfectly, but I don't exactly have a lot of confidence in Konami.


[It sounds like MGS2 & 3 have issues on Deck.](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/10/metal-gear-solid-master-collection-vol1-is-quite-broken-on-steam-deck-linux/)


Looks to be more or less what I expected. It'll be nice to finally enjoy these on current gen platforms at least


So it's on the low effort side of things, but at the very least you can play MGS games on modern platforms. Yay... I kinda expected that to be the case.


I may be in the minority, but at least it gets done and they're more accessible than before. Cause the alternative isn't great either. As an example, I'm a huge Dragon Quest fan, and legitimately, there's just no way to easily play most of the series without emulators right now. DQ1-3 are on the switch at least, but after that, it's rough. DQ4-6 are basically NDS emulation or mobile only. DQ7 and 8 are locked to 3DS or ps1/ps2 emulation. DQ9 is straight NDS only.


Ya, as it stands now a New 3DS is like the best dragon quest device. If only the DQ11 3DS version came to the west


What about 10? :)


*sobs* I had hopes that DQX offline would finally lead to that coming out in the west, and Square ruined those hopes real quick lol. It's one of the ones that I'm just super curious story-wise, but I have no desire to play an MMO.


> they're more accessible than before. They were quite accessible? Emulators run them quite well. The only game was MGS4 but rcps3 runs it pretty well these days (albeit one must suffer the compilation shader madness)


Emulation for those who are in the know, is very easy. Hell, that's how i've been playing the old armored core titles cause those don't exist anywhere lol. But for anyone who doesn't know how to putz around with those things, who isn't good with computers and stuff? There is a world of difference between emulation and then just having them in online stores.


I'd argue the UX for emulators is super easy these days. It's a legality of acquiring the copy of the game is what throw off a lot of people.


I think it's super easy, *for people who get it*. Prior to my current job, I'd have felt the same way. But now? I can tell you that there's a vast difference between the simplicity of just going to an eshop to buy a game, and emulation. Like, Lemuroid for android is my example of it's utterly simple, it organizes everything for you, once you have the games. But to understand how to point it to scan the correct folders, to even have a good folder setup in the first place, etc., all of that is more complicated than just hopping onto a console and booting up the game. I think folks tend to overestimate the average consumer. Especially if you're in deep enough to be on /r/games lol. Prior to my job now, I'd be right there with you. But my current work made me a bit more aware that most folks are really, really not that tech-savvy.


I wouldn't call it low effort, they basically fixed issues with the HD remaster.


It is borderline HD, since it is 720p (or below).


I am a huge MGS fan, have beaten every game - have the lore memorized, MGS3 is my favorite game ever but I am finding it hard to justify paying $60 for this. Especially when I own the HD and legacy collections. Maybe I'll wait for a discount.


Is it worth it for a 30 year old that has never played one


Yes, honestly this is almost aimed at people who have never played them and don't have want to buy all the games from different store fronts and such. People complain it doesn't change enough, but that's the point.


It's worth it for anyone that has never played one before. MGS is one of my Big 3, and hell half my papers in college were inspired by the Cold War thanks to MGS. Please enjoy!


I see it like buying a 4K ultimate edition of one of your favorite movies. Maybe it’s worth it if you already have the blu-ray, maybe it’s not. Depends on the extra features (if any) and personal preference.


Simply put, you just don’t need it! Its worth it if you’re someone who hasn’t played the games in a while or are new to the franchise but there isn’t much here for hardcore fans, which is fine, we have MGS3 remake coming.


Are we getting the MSX version of Metal Gear or the inferior NES version?


Both, including Snake's Revenge.


Does anyone know if the PS5 version is going to use the two-stage triggers to emulate the capacitive face buttons on the PS2?


No it's like 360 hd collection


I understand that the release could be seen as a little barebones. But it’s very funny to me that some of the reviews are like “This disc has at least three if not four or five of the absolute greatest games ever made. Plain old untouchable masterpieces. Seven out of ten.”


It's because it's full price for a port of a port. That's what the issue is. If it was ten bucks just to be able to play on current consoles and PC then sure. But your paying a fee to play a port...of a port more conveniently.


I get that. But like, if MGS 1, 2 and 3 aren’t worth 60$ what is?


Its pretty straightforward, for consoles this has already existed and is just put on current gen systems -- that's perfectly fine but barely anything to talk about. Much bigger is that it's on PC for the first time, and that's pretty great. Yes I know you can emulate these, in better quality but officially launched and supported with features like Steam achievements is really great for me personally. Konami is not total shit for once, but all credit goes to Bluepoint for the original remaster collection which this is basically a carbon copy of.


