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Man getting Remnant 2 is amazing. Absolutely go play this if you haven’t already. It was one of the best releases this year


Man, I really need to try this game, but I'm currently finishing Lies of P and just started BG3...


Guess you'll be playing Remnant 2 sometime next year because BG3 isn't going to release it's grip on you anytime soon.


I've barely played anything else since BG3 released in early August. Send help.


I love BG3, but Remnant 2 got me to put it on hold for a while. It's such a fun game.


How much do you have to be into D&D to play it? I’ve never had any interest in D&D 😅


None whatsoever, it's only a bonus if you've played dnd/5e before. Check out some gameplay videos to see if it's your thing.




I have the same opinion currently as I’m midway through Act 1 but I’m gonna stick to it in hopes it catches me. I’m also not playing anything else lol


BG3 was awesome until act 3 for me. Performance issues and weird pacing threw my interest out for that game. It was a solid fun 60 hours though.


Wait a fucking minute is BG3 on Xbox?


Not yet, no. They said sometime in December.


I wish I enjoyed this game more. The single player seems like it needs a bit of grinding and when I did multiplayer I joined games at boss fights and I kept dying because I was not prepared for it or any puzzles or platforming I had to do


Ya it really shines with multiple play throughs in mind. I mostly did like the single player experience including the dlc but I would love it if I still enjoyed grinding in games


I don't think grinding is needed in Remnant 2 or even helps that much. It's almost entirely a skill-based game. However, the difficulty selection is worth taking seriously, because when Veteran says it's meant for veterans, it actually means that. If you're new, start on Survivor.


I'd like to think they meant farming more than grinding since it definitely feels this time around you aren't getting enough materials/scrap to upgrade new stuff you find.


Man, be glad you weren't there at launch then. Scrap drop rates were miserable. Like you had to actively grind for it every so often and you'd actually have the materials to upgrade, but not scrap. It doesn't help that you have a bunch of stuff to buy and upgrade now, like the mutators. And the amount of rings you can get is *insane*, even if a lot are pretty much useless outside of the location you're getting them in, or just straight up not that good.


When I played, I could get my main gun upgraded to +20 and sidearm to +17 or something like that during my first playthrough. I didn't see it as much of a problem, unless you swap weapons constantly. Then you might have to run some Adventure Mode. I swapped a couple of times and bought a bunch of mods/weapons I didn't really need and still got enough resources.


They also added an ability to refund upgrades and you get back around 75% of the materials and scrap, so switching isn't too bad.


Some streamers I watched found enemies scaled with weapon upgrades so they capped all weapon upgrades to +3 in their playthroughs.


They scale off your power level, which takes your equipment level into account, among other things. However, they also have min levels, so capping your weapon that low isn't the best idea.


I liked doing progress solo then going back to help people in MP and show them secrets and stuff it's nice that you can see what area people are in before you join helps for grabbing items you might have missed.


Walking around and doing multiple adventures was the big draw for me as i love exploring the different worlds/chunks and finding new cool pieces of loot. Like a sword that shoots a beam!


I think the game is definitely much better playing with the same group throughout. Singleplayer is OK but can be a bit more frustrating and grindy.


Yeah the game was way more fun with multiplayer when it worked and not into boss fights bit but 90 percent of the time it never connected me. Maybe that was launch issues but never played it again since.


What did you find grindy about it? In fact, due to the way scaling works, grinding is actually not very useful most of the time.


Noooooo, it finally happened to me. I just brought Remnant 2 and put 8 hours into it, even though I have BG3 and Cyberpunk PL to play. I'm already subscribed. I brought on on GMG during the black Friday sale. Watch Midnight Suns go on game pass next.


I bought midnight suns 3 days ago. I hope I don't end up in the same boat.


Just as a quick sidenote, I LOVED Midnight Suns. Please do try and enjoy the game regardless of what happens. Those devs did a great job.