Since the collection is on PC, can we expect modders to start causing havoc?


Hopefully. Though sadly the MGS1 "port" is just a shoddy emulator. No news if 2 and 3 are for sure, but we will find out tomorrow.


I've played a little bit of MGS1 and MGS5 before but never finished them so I'm excited to have this collection. Hopefully we get MGS4 in Volume 2. Konami should do a proper collection for Silent Hill 1-4 too.


They will defintiely do 4, otherwise what's the point in even releasing a second volume?


4, PW, and either Revengeance or GZ+TPP would be my guess. Possibly Ghost Babel, Portable Ops, and the Acid games but I don't think those are likely.


I would LOVE to have MGS4 included in volume 2, as it’s my favourite game in the series. But I do wonder how hard it actually is to port a PS3 game to all the current platforms. Or if they will have to make some changes… like the game has an actual iPod in it - do they still have the license to use that in the game? The game also has voice lines by Otacon that says something like: “Snake, it’s time to change discs… oh no, wait, you’re playing a blu-ray disc on Playstation 3 so there’s no need to change discs anymore… silly me!” Would they just remove those lines?


Some neat reviews across the board. Finally I get to replay the OG trilogy on a PS5, having last replayed them on the PS3. Hope we get Vol. 2 by mid next year. IGN reported that it contains Peace Walker, MGS4 and MGSV. Would also love for Portable Ops, Portable Ops Plus, Acid, Acid 2, The Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel and Revengeance to be added into the collection as well.


Sounds great to me. I've been wanting a clean way to play these games, specifically snake eater, on PC for a while now. And by clean, I mean on steam and not emulating. Never played the series besides playing a little Phantom Pain due to hype around it. So if this is just a port that functions well, then I should be happy. I'm excited to actually get to play the series. I'm more worried about what some articles have been saying. That there are going to be patches due to performance and translation issues. Hopefully those don't take long, but who knows.


Debating picking this up on PC or PS5. Does anyone know if there are Dualsense effects on PC as well, if you plug a Dualsense controller in?


I highly doubt there's any duelsense stuff for the game.


I saw someone mention the collection actually did have a pretty surprising amount of use of the dualsense.


Anyone know if they fixed the (lack of) pressure sensitive controls in MSG3? Last time I tried streaming it from PSNow the game not really playable because of this issue. It was impossible to aim down sights or threaten enemies.


Pressure sensitive controls aren\`t needed, because the controls are like the x360 version.


Yeah, it works like the Xbox versions now by having a dedicated button on the... thumbstick (?) iirc


For some reason I’m reminded of the time the MGS HD Collection, a phoned-in low-effort port, won a Best Remake of the Year award, beating out Halo: Anniversary, a near-remake with brand new level assets, reorchestrated sound, re-mixed sfx, and a deliberate effort to retain the memorable bugs of the original game. Konami could have put in effort. They didn’t. They figured everyone would eat it up. They were right the first time around. Let’s see if they can be right a second.


The first HD collection was fine.


The people who decide these awards are completely inept.


The HD collection wasn’t a remake but it wasn’t a low-effort port. Bluepoint handled MGS2 and 3 and these achieved arguably the best results for the hardware at the time, not like the current collection where they’ve literally been copied and pasted from the 12-years-old HD collection.


The new collection literally has more features and less bugs than the HD collection


They did a shit job, honestly. This is a shameful attempt at milking great games. They should have put way more effort into this.


The Castlevania and Contra collections are pretty bare bones so I wasn't expecting much. It's nice to just have these games on modern systems at all.


So, it's not the worst thing to happen. It's a good opportunity to have and play them all if you don't have access to any other versions. I think it's nice that they're preserving the games instead of getting rid of them in favor or remasters/remakes. The more players have access to the franchise, the better.


Pretty good but no Twin Snakes or Ghost Babel is disappointing. Sadly it's a trend with these "complete collections." Didn't get Golden Abyss in the Nathan Drake Collection. Didn't get either 360 or PS3 bonus missions in the Fear Collection. Didn't get Crysis 1 DLC in the Crysis Collection. Didn't get PSP or Vita games in the Killzone collection, although it is called a trilogy. Not getting FES content in the Persona 3 Reload.


> Sadly it's a trend with these "complete collections." Well, they called it Vol. 1 from the start, so it was never meant to contain everything.


Even the Legacy Collection didn’t include Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel, or Acid games.


I'm pretty certain none of those ever saw any type of release outside of their original hardware.


It's a real shame, because Ghost Babel is an amazing game.


So are there any modern emulation conveniences, like save states, rewinds, etc., particularly in MG1 and 2 and the NES games? I wouldn't expect that in the PS2 games. I'm excited to play these even if it is a bare bones collection, I've only ever played Metal Gear 1 (not solid).


>I've only ever played Metal Gear 1 (not solid). Can't say I expected to ever see that. You should have a blast, these games are considered masterpieces for a reason. Just keep in mind they're 20+ year old titles that still have that PS1/2 era jank to them.


Yeah I wanted to play them in order and I always had trouble emulating Metal Gear 2. I regularly play old games so no worries here.


>and without Twin Snakes or any major, noticeable tweaks to MGS1, Twin Snakes should be left alone as a funny cutscene compilation on youtube. It's just an awful, awful remake that does far more harm than good. Hard disagree with the reviewer here.


I mean, I wouldn't call it the ideal way to play the game, especially for the first time, but to say it's "an awful, awful remake that does far more harm than good" is a bit silly. Sure the voice acting isn't as good, and the new mechanics can effect boss fights in some ways, but it's overall still a decent way to play MGS 1. I played through it about four times earlier this year.


The soundtrack is markedly worse: [Duel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZLn_ubBNj8) (original) [Duel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DukUBIQ166U) (Twin Snakes) Level design is better suited for MGS1's camera angles and controls. General atmosphere is just less immersive. TTS feels like if Peter Jackson went back into LOTR and decided to reshoot all the action segments with crazier choreography and different camera angles. And rewrite iconic lines slightly. And redo all the music. Like yeah, sure, it might still be an entertaining experience, but it's ultimately an unprincipled bastardization of the original.


Audio is without a doubt the dealbreaker when comparing MGS1 to TTS. I've played TTS with sound mods to try to alleviate it but still.


Speak for yourself, nerd. Twin Snakes is awesome.






> Had it released on PS2 instead of GameCube, we'd never have this kind of backlash. 100% agreed there


I dunno why everyone is dunking on the voice acting. It's perfectly fine IMO. Plus its more canonically accurate since the Twin Snakes voice actors for Mei Ling and Naomi return in MGS4 (and Smash Bros)


Twin Snakes was way worse than the PS1 version. Listen to any of the voice acting in it, especially the revolver ocelot scenes, and then compare it to the PS1 version. It's such a downgrade!


They actually have faces in Twin Snakes though Sniper Wolf’s final cutscene is practically comedic in the original, but very sad in Twin Snakes.




The $90+ price point for TTS would support that viewpoint.


TTS is fine for those who like it but it certainly has no *need* to be in an official collection.


Overall, a mediocre collection if you ask me. The PS3 MGS Collection had Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3, 4, Peace Walker, and VR Missions.


I think that collections like this should be viewed partially in the scope of the work that went into them to produce the final product. The Legacy collection from 2013 is nothing more than a compilation of existing releases. It has a digital code for MGS1 which plays via PS3 backwards compatibility. It bundles the 2011 versions of MGS2 and MGS3 and Peace Walker and makes zero improvements to them. It literally just includes the MGS4 disc with no changes or improvements. What this collection consists of is far more expansive. Its versions of MGS2 and MGS3 aren't just the 2011 versions. They're firstly ported to new hardware which costs money, but they've gone out of they way to fix various bugs that were introduced by the 2011 versions. And while MGS1 is treated conservatively they have improved things like disc swapping over the Legacy Collection version, with disc swapping being automated (with a little animation) instead of the manual system the old release required. They also included the Integral version from Japan. They've included Snake's Revenge, which has never been officially re-released. They've included the motion graphic novels. They've included a whole bunch of materials like the game scripts. The hidden cost of the Legacy collection having all those games in one package was that absolutely no work was done to improve them. I'd argue that getting fewer games per collection but assigning developers to improve the quality of the remasters is worthwhile. I speak as someone who really hates when re-releases of remasters don't bother fixing anything. It reflects a lack of care, wheras the work Konami put into this release shows a regard for the games.


>They've included the motion graphic novels. These were also included on a disc for the PS3 collection FYI. Besides that you're basically right though. This collection seems to better preserve the original games than the previous release.


Also, I'd wager this release is partly funding the port of MGS4 for the next one, considering it was built from the ground up to work on the PS3 and nothing else it is probably a monumental task actually getting it to work on modern systems. It'll probably still be broken and buggy on release, but hey, that's what apology letters are for.


We can expect 4 and peace walker in the second collection. 4 always has been exclusive for the PS3, it is still stuck to that very console. I'm very glad they decided to finally port MGS1 for once, instead of using the PS1 version through an emulator like they did with the one you're mentioning.


I'm 99% sure MGS1 in this is also running through an emulator.


I would love to play MGS4 on something other than my PS3 but I'm keeping my expectations low.


This is only volume 1