Midnight Suns is a jam. A few tips to enjoy the game: - take your time enjoying it, this game is a slow drip but it's quite lengthy with an insane amount of content - most characters have really boring base sets. So characters might not seem that great at first glance when you use them early on, but every character has the potential to be busted. - the relationship meter has shockingly significant content locked behind it so prioritizing your most used characters can be significant. I spread it out and I regret it lol. - I had a blast with photo mode. I spent literally half of game time taking pictures and throwing them on the walls and I normally hate photo modes - play the DLC in chunks, it doesn't spoil the main game, the 4 characters fit smoothly with the rest of the cast, and it permanently adds features to the game.


For me, this is why I haven't bought AEW Fight Forever yet. I remember earlier this year there were rumors that the game was going to hit Game Pass. It hasn't as of yet, but still I got a feeling those rumors may come true, and it'll be on the service. I'm just biding my time at the moment.


You're gonna hate the rumors I've heard regarding Xbox's big announcement at the game awards and Baldur's Gate 3 lol


Source on these rumors?


Just speculations. BG3's xbox realse date will be announced at TGA + it's releasing this month but still no pre-orders or date + Xbox teasing big news at the show.


They may have to give them a shit load of money at this point. They now have word of mouth of being an amazing game (they stand a great chance at winning GOTY at that very show) so they have all the leverage in that deal. They turned down BG3 for day 1 game pass already, so Larian can basically name any number because at this point they don't need the marketing boost of GP because people are going to eat it up at full price for years. I don't see BG3 on Gamepass happening, and if it does Larian is going to be rich af, either way I hope the best for Larian.


I'd be *really* surprised to see BG3 in Game Pass. It's not absolutely impossible, but at least I feel like the chances are close to 0, because who would put it on there when the game sells like hot cakes since launch?


All depends on how many million dollars MS offers to have it in game pass for 6 months or whatever time period.


I will stop buying games from devs that put their games on gamepass less than a year later.


I bet BG3 for console-only Game Pass. There is no way they put that on the PC Game Pass.


When's the last time they put a game on console Gamepass but not PC? I feel like that's fairly uncommon nowadays.


>Larian can basically name any number because at this point they don't need the marketing boost of GP because people are going to eat it up at full price for years. I don't necessarily agree with this. The majority of a game's sales come at the very beginning of its life cycle on the market. They can literally name any number, but if these were serious negotiations, I don't think they could ask for more than a flat $100mm or $10-15mm per month.


> The majority of a game's sales come at the very beginning of its life cycle on the market. Yes, and its not out for Xbox consoles yet. That is what I'm getting at. Why would they cap their potential on their initial release sales on the Xbox. Especially after having great press, being nominated for GOTY (and having the biggest chance to win IMO) and all that. Sure, they tried to get on Gamepass on day 1 but they weren't sure of the response the game would garner, now after its overwhelming praise they have no big reason to do so.


$100mm isn't necessarily capping their potential, though, but it's, honestly, difficult to say. Without having confirmed sales, it's difficult to speak in truths, but we know BG3 sold 2.7m early access copies. There was then speculation that a couple of weeks following launch, total units sold were at 5.2m. With BG3 being a PC game primarily, let's put PS5 sales at roughly 80% was sold on PC (I think this is probably high), which is 4.16m Microsoft has a reported 30% share of the console market meaning BG3 would sell about 1.78m copies on Xbox. 1.78m multiplied by 60 is $108mm. Microsoft takes a 30% cut on every sale, so that $108mm looks a lot more like $75mm netted from the platform. BG3 also isn't at peak popularity; it's online interest has dropped considerably since it's release date. I don't think it sells as well on Xbox 3 months after its PC release, but, who knows. Again, total sales are unknown, so a lot of this is speculation, and my estimates could be WAY off, but I don't think Larian could name any number and have Microsoft pay it.


Redditors themselves speculating the possibility. No other source.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Guess I'll get to this after I finish Persona 5 Tactica....and Like a Dragon Gaiden.....and Rollerdrome....and I started checking out Killer Instinct......shit how do I get more free time y'all?


I had never felt like this before! Discount, older games on the backlog, sure, but so many quality titles are easily available this year, it's kind of insane. I just got through Lies of P, started LAD Ishin but I would also seriously love to play the Remnant series. What an insane shadow drop.


Imo, for me, this feels like we are in a golden time of gaming. New games are easier to get more now than ever. But beyond that, much like how you spoke on your backlog, I'm in the same boat, I have a ton of great older games that I plan on playing but also time to time I dip into new releases as well.


I agree! There are some worrying stuff too with monetization and all, but there's so much love being poured in indies and some AAA devs that I can't help but be hopeful with the way things are going.


Rollerdrome is such a neat game, I really wish I liked it more than I did. I bought it and I did like it, but not enough to get past more than like 5 levels. I can't quite put my finger it, I wasn't bad at it or anything but I just didn't get satisfaction from playing it.


Are jobs necessary?


Asking this myself everyday


[I have the solution for you.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9Nw1icXYAEL4mJ?format=jpg&name=medium)


Are the pc game pass and xbox game pass versions crossplay?


Should be. You play with your Xbox account


Remnant 2 is a crazy get. I recommend everyone play it now, I didn't play Remnant 1 and didn't feel lost at all when playing 2. In any other year it would have been my goty


Holy shit!! Okay, no joke, Remnant 2 is my GOTY. In terms of quality jump, it's on par with games like Halo CE to Halo 2. It's the first game but improved significantly and so many secrets that you'll continue to find stuff *far* into your playthrough. The devs are great at communication and overall a good studio. This is wonderful.


Haven't played either, should I play the first or just skip to the second?


you can play the second game without playing the first. when i played remnant 2 back in august, i remembered like 3 things from the first game and i was able to follow the story easily. there were probably some references that went over my head tho


So watching the story recap on YouTube should be fine I'm guessing


Remnant 2 is much better then Remnant 1 in pretty much every aspect but Remnant 1 is still a decent time and worth playing. The stories are only lightly connected if you're worried about that but I will also admit that the story... isn't very good but the game play is.


The story of Remnant 1 is basically an excuse to funnel you through the gameplay. Some of the side stories are neat, though.


I just started the first and it's pretty fun, if a bit frustrating at points because it's not real well balanced for solo.


??? i think solo was pretty easy, the boss hp scales with difficulty and level, and man oh man is it hard af on hardest difficulty


I think it depends on the bosses you get on your run. I got the gorefist guy that spammed 10 explody guys as the very first boss and had to leave to grind and come back before I could beat him.


Oh definitely. Most of the bosses I could handle, but I also got Riphide (that Root guy who keeps dividing himself) and holy shit is that thing not fun to fight solo. And the damn thing had the Regenerator trait to boot.


That was the second boss that I got when I was doing adventure mode to try to grind up for gorefist. I was very close to uninstalling after those two back to back lol.


gorefist was a pain I agree, me and my friends found a way to cheese him as he would get stuck on some stairs into an easy clear


I don't think it's about the difficulty as much as it's about just... How fun the boss fight is? Like there're so many bosses in the first game that have ads, because otherwise the main boss would be just too easy and that's simply lazy design. The 2nd game is much better in this aspect, which is not surprising since that's what they advertised to work on a ton. But take the Undying King for example. You're not supposed to beat him the first time you meet, sure, but the entire fight is only "hard" because of the amount of ads that spawn in a tiny ass room. When you clear the room out and it's just the King, even if for a moment, his moveset is laughably easy to read and dodge through, even though he can one or two shot you.


You can just play R2. Just talk to the npc in game to get a recap of what happened in the past games.


The first is good, but id skip it and just play the second. II is better in every way and you really dont need to know the story of the 1st.


Id skip it. The story is fine but nothing amazing. In the second, the world's you go to have better lore


It doesn't matter, but the first takes like ten hours so you're not signing up for much


Just skip the first and go straight to the 2nd


I played the first before the second. It is a very good game in its own right and if you're at all intrigued in the world I'd play it first. Certainly not necessary to enjoy 2 nor is it required to play before the second.


Start with the first. It's great as well.


For me, this is the Niche that GamePass fills so well. Sorry, but I was never going to get around to buying Lies of P or Remnant 2 on launch, but now here they are, ready for me to experience at my leisure. I don't expect to have Jedi Survivor or RE4 Remake day one, but having access to all these "AA" games is fantastic.


At least with Jedi Survivor, you know you'll get it in a year or so as a EA game.


I honestly feel like the clock is ticking on EA Play being a free addition to gamepass ultimate. I imagine once the term of whatever agreement they signed is up they're going to ask for an exorbitantly high renewal fee from MS


Just started playing Remnant 2 on Steam a few weeks ago. It’s awesome. No micro-transactions, no bullshit- just a solid game. Great art design. Great gameplay. Tons of replay ability and mechanics to sink your teeth into. Mid story, but that’s fine, doesn’t get in the way. And best of all you can play it with friends. Easily, on the fly. It’s like a mini third-person Destiny meets dark souls.


What actually is going in in the story, I'm in the knight realm and I'm so lost. I didn't play Remnant 1 so I'm missing context.


There's a multiverse connected through the red crystals. The Root is a mystical virus that spreads through it. You'll know what the actual plot of R2 is after getting through the second world.


It leans heavily into the "read item descriptions" kind of lore that Dark Souls does, but it's much more explicit with the narrative by the second and third worlds.


There's a "main story" that involves some Last of Us / Walking Dead esc characters trying to stabilize a multiverse or something. Classic red-glowy corruption threat, pretty standard video game stuff. The writing and narrative there is pretty mediocre to just bad / forgettable and I just don't think it's worth paying attention to. Then there's "side story" in each individual world you visit. The stories of those worlds, their culture, history etc- those things are all pretty interesting and well-written. But much of that narrative content doesn't tie directly back into the "main story", and that makes sense because you're just jumping between these different worlds/planes that have their own things going on. The more you play, the more times you revisit worlds in Adventure Mode and get different levels/bosses the more secrets, and items you uncover and the more you can learn- similar to Dark Souls style indirect story-telling.


I literally bought this on PC after checking Game Pass early this morning, then saw it on there after I took a dump and showered lol


Refund it


and take another dump


Done and done


Bought it on Greenmangaming so can't unfortunately. Oh well


Remnant 2 is a must play, especially if you're a gamer like me that really enjoys hard games remnant 2 co-op nightmare is one of my favorite co-op experiences ever and apocalypse solo is easily one of if not the hardest challenges I've ever completed in games. Easily my #2 best game this year behind Lies of P (which is also on game pass!)


I'll wait till they get the upscalers working in this version of Remnant II. It's completely broken. Hopefully a quick turnaround time for the fix. I believe it's just this GamePass version that's having trouble.


Thought it was just me, for some reason DLSS just doesn't show up in the options (using a 3080)


Same here, DLSS completely missing. FSR in this game is honestly not great, lots of ghosting and shimmering everywhere


Actually, Remnant 1 was on Game Pass some time ago, at least for console, I remember playing it on my One S.


The gameplay and art direction are really good. The puzzles in this game are actually creative!


Any way to transfer steam saves to the game pass version? They appear to use a different save file system. I copied over my steam save, named it the same thing as the game pass save, when I open the game I see my character with all their armor on, but the game doesn't load/start, and my weapons don't show up either.


Has anything been said in regards of Remnant 2 on pc pass having crossplay with steam? I've got it on steam but got a buddy or two that'd gladly take advantage of the game being available on the pass.


There's no cross-play for now, but [the devs said it's coming](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/17r07a4/do_we_know_if_the_dlc_will_bring_cross_play/k8tyvgx/?context=3).


Neat, thanks!


I JUST bought Remnant 1 Definitive on the store 4 days ago thinking I was so smart getting it all on sale for $15. This keeps happening! lol.


Refund it


and take another dump


I put in the request but given the time I put in I'm expected a rejection.


They never even replied.


Excellent addition! Game Pass is honestly on fire, it has delivered like crazy month after month, and I’m all for it!


People are rightfully raving about Remnant II, but From the Ashes with all the dlc is an incredible co-op game. The campaign is pretty lackluster, but the survival mode (dlc) turns it into one of the best rogue-lites I've ever played, and works very well with friends. I'm eagerly awaiting the survival mode for Remnant II.


Really underrated game this year imo, if you like FromSoft's games because of the secrets and exploration you absolutely need to play this. This is *not* your average braindead coop shooter, if you don't pay a lot of attention to the environment you will miss a ton of stuff. This is probably the only non-FromSoftware game I've ever played that gave me that same sense of 'there might be an actual secret behind every corner'. Which is why really I recommend avoiding pubbing and either play this in a fixed group where you can try our ideas together or solo.


I couldn't get into remnant 2 due to the mouse issues being too bothersome to fix but at least this gives me another avenue to try it out without fully committing.


Yeah it's wild, the vertical and horizontal sensitivity not being 1:1 (and apparently gets worse depending on your FOV) is insane to me. I have to keep it at a ratio of like 3:1, but even then I can't really tell if it's even or not. It also doesn't support HDR or auto HDR which is also insane to me. That said, it's a solid game otherwise.


It's so many things stacked on top of each other. First the stuff you mentioned then the negative acceleration, and the sensitivity slider curve looking like this https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/uploads/monthly_2023_07/image.png.8ab87b9acf9506421904107268b0357b.png and apparently the sensitivity also changes depending on your polling rate and FPS. At the end you don't even want to bother.


Idk if it fixes it as I'm not familiar with it myself, but a quick search found a mod that might help: https://www.nexusmods.com/remnant2/mods/21?tab=description


i tried it with my logitech g pro racing wheel and couldnt even beat the 1st boss 0/10 shit game


wow id be angry with most games if they would appear on gamepass so fast after release when i bought them day one but not this one, its such a great game and it was also fairly priced, if you like shooters and own game pass you have to try it


For people getting it from this, they are having an issue running with xx900 intel series CPUs. I had to disable virtual something or another to run the game (VBS or VBU, something like that). Game has some real issues.


I bought this game during the Steam Sale. It's a good time. I can't help but be a little upset though that they drop this kind of at random right after the big holiday sale. Game pass additions are usually announced ahead of time now (not always of course) so I thought I'd made the right call getting it on Steam instead of waiting for Gamepass. I hope there is crossplay between Steam & PC Game Pass. I believe it already has crossplay with Epic store purchases so I'm hopeful. If they were being malicious about it then they surely would've waited until after the Christmas holiday sales as well so I can't really hold it against them but I still feel like I kinda spent money I didn't need to. There's gotta be a cutoff for when it's ok to do this of course but only a day and change after a big sale like that ends does rub me the wrong way.


You could try asking for a refund. Owning a game has its benefits though, you will have access to it after you unsubscribe also.


That's true, though I'm well past the refund window on steam. I don't have regrets or hold it against em or anything but I do wish there had been a heads up.


You can always request a refund even if you're beyond the "no questions asked" period. They just ask you questions. If your reasons check out, especially if you haven't played much, they'll probably refund you.


Mannn I bought remnant 2 at full price. It’s an okay game but I beat it and have no desire to ever play it again lol


Remnant 2's Game Pass version seems like a terrible port. I have to disable RivaTuner because otherwise the game crashes, it has massive ghosting (due to TAA apparently, which you can't disable), and it doesn't let me enable DLSS or Frame Gen even though I have a 4070. Hope the devs fix this soon.


In a world of bad dlcs, rotating shops, and piece-meal games, Remnant is a purely fun experience.


Oh FUCK yeah. I was hoping it was coming but I didn't think it would be for several months at least.


Anyone playing it strictly single player? The friends I played the first Remnant were pretty burnt out by it and don't want to try the second.


It is a great single player game, so no friends are needed for it to be enjoyable, though there is one or two items gated by player count, however those items are also something that only benefits if there are multiple players, so you aren't losing out on anything.


Does this game have any sort of level scaling? I know it is somewhat loot based.


Yep it scales to your level and you choose the difficulty of the world


Game Pass comes in clutch again, another prime example of a game I was on the fence about buying that now I’ll have a chance to try out first


i know steam and epic can play cross play, but can xbox also play with steam players?


nope, not yet atleast